Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-08 Thread Terry Reedy

George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 Steven Bethard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dict comprehensions were recently rejected:
 The reason, of course, is that dict comprehensions don't gain you much
 at all over the dict() constructor plus a generator expression, e.g.:
  dict((i, chr(65+i)) for i in range(4))

 Sure, but the same holds for list comprehensions: list(i*i for i in
 xrange(10)). The difference is historic I guess; list comprehensions
 preceded generator expressions and so they cannot be removed, at least
 not before 3.0. I wonder if they will/should be in the language when
 the constraint of backwards compatibility is lifted.

Guido has asked himself the same question.  Some developers who love l.c.s 
are sure they will stay.  I am not.  I think it might depend on whether 
they have any real advantages in the context of the 3.0 engine and design, 
which don't exist yet.

 IMO they should
 not (TIOOWTDI, uniformity among builtin data structures, not
 overwhelmingly more useful than set or dict comprehensions), but
 there's a long way till that day.


Terry J. Reedy


Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-07 Thread Chris Rebert (cybercobra)
Agreed, I dislike map and its ilk as well.
However, they are handy in some cases. I particularly like the way Ruby
deals with this problem. Instead of all these functions, internal
iterators and true anonymous blocks are used.
Case in point:

def gt_than_5(obj):
return obj  5
results = filter(gt_than_5, seq)


results = seq.find_all do |item|
  item  5

This has the advantage of writing less code for the common cases by
having them builtin to the class. Instead of everyone needlessly
recoding these over and over again, they're implemented in one place.
This could be done by defining an abstract class that enumerable
objects inherit from. It's not practical, but I can dream, can't I? ;-)
Also, you don't have to define a separate testing function. Granted, in
this case, the test func is trivial, but when it's non-trivial, you
really notice the advantages.

Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
 Hi All--

 Tom Anderson wrote:
  I expect tons of disagreement in the feedback, all from ex-Lisp-or-Scheme
  folks. :-)
  I disagree strongly with Guido's proposals, and i am not an ex-Lisp,
  -Scheme or -any-other-functional-language programmer; my only other real
  language is Java. I wonder if i'm an outlier.
  So, if you're a pythonista who loves map and lambda, and disagrees with
  Guido, what's your background? Functional or not?

 I'm a pythonista who doesn't love them.  In fact, even though I've done
 more than my fair share of lambda Tkinter programming using lambdas,
 I've never been happy with lambda.  And I've spent months inside of
 Lisp/Emacs Lisp/Scheme, too (I have the world's second largest .emacs
 file [my friend Andy Glew has the largest], even though I can't use it
 on Windows;-).  I find list comprehensions easier to understand than
 map, and small named functions or, better yet, class methods, *tons*
 easier to read/understand than lambda--there are too many restrictions
 you have to remember.

 Personally, I find that Lisp  its derivatives put your head in a very
 weird place.  Even weirder than PostScript/Forth/RPN, when you come
 right down to it.

 I won't miss them, but since I don't use them now, that doesn't mean a
 whole lot.

 Ivan Van Laningham
 God N Locomotive Works
 Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
 Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours


Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-07 Thread Terry Reedy

Pawe³ Sakowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
Tom Anderson wrote:
 def flatten(ll):
  return reduce(lambda a, l: a.extend(l), ll, [])

 How would one do that as a list comp, by the way? I'm really not very 
 with them yet.

Not really a list-comprehension based solution, but I think what you want 

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Unless sum knows to typecheck input items and special-case lists and use 
list.extend rather than list+list, this turns an O(n) operation into an 
O(n**2) operation.  Sum is meant for numbers.

Terry J. Reedy


Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-07 Thread Terry Reedy

Stian Søiland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
On 2005-07-06 02:46:27, George Sakkis wrote:

 So, who would object the full-word versions for python 3K ?
 def - define
 del - delete
 exec - execute
 elif - else if

Objections for the else if might be that it sounds like you can
replace else if with else x=94 if you want. Thumbs up for else if
because it explains what it is much better than elif.  elseif ?

Today, on pydev list, in thread Chaining try statements: eltry?,
Guido said 'and in fact I sometimes think it was
a mistake to introduce elif just to save typing else if.'

So maybe this will be reconsidered for 3.0

Terry J. Reedy


Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-06 Thread George Sakkis
Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Still it's hard to explain why four specific python keywords - def,
  del, exec and elif - were chosen to be abbreviated,

 Precedence in other languages and CS usage?

What precedence ? I don't know of another language that uses def or del
at least; even C++ which compared to python is much more terse uses
delete instead of del. And in any case, curly braces for grouping
statements is much more prevalent in other languages and CS usage but
(fortunately) python chose indentation.

  So, who would object the full-word versions for python 3K ?
  def - define
  del - delete
  exec - execute

 These three I might prefer to keep.

  elif - else if

 This one I dislike and would prefer to write out.  I never liked it in
 whatever else language I first encountered it and still don't.

In contrast to the first three changes which would be straightforward,
changing elif to else if would add (a little?) complexity to the
parser by allowing else to be followed either by a colon (the only
choice now) or if, though I don't think this would be a decisive



Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-06 Thread Steven Bethard
Ron Adam wrote:
 Yes, I think a different key word would help.  My current favorite 
 alternative is to put it in parentheses similar to list comprehensions 
 and use let.
 (let x,y return x+y)

If you haven't already, see:

for other similar proposals.


Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-06 Thread Stian Søiland
On 2005-07-06 07:00:04, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 map(lambda x: if x == 0: 1; else: math.sin(x)/x,

And now for the readable list comprehension version:

[x==0 and 1 or math.sin(x)/x for x in myList]

Now even though I'm into the short-circuiting of and-or and even
occasionally have used such masturbation techniques as this, I don't
think it qualifies as pythonic.

If it was me, I would probably even have written:

[x and math.sin(x)/x or 1 for x in myList]

Stian Søiland   Work toward win-win situation. Win-lose
Trondheim, Norway   is where you win and the other lose.  Lose-lose and lose-win are left as an
exercise to the reader.  [Limoncelli/Hogan]

Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-05 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

Tom Anderson wrote:
 I understand that the backslash is popular in some ivory-tower functional
 languages. Currently, a backslash can be used for explicit line joining,
 and is illegal elsewhere on a line outside a string literal, so i think
 it's available for this. It would be utterly unpythonic to use puntuation
 instead of a keyword, and it would make no sense to novices, but it would
 scare the crap out of C programmers, which has to be worth something.

Oh, I don't think so.  Don't forget that Perl was written by impatient C
programmers.  I think scaring C programmers, like giving engineers too
much information, is really hard to do.  Live by the sword, die by the

int *(*(*foo)())()-ly y'rs,
Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-05 Thread Terry Reedy

Steven Bethard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 OTOH, I fully agree with Peter Hansen: Really, the name is such a
 trivial, unimportant part of this whole thing that it's hardly worth

From a certain viewpoint, I would agree.  Yet, the word 'lambda' *is* the 
center of most of the fuss.  For beginners, it is a minor issue: learn it 
and move on.  But for some functionalists, it is a major issue.  They 
'know' that lambda means 'expressionized anonymous function'.  And in 
lambda calculus, it is the main actor.  But in Python, lambda only means 
anonymous trivial function.  It is only an expressionized convenience 
abbreviation for an important but small subset of possible functions.  So 
for years, such knowledgeable people have called for and proposed various 
syntaxes for 'proper lambdas' or 'true lambdas', saying pretty clearly that 
what Python has is improper or false.  Would there have been so much fuss 
if the keyword had been 'fun' and the word 'lambda' had never appeared in 
the Python docs?  I strongly doubt it.

I also suspect that the years of fuss over Python's lambda being what it is 
rather that what it is 'supposed' to be (and is in other languages) but is 
not, has encourage Guido to consider just getting rid of it.  I personally 
might prefer keeping the feature but using a different keyword.

Terry J. Reedy


Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-05 Thread Terry Reedy

George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Still it's hard to explain why four specific python keywords - def,
 del, exec and elif - were chosen to be abbreviated,

Precedence in other languages and CS usage?

 So, who would object the full-word versions for python 3K ?
 def - define
 del - delete
 exec - execute

These three I might prefer to keep.

 elif - else if

This one I dislike and would prefer to write out.  I never liked it in 
whatever else language I first encountered it and still don't.

Terry J. Reedy


Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-05 Thread Ron Adam
Terry Reedy wrote:

 I also suspect that the years of fuss over Python's lambda being what it is 
 rather that what it is 'supposed' to be (and is in other languages) but is 
 not, has encourage Guido to consider just getting rid of it.  I personally 
 might prefer keeping the feature but using a different keyword.
 Terry J. Reedy

Yes, I think a different key word would help.  My current favorite 
alternative is to put it in parentheses similar to list comprehensions 
and use let.

(let x,y return x+y)

Or you could just explain lambda as let, they both begin with 'L',  and 
then the colon should be read as return.

So lambda x,y: x+y should be read as:  let x,y return x+y

I'm in the group that hadn't heard about lambda as a function before 
Python even after  twenty years of computer tech experience.  I think 
presuming it's common knowledge is a mistake.

Cheers, Ron


Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-05 Thread Ron Adam
Terry Reedy wrote:

 George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
So, who would object the full-word versions for python 3K ?
def - define
del - delete
exec - execute
 These three I might prefer to keep.
elif - else if
 This one I dislike and would prefer to write out.  I never liked it in 
 whatever else language I first encountered it and still don't.
 Terry J. Reedy

Interesting, the exact opposite of what I was thinking.

I don't use del and exec that often, so the long versions are fine to 
me.  Define is ok for me too because it's usually done only once for 
each function or method so I'm not apt to have a lot of defines repeated 
in a short space like you would in C declarations.

elif...  I was thinking we should keep that one because it's used fairly 
often and having two keywords in sequence doesn't seem like it's the 
beat way to do it.

Although  it could be replaced with an 'andif' and 'orif' pair.  The 
'andif' would fall though like a C 'case', and the 'orif' would act just 
like the 'elif'.  Actually this is a completely differnt subject 
reguarding flow testing verses value testing.  Else and also would be 
the coorisponding end pair, but it seemed nobody really liked that idea 
when I suggested it a while back.  shrug


Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-05 Thread Steven D'Aprano
I was going to drop the lambda discussion, as it has 
been going on and on and on, but Terry's comment 
strikes me as so wrong that it needs to be challenged.

Terry Reedy wrote:

 From a certain viewpoint, I would agree.  Yet, the word 'lambda' *is* the 
 center of most of the fuss.  For beginners, it is a minor issue: learn it 
 and move on.  But for some functionalists, it is a major issue.  They 
 'know' that lambda means 'expressionized anonymous function'.  And in 
 lambda calculus, it is the main actor.  But in Python, lambda only means 
 anonymous trivial function.  It is only an expressionized convenience 
 abbreviation for an important but small subset of possible functions.  So 
 for years, such knowledgeable people have called for and proposed various 
 syntaxes for 'proper lambdas' or 'true lambdas', saying pretty clearly that 
 what Python has is improper or false.  Would there have been so much fuss 
 if the keyword had been 'fun' and the word 'lambda' had never appeared in 
 the Python docs?  I strongly doubt it.

People object to the fact that lambda doesn't allow 
statements. They do this, not because they know about 
the lambda calculus (I don't!) but because they keep 
trying to do things like this:

map(lambda x: if x == 0: 1; else: math.sin(x)/x,

Hands up who thinks this usage case would disappear if 
lambda was called fun or anonymous_function instead?

 I also suspect that the years of fuss over Python's lambda being what it is 
 rather that what it is 'supposed' to be (and is in other languages) but is 
 not, has encourage Guido to consider just getting rid of it.  I personally 
 might prefer keeping the feature but using a different keyword.

Best of all would be if lambda was extended to allow 
statements, just like a real made-with-def function. 
Although, I worry about syntax and readability. But 
then I'm not completely comfortable with the existing 
lambda syntax either.

And now, I shall say no more on this issue.



Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-04 Thread Carl Banks

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Carl Banks wrote:

  The shamelessness with which you inflated the verbosity of the latter
  is hilarious.


  [ x**2 + y**2 for (x,y) in izip(xlist,ylist) ]
  Now there's no longer much advantage in conciseness for the map version
  (seeing that you'd have to define a function to pass to map), and this
  is more readable.

 and then, five minutes later in another post, wrote:

   If you're doing heavy functional programming,
   listcomps are tremendously unwieldy compared to
   map et al.

 Having a dollar each way I see :-)

Don't think so.  The verbosity I spoke of was your describing the code
snippets  in English, not the conciseness of the example.  map and
friends are more concise than listcomps, I wasn't arguing that, except
that for the typical Pythonic use of listcomps it isn't much.  One
listcomp or one call to map is not heavily functional.



Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-04 Thread Carl Banks
Christopher Subich wrote:
 Carl Banks wrote:
  Christopher Subich wrote:
 I've heard this said a couple times now -- how can listcomps not
 completely replace map and filter?
  If you're doing heavy functional programming, listcomps are
  tremendously unwieldy compared to map et al.

 Interesting; could you post an example of this?  Whenever I try to think
 of that, I come up with unwieldly syntax for the functional case.  In
 purely functional code the results of map/filter/etc would probably be
 directly used as arguments to other functions, which might make the
 calls longer than I'd consider pretty.  This is especially true with
 lots of lambda-ing to declare temporary expressions.

I suspect you're misunderstanding what I mean by heavily functional.

You appear to see maps and listcomps merely as a shortcut for a for
loop.  You're comparing the map shortcut and the listcomp shortcut and
seeing which one's less verbose.  In a mostly procedural program which
uses functional constructs in isolation, listcomps are going to win
most of those battles.

Heavily functional programming is a different mindset altogether.  In
heavily functional programming, things like maps and filters and
function applications are actually what you're thinking about.  map
isn't an indirect way to do a for loop; it's a direct way to do a map.

When your mind is focused on applying a function to each member of
this list and returning a list of the results as opposed to
convenient shortcut to a for loop, map is going to be far superior to
a listcomp.  And when you're doing dozens and dozens of maps over a
large purely functional program, you don't want to write out a listcomp
every single time you want to do it.



Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-04 Thread Terry Hancock
On Sunday 03 July 2005 07:05 pm, Erik Max Francis wrote:
 I personally think that map looks clearer than a list comprehension for 
 a simple function call, e.g.

I have to disagree
   map(str, sequence)

This says call a function 'map' on 'str' and 'sequence'

Which, syntactically, is not terribly informative.

I have to remember:

* str is actually a callable
* map is a mathematical concept of linking one thing to another.  What
things?  str to sequence?  No! Wrong guess.  str is the mapping function,
and the result is the thing sequence is to be linked to.

Now, sure, I know all this, and I learned what map did from the manual,
but it's not especially easy to remember.

This on the other hand,

   [str(x) for x in sequence]

is practically plain English:

call the function str on x, for every x in sequence

Other than chopping out a few words, and using the () operator instead
of call, it's hard to imagine this being any closer to exactly what you
would say to describe the operation. And for most of us, English comes
easier than Computer Science jargon.

Terry Hancock ( hancock at )
Anansi Spaceworks


Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-04 Thread Peter Hansen
Terry Hancock wrote:
 On Sunday 03 July 2005 07:05 pm, Erik Max Francis wrote:
I personally think that map looks clearer than a list comprehension for 
a simple function call

 This on the other hand,
  [str(x) for x in sequence]
 is practically plain English:
 call the function str on x, for every x in sequence
 Other than chopping out a few words, and using the () operator instead
 of call, it's hard to imagine this being any closer to exactly what you
 would say to describe the operation. And for most of us, English comes
 easier than Computer Science jargon.

And with a better choice of names than x, that line becomes even more 

[str(parrot) for parrot in sequence], for example, tells you much more 
about what is going on than str(x) does.

Exactly what, I have no idea... but it says _so_ much more. ;-)


Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-04 Thread Christopher Subich
Peter Hansen wrote:
 [str(parrot) for parrot in sequence], for example, tells you much more 
 about what is going on than str(x) does.
 Exactly what, I have no idea... but it says _so_ much more. ;-)

Yarr! Avast! Etc!

Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-04 Thread Christopher Subich
Carl Banks wrote:
 I suspect you're misunderstanding what I mean by heavily functional.
 Heavily functional programming is a different mindset altogether.  In
 heavily functional programming, things like maps and filters and
 function applications are actually what you're thinking about.  map
 isn't an indirect way to do a for loop; it's a direct way to do a map.

That's true; I'm more comfortable with procedural programming in 
general, but I had a few classes that used LISP and understand what 
you're talking about.

That said, Python itself is mostly a procedural language, with the 
functional tools really being bolted on[1].  When we're talking about 
Py3K, I think we're really talking about a redesign and rethink of 
pretty much the entire language -- with list and generator 
comprehensions, for procedural programming the need for map and lambda 
goes away.  Reduce isn't directly replaced, of course, but a for-loop 
implementation (for procedural programming) is clearer, more powerful, 
more explicit, and possibly faster.

That said, I very much like the idea of putting map and filter in a 
functional module.  For applications like functional-style programming 
where map/etc are clearer, that keeps them in the library for efficient 
use, yet it leaves the native language with OO(g)WTDI [Only One (good) 
Way to Do It].

[1] -- lambda excepted.  I think it's kind of cute, in a baby-mammal 
kind of way.

Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-04 Thread Carl Banks
Christopher Subich wrote:
 That said, Python itself is mostly a procedural language, with the
 functional tools really being bolted on[1].
[etc., snip]

Yeah, that's pretty much what I said in the first place.



Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Carl Banks
John Roth wrote:
 Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

  map and filter are being removed *because of* list comprehensions. Did you
  even read Guido's articles about this issue? Your understanding of why
  these changes are planned is incorrect; consequently your projection based
  on that understanding is not on firm footing.

 May I most respectfully point out that you've got it backwards.
 Part of the justification for list comprehensions was that they could
 be used to replace map and filter.

 The jihad against the functional constructs has been going on for a
 long time, and list comprehensions are only one piece of it.

Many people believe that the functional constructs in Python exist to
enhance Python's support of functional programming, but that's wrong.
They exist to enhance support of procedural programming.

In other words, the functional elements were added not because Python
embraced functional programming, but because discreet use of functional
code can make procedural programs simpler and more concise.

Listcomps et al. cannot do everything map, lambda, filter, and reduce
did.  Listcomps are inferior for functional programming.  But, you see,
functional is not the point.  Streamlining procedural programs is the
point, and I'd say listcomps do that far better, and without all the
baroque syntax (from the procedural point of view).

Jihad?  I'd say it's mostly just indifference to the functional
programming cause.



Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Scott David Daniels
egbert wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 02, 2005 at 08:26:31PM -0700, Devan L wrote:
Also, map is easily replaced.
map(f1, sequence) == [f1(element) for element in sequence]
 How do you replace
 map(f1,sequence1, sequence2)
 especially if the sequences are of unequal length ?
 I didn't see it mentioned yet as a candidate for limbo,
 but the same question goes for:

OK, you guys are picking on what reduce cannot do.
The first is [f1(*args) for args in itertools.izip(iter1, iter2)]
How to _you_ use map to avoid making all the intermediate structures?

I never saw anything about making zip go away.  It is easy to explain.

Now reduce maps to what I was taught to call foldl.
How do you express foldr?  How do you express:

  _accum = initial()
  for elem in iterable:
  _accum = func(elem, _accum, expr)


If you want functional programming in python, you have at least three
big problems:

1) Python has side effect like mad, so order of evaluation matters.
I'd claim any useful language is like that (I/O to a printer is
kind of hard to do out-of-order), but I'd get sliced to death
by a bunch of bullies wielding Occam's razors.

2) Python's essential function call is not a single-argument
function which might be a tuple, it is a multi-argument
function which is not evaluated in the same way.  The natural
duality of a function taking pairs to a function taking an arg
and returning a function taking an arg and returning a result
breaks down in the face of keyword args, and functions that
take an indeterminate number of arguments.  Also, because of (1),
there is a big difference between a function taking no args and
its result.

3) Python doesn't have a full set of functional primitives.
Fold-right is one example, K-combinator is another, 
Why pick on reduce as-is to keep?  There is another slippery
slope argument going up the slope adding functional primitives.

--Scott David Daniels

Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 08:14:28 -0700, Scott David Daniels wrote:

 egbert wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 02, 2005 at 08:26:31PM -0700, Devan L wrote:
Also, map is easily replaced.
map(f1, sequence) == [f1(element) for element in sequence]
 How do you replace
 map(f1,sequence1, sequence2)
 especially if the sequences are of unequal length ?
 I didn't see it mentioned yet as a candidate for limbo,
 but the same question goes for:
 OK, you guys are picking on what reduce cannot do.
 The first is [f1(*args) for args in itertools.izip(iter1, iter2)]

And now we get messier and messier... Compare these two idioms:

Map function f1 to each pair of items from seq1 and seq2.

Build a list comprehension by calling function f1 with the unpacked list
that you get from a list built by zipping seq1 and seq2 together in pairs.

Good thing that removing reduce is supposed to make code easier to
understand, right?

 How to _you_ use map to avoid making all the intermediate structures?

I don't understand the question. Presumably the sequences already exist.
That's not the point.

 I never saw anything about making zip go away.  It is easy to explain.

I don't find map any less clear than zip.

Except for the arbitrary choice that zip truncates unequal sequences while
map doesn't, zip is completely redundant:

def my_zip(*seqs):
return map(lambda *t: t, *seqs)

Zip is just a special case of map. I find it disturbing that Guido is
happy to fill Python with special case built-ins like sum, zip and
(proposed) product while wanting to cut out more general purpose solutions.

 If you want functional programming in python, you have at least
 three big problems:
 1) Python has side effect like mad, so order of evaluation matters.

Not if you *just* use functional operations.

Not that I would ever do that. The point isn't to turn Python into a
purely functional language, but to give Python developers access to
functional tools for when it is appropriate to use them.

 2) Python's essential function call is not a single-argument
 function which might be a tuple, it is a multi-argument function
 which is not evaluated in the same way.

And I'm sure that makes a difference to the functional programming
purists. But not to me.

 3) Python doesn't have a full set of functional primitives.
 Fold-right is one example, K-combinator is another,  Why pick on
 reduce as-is to keep?  There is another slippery slope argument
 going up the slope adding functional primitives.

My car isn't amphibious, so I can't go everywhere with it. Should I throw
it away just because I can't drive under water?

No, of course not. Just because Python isn't a purely functional language
doesn't mean that we should reject what functional idioms (like list
comps, and zip, and reduce) it does have.

Personally, I'd like to learn more about about fold-right and
K-combinator, rather than dump reduce and map.

Frankly, I find this entire discussion very surreal. Reduce etc *work*,
right now. They have worked for years. If people don't like them, nobody
is forcing them to use them. Python is being pushed into directions which
are *far* harder to understand than map and reduce (currying, decorators,
etc) and people don't complain about those. And yet something as simple
and basic as map is supposed to give them trouble? These are the same
people who clamoured for zip, which is just a special case of map?



Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Christopher Subich
Carl Banks wrote:

 Listcomps et al. cannot do everything map, lambda, filter, and reduce
 did.  Listcomps are inferior for functional programming.  But, you see,
 functional is not the point.  Streamlining procedural programs is the
 point, and I'd say listcomps do that far better, and without all the
 baroque syntax (from the procedural point of view).

I've heard this said a couple times now -- how can listcomps not 
completely replace map and filter?

I'd think that:
mapped = [f(i) for i in seq]
filtered = [i for i in seq if f(i)]

The only map case that doesn't cleanly reduce is for multiple sequences 
of different length -- map will extend to the longest one (padding the 
others with None), while zip (izip) truncates sequences at the shortest. 
  This suggests an extension to (i)zip, possibly (i)lzip ['longest zip'] 
that does None padding in the same way that map does.

Reduce can be rewritten easily (if an initial value is supplied) as a 
for loop:
_accum = initial
for j in seq: _accum=f(_accum,j)
result = _accum

(two lines if the result variable can also be used as the accumulator -- 
this would be undesirable of assigning to that can trigger, say, a 
property function call)

Lambdas, I agree, can't be replaced easily, and they're the feature I'd 
probably be least happy to see go, even though I haven't used them very 

Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Christopher Subich
Scott David Daniels wrote:
 egbert wrote:
 How do you replace
 map(f1,sequence1, sequence2)
 especially if the sequences are of unequal length ?

 I didn't see it mentioned yet as a candidate for limbo,
 but the same question goes for:
 OK, you guys are picking on what reduce cannot do.
 The first is [f1(*args) for args in itertools.izip(iter1, iter2)]
 How to _you_ use map to avoid making all the intermediate structures?

Not quite -- zip an izip terminate at the shortest sequence, map extends 
the shortest with Nones.  This is resolvable by addition of an lzip (and 
ilzip) function in Python 2.5 or something.

And egbert's Chicken Littling with the suggestion that 'zip' will be 

Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Peter Hansen
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Frankly, I find this entire discussion very surreal. Reduce etc *work*,
 right now. They have worked for years. If people don't like them, nobody
 is forcing them to use them. Python is being pushed into directions which
 are *far* harder to understand than map and reduce (currying, decorators,
 etc) and people don't complain about those. 

I find it surreal too, for a different reason.

Python *works*, right now.  It has worked for years.  If people don't 
like the direction it's going, nobody is forcing them to upgrade to the 
new version (which is not imminent anyway).

In the unlikely event that the latest and greatest Python in, what, five 
years or more?, is so alien that one can't handle it, one has the right 
to fork Python and maintain a tried-and-true-and-still-including-reduce- 
-filter-and-map version of it, or even just to stick with the most 
recent version which still has those features.  And that's assuming it's 
not acceptable (for whatever bizarre reason I can't imagine) to use the 
inevitable third-party extension that will provide them anyway.

I wonder if some of those who seem most concerned are actually more 
worried about losing the free support of a team of expert developers as 
those developers evolve their vision of the language, than about losing 
access to something as minor as reduce().


Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Jp Calderone
On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 14:43:14 -0400, Peter Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Frankly, I find this entire discussion very surreal. Reduce etc *work*,
 right now. They have worked for years. If people don't like them, nobody
 is forcing them to use them. Python is being pushed into directions which
 are *far* harder to understand than map and reduce (currying, decorators,
 etc) and people don't complain about those.

I find it surreal too, for a different reason.

Python *works*, right now.  It has worked for years.  If people don't
like the direction it's going, nobody is forcing them to upgrade to the
new version (which is not imminent anyway).

In the unlikely event that the latest and greatest Python in, what, five
years or more?, is so alien that one can't handle it, one has the right
to fork Python and maintain a tried-and-true-and-still-including-reduce-
-filter-and-map version of it, or even just to stick with the most
recent version which still has those features.  And that's assuming it's
not acceptable (for whatever bizarre reason I can't imagine) to use the
inevitable third-party extension that will provide them anyway.

I wonder if some of those who seem most concerned are actually more
worried about losing the free support of a team of expert developers as
those developers evolve their vision of the language, than about losing
access to something as minor as reduce().

This is a specious line of reasoning.  Here's why:

Lots of people use Python, like Python, want to keep using Python.  Moreover, 
they want Python to improve, rather than the reverse.  Different people have 
different ideas about what improve means.  Guido has his ideas, and since 
he's the BDFL, those are the ideas most likely to influence the direction of 
Python's development.

However, Guido isn't the only person with ideas, nor are his ideas the only 
ones that should be allowed to influence the direction of Python's development. 
 Guido himself wouldn't even be silly enough to take this position.  He knows 
he is not the ultimate source of wisdom in the world on all matters programming 

So when people disagree with him, suggesting that they should leave the Python 
community is ridiculous.  Just like Guido (and the overwhelming majority of the 
Python community - heck, maybe even all of it), these people are trying to 
improve the language.

Leaving the community isn't going to improve the language.  Continuing to 
operate actively within it just might.

For my part, I lack the time and energy to participate in many of these 
discussions, but anyone who knows me knows I'm not silent because I see eye to 
eye with Guido on every issue :)  I'm extremely greatful to the people who do 
give so much of their own time to try to further the Python language.

Suggesting people can like it or lump it is a disservice to everyone.

(Sorry to single you out Peter, I know you frequently contribute great content 
to these discussions too, and that there are plenty of other people who respond 
in the way you have in this message, but I had to pick /some/ post to reply to)


Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Carl Banks

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 08:14:28 -0700, Scott David Daniels wrote:

  egbert wrote:
  On Sat, Jul 02, 2005 at 08:26:31PM -0700, Devan L wrote:
 Also, map is easily replaced.
 map(f1, sequence) == [f1(element) for element in sequence]
  How do you replace
  map(f1,sequence1, sequence2)
  especially if the sequences are of unequal length ?
  I didn't see it mentioned yet as a candidate for limbo,
  but the same question goes for:
  OK, you guys are picking on what reduce cannot do.
  The first is [f1(*args) for args in itertools.izip(iter1, iter2)]

 And now we get messier and messier... Compare these two idioms:

 Map function f1 to each pair of items from seq1 and seq2.

 Build a list comprehension by calling function f1 with the unpacked list
 that you get from a list built by zipping seq1 and seq2 together in pairs.

The shamelessness with which you inflated the verbosity of the latter
is hilarious.

 Good thing that removing reduce is supposed to make code easier to
 understand, right?

It was a bad example.  I would say most people don't usually just call
a function in the list comp, because, frankly, they don't have to.  A
realistic list comp would look something like this in a real program:

[ x**2 + y**2 for (x,y) in izip(xlist,ylist) ]

Now there's no longer much advantage in conciseness for the map version
(seeing that you'd have to define a function to pass to map), and this
is more readable.



Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Carl Banks

Christopher Subich wrote:
 Carl Banks wrote:

  Listcomps et al. cannot do everything map, lambda, filter, and reduce
  did.  Listcomps are inferior for functional programming.  But, you see,
  functional is not the point.  Streamlining procedural programs is the
  point, and I'd say listcomps do that far better, and without all the
  baroque syntax (from the procedural point of view).

 I've heard this said a couple times now -- how can listcomps not
 completely replace map and filter?

If you're doing heavy functional programming, listcomps are
tremendously unwieldy compared to map et al.



Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Erik Max Francis
Christopher Subich wrote:

 Interesting; could you post an example of this?  Whenever I try to think 
 of that, I come up with unwieldly syntax for the functional case.  In 
 purely functional code the results of map/filter/etc would probably be 
 directly used as arguments to other functions, which might make the 
 calls longer than I'd consider pretty.  This is especially true with 
 lots of lambda-ing to declare temporary expressions.

I personally think that map looks clearer than a list comprehension for 
a simple function call, e.g.

map(str, sequence)


[str(x) for x in sequence]

Erik Max Francis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Jose, CA, USA  37 20 N 121 53 W  AIM erikmaxfrancis
   In Heaven all the interesting people are missing.
   -- Friedrich Nietzsche

Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Carl Banks wrote:

 The shamelessness with which you inflated the verbosity of the latter
 is hilarious.


 [ x**2 + y**2 for (x,y) in izip(xlist,ylist) ]
 Now there's no longer much advantage in conciseness for the map version
 (seeing that you'd have to define a function to pass to map), and this
 is more readable.

and then, five minutes later in another post, wrote:

  If you're doing heavy functional programming,
  listcomps are tremendously unwieldy compared to
  map et al.

Having a dollar each way I see :-)



Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-02 Thread John Roth
Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 map and filter are being removed *because of* list comprehensions. Did you 
 even read Guido's articles about this issue? Your understanding of why 
 these changes are planned is incorrect; consequently your projection based 
 on that understanding is not on firm footing.

May I most respectfully point out that you've got it backwards.
Part of the justification for list comprehensions was that they could
be used to replace map and filter.

The jihad against the functional constructs has been going on for a
long time, and list comprehensions are only one piece of it.

John Roth

 Robert Kern

 In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
   -- Richard Harter


Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-02 Thread Tom Anderson
On Fri, 1 Jul 2005, Ivan Van Laningham wrote:

 Personally, I find that Lisp  its derivatives put your head in a very 
 weird place.  Even weirder than PostScript/Forth/RPN, when you come 
 right down to it.

+1 QOTW!



Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-02 Thread Robert Kern
John Roth wrote:
 Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
map and filter are being removed *because of* list comprehensions. Did you 
even read Guido's articles about this issue? Your understanding of why 
these changes are planned is incorrect; consequently your projection based 
on that understanding is not on firm footing.
 May I most respectfully point out that you've got it backwards.
 Part of the justification for list comprehensions was that they could
 be used to replace map and filter.

That is essentially what I said. List comprehensions were made to 
replace map and filter. Now that they are here, Guido wants to remove 
map and filter to keep OOWTDI.

My response was incomplete, not incorrect.

Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
   -- Richard Harter


Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-01 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

Tom Anderson wrote:
 I expect tons of disagreement in the feedback, all from ex-Lisp-or-Scheme
 folks. :-)
 I disagree strongly with Guido's proposals, and i am not an ex-Lisp,
 -Scheme or -any-other-functional-language programmer; my only other real
 language is Java. I wonder if i'm an outlier.
 So, if you're a pythonista who loves map and lambda, and disagrees with
 Guido, what's your background? Functional or not?

I'm a pythonista who doesn't love them.  In fact, even though I've done
more than my fair share of lambda Tkinter programming using lambdas,
I've never been happy with lambda.  And I've spent months inside of
Lisp/Emacs Lisp/Scheme, too (I have the world's second largest .emacs
file [my friend Andy Glew has the largest], even though I can't use it
on Windows;-).  I find list comprehensions easier to understand than
map, and small named functions or, better yet, class methods, *tons*
easier to read/understand than lambda--there are too many restrictions
you have to remember.

Personally, I find that Lisp  its derivatives put your head in a very
weird place.  Even weirder than PostScript/Forth/RPN, when you come
right down to it.

I won't miss them, but since I don't use them now, that doesn't mean a
whole lot.

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours