Re: exit from Tkinter mainloop Python 2.7

2016-03-09 Thread Rick Johnson
On Friday, March 4, 2016 at 3:50:43 PM UTC-6, wrote:
> Thanks for your attention to this matter.
> My code now look like this: [...]

All of the help offered in this thread ignores the elephant
in the room. What are you trying to achieve here Kevin? To
me, this looks like some sort of dialog, but if it is a
dialog, the whole design is a miserable failure. And why in
the hell would you call the w.quit() method when the user
presses a "continue" button? Do you realize that the quit
method does not "close the dialog" (if you can call this a
dialog), no, but simply instructs Tkinter to stop processing
events? Once a user clicks your "continue" button, he can no
longer interact with the GUI, and the user is left in a
state of befuddlement.

Those who've attempted to help you have suggested that you
utilize the quit method in your "continue button callback"
so that the widgets will stay alive long enough for you to
fetch the value, but that is horrible advice. Trust me, the
quit method is not something you want to use unless you know
what you're doing. It's should never be used in daily
coding, and only in very specific advanced circumstances.

The destroy method that you utilized initially *IS* the
correct course of action here. You see, your interface is
not a failure because of the destroy method, no, it is a
failure because you failed to (1) fetch the values in the
button callback BEFORE the widgets are destroyed, and (2)
You failed to store those values somewhere that will be
persistent after the function returns. But even if you
followed both of these suggestions, you design is flawed.

If you want to create a proper "dialog interface", the key
is not to use the "quit" method, but to follow these simple
design rules:

  (1) Present the user with a "focused window" that contains
  "form" filled with "input fields" that will facilitate the
  inputting of the required values. Typically, but not
  always, you'll want this window to block program execution
  until the user submits the form (FYI: Dialogs that block
  are commonly referred to as "modal dialogs")
  (2) Include at least one button to submit the values. This
  button is typically named "Okay", or "Yes" or "Submit".
  But when the user presses this button, the dialog will
  *NOT* be closed until the values have been validated. If
  the values are found to be inadequate, the dialog will
  inform the user of his mistakes and refocus the input-form
  for editing. A more advanced dialog will utilize fields
  that validate their *OWN* values in "real time". These
  "real time validations" are less likely to confuse a user,
  and they facilitate a more efficient interface since the
  user will be aware of mistakes as they occur.
  (3) Include at least one button to cancel the interaction.
  Sometimes, a user will open a dialog accidentally, or for
  some other reason decide that they need a way out. For
  instance: Imagine all the times that you've accidentally
  pressed the X button on a window. If the window closed
  without first asking you "Do you really want to close
  without saving changes", you'd be screwed!

A proper "dialog window" will be constructed of three basic
top-level components:

|  |
|  |

The DIALOG_TITLE is simply a string that will be displayed
in the title bar of the dialog. The DIALOG_BODY is a fluid
area in the middle that can be filled with user-editable
fields, and the DIALOG_BUTTONS is an area at the bottom
where appropriate buttons will be displayed.

A proper dialog object will allow the caller to display the
dialog in either "modal" or "non-modal" forms, and it will
expose hooks that will allow the programmer to customize the
validation and submission of the form data. An even more
advanced version will require the programmer to extend a
"form object" and pass it into the constructor.

Fortunately, the tkSimpleDialog has already wrapped *SOME*
of this functionality up for you. All you need to do is
import the class and override a few "virtual methods" to
achieve your desired goal. The tkSimpleDialod.Dialog class
exposes 3 hooks that you can utilize to modify the behavior

  (1) body: In this method you create your widgets.It
  requires one argument which is a tk.Frame instance that
  the widgets can be made a child of.
  (2) validate: in this method you validate your widgets and
  return a Boolean flag. If you don't need any validation
  then don't bother to override it.
  (3) apply: In this method you can do something with the
  "dialog.result" *AFTER* the dialog closes. Typically
  though, you will handle this action from outside the
  dialog object. But in certain limited circumstances, it
  can si

Re: exit from Tkinter mainloop Python 2.7

2016-03-04 Thread Peter Otten wrote:

> Christian & Others:
> Thanks for your attention to this matter.
> My code now look like this:
> from Tkinter import *
> def butContinue():
> dbUser = entryName.get()

Here you set the local variable dbUser (every name you rebind inside a 
function is local to that function by default)

> pWord =  entryPWord.get()
> print dbUser

and here you print it.

> print pWord
> root1.quit()
> dbUser = ""

Here you set the global variable dbUser

> pWord  = ""
> root1 = Tk()
> ##root1.geometry("500x250")
> lblTop = Label(root1, text= '  Enter Values Below', font="Helvetica
> 14").grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2 , pady=5)
> ##lblTop.pack(side = TOP)
> lblDB = Label(root1,text= 'Weight').grid(row=1, column=0 )
> lblPWord = Label(root1, text= 'Height').grid(row=2,column=0)
> entryName = Entry(root1)
> entryName.grid(row=1, column=1, pady=5)
> entryPWord = Entry(root1)
> entryPWord.grid(row=2, column=1, pady = 5)
> butGo  =  Button(root1, text="   Continue "  , command=butContinue
> ).grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=W, pady=10)
> root1.mainloop()
> print "After the MainLoop"
> print dbUser

and here you print that global variable.

> print pWord
> After I type in the text Weight and Height
> No error are reported and output looks like this:
> Weight
> Height
> After the MainLoop
> Question:
> Why did this code not cause Weight and Height to print again.
> print "After the MainLoop"
> print dbUser
> print pWord
> Thanks in advance.

If you want

> def butContinue():
> dbUser = entryName.get()
> pWord =  entryPWord.get()

to change the global dbUser and pWord you need to declare them as global 

> def butContinue():
  global dbUser, pWord
> dbUser = entryName.get()
> pWord =  entryPWord.get()


Re: exit from Tkinter mainloop Python 2.7

2016-03-04 Thread kevind0718

Christian & Others:

Thanks for your attention to this matter.
My code now look like this:

from Tkinter import *

def butContinue():
dbUser = entryName.get()
pWord =  entryPWord.get()
print dbUser
print pWord

dbUser = ""
pWord  = ""
root1 = Tk()

lblTop = Label(root1, text= '  Enter Values Below', font="Helvetica 
14").grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2 , pady=5)
##lblTop.pack(side = TOP)

lblDB = Label(root1,text= 'Weight').grid(row=1, column=0 )
lblPWord = Label(root1, text= 'Height').grid(row=2,column=0)
entryName = Entry(root1)
entryName.grid(row=1, column=1, pady=5)

entryPWord = Entry(root1)
entryPWord.grid(row=2, column=1, pady = 5)

butGo  =  Button(root1, text="   Continue "  , command=butContinue 
).grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=W, pady=10)


print "After the MainLoop"
print dbUser
print pWord

After I type in the text Weight and Height
No error are reported and output looks like this:

After the MainLoop

Why did this code not cause Weight and Height to print again.

print "After the MainLoop"
print dbUser
print pWord

Thanks in advance.



Re: exit from Tkinter mainloop Python 2.7

2016-02-24 Thread Dave Farrance wrote:

>from Tkinter import *
>def butContinue():

As Christian said, you're destroying the root window and its children,
so instead use root1.quit() here.

> ...
>print entryName.get("1.0", "end-1c" )
>print entryPWord.get("1.0", "end-1c" )

And your root1.destroy() goes here instead. (The root window would
normally be destroyed on the script exit, but some IDE debuggers will
leave it open.) 

Re: exit from Tkinter mainloop Python 2.7

2016-02-23 Thread Peter Otten
Christian Gollwitzer wrote:

> Am 23.02.16 um 22:39 schrieb
>> from Tkinter import *
>> def butContinue():
>>  root1.destroy()
>> [...]
>> entryName = Entry(root1).grid(row=1, column=1, pady=5)
>> [...]
>> butGo  =  Button(root1, text="   Continue "  , command=butContinue
>> ).grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=W, pady=10)
>> root1.mainloop()
>> print entryName.get("1.0", "end-1c" )
>> When I click on butGo I get the error below.
>> So is this some sort of scope error?
>> why does entryName not exist for me to grab it's value?
> You call destroy() on the root window of Tk. If you destroy a window,
> that will destroy all of it's children. Therefore by deleting the root
> window, also the entryName widget was deleted. You need to export the
> values before you close the window, i.e. in the butContinue() function.

Even when you follow this advice, entryName was set to None by the line

>> entryName = Entry(root1).grid(row=1, column=1, pady=5)

as grid() always returns None. You need two steps

entryName = Entry(root1)
entryName.grid(row=1, column=1, pady=5)


>> print entryName.get("1.0", "end-1c" )

I believe that the Entry widget's get() method doesn't take any arguments.


Re: exit from Tkinter mainloop Python 2.7

2016-02-23 Thread Christian Gollwitzer

Am 23.02.16 um 22:39 schrieb

lblTop = Label(root1, text= '  Enter Values Below', font="Helvetica 
14").grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2 , pady=5)
##lblTop.pack(side = TOP)

lblDB = Label(root1,text= 'Weight').grid(row=1, column=0 )
lblPWord = Label(root1, text= 'Height').grid(row=2,column=0)

Also here, the labels look odd. Have you tried to do some alignment of 
the text with spaces? Remove the sapces and look at the "justify" option 
of the label widget and the "sticky" option for grid.


Re: exit from Tkinter mainloop Python 2.7

2016-02-23 Thread Christian Gollwitzer

Am 23.02.16 um 22:39 schrieb

from Tkinter import *

def butContinue():
entryName = Entry(root1).grid(row=1, column=1, pady=5)
butGo  =  Button(root1, text="   Continue "  , command=butContinue 
).grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=W, pady=10)


print entryName.get("1.0", "end-1c" )

When I click on butGo I get the error below.
So is this some sort of scope error?
why does entryName not exist for me to grab it's value?

You call destroy() on the root window of Tk. If you destroy a window, 
that will destroy all of it's children. Therefore by deleting the root 
window, also the entryName widget was deleted. You need to export the 
values before you close the window, i.e. in the butContinue() function.

There is another pitfall with Tk: if you delete the main window, you can 
get problems if you try to recreate it. If you want to show several 
pages in sequence or the like, you should withdraw the main window


and popup a fresh toplevel by

and do everything in t. Once you are finished, destroying t will keep 
your application alive (because the real root window is just hidden)

Another comment:

> root1.geometry("500x250")

Do not do this. The grid and pack geometry managers compute the needed 
space automatically. A fixed size in pixels can easily break, when you 
go to another computer with a different font size, screen resolution, or 
a different OS. If you are not satisfied with the whitespace, use the 
padding options of grid or pack.



exit from Tkinter mainloop Python 2.7

2016-02-23 Thread kevind0718

Newbie here.

Spent the a good part of the day tinkering and reading tutorials,
I was able to create a sample that is very close to my requirement.

When I execute the code below the Dialog displayed as expected and
I can enter data into the textboxes.  All good.

When I click on butGo I get the error below.
So is this some sort of scope error?
why does entryName not exist for me to grab it's value?

Your kind assistance is requested.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\kduffy12\workspace\testPythonA\testA\", line 
25, in 
print entryName.get("1.0", "end-1c" )
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

from Tkinter import *

def butContinue():

root1 = Tk()

lblTop = Label(root1, text= '  Enter Values Below', font="Helvetica 
14").grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2 , pady=5)
##lblTop.pack(side = TOP)

lblDB = Label(root1,text= 'Weight').grid(row=1, column=0 )
lblPWord = Label(root1, text= 'Height').grid(row=2,column=0)
entryName = Entry(root1).grid(row=1, column=1, pady=5)

entryPWord = Entry(root1).grid(row=2, column=1, pady = 5)

butGo  =  Button(root1, text="   Continue "  , command=butContinue 
).grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=W, pady=10)


print entryName.get("1.0", "end-1c" )
print entryPWord.get("1.0", "end-1c" )