After a long hiatus, I finally found *something* as a vehicle to learn
Python. My friends and I are (hopefully) getting together to play FEAR
RPG and I decided to use Python to write chargen utilities and such.

What do I have to say? Except for not having TrueClosures, which can
be emulated with objects anyway, way better than Perl. Of course I
still develop and one-line frob with Perl, but Python might even take
over in the latter capacity if I become fluent as I have in Perl. The
community is also a significant advantage always, which is why I use
Vector Linux as well. In principle, I like Ruby in some ways better
than I do Python, but as far as pragmatism goes: Py for teh win!
ipython just owns house on irb. Had to say it. reStructuredText looks
like it might also be very useful to me.

Greetings to all.

What if Iraqis were blastocysts?

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