I'm trying to do FastCgiAccessChecker with a django project; the base idea is to use the django controlled logins to control access to an apache down load area.

My original idea was to make django responsible for the FastCgiAccessChecker script itself since we're running django as an external fcgi socket server using flup.

I managed to get apache to accept the long running socket server as the FastCgiAccessChecker, but all attempts at using the access check seem to fail with some kind of fastcgi protocol error

......server.fcgi" aborted: protocol error: invalid FCGI_END_REQUEST status: 3 != FCGI_REQUEST_COMPLETE(0)

it seems that 3 refers to a bad role, but I'm not sure who is detecting this problem.

Any ideas welcome. I ask here because my queries elsewhere have vanished.

I should add that I have two solutions to the problem of getting the validation done, but both involve extra fcgi scripts. One imports django and does the checking directly, the second uses urllib2 to forward the validation request using the original django http application.
Robin Becker

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