Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-24 Thread Magnus Lycka
 do things right is my fundamental beef with Python.
 Dispite claims, I don't believe Python's designers have
 a monopoly on the definition of right.

This hammer is stupid. It's very uncomfortable, and
it's not hard and heavy enough to get the nails into
the wall.

It will work better if you hold it in the other end.

Don't tell me how to hold my hammer. It's just built
wrong. This cold and hard thing should be in the other


Seriously, it's not a matter of right or wrong. It's
a matter of trying to understand how a tool is intended
to be used, and to adjust to that. I'm not saying that
all Python programmers should be some kind of Guido
clones, there's plenty of room for variation, but it
usually pays to be adaptable. Python fits my brain.
I felt that from the start. YMMV.

Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-24 Thread Magnus Lycka
Alex Martelli wrote:

 I think you mean volatile or mutable rather than transient?  transient
 is not a keyword in C++, while both volatile and mutable are, with
 different semantics.  Anyway, C++'s 'const' is a mess both theoretical
 AND practical.  I'm told Ruby's object-freezing works better (but I
 have no practical experience).

Right, volatile it is. It's really great that I can program so much
Python now that I forget my C++! :) Thanks Alex (both for reminding me
of forgotten C++ syntax and for making Python better).

Perhaps we need a.reverse? for just-mutating-a-little reverse as well?
 I don't see the alleged humor in this ill-defined concept. 

I've run into a lot of cases where things are conceptually non-mutating,
but in implementation, there are lots of internal state changes. For
instance, we can imagine lazy get methods (or why not attributes) for 
database access. From the users perspective, it might not matter when
things are actually fetched from the database if the Python code looks
like this:

p = myDB.getPerson(person_id) # Perhaps fetch here.
print  # Or fetch here.

It's pretty common that we avoid fetching stuff from a database until
we really need it, so accessing, might well be the event that
triggers fetching all the relevant columns in the person-table for
key value person_id. That technically mutates p, but does the user
of p need to be aware of that? Maybe, maybe not. I guess it depends.
How are transactions and multi user issues handled? Will lock
a database row?

While simple warning signs might be useful at times, I find that
the devil is in the details, and most programming problems are too
subtle to be described with an exclamation mark.

Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-24 Thread Alex Martelli
Magnus Lycka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think you mean volatile or mutable rather than transient?  transient
 Right, volatile it is. It's really great that I can program so much
 Python now that I forget my C++! :) Thanks Alex (both for reminding me
 of forgotten C++ syntax and for making Python better).

Heh, you're welcome.  Hadn't done anything much with C++ for almost five
years, but found out (to my surprise, wouldn't have predicted it!) that
it all comes back to me effortlessly (I might put it down to working
with Matt Austern, but what we did together at Google wasn't C++...;-).
My _perl_, OTOH, *has* gone all fuzzy... go figure!  (Guess I have a
C++-shaped mind rather than a perl-shaped one, FWIW:-).

 I've run into a lot of cases where things are conceptually non-mutating,
 but in implementation, there are lots of internal state changes. For

Sure, caching and just in time computation are common.  That is
basically the difference between interface and implementation, and the
distinction in C++ between logically const and physically const (but
that doesn't really work right, either, for different reasons).

 While simple warning signs might be useful at times, I find that
 the devil is in the details, and most programming problems are too
 subtle to be described with an exclamation mark.

Problems, yes; method names, not necessarily.  Being able to assert
that X==X' (using the X' notation to mean X before the call) does have
expressive power; this leaves all the needed leeway to change
implementation as long as it touches hidden state only.  Thread safety
and atomicity are really quite different issues, just like for any class
invariant.  If there's a class invariant P(), that means that P(X')
[before the call] and P(X) [after it] both hold, but the word
invariant does *NOT* mean that P holds invariably DURING the
execution of X's methods, so class invariants cannot be used to infer
threadsafety, much less atomicity -- that would constrain the
implementation of the method WAY too much in the general case.
(_Callbacks_ from a method to generic callables passed from the outside
can be a headache -- there's no general theory as to what should hold
while an external callback executes... though I'm in the camp claiming
that invariants SHOULD hold at that time, I understand the debate).

I don't think these headaches and difficulties justify dumping the whole
field of reasoning about programs, nor the subfield of PbC.  The concept
of immutable is really just a tiny corner of these fields, and it's a
long way from being the hardest or most problematic one in them;-).


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-24 Thread Björn Lindström
Magnus Lycka [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 As I understand it, Ruby's ! isn't quite like procedure in Pascal,
 or not const in C/C++, but rather a marker for surprising behaviour,

In my experience, ! is used in Ruby much the same way as it is in
Scheme, signifying that a method/function is called only for side
effects. (Similar to a void function in C.)

Björn Lindström [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student of computational linguistics, Uppsala University, Sweden

Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-24 Thread Magnus Lycka
Alex Martelli wrote:
 I don't think these headaches and difficulties justify dumping the whole
 field of reasoning about programs, nor the subfield of PbC.  The concept
 of immutable is really just a tiny corner of these fields, and it's a
 long way from being the hardest or most problematic one in them;-).

Agreed. I also think that it's good practice to make methods do *one*
thing, so when methods grow into both changing state and returning
some substantial value, I usually split them. While the distinction
between functions and procedures to speak Pascalese is a useful
guidline at times, it's still a generalization though, and I doubt
that it's very useful to have a syntactic marker for this distinction
such as e.g. Pascal has.

As I understand it, Ruby's ! isn't quite like procedure in Pascal,
or not const in C/C++, but rather a marker for surprising behaviour,
and while it might be wise to acknowledge that not all APIs are
perfect, it seems difficult to know where mutating behaviour will
surprise users. It seems to me that different programmers have
different expectations on such things, and stumble over completely
different things...

Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-24 Thread Alex Martelli
Magnus Lycka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alex Martelli wrote:
  I don't think these headaches and difficulties justify dumping the whole
  field of reasoning about programs, nor the subfield of PbC.  The concept
  of immutable is really just a tiny corner of these fields, and it's a
  long way from being the hardest or most problematic one in them;-).
 Agreed. I also think that it's good practice to make methods do *one*
 thing, so when methods grow into both changing state and returning
 some substantial value, I usually split them. While the distinction
 between functions and procedures to speak Pascalese is a useful
 guidline at times, it's still a generalization though, and I doubt
 that it's very useful to have a syntactic marker for this distinction
 such as e.g. Pascal has.

The distinction is theoretically nice, but pragmatically it can get in
your way when a result is a natural side effect of the state change.

As a (perhaps overly) simple example, heapq.heapreplace is very natural
for some use cases of heaps as priority queues, and frequent enough that
having to replace it throughout with
result = heapq.heappop...
return result
would be mildly annoying.  At the other extreme, if Queue.Queue.get
couldn't BOTH alter queue state (remove one item) AND return the removed
item, within one threadsafe (atomic) operation, that would be way more
than just annoying... it would just about destroy the usefulness of


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-23 Thread Sion Arrowsmith
OKB (not okblacke) wrote:
 Fredrik Lundh wrote:
[ ... ]
   so what would an entry-level Python programmer expect from this
   piece of code?
   for item in a.reverse():
   print item
   for item in a.reverse():
   print item
  I would expect it to first print a in reverse then a as it was.
  I expect it to print
  really?  wouldn't
  make a lot more sense ?
  Yes.  The unintuitive thing is that the list is sorted in place at
intuitive seems to be a very subjective matter, depends on once
background etc :-)

A quick straw-poll of some non-Pythonistas (two sysadmins, two
programmers) suggests that reversing in place is unintuitive --
all four expected:


as suggested by Fredrik. It was less clear-cut, talking through
it, whether they found sorting inplace was intuitive or not, but
it was agreed that it would be odd if sort() and reverse()
behaved differently. All of which is to say I'm convinced by the
current behaviour:

1. sort() in place makes sense in terms of space, and is not
   completely unintuitive.
2. reverse() should do what sort() does.
3. The inexperienced user is most likely to expect the above
   code to print 3 2 1 3 2 1, and is more likely to have
   difficulty tracking down the problem if reverse() returns
   self and they get unexpected results than if it returns
   None and they get a TypeError: iteration over non-sequence.

  ___  |  Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other
  \X/  |-- Arthur C. Clarke
   her nu becomeþ se bera eadward ofdun hlæddre heafdes bæce bump bump bump

Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sion Arrowsmith wrote:
 1. sort() in place makes sense in terms of space, and is not
completely unintuitive.
 2. reverse() should do what sort() does.
 3. The inexperienced user is most likely to expect the above
code to print 3 2 1 3 2 1, and is more likely to have
difficulty tracking down the problem if reverse() returns
self and they get unexpected results than if it returns
None and they get a TypeError: iteration over non-sequence.

In other words, the None is used as a you are guranteed to get error
when you loop it, assuming you don't read the documentation and don't
do the simple trial and error in the interactive shell before doing
real thing and would read the manual afterwards then found out
sort()/reverse() is in place.

That as a way to teach, never thought about that kind of intend.

But isn't develop by test the general preference ? If that is the
case, a unit test would definitely catch the error and I doubt tracking
down the error is that hard.


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-23 Thread Magnus Lycka
 a reminder that the change is inplace.  How arrogant!  While
 I'm sure the designers had kindly intentions. my memory, though
 bad, is not that bad, and I object to being forced to write code
 that is more clunky than need be, because the designers thought
 they needed to help me with my memory.

Such as being arm-twisted into writing horrible things
like x = sorted(l) instead of x = l.sort()? It sounds a
bit as if someone locked you into a cellar and forced
you to program Python, just to torture you. I guess the
next step will be the comfy armchair! ;)

Python has its roots in ABC, a language intended for
teaching programming to beginners, and it goes to great
lengths to make it easy to do things right. In my opinion,
it also avoids the mistake of introducing hurdles in a
vain attempts to prevent programmer mistakes. Such hurdles
typically lead to ugly workarounds. There are a few cases
when things don't work as some people would expect them
to work, but I think there are good resons for that.

I'm surprised that you don't complain about not being able
to do while x = f(): ... while you're at it. That's also
a restriction of the kind you seem to rebel against.

I'm pretty sure Guido didn't think a bit about *your*
memory capacity when he designed Python, but rather wanted
to avoid spending his and other programmers' time on helping
people with yet another set of silly bugs.

 There is much about Perl's rich functionality that is very worthy.
 Unfortunately, as you know, it's syntax leaves a lot to be desired.

Which is mainly a consequence of TMTOWTDI...

If you want something more perlish, but with somewhat more
sane syntax, you might want to try Ruby.


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-23 Thread Magnus Lycka
 Alex Martelli wrote:

intuitive seems to be a very subjective matter, depends on once
background etc :-)

That's a strong point of Ruby, actually -- allowing an exclamation mark
at the end of a method name, which conventionally is always used to
indicate that the method is a mutator.  So, you can have a.reverse [NOT
mutating a since no !] _and_ a.reverse! [mutating a].  Probably too much
of a change even for Python 3000, alas... but, it DOES make it obvious
when an object's getting mutated, and when not...

Except when it isn't obvious. What constitutes mutation of an object?
C++ handles this with 'const', and lets the programmer cheat by using
transient member variables, since there are cases when you actually
want to mutate objects a little, but claim that you don't...

Perhaps we need a.reverse? for just-mutating-a-little reverse as well?

Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-23 Thread Alex Martelli
Magnus Lycka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 indicate that the method is a mutator.  So, you can have a.reverse [NOT
 mutating a since no !] _and_ a.reverse! [mutating a].  Probably too much
 of a change even for Python 3000, alas... but, it DOES make it obvious
 when an object's getting mutated, and when not...
 Except when it isn't obvious. What constitutes mutation of an object?

Potential alteration of the object's state.  [2,2,2] -- a list with
three identical items -- may be subject to any permutation in-place,
including sorting and reversing, without _actual_ alteration of state,
just as, say, L[2]=2 MAY happen not to alter state if L[2] was already 2
before the assignment.  However, such corner cases do not constitute any
deep conceptual blockage to the notion of mutation, any more than, say,
the possibility of state being empty (e.g in an empty tuple) constitues
any to the notion of state.

I classify list and dict methods as mutating and non-mutating in the
Nutshell, for example, and nobody's quibbled about their usefulness.  If
you want to get more formal, you can focus on the post-condition (either
in programming-by-contract terms, or the more formal Hoare and Djikstra
ideas that preceded Pbc) using X' to mean X as it was on entry:

for any type T,
  a method M of T is said to be non-mutating iff,
for any instance t of T,
  the strongest postcondition of calling M on t includes
t == t'
  a method M is said to be mutating if it is not non-mutating

Note how cleanly this deals (by delegating to ==, if you will;-) with
the issue of whether 'non-observable state' (e.g. a cache) counts as
state (answer: if it cannot influence the result of == it does not
matter regarding this definition).

Objects which cannot be compared for equality with their peers, or for
which it is conceptually absurd to talk of as it was, are always going
to be problematic for any system of formal reasoning about programming,
but the problem is with the formalization under such conditions (it's
hard to do most any formal reasoning without equality, for example) and
not with the pragmatics of the situation.

 C++ handles this with 'const', and lets the programmer cheat by using
 transient member variables, since there are cases when you actually
 want to mutate objects a little, but claim that you don't...

I think you mean volatile or mutable rather than transient?  transient
is not a keyword in C++, while both volatile and mutable are, with
different semantics.  Anyway, C++'s 'const' is a mess both theoretical
AND practical.  I'm told Ruby's object-freezing works better (but I
have no practical experience).

 Perhaps we need a.reverse? for just-mutating-a-little reverse as well?

I don't see the alleged humor in this ill-defined concept.  Anyway, a
trailing question mark is used in Ruby to indicate a predicate (a non
mutator which returns a boolean result); a convention similar to that of
exclamation for mutators, though not quite as important IMHO.  I do see
some nice symmetry, supposing for example that S is a mutable string, in
being able to name some of S's methods as:

upper   return an uppercased copy of S, not mutating S
upper!  mutate S in-place to be uppercased
upper?  return True iff S is already uppercased, not mutating S

but (maybe because I have no extensive Ruby real-life experience) the
predicate case, while nice, doesn't seem compelling to me (having to
name it, say, isupper, doesn't appear to cause practical problems).


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-23 Thread Neil Hodgson
Magnus Lycka:

 Except when it isn't obvious. What constitutes mutation of an object?
 C++ handles this with 'const', and lets the programmer cheat by using
 transient member variables, since there are cases when you actually
 want to mutate objects a little, but claim that you don't...

Ruby uses '!' not for mutation but to indicate surprising or 
destructive mutation. If it was placed on all mutators, code would be 
full of '!'s. '!' is less common on methods that modify the receiver 
than on methods that mutate other arguments.

There was a recent thread on this in c.l.ruby Array#insert, 
starting 8 posts down.


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-23 Thread rurpy

Magnus Lycka wrote:
  a reminder that the change is inplace.  How arrogant!  While
  I'm sure the designers had kindly intentions. my memory, though
  bad, is not that bad, and I object to being forced to write code
  that is more clunky than need be, because the designers thought
  they needed to help me with my memory.

 Such as being arm-twisted into writing horrible things
 like x = sorted(l) instead of x = l.sort()?

The first statement is not the same as the second.

 It sounds a
 bit as if someone locked you into a cellar and forced
 you to program Python, just to torture you. I guess the
 next step will be the comfy armchair! ;)

 Python has its roots in ABC, a language intended for
 teaching programming to beginners, and it goes to great
 lengths to make it easy to do things right. In my opinion,

do things right is my fundamental beef with Python.
Dispite claims, I don't believe Python's designers have
a monopoly on the definition of right.

 it also avoids the mistake of introducing hurdles in a
 vain attempts to prevent programmer mistakes. Such hurdles
 typically lead to ugly workarounds. There are a few cases
 when things don't work as some people would expect them
 to work, but I think there are good resons for that.

 I'm surprised that you don't complain about not being able
 to do while x = f(): ... while you're at it. That's also
 a restriction of the kind you seem to rebel against.

I would have but fortunately the introduction of iterators
spared you from having to read about that :-)

 I'm pretty sure Guido didn't think a bit about *your*
 memory capacity when he designed Python, but rather wanted
 to avoid spending his and other programmers' time on helping
 people with yet another set of silly bugs.

I serious doubt sort's return value of lack thereof made any
measurable difference in the time spent helping people.

  There is much about Perl's rich functionality that is very worthy.
  Unfortunately, as you know, it's syntax leaves a lot to be desired.

 Which is mainly a consequence of TMTOWTDI...

 If you want something more perlish, but with somewhat more
 sane syntax, you might want to try Ruby.


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-23 Thread Alex Martelli
Neil Hodgson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Magnus Lycka:
  Except when it isn't obvious. What constitutes mutation of an object?
  C++ handles this with 'const', and lets the programmer cheat by using
  transient member variables, since there are cases when you actually
  want to mutate objects a little, but claim that you don't...
 Ruby uses '!' not for mutation but to indicate surprising or 
 destructive mutation. If it was placed on all mutators, code would be
 full of '!'s. '!' is less common on methods that modify the receiver 
 than on methods that mutate other arguments.

Thanks for the clarification!  Unfortunately, this variation on the
convention does make it substantially less clear/sharp/well-defined, and
therefore less useful; whenever I call a mutator I must memorize or work
out (or guess) whether the author considered its mutation surprising or
destructive to know whether I need to append a bang or not, which is
peeving; so, I'm now happily reconciled to Python never adopting this.


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 do things right is my fundamental beef with Python.
 Dispite claims, I don't believe Python's designers have
 a monopoly on the definition of right.
I think raymond's post more correctly described it. Rather than do
things right, it is more the world view of python, just that it has
been pushed too far in certain situation(mostly unconciously) and
turning it into a holy war. We seem to see it every where, not just
about a programming language though.

  it also avoids the mistake of introducing hurdles in a
  vain attempts to prevent programmer mistakes. Such hurdles
  typically lead to ugly workarounds. There are a few cases
  when things don't work as some people would expect them
  to work, but I think there are good resons for that.
  I'm surprised that you don't complain about not being able
  to do while x = f(): ... while you're at it. That's also
  a restriction of the kind you seem to rebel against.

 I would have but fortunately the introduction of iterators
 spared you from having to read about that :-)
Exactly, it is the functionality, not syntax that matters.
if-then-else vs then-if-else, does it really matter other than
proving one is righter ?

  I'm pretty sure Guido didn't think a bit about *your*
  memory capacity when he designed Python, but rather wanted
  to avoid spending his and other programmers' time on helping
  people with yet another set of silly bugs.

 I serious doubt sort's return value of lack thereof made any
 measurable difference in the time spent helping people.
I kind of understand the rationale behind it now, thanks to another
post. I think the argument is that Python is intended for people
without prior programming experience and that the current behaviour is
more intuitive(people expect 321321 in the example case), how that
conclusion is drawn I have no idea but could be valid.

The real life situation though is, Python is usually not the first
language one learns and the net result is that one has to unlearn/wash
away what is learnt to appreciate the pythonic way. But that since we
never has a chance of this from pure to python, we would never
appreciate that as we already know things about mutable/immutable
object. Thereful, we would not make the mistake of expecting 321321
and thus no chance to appreciate the oops, what is this not a iterable
error, let me lookup the manual saga.


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-23 Thread Mike Meyer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) writes:
 Neil Hodgson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ruby uses '!' not for mutation but to indicate surprising or 
 destructive mutation. If it was placed on all mutators, code would be
 full of '!'s. '!' is less common on methods that modify the receiver 
 than on methods that mutate other arguments.
 Thanks for the clarification!  Unfortunately, this variation on the
 convention does make it substantially less clear/sharp/well-defined, and
 therefore less useful;

For the record, the ! convention (and the ? convention) are used by
scheme, where it is used to indiciation mutation (and a predicate). Of
course, scheme isn't OO, and is functional, so that mutation is the
exception rather than the rule.

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread Duncan Booth
Magnus Lycka wrote:

 Actually, I guess it's possible that sorted() is done so
 that it works like below, but I don't think pre-sorted()
 versions of Python support keyword arguments to list.sort()
 def sorted(l, *p, **kw): s=l[:];s.sort(*p, **kw);return s

One part you missed, sorted is actually closer to:

def sorted(iterable, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False):
sorted(iterable, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False) -- new sorted list
s.sort(cmp, key, reverse)
return s

The point being that while in general only a list will have a sort 
method, the sorted builtin may be called on any iterable and will 
return a sorted list.

Also note that it only accepts specific named arguments, and has a 

Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Magnus Lycka wrote:
 sorted_l = l.sort()

 and while sorted_l would contain what one might expect, it
 would in fact just be another name referencing exactly the
 same sorted list as l, and it would probably be surprising
 that l was also sorted, and that subsequent changes would
 show up in both sorted_l and l, and that sorted_l might not
 be sorted and longer even though you only modified l. It's
 this particular gotcha that the language creator wanted to

Since python's '=' is just name binding and that most objects(other
than those like int/float/string?) are mutable, I don't quite
understand why this is a gotcha that is so worrying.

a = [1,2,3]
b  = a

even an entry level python programmer can't expect 'b' to be
unchanged(after getting the first bite may be) if there is any
operation on a later. This not only applies to list but almost all
mutable object.

As you said, if one wants a copy of an object, use copy/deepcopy or
even pickle to get a snapshot of it.


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

   so what would an entry-level Python programmer expect from this
   piece of code?
   for item in a.reverse():
   print item
   for item in a.reverse():
   print item
  I would expect it to first print a in reverse then a as it was.
  I expect it to print

 really?  wouldn't


 make a lot more sense ?
I have no idea. That is my expectation. I don't know yours.

My interpretation of it is :

a got reversed then I consume it one by one
a got reversed again then I consume it one by one

Because I expect a being a mutable object, anything works on it(not
just object method, but even other functions) is by default has side
effect, unless otherwise stated, like copy/deepcopy.


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 so what would an entry-level Python programmer expect from this
 piece of code?

 for item in a.reverse():
 print item
 for item in a.reverse():
 print item

I would expect it to first print a in reverse then a as it was.


I expect it to print


As for your other comment, I don't even understand them.


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread Fredrik Lundh

  so what would an entry-level Python programmer expect from this
  piece of code?
  for item in a.reverse():
  print item
  for item in a.reverse():
  print item
 I would expect it to first print a in reverse then a as it was.


 I expect it to print


really?  wouldn't


make a lot more sense ?



Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 Since python's '=' is just name binding and that most objects(other
 than those like int/float/string?) are mutable, I don't quite
 understand why this is a gotcha that is so worrying.

 a = [1,2,3]
 b  = a

 even an entry level python programmer can't expect 'b' to be
 unchanged(after getting the first bite may be) if there is any
 operation on a later. This not only applies to list but almost all
 mutable object.

so what would an entry-level Python programmer expect from this
piece of code?

for item in a.reverse():
print item
for item in a.reverse():
print item

(as the X people used to say, the only thing worse than generalizing
from one example (sort) is generalizing from no examples at all (let's
assume I have a use case)).



Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 so what would an entry-level Python programmer expect from this
 piece of code?
 for item in a.reverse():
 print item
 for item in a.reverse():
 print item
 I would expect it to first print a in reverse then a as it was.
 I expect it to print
really?  wouldn't


make a lot more sense ?



Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

  so what would an entry-level Python programmer expect from this
  piece of code?
  for item in a.reverse():
  print item
  for item in a.reverse():
  print item
  I would expect it to first print a in reverse then a as it was.
  I expect it to print
 really?  wouldn't


 make a lot more sense ?
Still don't see why even you ask it again. May be you can enlight me a
bit. If this is Haskell, I would expect the result you posted.


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread Fredrik Lundh
 Still don't see why even you ask it again.

fyi, I'm not  [EMAIL PROTECTED] , and I've
never, as far I know, posted from



Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
  Still don't see why even you ask it again.

 fyi, I'm not  [EMAIL PROTECTED] , and I've
 never, as far I know, posted from

I have no idea what you are talking about. I read this list through
Google's group and I saw two of the same post. Google unfortunately
just should your name Fredrik Lundh, may be something went wrong with
the service.


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread rurpy
Fredrik Lundh wrote:

  so what would an entry-level Python programmer expect from this
  piece of code?
  for item in a.reverse():
  print item
  for item in a.reverse():
  print item
  I would expect it to first print a in reverse then a as it was.
  I expect it to print
 really?  wouldn't


 make a lot more sense ?

I am not a complete newb at python, but I am still pretty new.
I too thought immediately that the output should be 3,2,1, 1,2,3.
I used reverse() and sort() a couple time and of course read
the docs before I did.  I noted they do the change inplace, and
don't find rememering that to be a terrible burden.  Actually, I
get rather annoyed by the comment that they return None as
a reminder that the change is inplace.  How arrogant!  While
I'm sure the designers had kindly intentions. my memory, though
bad, is not that bad, and I object to being forced to write code
that is more clunky than need be, because the designers thought
they needed to help me with my memory.


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 22 Nov 2005 08:53:07 -0800, rurpy wrote:

 I am not a complete newb at python, but I am still pretty new.
 I too thought immediately that the output should be 3,2,1, 1,2,3.

What you are saying is that a.reverse() should *both* change a in place
*and* return a reference to the same list.

 I used reverse() and sort() a couple time and of course read
 the docs before I did.  I noted they do the change inplace, and
 don't find rememering that to be a terrible burden.  Actually, I
 get rather annoyed by the comment that they return None as
 a reminder that the change is inplace.  How arrogant!  While
 I'm sure the designers had kindly intentions. my memory, though
 bad, is not that bad, and I object to being forced to write code
 that is more clunky than need be, because the designers thought
 they needed to help me with my memory.

Built-in methods with side-effects (sort, reverse, update, clear, etc.)
return None because every function must return something, not because it
is a reminder. Python is not Pascal, and there are no procedures.

There are four possibilities for a construction like list.sort():

(1) sort the list in place and return a reference to the same list;
(2) sort the list in place and return a copy of the same list;
(3) sort the list in place and return None;
(4) don't sort in place and return a sorted list.

No solution is always right, no solution is always wrong, but the most
flexible is a combination of (3) and (4). Python now has that with sort()
and sorted(). Prior to the addition of sorted() to the language, (3) was
considered the best solution because of a simple Python principle: never
duplicate objects unless explicitly told to.



Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread OKB (not okblacke)
Fredrik Lundh wrote:

  so what would an entry-level Python programmer expect from this
  piece of code?
  for item in a.reverse():
  print item
  for item in a.reverse():
  print item
 I would expect it to first print a in reverse then a as it was.


 I expect it to print

 really?  wouldn't
 make a lot more sense ?

Yes.  The unintuitive thing is that the list is sorted in place at 

--OKB (not okblacke)
Brendan Barnwell
Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go, instead, where there is
no path, and leave a trail.
--author unknown

Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 There are four possibilities for a construction like list.sort():

 (1) sort the list in place and return a reference to the same list;
 (2) sort the list in place and return a copy of the same list;
 (3) sort the list in place and return None;
 (4) don't sort in place and return a sorted list.

 No solution is always right, no solution is always wrong, but the most
 flexible is a combination of (3) and (4). Python now has that with sort()
 and sorted(). Prior to the addition of sorted() to the language, (3) was
 considered the best solution because of a simple Python principle: never
 duplicate objects unless explicitly told to.

I don't see the reason that (3) and (4) are the most flexible.

Again, never duplicate objects unless explicitly told to combined
with = is name binding gives me a very strong message that
list.sort() it will change things in place and which is why it is quite
natural(for me at least)


for this language. Wether it is best or make more sense doesn't
really matter to me, though I am curious to know why.

But basically, I just use the language as it is, and the way I want to.
So long it solves my problem and gives me the result I want.


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OKB (not okblacke) wrote:
 Fredrik Lundh wrote:

   so what would an entry-level Python programmer expect from this
   piece of code?
   for item in a.reverse():
   print item
   for item in a.reverse():
   print item
  I would expect it to first print a in reverse then a as it was.
  I expect it to print
  really?  wouldn't
  make a lot more sense ?

   Yes.  The unintuitive thing is that the list is sorted in place at

intuitive seems to be a very subjective matter, depends on once
background etc :-)


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread rurpy
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 On Tue, 22 Nov 2005 08:53:07 -0800, rurpy wrote:

  I am not a complete newb at python, but I am still pretty new.
  I too thought immediately that the output should be 3,2,1, 1,2,3.

 What you are saying is that a.reverse() should *both* change a in place
 *and* return a reference to the same list.

Yes.  I don't see a problem with this.

  I used reverse() and sort() a couple time and of course read
  the docs before I did.  I noted they do the change inplace, and
  don't find rememering that to be a terrible burden.  Actually, I
  get rather annoyed by the comment that they return None as
  a reminder that the change is inplace.  How arrogant!  While
  I'm sure the designers had kindly intentions. my memory, though
  bad, is not that bad, and I object to being forced to write code
  that is more clunky than need be, because the designers thought
  they needed to help me with my memory.

 Built-in methods with side-effects (sort, reverse, update, clear, etc.)
 return None because every function must return something, not because it
 is a reminder. Python is not Pascal, and there are no procedures.

Quoting directly from the Library Reference:
To remind you that they operate by side effect, they don't return
the sorted or reversed list.

 There are four possibilities for a construction like list.sort():

 (1) sort the list in place and return a reference to the same list;
 (2) sort the list in place and return a copy of the same list;
 (3) sort the list in place and return None;
 (4) don't sort in place and return a sorted list.

 No solution is always right, no solution is always wrong, but the most
 flexible is a combination of (3) and (4). Python now has that with sort()
 and sorted(). Prior to the addition of sorted() to the language, (3) was
 considered the best solution because of a simple Python principle: never
 duplicate objects unless explicitly told to.

#2 makes no sense.  I see the primary difference as inplace or
copy sort, and the return value as a secondary issue:
(1)  Leave orignal list alone and sort a copy.  Obviously this has
  to return a reference to that copy.
(2)  Sort list in place and...
(2a)  Don't return anything (i.e. return None)
(2b)  Return a reference to the list.

(2b) is clearly the most flexible (of the inplace options) because it
subsumes option (2a) -- if is you don't want to use the returned
refernce for stylistic reasons, then don't.

I think this is just another (admittedly minor) case of Python's
designers using Python to enforce some idea of programming
style purity.


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread Mike Meyer
 I think this is just another (admittedly minor) case of Python's
 designers using Python to enforce some idea of programming
 style purity.

You say that as if it were a bad thing.

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mike Meyer wrote:
  I think this is just another (admittedly minor) case of Python's
  designers using Python to enforce some idea of programming
  style purity.

 You say that as if it were a bad thing.

I would say interesting thing. As it seems that quite some people
don't see the language as the creator or wants them to see it.


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread rurpy
Mike Meyer wrote:
  I think this is just another (admittedly minor) case of Python's
  designers using Python to enforce some idea of programming
  style purity.

 You say that as if it were a bad thing.

Well, there are many languages that promote a specific
style of programming and many of the ideas developed
have been incorporated in later, more general languages
to good effect.

But for a language that wants to be a general purpose
language, yea, I guess I think it's bad.  A general
purpose language should strive to support as wide a
varity of styles as possible.

But this is getting rather off-topic.


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread Alex Martelli
 intuitive seems to be a very subjective matter, depends on once
 background etc :-)

That's a strong point of Ruby, actually -- allowing an exclamation mark
at the end of a method name, which conventionally is always used to
indicate that the method is a mutator.  So, you can have a.reverse [NOT
mutating a since no !] _and_ a.reverse! [mutating a].  Probably too much
of a change even for Python 3000, alas... but, it DOES make it obvious
when an object's getting mutated, and when not...


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread Alex Martelli
 language, yea, I guess I think it's bad.  A general
 purpose language should strive to support as wide a
 varity of styles as possible.

Definitely NOT Python's core design principle, indeed the reverse of it.

 But this is getting rather off-topic.

Yep.  If you disagree so deeply with Python's foundations, other
language such as Perl, embodying just the striving you cherish, should
probably make you much happier.


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread rurpy

Alex Martelli wrote:
  language, yea, I guess I think it's bad.  A general
  purpose language should strive to support as wide a
  varity of styles as possible.

 Definitely NOT Python's core design principle, indeed the reverse of it.

Priciples are fine if not carried to an extreme, as any examination
of religous or political groups will show.

  But this is getting rather off-topic.

 Yep.  If you disagree so deeply with Python's foundations, other
 language such as Perl, embodying just the striving you cherish, should
 probably make you much happier.

There is much about Perl's rich functionality that is very worthy.
Unfortunately, as you know, it's syntax leaves a lot to be desired.


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alex Martelli wrote:
  intuitive seems to be a very subjective matter, depends on once
  background etc :-)

 That's a strong point of Ruby, actually -- allowing an exclamation mark
 at the end of a method name, which conventionally is always used to
 indicate that the method is a mutator.  So, you can have a.reverse [NOT
 mutating a since no !] _and_ a.reverse! [mutating a].  Probably too much
 of a change even for Python 3000, alas... but, it DOES make it obvious
 when an object's getting mutated, and when not...

And I doubt if it should be added because of the history of python. As
that would effectively mean changing the meaning of a function because
of version, where old codes means differently for people who learn the
new syntax.


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread rurpy

Alex Martelli wrote:
  language, yea, I guess I think it's bad.  A general
  purpose language should strive to support as wide a
  varity of styles as possible.

 Definitely NOT Python's core design principle, indeed the reverse of it.

Priciples are fine if not carried to an extreme, as any examination
of religous or political groups will show.

  But this is getting rather off-topic.

 Yep.  If you disagree so deeply with Python's foundations, other
 language such as Perl, embodying just the striving you cherish, should
 probably make you much happier.

There is much about Perl's rich functionality that is very worthy.
Unfortunately, as you know, it's syntax leaves a lot to be desired.


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano

 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
There are four possibilities for a construction like list.sort():

(1) sort the list in place and return a reference to the same list;
(2) sort the list in place and return a copy of the same list;
(3) sort the list in place and return None;
(4) don't sort in place and return a sorted list.

No solution is always right, no solution is always wrong, but the most
flexible is a combination of (3) and (4). Python now has that with sort()
and sorted(). Prior to the addition of sorted() to the language, (3) was
considered the best solution because of a simple Python principle: never
duplicate objects unless explicitly told to.

 I don't see the reason that (3) and (4) are the most flexible.

If you only want one copy of the data, sorted, you sort 
in place with (3).

If you want two copies of the data, one sorted and one 
not sorted, you use solution (4).

(2) fails the don't wastefully make a copy of data if 
it isn't needed test.

(1) is sub-optimal because it introduces a dependency 
that isn't obvious. It not only modifies the list in 
place, but it creates a new reference to the same list. 
Expect to see lots of wasteful L = L.sort() lines by 
people who forget it sorts in place. Expect to see code 
like M = L.sort(); print L; print M by people who 
forget that M and L are both the same sorted list.

 Again, never duplicate objects unless explicitly told to combined
 with = is name binding gives me a very strong message that
 list.sort() it will change things in place and which is why it is quite
 natural(for me at least)

Which is the behaviour of L.sort(). Did you think I was 
arguing against that? Heavens no -- I think sort() as 
it exists is the optimal solution. It isn't that 
difficult to say M = L[:]; M.sort() when you want a 
sorted copy.

Having said that, since sorted() now exists, I'll 
happily use it. I just don't think it is necessary.



Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-21 Thread Magnus Lycka
 most built-in function/method don't return the object but None. This
 I believe is the language creator's preference for everything being

The list methods .sort() and .reverse() don't create copies,
but rather change the existing object. The reson for this is
to save RAM. If you have 512MB RAM and a 300 MB list, it's
nice that you can sort it without swapping virtual memory to
disk. That would slow down the sort operation a lot, and that
would be a shame, considering all the efforts that went into
Python's excellent sort implementation.

If you sort (or reverse) a list l, and don't need to keep the
unsorted list, you simply do l.sort() (or l.reverse()). If
you need to keep the original as well, you must make a copy
before the sort, like this: sorted_l = l[:]; sorted_l.sort().

If the sort operation had returned self, it would have been
easy to write:

sorted_l = l.sort()

and while sorted_l would contain what one might expect, it
would in fact just be another name referencing exactly the
same sorted list as l, and it would probably be surprising
that l was also sorted, and that subsequent changes would
show up in both sorted_l and l, and that sorted_l might not
be sorted and longer even though you only modified l. It's
this particular gotcha that the language creator wanted to

With newer versions of Python, the builtin functions sorted()
and reversed() have been added, so those who think it's ugly
to call a list sorted before it actually *is* sorted, can
simply write:

sorted_l = sorted(l)

With older Python's you need to do the hard work to add this
to your program:

def sorted(l): s=l[:];s.sort();return s
def reversed(l): r=l[:];r.reverse();return r

Actually, I guess it's possible that sorted() is done so
that it works like below, but I don't think pre-sorted()
versions of Python support keyword arguments to list.sort()

def sorted(l, *p, **kw): s=l[:];s.sort(*p, **kw);return s

Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-21 Thread George Sakkis
Shi Mu wrote:

 Got confused by the following code:
[6, 3, 1]
[4, 3, 1]

 {1: [[6, 3, 1], [4, 3, 1]], 2: [[6, 3, 1]]}

 {1: [[6, 3, 1], [1, 3, 4]], 2: [[6, 3, 1], None]}
 #why c can not append the sorted b??

In python 2.4, you can use the sorted() builtin instead:




Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-21 Thread George Sakkis
Shi Mu wrote:

 Got confused by the following code:
[6, 3, 1]
[4, 3, 1]

 {1: [[6, 3, 1], [4, 3, 1]], 2: [[6, 3, 1]]}

 {1: [[6, 3, 1], [1, 3, 4]], 2: [[6, 3, 1], None]}
 #why c can not append the sorted b??

In python 2.4, you can use the sorted() builtin instead:




about sort and dictionary

2005-11-20 Thread Shi Mu
Got confused by the following code:
[6, 3, 1]
[4, 3, 1]
{1: [[6, 3, 1], [4, 3, 1]], 2: [[6, 3, 1]]}
{1: [[6, 3, 1], [1, 3, 4]], 2: [[6, 3, 1], None]}
#why c can not append the sorted b??
[1, 3, 4]

Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Shi Mu wrote:
 Got confused by the following code:
 [6, 3, 1]
 [4, 3, 1]
 {1: [[6, 3, 1], [4, 3, 1]], 2: [[6, 3, 1]]}
 {1: [[6, 3, 1], [1, 3, 4]], 2: [[6, 3, 1], None]}
 #why c can not append the sorted b??
 [1, 3, 4]
most built-in function/method don't return the object but None. This
I believe is the language creator's preference for everything being
explicit. You better do it like this :


Of course, this make things like this not possible :


But the language(and the community) in general discourage you to write
code like this ;-)


Re: about sort and dictionary

2005-11-20 Thread Eric Jacoboni
Shi Mu [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 #why c can not append the sorted b??

Because sort() doesn't return anything? 

According to the library reference:

7) The sort() and reverse() methods modify the list in place for
economy of space when sorting or reversing a large list. To remind you
that they operate by side effect, they don't return the sorted or
reversed list.

Eric Jacoboni, ne il y a 1435934131 secondes