Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-05-13 Thread Jim
On Apr 29, 4:19 pm, Mitchell Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  War Office <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 28 abr, 14:15, Eric Gisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Apr 24, 6:13 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> [snip]
> > > I love how folks like you ask for intellectual honesty when every
> > > effort is made to ignore evidence that doesn't agree with your
> > > presupposed findings.
> > Which evidence would that be?
> ***{I'm not a fan of the Bush administration, and would not put it past
> them to carry out an event such as 911, to create an excuse to jettison
> the Constitution and Bill of Rights. What is certain in any case is
> that, in fact, the Bush administration has used the events of 911 as an
> excuse to toss out the Constitution and Bill of Rights. There are,
> however, at least three possible scenarios regarding 911 itself:
> (1) The plane crashes were planned and executed by terrorists. The
> towers fell because of the impacts. Building 7 fell because of the
> impact of debris from the north tower.
> (2) The plane crashes were planned and executed by the Bush
> administration. The towers fell because of the impacts. Building 7 fell
> because of the impact of debris from the north tower.
> (3) The plane crashes were planned and executed by the Bush
> administration. The towers fell because of the impacts, plus the effects
> of pre-planted demolition charges. Building 7 fell because of the impact
> of debris from the north tower, plus the effects of pre-planted
> explosive charges.
> I analyzed (3), above, in great detail a month or so back, in a
> sci.physics thread entitled "The amazing denial of what "conspiracy
> kooks" really means" If you are really interested in a reasoned
> response to those arguments, you can probably still find that thread on
> Google.
> My conclusion at the time was that possibility (3), above, fails because
> pre-planted explosives are not needed to explain why the towers fell, or
> why building 7 fell. Possibilities (1) and (2), therefore, are all that
> remains.
> This post is for informational purposes only, and is not to be taken as
> an indication that I am interesting in slogging my way through all this
> stuff again. Once is more than enough, and so I am killfiling this
> thread after making this post.
> --Mitchell Jones}***
> *
> If I seem to be ignoring you, consider the possibility
> that you are in my killfile. --MJ

What has all this got to do with Python?


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-05-12 Thread schoenfeld . one
On Apr 29, 2:44 am, War Office <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why can't any of you just discuss the fact that free-fall collapse of
> this building contradicts the laws of physics?

Why do you assume he's even capable of doing so? He's just a crackpot,
but he's in the unfortunate majority.

> Why do you all have to avoid the topic and rather go on a character
> assassination which is totally abhorent to scientific method?

That is the new "scientific method".


Re: Video: Professor of Physics, Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-05-03 Thread SuperM
On 2 May 2007 22:26:07 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Gave us:

>> >
 What a lard ass...  no wonder the Navy got rid of him.

 And he isn't from cal tech, he "teaches" in Iowa.

  Also, being a physicist, does NOT make him, in any way shape or form,
a structural engineer.

 The guy is an idiot.

Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-05-02 Thread Major Quaternion Dirt Quantum
can you puhlease reply to my questions?

nothing is ever 100%, if only because of Heisenberg --
that dirty little physicist!

> I suppose you never seen this footage of WTC7 before have you? Its
> 100% evidence that WTC7 was controlled 
> demolition:

maybe, "pulled" is just a firefighteresque synonym
for gravity doing its thing -- still not subsumed
in the Standard Model of physicists, so, There.  y'know,
sort of like, how it is, pilots refer to going "out" and "in,"
instead of up & down.

Zogby clientlist, cool; what great organizations
I will assume them to be -- if any one else wants
to look at it & report back  lies, polls, statistics;
how they, for instance, leveraged the Governeurateur,
during the Recall, by the art of dysmissing "less likely voters"
that they had interviewed, because they were a)
Democrats, and b)
were removed by some other signal processing techniques;
what it is?...  thank gawd for Zogby et al ad vomitorium;
with over 40% electronic voting,
how *else* will you know?

I know, you were not suggesting that
(--with the rather obvious burning on the other side,
that was away from most of your videos, and after
teh catastrophic collapse and/or demolition
of both, huge towers into the gigantic subway--)
the commanding officers should have kept them
inside the evacuated building, til it fell.

if you can't prove that all Fermat numbers are pairwise coprime,

Darfur 'Mini-Summit'

uh yeah; Borat wants you in Sudan,
why, Baby?...  Harry Potter wants you in Iran --
yeah, Baby; shag'US with a spoon?

  we are marching to Darfuria, Darfuria, Darfuria!
Harry Potter IIX, ?Ordeal @ Oxford//Sudan ^ Aircraft Carrier!


Re: Video: Professor of Physics, Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-05-02 Thread lemnitzer
On Apr 26, 3:08 am, James Stroud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Video: Professor of Physics, Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job
> > Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
> > If Feynman were alive, he would point his finger straight at the 911
> > criminal operators, the yank bastards themselves ...
> >
> > No self-respecting scientist should keep his mouth shut. Its a
> > fundamental challenge to the method of science, a detective work most
> > demanding of INTELLECTUAL HONESTY.
> Holy crap! (Not being facetious).
> I am a scientist. I do have a PhD. I have an enviable publication record
> in premier journals--and I am astounded by the theory and supporting
> evidence.
> Google me--I have no record of promoting conspiracy theories but I am at
> this moment asking myself why I didn't know about World Trade Center
> Building 7Did you know about it? Check out this video:
> One hour of your life--its worth that to consider alternate hypotheses.
> You may have to wade through some preliminary melodrama, but watch it
> for the whole hour. You'll be happy you did.
> James

There are other good videos that are in my profile.

Alex Jones's Terror Storm is excellent.


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-05-02 Thread Midex
On 28 abr, 17:50, Major Quaternion Dirt Quantum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> here's a question that came-up recently,
> in battling with the controlled-demo advocates
> at teh Promenade:
> how is it that the metal was still molten,
> after weeks?
> it seems taht an additional hypothesis is required,
> to explain that. because I doubt that
> there was sufficient nukular material
> "left-over" from a hypothetical suitcase-device.
> there are similar question,
> from what I recall of Jones' report
> (I just stopped at the first thing
> that seemed funny, today .-)
> publications:
> research.html
> > > > demanding of INTELLECTUAL HONESTY.
> thus:
> this was basically assuming that
> floor 50 of a 100-floor building started the collapse?...
> interesting analysis; I hope to look at it, again, later.
> have you seen the old analysis by the MIT Head Welder,
> that I only saw a couple of weeks ago?
> > At time t=0, the top 50 floors begin to fall, independently of each
> > other. The first actual impact is when floor 50 hits floor 49. On
> > impact, those 2 floors fall together with an initial velocity that is
> > less than that of higher floors due to conservation of momentum. Thus
> > the next impact will not be floors 50,49 with floor 48 but rather it
> > will be floor 51 hitting the slower moving 50,49 combo. The 3 floors
> > 51,50,49 then become a unit. The initial velocity of the new 51,50,49
> > combo will be greater than the velocity of the 50-49 combo just before
> > impact, but still less than that of the floors above (which are still
> > in free fall).
> thus:
> "Global Warning,"
> an *anonymous* article in an old issue of *National Review*,
> the so-called conservative mag of the grotesque Establishment
> creature,
> William Buckley, was a sort of benignly-spun expose
> of the Mont Pelerin Society, the vehicle of British imperialist "free
> trade,"
> free beer & free dumb, whose many "rightwing" affiliate foundations
> are always in the news.  the universally-newspaper-lauded-when-
> he-died founding president, Mitlon Friedman,
> used Sir Henry of Kiss.Ass. to conduct their first experiment
> in Chile, with the help of Augusto Pinochet & Dick Nixon.
> (the fact that it was an awful failure, with the privatization
> of Chile's social security, was only recently mention, but
> only before Uncly Milty died.)
> I realized, much later, since it was anonymous, that
> it was probably taken from The Holy Spook Economist, but
> I haven't checked that hypothesis.
> yes, "Warning" was meant to evoke "warming," although
> nowhere mentioned in the article, as I recall; can you say,
> "emmissions trading schemes," Boys and Girl?...
> can you say, "hedge funds on out-of-the-way desert islands?..."
> Just Desserts Island?
> thus:
> why do Dick, Borat, Osama, Harry P., Rumsfeld and Tony B. want us
> to underwrite the 3rd British Invasion of Sudan,
> so badly?
> anyway, Bertrand Russel published a jeremyad in the Bulletin
> of the Atomic Scientists, while the USA was the only thermonukey
> power,
> that we should bomb them into the Stone Age;
> that's your British "pacifist," whether before or after he went nuts
> because of Godel's proof.
> thus:
> if you can't prove that all Fermat numbers are pairwise coprime,
> again!
> Darfur 'Mini-Summit'
> thus:
> uh yeah; Borat wants you in Sudan,
> why, Baby?...  Harry Potter wants you in Iran --
> yeah, Baby; shag'US with a spoon?
>   we are marching to Darfuria, Darfuria, Darfuria!
> Harry Potter IIX, ?Ordeal @ Oxford//Sudan ^ Aircraft 
> Carrier!
> ALgoreTHEmovieFORpresident.COM:

I suppose you never seen this footage of WTC7 before have you? Its
100% evidence that WTC7 was controlled demolition:


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Apr 24, 10:13 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
> If Feynman were alive, he would point his finger straight at the 911
> criminal operators, the yank bastards themselves ...

   If Feynmann alive were he would be wrighting review crap
   for PBS.. Since it's quite obvious
   to even the most causal observer that
   the only thing he had the foggiet clue
   concerning engineering is Cal-Tech Shleppers
   and nano-ons.

> No self-respecting scientist should keep his mouth shut. Its a
> fundamental challenge to the method of science, a detective work most


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-30 Thread Major Quaternion Dirt Quantum
the towers collapsed into a subway
that most of the employees probably used to get to work,
with all sorts of ancilliary services (parking,
paintball facilities etc.) -- it was huge.  so,
shouldn't there have been some secondary effects,
such as structural damage to bldg. 7,
that also set it on fire?

the amount of energy that's required
to perform a "controlled" demolition is some
orders of magnitude (NB: a hundred orders
of tude is a googoltude) less than what is
in a fully-fueled 757 -- get over it!


Jones' report seems to support this idea, that
there was molten metal under the pile, some where.

there is another thing, documented with multiple photos
in his report, that seems to be related, although
they weren't *still* molten.

if you can't prove that all Fermat numbers are pairwise coprime,

Darfur 'Mini-Summit'

uh yeah; Borat wants you in Sudan,
why, Baby?...  Harry Potter wants you in Iran --
yeah, Baby; shag'US with a spoon?

  we are marching to Darfuria, Darfuria, Darfuria!
Harry Potter IIX, ?Ordeal @ Oxford//Sudan ^ Aircraft Carrier!


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-30 Thread Major Quaternion Dirt Quantum
Jones' report seems to support this idea, that
there was molten metal under the pile, some where.

there is another thing, documented with multiple photos,
that seems to be related, although
they weren't *still* molten.

> > how is it that the metal was still molten,
> > after weeks?

> I say it's time to bring in the Mythbusters!!  *That* will put and end
> to all of this.

Kepler made the first astronomical use
of a rough calculus, to determine his orbital constraints;
Newton algebraized them into another formula
with different parameters,
probably using Hooke's idea, or stealing it.

thus quoth:
Not until Kepler used the observations of Tycho Brahe was it
discovered that orbits were elliptical, confirmed by Isaac Newton.

why do Dick, Borat, Osama, Harry P., Rumsfeld and Tony B. want us
to underwrite the 3rd British Invasion of Sudan,
so badly?...
anyway, Bertrand Russel published a jeremyad in the Bulletin
of the Atomic Scientists, while the USA was the only thermonukey
that we should bomb the SU into the Stone Age;
that's your British "pacifist," whether before or after he went nuts
because of Godel's proof.

if you can't prove that all Fermat numbers are pairwise coprime,

Darfur 'Mini-Summit'

uh yeah; Borat wants you in Sudan,
why, Baby?...  Harry Potter wants you in Iran --
yeah, Baby; shag'US with a spoon?

  we are marching to Darfuria, Darfuria, Darfuria!
Harry Potter IIX, ?Ordeal @ Oxford//Sudan ^ Aircraft Carrier!


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-29 Thread Michael A. Terrell
Mitchell Jones wrote:

> If I seem to be ignoring you, consider the possibility
> that you are in my killfile. --MJ


Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-29 Thread Mitchell Jones
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 War Office <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 28 abr, 14:15, Eric Gisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Apr 24, 6:13 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


> > I love how folks like you ask for intellectual honesty when every
> > effort is made to ignore evidence that doesn't agree with your
> > presupposed findings.
> Which evidence would that be? 

***{I'm not a fan of the Bush administration, and would not put it past 
them to carry out an event such as 911, to create an excuse to jettison 
the Constitution and Bill of Rights. What is certain in any case is 
that, in fact, the Bush administration has used the events of 911 as an 
excuse to toss out the Constitution and Bill of Rights. There are, 
however, at least three possible scenarios regarding 911 itself:

(1) The plane crashes were planned and executed by terrorists. The 
towers fell because of the impacts. Building 7 fell because of the 
impact of debris from the north tower.

(2) The plane crashes were planned and executed by the Bush 
administration. The towers fell because of the impacts. Building 7 fell 
because of the impact of debris from the north tower. 

(3) The plane crashes were planned and executed by the Bush 
administration. The towers fell because of the impacts, plus the effects 
of pre-planted demolition charges. Building 7 fell because of the impact 
of debris from the north tower, plus the effects of pre-planted 
explosive charges. 

I analyzed (3), above, in great detail a month or so back, in a 
sci.physics thread entitled "The amazing denial of what "conspiracy 
kooks" really means" If you are really interested in a reasoned 
response to those arguments, you can probably still find that thread on 

My conclusion at the time was that possibility (3), above, fails because 
pre-planted explosives are not needed to explain why the towers fell, or 
why building 7 fell. Possibilities (1) and (2), therefore, are all that 

This post is for informational purposes only, and is not to be taken as 
an indication that I am interesting in slogging my way through all this 
stuff again. Once is more than enough, and so I am killfiling this 
thread after making this post.

--Mitchell Jones}***

If I seem to be ignoring you, consider the possibility
that you are in my killfile. --MJ

Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-29 Thread Gordon
On Thu, 26 Apr 2007 00:33:19 GMT, "Bill Habr"

><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
>> If Feynman were alive, he would point his finger straight at the 911
>> criminal operators, the yank bastards themselves ...
>> No self-respecting scientist should keep his mouth shut. Its a
>> fundamental challenge to the method of science, a detective work most
>Isn't this the guy who has more conspiracy theories than Carter has pills?
>Whitewater, Vince Foster, moon landing hoax one week - we found a UFO on the 
>moon the
>next, Oklahoma City bombing, a new conspiracy every day ad nauseum?
Maybe the thread title is wrong. Should it perhaps read, "Video
Professor took a physic then spewed out some really stinky

Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-29 Thread gDog
On Apr 28, 2:50 pm, Major Quaternion Dirt Quantum
> here's a question that came-up recently,
> in battling with the controlled-demo advocates
> at teh Promenade:
> how is it that the metal was still molten,
> after weeks?


I say it's time to bring in the Mythbusters!!  *That* will put and end
to all of this.


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-28 Thread Major Quaternion Dirt Quantum
here's a question that came-up recently,
in battling with the controlled-demo advocates
at teh Promenade:

how is it that the metal was still molten,
after weeks?

it seems taht an additional hypothesis is required,
to explain that. because I doubt that
there was sufficient nukular material
"left-over" from a hypothetical suitcase-device.

there are similar question,
from what I recall of Jones' report
(I just stopped at the first thing
that seemed funny, today .-)


> > > demanding of INTELLECTUAL HONESTY.

this was basically assuming that
floor 50 of a 100-floor building started the collapse?...
interesting analysis; I hope to look at it, again, later.

have you seen the old analysis by the MIT Head Welder,
that I only saw a couple of weeks ago?

> At time t=0, the top 50 floors begin to fall, independently of each
> other. The first actual impact is when floor 50 hits floor 49. On
> impact, those 2 floors fall together with an initial velocity that is
> less than that of higher floors due to conservation of momentum. Thus
> the next impact will not be floors 50,49 with floor 48 but rather it
> will be floor 51 hitting the slower moving 50,49 combo. The 3 floors
> 51,50,49 then become a unit. The initial velocity of the new 51,50,49
> combo will be greater than the velocity of the 50-49 combo just before
> impact, but still less than that of the floors above (which are still
> in free fall).

"Global Warning,"
an *anonymous* article in an old issue of *National Review*,
the so-called conservative mag of the grotesque Establishment
William Buckley, was a sort of benignly-spun expose
of the Mont Pelerin Society, the vehicle of British imperialist "free
free beer & free dumb, whose many "rightwing" affiliate foundations
are always in the news.  the universally-newspaper-lauded-when-
he-died founding president, Mitlon Friedman,
used Sir Henry of Kiss.Ass. to conduct their first experiment
in Chile, with the help of Augusto Pinochet & Dick Nixon.

(the fact that it was an awful failure, with the privatization
of Chile's social security, was only recently mention, but
only before Uncly Milty died.)

I realized, much later, since it was anonymous, that
it was probably taken from The Holy Spook Economist, but
I haven't checked that hypothesis.

yes, "Warning" was meant to evoke "warming," although
nowhere mentioned in the article, as I recall; can you say,
"emmissions trading schemes," Boys and Girl?...
can you say, "hedge funds on out-of-the-way desert islands?..."
Just Desserts Island?

why do Dick, Borat, Osama, Harry P., Rumsfeld and Tony B. want us
to underwrite the 3rd British Invasion of Sudan,
so badly?

anyway, Bertrand Russel published a jeremyad in the Bulletin
of the Atomic Scientists, while the USA was the only thermonukey
that we should bomb them into the Stone Age;
that's your British "pacifist," whether before or after he went nuts
because of Godel's proof.

if you can't prove that all Fermat numbers are pairwise coprime,

Darfur 'Mini-Summit'

uh yeah; Borat wants you in Sudan,
why, Baby?...  Harry Potter wants you in Iran --
yeah, Baby; shag'US with a spoon?

  we are marching to Darfuria, Darfuria, Darfuria!
Harry Potter IIX, ?Ordeal @ Oxford//Sudan ^ Aircraft Carrier!


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-28 Thread War Office
On 28 abr, 14:15, Eric Gisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 24, 6:13 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
> "INN World Report interviewed Dr. Crockett Grabbe - professor of
> physics at the University of Iowa - regarding his thoughts on the
> 'collapses' of WTC1, WTC2, & WTC7. In this interview he lists numerous
> reasons to suspect controlled demolition and expresses support for
> alternative theories."
> A common mistake - I frequently confuse CalTech and U of Iowa.
> That's interesting, no publications on any engineering topic.

None the less a phyics professor and able to write academic thesis as
proven in his physics publications:

Further from your insult, NIST refuse to give out any of the critical
specifications; such as blueprints and Protec photograph and video of
the debris field. So even if he was  Professor of Engineering he would
not be able to comment as a Professional Engineer  becuase he wouldn't
have access to the necessary information. Yes thats right, Guliani
order the expediant clean up of WTC7 and none of the assigned forensic
engineers even got to analyse the debris as per normal due process.
Don't believe me? Why don't you see the forensic engineers themselves
testify in this History Channel piece on WTC7:

> A
> professor of physics, not engineering, who claims that explosives were
> planted in not only WTC7, but WTC 1 and 2 which were trigged by the
> planes impacting the building.
> Why is anyone listening to this loon?
> > If Feynman were alive, he would point his finger straight at the 911
> > criminal operators, the yank bastards themselves ...
> I don't recall Feynman ever advocating nutcase positions.
> >
> > No self-respecting scientist should keep his mouth shut. Its a
> > fundamental challenge to the method of science, a detective work most
> > demanding of INTELLECTUAL HONESTY.
> I love how folks like you ask for intellectual honesty when every
> effort is made to ignore evidence that doesn't agree with your
> presupposed findings.


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-28 Thread War Office
On 28 abr, 14:30, "Michael A. Terrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Eric Gisse wrote:
> > On Apr 24, 6:13 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
> > "INN World Report interviewed Dr. Crockett Grabbe - professor of
> > physics at the University of Iowa - regarding his thoughts on the
> > 'collapses' of WTC1, WTC2, & WTC7. In this interview he lists numerous
> > reasons to suspect controlled demolition and expresses support for
> > alternative theories."
> > A common mistake - I frequently confuse CalTech and U of Iowa.
> >
> > That's interesting, no publications on any engineering topic. A
> > professor of physics, not engineering, who claims that explosives were
> > planted in not only WTC7, but WTC 1 and 2 which were trigged by the
> > planes impacting the building.
> > Why is anyone listening to this loon?
>The same reason they listen to the even loonier Rosie O'donell?

That is not a scientific paper. It makes unsubstantiated claims and
asks the reader to trust their advice that they have inquired with

Please compare that Popular Mechanics article of unsubstantiated
claims with this
varifiable substantiated and falsifiable thesis by Professor Steven

It would be great if PM were willing to take on a critique of Jones'
thesis and I want to add that it is no suprise that they neglected to.
Notice that they don't even mention StevenJones in the article? And
yet Jones is the most famous 9/11 controlled demolition  theory
academic second only perhaps to David Ray Griffin.

If PM really intended to dispel the 'myth' that Rosie espoused then
wouldn't  they go for the heart of it?, namely:

> --
> Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
> prove it.
> Member of DAV #85.
> Michael A. Terrell
> Central Florida


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-28 Thread War Office
On 28 abr, 14:30, "Michael A. Terrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Eric Gisse wrote:
> > On Apr 24, 6:13 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
> > "INN World Report interviewed Dr. Crockett Grabbe - professor of
> > physics at the University of Iowa - regarding his thoughts on the
> > 'collapses' of WTC1, WTC2, & WTC7. In this interview he lists numerous
> > reasons to suspect controlled demolition and expresses support for
> > alternative theories."
> > A common mistake - I frequently confuse CalTech and U of Iowa.
> >
> > That's interesting, no publications on any engineering topic. A
> > professor of physics, not engineering, who claims that explosives were
> > planted in not only WTC7, but WTC 1 and 2 which were trigged by the
> > planes impacting the building.
> > Why is anyone listening to this loon?
>The same reason they listen to the even loonier Rosie O'donell?

That is not a scientific paper. It makes unsubstantiated claims and
asks the reader to trust their advice that they have inquired with

Please compare that popular mechanics article of unsubstantiated
claims with this
varifiable substantiated and falsifiable theis by Professor Steven

It would be great if PM were willing to take on a critique of Jones'
thesis and I want to add that it is no suprise that they refuse.
Notice that they don't even mention Jones' in the article? And yet
Jones is the most famous 9/11 controlled demolition  theory academic
second only perhaps to David Ray Griffin.

If PM really intended to dispel the 'myth' that Rosie espoused then
would they go for the heart of it?, namely:

> --
> Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
> prove it.
> Member of DAV #85.
> Michael A. Terrell
> Central Florida


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-28 Thread War Office
On 28 abr, 16:06, Salmon Egg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/28/07 9:44 AM, in article
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], "War Office"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Why can't any of you just discuss the fact that free-fall collapse of
> > this building contradicts the laws of physics?
> > Why do you all have to avoid the topic and rather go on a character
> > assassination which is totally abhorent to scientific method?
> Sometimes, when I pee into the toilet, a few droplets rise to heights that
> defy god's laws. Do I have magic urine?

Was it recorded on video by three different television netoworks? How
can we believe you when you have no evidence other than your own
testimony to go by?
How do you know that you're not mistaken?

Have you tested this inquiry scientifically? Is there any way that an
independent investigation could repeat and varify the experiemental
results you are claiming to have observed?

Have you written this down in a careful academically structured thesis
such as this one:

> -- If there is such a thing as intelligent design, please explain
> hemorrhoids.


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-28 Thread War Office
On 28 abr, 14:15, Eric Gisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 24, 6:13 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
> "INN World Report interviewed Dr. Crockett Grabbe - professor of
> physics at the University of Iowa - regarding his thoughts on the
> 'collapses' of WTC1, WTC2, & WTC7. In this interview he lists numerous
> reasons to suspect controlled demolition and expresses support for
> alternative theories."
> A common mistake - I frequently confuse CalTech and U of Iowa.
> That's interesting, no publications on any engineering topic. A
> professor of physics, not engineering, who claims that explosives were
> planted in not only WTC7, but WTC 1 and 2 which were trigged by the
> planes impacting the building.
> Why is anyone listening to this loon?

There is no engineering professor or less who has written a counter-
thesis to Jones' thesis Why Indeed Did The Twin Towers Completely

Have you even read it?

Can you find me a counter-thesis, a direct respons to that thesis
which rejects it in detail beyond a cursory "I don't agree"?

Don't you find it interesting that this thesis which is held up by 90%
of the Truth Movement as the smoking gun that WTC7 was controlled
demolition has had no formal or professional response from defenders
of the Official story? That the academic world remains silent?

And yet Jones' career has published over 50 academic papers in
esteemed journals.

> > If Feynman were alive, he would point his finger straight at the 911
> > criminal operators, the yank bastards themselves ...
> I don't recall Feynman ever advocating nutcase positions.

You havn't even demonstrated as much and already you're on an ad
hominem assassination?

Are you lying and misrepresenting this issue deliberately?

> >
> > No self-respecting scientist should keep his mouth shut. Its a
> > fundamental challenge to the method of science, a detective work most
> > demanding of INTELLECTUAL HONESTY.
> I love how folks like you ask for intellectual honesty when every
> effort is made to ignore evidence that doesn't agree with your
> presupposed findings.

Which evidence would that be? Please cite twhich evidence contradicts
the controlled demolition hypothesis of WTC7 posited in  this paper:


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-28 Thread War Office
On 28 abr, 13:56, Eric Gisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 28, 8:44 am, War Office <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 25 abr, 21:33, "Bill Habr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > > Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
> > > > If Feynman were alive, he would point his finger straight at the 911
> > > > criminal operators, the yank bastards themselves ...
> > > >
> > > > No self-respecting scientist should keep his mouth shut. Its a
> > > > fundamental challenge to the method of science, a detective work most
> > > > demanding of INTELLECTUAL HONESTY.
> > > Isn't this the guy who has more conspiracy theories than Carter has pills?
> > > Whitewater, Vince Foster, moon landing hoax one week - we found a UFO on 
> > > the moon the
> > > next, Oklahoma City bombing, a new conspiracy every day ad nauseum?
> > Why can't any of you just discuss the fact that free-fall collapse of
> > this building contradicts the laws of physics?
> > Why do you all have to avoid the topic and rather go on a character
> > assassination which is totally abhorent to scientific method?
> ...because that's all that is left.

But no-one has critiqued Steven Jones' thesis. And this guy Professor
Emeritus of Physics concurs with Jones' thesis.

I challenge you to find any tenured or emirtus professor who has
written a counter thesis to Jones'

You realise everyone is still waiting for NIST to publish their final
report and that in Dec 2006 they announced that they would investigate
the explosives hypothesis as well as thermite to explain the molten

So as you can appreciate then this is still a current issue even

Thus your feigned answer "...because that's all that is left" is a

Can you show me past threads of your own where you have argued about
this Jones' thesis to any detail?


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-28 Thread Salmon Egg
On 4/28/07 9:44 AM, in article

> Why can't any of you just discuss the fact that free-fall collapse of
> this building contradicts the laws of physics?
> Why do you all have to avoid the topic and rather go on a character
> assassination which is totally abhorent to scientific method?

Sometimes, when I pee into the toilet, a few droplets rise to heights that
defy god's laws. Do I have magic urine?

-- If there is such a thing as intelligent design, please explain


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-28 Thread Eric Gisse
On Apr 28, 9:30 am, "Michael A. Terrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Eric Gisse wrote:
> > On Apr 24, 6:13 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
> > "INN World Report interviewed Dr. Crockett Grabbe - professor of
> > physics at the University of Iowa - regarding his thoughts on the
> > 'collapses' of WTC1, WTC2, & WTC7. In this interview he lists numerous
> > reasons to suspect controlled demolition and expresses support for
> > alternative theories."
> > A common mistake - I frequently confuse CalTech and U of Iowa.
> >
> > That's interesting, no publications on any engineering topic. A
> > professor of physics, not engineering, who claims that explosives were
> > planted in not only WTC7, but WTC 1 and 2 which were trigged by the
> > planes impacting the building.
> > Why is anyone listening to this loon?
>The same reason they listen to the even loonier Rosie O'donell?


> --
> Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
> prove it.
> Member of DAV #85.
> Michael A. Terrell
> Central Florida


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-28 Thread Michael A. Terrell
Eric Gisse wrote:
> On Apr 24, 6:13 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
> "INN World Report interviewed Dr. Crockett Grabbe - professor of
> physics at the University of Iowa - regarding his thoughts on the
> 'collapses' of WTC1, WTC2, & WTC7. In this interview he lists numerous
> reasons to suspect controlled demolition and expresses support for
> alternative theories."
> A common mistake - I frequently confuse CalTech and U of Iowa.
> That's interesting, no publications on any engineering topic. A
> professor of physics, not engineering, who claims that explosives were
> planted in not only WTC7, but WTC 1 and 2 which were trigged by the
> planes impacting the building.
> Why is anyone listening to this loon?

   The same reason they listen to the even loonier Rosie O'donell?

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-28 Thread Eric Gisse
On Apr 24, 6:13 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.

"INN World Report interviewed Dr. Crockett Grabbe - professor of
physics at the University of Iowa - regarding his thoughts on the
'collapses' of WTC1, WTC2, & WTC7. In this interview he lists numerous
reasons to suspect controlled demolition and expresses support for
alternative theories."

A common mistake - I frequently confuse CalTech and U of Iowa.

That's interesting, no publications on any engineering topic. A
professor of physics, not engineering, who claims that explosives were
planted in not only WTC7, but WTC 1 and 2 which were trigged by the
planes impacting the building.

Why is anyone listening to this loon?

> If Feynman were alive, he would point his finger straight at the 911
> criminal operators, the yank bastards themselves ...

I don't recall Feynman ever advocating nutcase positions.

> No self-respecting scientist should keep his mouth shut. Its a
> fundamental challenge to the method of science, a detective work most

I love how folks like you ask for intellectual honesty when every
effort is made to ignore evidence that doesn't agree with your
presupposed findings.


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-28 Thread Ben newsam
On 28 Apr 2007 09:35:59 -0700, War Office <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>(God's law whom gave you
>and God's children whom's mass murder in Iraq you have allowed)?

Hi Dennis! 

Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-28 Thread Eric Gisse
On Apr 28, 8:44 am, War Office <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 25 abr, 21:33, "Bill Habr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
> > > If Feynman were alive, he would point his finger straight at the 911
> > > criminal operators, the yank bastards themselves ...
> > >
> > > No self-respecting scientist should keep his mouth shut. Its a
> > > fundamental challenge to the method of science, a detective work most
> > > demanding of INTELLECTUAL HONESTY.
> > Isn't this the guy who has more conspiracy theories than Carter has pills?
> > Whitewater, Vince Foster, moon landing hoax one week - we found a UFO on 
> > the moon the
> > next, Oklahoma City bombing, a new conspiracy every day ad nauseum?
> Why can't any of you just discuss the fact that free-fall collapse of
> this building contradicts the laws of physics?
> Why do you all have to avoid the topic and rather go on a character
> assassination which is totally abhorent to scientific method?

...because that's all that is left.


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-28 Thread War Office
On 25 abr, 21:33, "Bill Habr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
> > If Feynman were alive, he would point his finger straight at the 911
> > criminal operators, the yank bastards themselves ...
> >
> > No self-respecting scientist should keep his mouth shut. Its a
> > fundamental challenge to the method of science, a detective work most
> > demanding of INTELLECTUAL HONESTY.
> Isn't this the guy who has more conspiracy theories than Carter has pills?
> Whitewater, Vince Foster, moon landing hoax one week - we found a UFO on the 
> moon the
> next, Oklahoma City bombing, a new conspiracy every day ad nauseum?

Why can't any of you just discuss the fact that free-fall collapse of
this building contradicts the laws of physics?

Why do you all have to avoid the topic and rather go on a character
assassination which is totally abhorent to scientific method?


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-28 Thread War Office
On 25 abr, 21:33, "Bill Habr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
> > If Feynman were alive, he would point his finger straight at the 911
> > criminal operators, the yank bastards themselves ...
> >
> > No self-respecting scientist should keep his mouth shut. Its a
> > fundamental challenge to the method of science, a detective work most
> > demanding of INTELLECTUAL HONESTY.
> Isn't this the guy who has more conspiracy theories than Carter has pills?
> Whitewater, Vince Foster, moon landing hoax one week - we found a UFO on the 
> moon the
> next, Oklahoma City bombing, a new conspiracy every day ad nauseum?

Why can't any of you just discuss the fact that free-fall collapse of
this building contradicts the laws of physics (God's law whom gave you
and God's children whom's mass murder in Iraq you have allowed)?

Why do you all have to avoid the topic and rather go on a chracter
assassination which is totally abhorent to scientific method?


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-26 Thread Dave L. Renfro

>> Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
>> If Feynman were alive, he would point his finger straight at
>> the 911 criminal operators, the yank bastards themselves ...
>> No self-respecting scientist should keep his mouth shut.
>> Its a fundamental challenge to the method of science,
>> a detective work most demanding of INTELLECTUAL HONESTY.

Gib Bogle wrote:

> When did the University of Iowa (Iowhere?) become CalTech.

Yikes! This is less than 2 miles from where I live.
Plus, there's Alexander Abian who, before he died,
was down the road a bit at Iowa State University.
And then there were the physics department shootings
here a few years ago (5 killed, 3 of whom were
professors in the physics department).

Maybe I shouldn't be drinking the water.

Dave L. Renfro


Re: Video: Professor of Physics, Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-26 Thread James Stroud
> Video: Professor of Physics, Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job
> Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
> If Feynman were alive, he would point his finger straight at the 911
> criminal operators, the yank bastards themselves ...
> No self-respecting scientist should keep his mouth shut. Its a
> fundamental challenge to the method of science, a detective work most

Holy crap! (Not being facetious).

I am a scientist. I do have a PhD. I have an enviable publication record 
in premier journals--and I am astounded by the theory and supporting 

Google me--I have no record of promoting conspiracy theories but I am at 
this moment asking myself why I didn't know about World Trade Center 
Building 7Did you know about it? Check out this video:

One hour of your life--its worth that to consider alternate hypotheses. 
You may have to wade through some preliminary melodrama, but watch it 
for the whole hour. You'll be happy you did.


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-25 Thread thermate
So the truth is unstoppable indeed .

On Apr 24, 7:12 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
> If Feynman were alive, he would point his finger straight at the 911
> criminal operators, the yank bastards themselves ...
> No self-respecting scientist should keep his mouth shut. Its a
> fundamental challenge to the method of science, a detective work most


Video: Professor of Physics, Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-25 Thread stj911
Video: Professor of Physics, Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.

If Feynman were alive, he would point his finger straight at the 911
criminal operators, the yank bastards themselves ...

No self-respecting scientist should keep his mouth shut. Its a
fundamental challenge to the method of science, a detective work most


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-25 Thread Bill Habr

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
> If Feynman were alive, he would point his finger straight at the 911
> criminal operators, the yank bastards themselves ...
> No self-respecting scientist should keep his mouth shut. Its a
> fundamental challenge to the method of science, a detective work most

Isn't this the guy who has more conspiracy theories than Carter has pills?

Whitewater, Vince Foster, moon landing hoax one week - we found a UFO on the 
moon the
next, Oklahoma City bombing, a new conspiracy every day ad nauseum?


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-24 Thread Jonathan Kirwan
On Wed, 25 Apr 2007 15:33:45 +1200, Gib Bogle

>When did the University of Iowa (Iowhere?) become CalTech.

"Grabbe earned his PhD from Caltech in 1978. He is a graduate of
Caltech, but has no current academic appointment there."

So I read, anyway.


Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-24 Thread Gib Bogle
> Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
> If Feynman were alive, he would point his finger straight at the 911
> criminal operators, the yank bastards themselves ...
> No self-respecting scientist should keep his mouth shut. Its a
> fundamental challenge to the method of science, a detective work most

When did the University of Iowa (Iowhere?) become CalTech.

Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-24 Thread stj911
Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.

If Feynman were alive, he would point his finger straight at the 911
criminal operators, the yank bastards themselves ...

No self-respecting scientist should keep his mouth shut. Its a
fundamental challenge to the method of science, a detective work most
