Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-18 Thread Michael
Thomas Nelson wrote:

 I realize I'm approaching this backwards from the direction most
 people go, but does anyone know of a good c/c++ introduction for
 python programmers?

There's been lots of answers, but no-one's mentioned the book I like:
   * Accelerated C++ by Koenig  Moo

It dives straight into C++ - rather than attempting to say look, C++ is
built ontop of C, so I'll teach you C first, I'll recognise that the idioms
for developing in C++ are different and start from there instead.

It's in my opinion by far and away one of the best intros I've read. (I'm
not saying that lightly either - I rank it as good/language relevant an
introduction as Learning Perl used to be, and the KR book can be for many
C developers).

In many respects it'll also show you some of the similarities between python
and C++, and the differences.


Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-15 Thread Anders Arnholm
Nicola Musatti [EMAIL PROTECTED] skriver:
 On Feb 14, 2:41 pm, Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Don't forget the lack of standard garbage collection.
 memory related problems. I'm aware that most is not the same as all,
 but on the other hand garbage collection has it's problems too:

And that garbabe collection is only good for memory, garbage
collecting open files and network connections work much less
well. Giving the need to add a maonual delete function to be called
before the object is destroed when you need the life time controll.
And this having to be reflected in application depenednt way to figure
out how it works in each application.

/ Balp
-- on Balping

Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-15 Thread Steve Holden
Anders Arnholm wrote:
 Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] skriver:
 On 13 Feb 2007 17:51:00 GMT, Jorgen Grahn
 Well, C++ is a better language than C in many ways. So, if he needs to learn
 one of them, why does it have to be C?

 Another reason some people choose C++ over Python for some tasks is that
 they feel that larger programs benefit from strong, static type checking.
 I like both ways, but depending on the task, one or the other is better.
 C++ is -not- strongly typed. You can cast anything to void *, and
 manipulate it in ways unimaginable. Plus there's the whole mess that
 is pointer arithmetic and a weak typesystem...
 C++ can be both, The type systenm is as fragila as you like it to be.
 I mainlty use c++ when i the need stronger typing that Python och C
 can't give me. In some ways it's even stronger types than languanges
 as Java and ObjectiveC. C++ it however at least four different
 languanges, in one ball of soupe.
Presuming when i the need is a typo for when I need the rather than 
when i feel the need for, when do you actually *need* strong typing?

By which I presume you to mean status typing, since Python is already a 
strongly-types language.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Blog of Note:
See you at PyCon?


Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-14 Thread Anders Arnholm
Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] skriver:
 On 13 Feb 2007 17:51:00 GMT, Jorgen Grahn
 Well, C++ is a better language than C in many ways. So, if he needs to learn
 one of them, why does it have to be C?

 Another reason some people choose C++ over Python for some tasks is that
 they feel that larger programs benefit from strong, static type checking.
 I like both ways, but depending on the task, one or the other is better.

 C++ is -not- strongly typed. You can cast anything to void *, and
 manipulate it in ways unimaginable. Plus there's the whole mess that
 is pointer arithmetic and a weak typesystem...

C++ can be both, The type systenm is as fragila as you like it to be.
I mainlty use c++ when i the need stronger typing that Python och C
can't give me. In some ways it's even stronger types than languanges
as Java and ObjectiveC. C++ it however at least four different
languanges, in one ball of soupe.

And yes you can do it, that doesn't mean you have to dio it. As
_functions in python or __, you can use them from anyware, you don't
have to.

/ Balp

-- on Balping

Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-14 Thread Nicola Musatti
On Feb 14, 12:26 am, Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 C++ is -not- strongly typed. You can cast anything to void *, and
 manipulate it in ways unimaginable. Plus there's the whole mess that
 is pointer arithmetic and a weak typesystem...

The previous poster wrote strongly typed, not a straight jacket.
The fact that you may do certain things doesn't mean that you have to
nor that they are going to be done to you against your will.

 Disclaimer: I am unashamedly in the C++ Is Evil camp, and wholly
 believe that if you want proper strong, static type checking, use
 Haskell, or if you want proper, complete object-orientation (C++'s
 primitive types compromise its object system's integrity, and I
 believe I've already discussed casting and pointers), use Python, and
 if you want under-the-hood pointer-fu, use C.

The trouble is that in addition to proper, strong, static type
checking people often also want their daily bread, fancy that. As to
the merits of complete object orientation, I'd like to hear about
them, because nobody managed to explain them to me in a satisfactory
way yet.

There are many valid reasons to dislike C++ and to prefer Python to
it, but dismissing it as C++ Is Evil is just plain stupid. Moreover,
C might be a valid competitor for small projects and it probably
covers most Pythonistas' needs for closeness to the metal, but it
just doesn't scale.

Nicola Musatti


Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-14 Thread jkn
Hi Thomas

On Feb 12, 6:00 pm, Thomas Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I realize I'm approaching this backwards from the direction most
 people go, but does anyone know of a good c/c++ introduction for
 python programmers?

They are not particularly aimed at Python programmers, but Bruce
Eckel's Thinking in C++ books are (a) excellent, and (b) freely
downloadable, as well as purchasable in book form:

Bruce is a python fan FWIW ;-)

Jon N


Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-14 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-02-13, Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 13 Feb 2007 17:51:00 GMT, Jorgen Grahn
 Well, C++ is a better language than C in many ways. So, if he
 needs to learn one of them, why does it have to be C?

 Another reason some people choose C++ over Python for some
 tasks is that they feel that larger programs benefit from
 strong, static type checking. I like both ways, but depending
 on the task, one or the other is better.

 C++ is -not- strongly typed. You can cast anything to void *,
 and manipulate it in ways unimaginable. Plus there's the whole
 mess that is pointer arithmetic and a weak typesystem...

Don't forget the lack of standard garbage collection. 

Also there's the hell known as exception safety.

Python conceptually has many of the same issues with exception
safety, but at least memory leaks aren't one of the consequences.
I imagine most Python programmers don't even think about
exception safety, but probably should be. We just happily raise
exceptions willy-nilly, without worrying about our objects
remaining in a reasonable state. Or do we? Maybe it's better not
to think about it. ;-)

 Disclaimer: I am unashamedly in the C++ Is Evil camp, and
 wholly believe that if you want proper strong, static type
 checking, use Haskell, or if you want proper, complete
 object-orientation (C++'s primitive types compromise its object
 system's integrity, and I believe I've already discussed
 casting and pointers), use Python, and if you want
 under-the-hood pointer-fu, use C.

C++'s standard library seems such a huge win over the C library,
that I'd hate to switch back. Of course it has its warts and
cancers, but it's an awesome accomplishment. And you *can* get
harder-to-use C versions that are basically portable.

Neil Cerutti
A billion here, a billion there, sooner or later it adds up to real money.
--Everett Dirksen

Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-14 Thread Nicola Musatti
On Feb 14, 2:41 pm, Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Don't forget the lack of standard garbage collection.

Optional garbage collection is highly likely to be included in the
next C++ standard, due out in a couple of years.

 Also there's the hell known as exception safety.

 Python conceptually has many of the same issues with exception
 safety, but at least memory leaks aren't one of the consequences.
 I imagine most Python programmers don't even think about
 exception safety, but probably should be. We just happily raise
 exceptions willy-nilly, without worrying about our objects
 remaining in a reasonable state. Or do we? Maybe it's better not
 to think about it. ;-)

On the other hand having everything dynamically allocated prevents the
adoption of deterministic destruction, which is a far better clean up
mechanism than try/finally clauses.

In modern C++ standard containers and smart pointers help solve most
memory related problems. I'm aware that most is not the same as all,
but on the other hand garbage collection has it's problems too:
depending on the algorithm it may not be able to reclaim all the
unreachable memory and forgetting to explicitly reset variables may
lead to hanging to memory that is really not needed anymore.

Nicola Musatti


Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-14 Thread Aahz
Thomas Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I realize I'm approaching this backwards from the direction most
people go, but does anyone know of a good c/c++ introduction for
python programmers?

This isn't an introduction, but you should probably also pick up
_Effective C++_ (and possibly _More Effective C++_, though that seems
less useful to me).

I disrespectfully agree.  --SJM

Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-14 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-02-14, Aahz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Thomas Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I realize I'm approaching this backwards from the direction
most people go, but does anyone know of a good c/c++
introduction for python programmers?

 This isn't an introduction, but you should probably also pick
 up _Effective C++_ (and possibly _More Effective C++_, though
 that seems less useful to me).

I did enjoy _Effective C++_ very much, but in fact there's
nothing in there that's not already stated in _The C++
Programming Language_. Granted, TCPL is so dense that it wasn't
until *after* reading _Effective C++_ (Scott Meyers), that I
noticed this.

Neil Cerutti

Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-13 Thread Nicola Musatti
On Feb 12, 7:00 pm, Thomas Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I realize I'm approaching this backwards from the direction most
 people go, but does anyone know of a good c/c++ introduction for
 python programmers?

I don't think there's any book catering specifically for people coming
from dynamically typed languages. If you want a crash course try
Accelerated C++, by Koenig  Moo; if you want something more gentle,
that may also serve as a reference, go for C++ Primer, by Lippman,
Lajoie  Moo. Both books from Addison Wesley.

As for something freely available people speak well of Bruce Eckel's
Thinking in C++, but I haven't read it:

Nicola Musatti


Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-13 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-02-12, Thomas Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I realize I'm approaching this backwards from the direction
 most people go, but does anyone know of a good c/c++
 introduction for python programmers?

To become productive in C++ in a short time, especially with a
Python background, I highly recommend Koenig  Moo _Accelerated

It's not enough C++ to join a C++ team at a professional
development house (of course no book can provide that), but it's
all the best bits.

If you get through that, then proceed directly to the source,
Stroustrup _The C++ Programming language_.

Neil Cerutti
You only get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so many times. --Ike Taylor

Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-13 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 06:35:36 +1100, andrew clarke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 12, 2007 at 10:00:51AM -0800, Thomas Nelson wrote:

 I realize I'm approaching this backwards from the direction most
 people go, but does anyone know of a good c/c++ introduction for
 python programmers?

 Thomas, I sent you a message off-list but it bounced due to your mailbox
 being full.

 Short answer: Subscribe to the mailing list and
 ask your C/C++ questions there.

Why on earth should he do that, seeing that he seems to post here over
Usenet? There are plenty of Usenet groups for both languages. For C++, there
are comp.lang.c++ and comp.lang.c++.moderated. Reading the second one has
been both useful and enjoyable for me.

And to echo what someone else wrote: please don't use the term C/C++. It
makes about the same sense as Perl/Python (or Python/Perl).


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
\X/  R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-13 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Mon, 12 Feb 2007 19:10:02 +0100, Maël Benjamin Mettler [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Thomas Nelson schrieb:

[top posting fixed]

 I realize I'm approaching this backwards from the direction most
 people go, but does anyone know of a good c/c++ introduction for
 python programmers?

 Learning C++ is not worth is in my opinion, since you can get the OOP
 power from Python and use C if you need speed...

Well, C++ is a better language than C in many ways. So, if he needs to learn
one of them, why does it have to be C?

Another reason some people choose C++ over Python for some tasks is that
they feel that larger programs benefit from strong, static type checking.
I like both ways, but depending on the task, one or the other is better.

And then there's always the my boss told me reason, which seems to apply
to the OP.


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
\X/  R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-13 Thread Sam
On 13 Feb 2007 17:51:00 GMT, Jorgen Grahn
 Well, C++ is a better language than C in many ways. So, if he needs to learn
 one of them, why does it have to be C?

 Another reason some people choose C++ over Python for some tasks is that
 they feel that larger programs benefit from strong, static type checking.
 I like both ways, but depending on the task, one or the other is better.

C++ is -not- strongly typed. You can cast anything to void *, and
manipulate it in ways unimaginable. Plus there's the whole mess that
is pointer arithmetic and a weak typesystem...

Disclaimer: I am unashamedly in the C++ Is Evil camp, and wholly
believe that if you want proper strong, static type checking, use
Haskell, or if you want proper, complete object-orientation (C++'s
primitive types compromise its object system's integrity, and I
believe I've already discussed casting and pointers), use Python, and
if you want under-the-hood pointer-fu, use C.


c++ for python programmers

2007-02-12 Thread Thomas Nelson
I realize I'm approaching this backwards from the direction most
people go, but does anyone know of a good c/c++ introduction for
python programmers?




Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-12 Thread Maël Benjamin Mettler
SAMS Teach yourself C in 21 days by Bradley L. Jones and Peter Aitken

Learning C++ is not worth is in my opinion, since you can get the OOP
power from Python and use C if you need speed...

Thomas Nelson schrieb:
 I realize I'm approaching this backwards from the direction most
 people go, but does anyone know of a good c/c++ introduction for
 python programmers?


Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thomas Nelson wrote:
 I realize I'm approaching this backwards from the direction most
 people go, but does anyone know of a good c/c++ introduction for
 python programmers?

I would stick with C unless you need to edit C++ code.  (Calling them
C/C++ doesn't make much sense as they're separate languages).

The biggest sticking points aren't going to be helped much by a Python
background, so I'd just use one of the tutorials recommended over in
comp.lang.c (Richard Heathfield had a useful link at one point).


Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-12 Thread andrew clarke
On Mon, Feb 12, 2007 at 10:00:51AM -0800, Thomas Nelson wrote:

 I realize I'm approaching this backwards from the direction most
 people go, but does anyone know of a good c/c++ introduction for
 python programmers?

Thomas, I sent you a message off-list but it bounced due to your mailbox
being full.

Short answer: Subscribe to the mailing list and
ask your C/C++ questions there.


Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-12 Thread Thomas Nelson
On Feb 12, 1:35 pm, andrew clarke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thomas, I sent you a message off-list but it bounced due to your mailbox
 being full.

 Short answer: Subscribe to the mailing list and
 ask your C/C++ questions there.


I have to edit a large C++ project written by someone else.  My email
above is incorrect; replace mail with cs.  Thanks for the help.



Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-12 Thread Andy Terrel
On Feb 12, 4:11 pm, Thomas Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 12, 1:35 pm, andrew clarke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thomas, I sent you a message off-list but it bounced due to your mailbox
  being full.

  Short answer: Subscribe to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list and
  ask your C/C++ questions there.


 I have to edit a large C++ project written by someone else.  My email
 above is incorrect; replace mail with cs.  Thanks for the help.


To learn C I recommend KR (Kernigahn and Richie), for C++ I like
Savitch's book, Absolute C++. I too learned python then c/c++.  Also I
would disagree with the people saying never to use C++, it will run
much faster for computationally intensive programs.  It will make you
a better python programmer, you get to see how things are done under
the hood.
