(This one is also cross-posted, to apologize to one and all
about my just-prior followup.)

I stupidly didn't remember that whatever followup I made
would also get crossposted until *after* I had kneejerked
hit "s" (send) before I noticed the warning (Pnews?) on
just how many groups it would be posted to.

A suggestion for Pnews: that as soon as you give the
F (followup for trn), ie as soon as Pnews starts-up
on this followup, before you've typed in anything
or given it a filename to include, that AT THAT TIME
it remind you that it'll be crossposted to the
following 25 newsgroups:
  1: foo
   2: comp.lang.perl.misc
  3: other-group
  4: ...

, so way before you've said anything, you can
abort it if you want to.




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