
I have a problem running Python programs from within SciTE, under
Linux --- the input( ) function fails with

    "IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor"

The same program will run happily in SciTE, under Windows --- gets the
input, goes off and calculates wondrous things --- but somehow, in
Linux, I'm not set up right.

This is true using Fedora Core, and Kunbuntu (KDE in both cases, if
that matters).

I'm guessing that I need to fix one of my ".properties" configuration
files, but I have no idea what to fix.

Please help -  please, please, pleasepleasePleasePLEASEPLEASE


p.s. I know I've seen this delat with somewhere, but I can't find it.
Any help will be GREATLY appreciated!  TIA.


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