c++ Source Code for acm 2004-2005 problems

2009-07-12 Thread Davood Vahdati
Dear Sirs And Madams :

it is an Acm programming competition Questions in year 2004-2005 .
could you please solve problems is question ? I  Wan't C++ Source Code
program About this questions OR Problems . thank you for your prompt
attention to this matter

your faithfully.
29th ACM International Collegiate
Sponsored by
Programming Contest, 2004-2005
Sharif Preliminary Contest
Sharif University of Technology, 28 Oct. 2004

Problem B
(Program filename: B.CPP, B.DPR, B.PAS or B.java)

Parallelogram Counting
There are n distinct points in the plane, given by their integer
coordinates. Find the number of parallelograms whose
vertices lie on these points. In other words, find the number of 4-
element subsets of these points that can be written as
{A, B, C, D} such that AB || CD, and BC || AD. No four points are in a
straight line.
Input (filename: B.IN)
The first line of the input file contains a single integer t (1 £ t £
10), the number of test cases. It is followed by the input

data for each test case.
The first line of each test case contains an integer n (1 £ n £ 1000).
Each of the next n lines, contains 2 space-separated
integers x and y (the coordinates of a point) with magnitude (absolute
value) of no more than 10.

Output (Standard Output)
Output should contain t lines.
Line i contains an integer showing the number of the parallelograms as
described above for test case i.

Sample Input
0 0
2 0
4 0
1 1
3 1
5 1
-2 -1
8 9
5 7
1 1
4 8
2 0
9 8

Sample Output
Problem B-Page 1 of 1

28th ACM International Collegiate
Sponsored by
Programming Contest, 2003-2004
Sharif Preliminary Contest
Sharif University of Technology, 14 Nov. 2003

Problem C
(Program filename: C.CPP or C.PAS or C.DPR or C.java)

Toy Storage
Mom and dad have a problem: their child, Reza, never puts his toys
away when he is finished playing with them.
They gave Reza a rectangular box to put his toys in. Unfortunately,
Reza is rebellious and obeys his parents by simply
throwing his toys into the box. All the toys get mixed up, and it is
impossible for Reza to find his favorite toys anymore.
Reza's parents came up with the following idea. They put cardboard
partitions into the box. Even if Reza keeps
throwing his toys into the box, at least toys that get thrown into
different partitions stay separate. The box looks like this
from the top:

We want for each positive integer t, such that there exists a
partition with t toys, determine how many partitions
have t, toys.
Input (filename: C.IN)
The input consists of a number of cases. The first line consists of
six integers n, m, x1, y1, x2, y2. The number of
cardboards to form the partitions is n (0 n £ 1000) and the number of
toys is given in m (0m £ 1000). The
coordinates of the upper-left corner and the lower-right corner of the
box are (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), respectively. The
following n lines each consists of two integers Ui Li, indicating that
the ends of the ith cardboard is at the coordinates
(Ui, y1) and (Li, y2). You may assume that the cardboards do not
intersect with each other. The next m lines each consists
of two integers Xi Yi specifying where the ith toy has landed in the
box. You may assume that no toy will land on a
A line consisting of a single 0 terminates the input.
Output (filename: C.OUT)
For each box, first provide a header stating “Box”
on a line of its own. After that, there will be one line of output
count (t 0) of toys in a partition. The value t will be followed by a
colon and a space, followed the number of
partitions containing t toys. Output will be sorted in ascending order
of t for each box.
Sample Input
4 10 0 10 100 0
20 20
80 80
60 60
40 40
5 10
15 10
95 10
25 10
65 10
75 10
35 10
45 10
55 10
85 10
5 6 0 10 60 0

4 3
15 30
3 1
6 8
10 10
2 1
2 8
1 5
5 5
40 10
7 9

Sample Output

2: 5
1: 4
2: 1
29th ACM International Collegiate
Sponsored by
Programming Contest, 2004-2005
Sharif Preliminary Contest
Sharif University of Technology, 28 Oct. 2004

Problem D
(Program filename: D.CPP, D.DPR, or D.java)

Software Company
A software developing company has been assigned two programming
projects. As
both projects are within the same contract, both must be handed in at
the same
time. It does not help if one is finished earlier.

This company has n employees to do the jobs. To manage the two
projects more
easily, each is divided into m independent subprojects. Only one
employee can
work on a single subproject at one time, but it is possible for two
employees to
work on different subprojects of the same project simultaneously.

Our goal is to finish the projects as soon as possible.

Input (filename: D.IN)
The first line of the input file contains a single integer t (1 £ t £
11), the
number of test cases, 

Re: c++ Source Code for acm 2004-2005 problems

2009-07-12 Thread Paul McGuire
On Jul 12, 5:24 pm, Davood Vahdati davoodvahdati2...@gmail.com
 Dear Sirs And Madams :

 it is an Acm programming competition Questions in year 2004-2005 .
 could you please solve problems is question ? I  Wan't C++ Source Code
 program About this questions OR Problems . thank you for your prompt
 attention to this matter

 2 1
 4 3
 5 1
 4 2

huge chunk of OT content snipped

looking for the Python content in this post...

m, nope, didn't find any...

I guess the OP tried on a C++ newsgroup and got told to do his own
homework, so he came here instead?

Re: c++ Source Code for acm 2004-2005 problems

2009-07-12 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Sun, 12 Jul 2009 19:24:57 -0300, Davood Vahdati  
davoodvahdati2...@gmail.com escribió:

it is an Acm programming competition Questions in year 2004-2005 .
could you please solve problems is question ? I  Wan't C++ Source Code
program About this questions OR Problems . thank you for your prompt
attention to this matter

Not C++ code but Python: A brute force approach to the first problem.

Parallelogram Counting
There are n distinct points in the plane, given by their integer
coordinates. Find the number of parallelograms whose
vertices lie on these points.

class Point:
  def __init__(self, x, y): self.x, self.y = x, y
  def __repr__(self): return 'Point(%d,%d)' % (self.x, self.y)

class Segment:
  def __init__(self, p0, p1): self.p0, self.p1 = p0, p1
  def is_parallel(self, other):
return ((self.p1.x-self.p0.x) * (other.p1.y-other.p0.y) -
(self.p1.y-self.p0.y) * (other.p1.x-other.p0.x) == 0)

points = [

n = 0
for i,A in enumerate(points):
  for B in points[i+1:]:
AB = Segment(A,B)
for C in points:
  if C in (A,B): continue
  BC = Segment(B,C)
  for D in points:
if D in (A,B,C): continue
CD = Segment(C,D)
if AB.is_parallel(CD) and BC.is_parallel(Segment(A,D)):
  print A,B,C,D
  n += 1

n /= 4 # ABCD,BCDA,CDAB,DABC ## BACD etc already removed
print n

Gabriel Genellina
