Python version and Apache mod_python mismatching version

2020-04-03 Thread frank . scarpa

I have a Centos7 web server with python 2.7 installed and I want Apache to 
serve python scripts so I figure I have to install mod_python: i know that this 
module is deprecated, but I need it only for internal pourposes.
Is the mod_python version (which is 3.5 with Python 3 support) somehow related 
to  the python interpreter the web server?
Is there any problem if the mod_python version and python version didn't match?

Re: mod_python compilation error in VS 2008 for py2.7.1

2016-06-16 Thread asimkostas
Τη Τρίτη, 14 Ιουνίου 2016 - 3:36:23 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Pavel S έγραψε:
> Have you considered to use rather WSGI-based solution? (for Apache Httpd is 
> mod_wsgi). Mod_python is totally obsolete.

Regarding my blog post, i would like to inform you that someone helped me to 
overcome this error but i got another one that i do not know it's meaning:

deleted #define ssize_t

error: [Errno 22] invalid mode ('wb') or filename: "dist\\mod_python-'{' \x9b\x9
c\xa4 \x98\xa4\x98\x9a\xa4\xe0\xa8\xe5\x9d\x9c\xab\x98\xa0 \xe0\xaa \x9c\xa9\xe0
\xab\x9c\xa8\xa0\xa1\xe3 \xe3 \x9c\xa5\xe0\xab\x9c\xa8\xa0\xa1\xe3 \x9c\xa4\xab\
xa6\xa2\xe3,\n\x9c\xa1\xab\x9c\xa2\xe2\xa9\xa0\xa3\xa6 \xa7\xa8\xe6\x9a\xa8\x98\
xa3\xa3\x98 \xe3 \x98\xa8\xae\x9c\xe5\xa6 \x9b\xe2\xa9\xa3\x9e\xaa \x9c\xa4\x9c\

Any idea would help me a lot?  Attached file for more information!

Kostas Asimakopoulos

mod_python compilation error

2016-06-16 Thread asimkon
Regarding my blog post
<>, i would like to
inform you that someone helped me to overcome this error but i got another
one that i do not know it's meaning:

error: [Errno 22] invalid mode ('wb') or filename: "dist\\mod_python-'{'
c\xa4 \x98\xa4\x98\x9a\xa4\xe0\xa8\xe5\x9d\x9c\xab\x98\xa0 \xe0\xaa
\xab\x9c\xa8\xa0\xa1\xe3 \xe3 \x9c\xa5\xe0\xab\x9c\xa8\xa0\xa1\xe3
xa3\xa3\x98 \xe3 \x98\xa8\xae\x9c\xe5\xa6 \x9b\xe2\xa9\xa3\x9e\xaa

Any idea would help me a lot?

Kostas Asimakopoulos

Re: mod_python compilation error in VS 2008 for py2.7.1

2016-06-14 Thread Pavel S
Have you considered to use rather WSGI-based solution? (for Apache Httpd is 
mod_wsgi). Mod_python is totally obsolete.

mod_python compilation error in VS 2008 for py2.7.1

2016-06-14 Thread asimkon
I would like to ask you a technical question regarding python module
compilation for python 2.7.1.

I want to compile mod_python
for Apache 2.2 and py2.7 <> on Win32 in
order to use it for  psp - py scripts that i have written. I tried to
compile it using VS 2008 (VC++) and unfortunately i get an error on
pyconfig.h (Py2.7/include) error C2632: int followed by int  is illegal.

This problem occurs when i try to run the bat file that exists on
mod_python/dist folder. Any idea or suggestion what should i do in order to
run it on Win 7 Pro (win 32) environment and produce the final apache
executable module (.so).

 I have posted the same question here
but unfortunately i had had no luck!

Additionally i give you the compilation instructions that i follow (used
also MinGW-w64 and get the same error) in order to produce the final output!


Open a command prompt with VS2008 support. The easiest way to do this is to
use "Start | All Programs | Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 | Visual Studio
Tools | Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt". (This puts the VS2008 binaries
in the path and sets up the lib/include environmental variables for the
Platform SDK.) to the mod_python\dist folder.

2.Tell mod_python where Apache is: set APACHESRC=C:\Apache

3. Run build_installer.bat.

If it succeeds, an installer.exe will be created in a subfolder. Run that
install the module.

Kind  Regards

Kostas Asimakopoulos

[issue19797] Solaris 10. mod_python build failed.

2013-11-26 Thread lambrecht

New submission from lambrecht:

Bonjour. Any idea ? 

mod_python 3.3.1 apache 2.2.6

/METHPR/tmp/apache/build/libtool --silent --mode=link gcc -o  
-rpath /METHPR/tmp/apache/modules -module -avoid-versionfinfoob
ject.lo hlistobject.lo hlist.lo filterobject.lo connobject.lo serverobject.lo 
util.lo tableobject.lo requestobject.lo _apachemodule.lo mod_pyth
on.lo -L/METHPR/data/python/lib/python2.6/config -lm -lintl -lpython2.6 
-lsocket -lnsl -lrt -ldl -lm _eprintf.o _floatdidf.o _muldi3.o

*** Warning: Linking the shared library against the non-libtool
*** objects  _eprintf.o _floatdidf.o _muldi3.o is not portable!
Text relocation remains referenced
against symbol  offset  in file
.text (section) 0x1510  
.text (section) 0x1514  
.text (section) 0x1518  
.text (section) 0x151c  
.text (section) 0x1520  
.text (section) 0x1524  

ld: fatal: relocations remain against allocatable but non-writable sections
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
apxs:Error: Command failed with rc=65536
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `'
Current working directory /METHPR/data/mod_python-3.3.1/src
*** Error code 1
The following command caused the error:
cd src  make
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `do_dso'

messages: 204468
nosy: lambrechtphilippe
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Solaris 10. mod_python build failed.

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue19797] Solaris 10. mod_python build failed.

2013-11-26 Thread lambrecht

Changes by lambrecht

components: +Build
versions: +3rd party

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue19797] Solaris 10. mod_python build failed.

2013-11-26 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

Please contact the developers of mod_python. The Python bug tracker is not the 
right place to get support for 3rd party software. The 3rd party version is 
only for 3rd party code that is part of the main Python distribution (e.g. 
sqlite or zlib).

nosy: +christian.heimes
resolution:  - invalid
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

ANN: mod_python 3.4.1

2013-10-23 Thread Grisha Trubetskoy
After a six year pause in development, I am pleased to announce the
3.4.1 release of mod_python.

Mod_python is an Apache HTTP Server module that embeds the Python
language interpreter within the server. With mod_python you can write
web-based applications in Python that are fast, scalable have access
to advanced features such as ability to maintain objects between
requests, access to httpd internals, content filters, connection
handlers and more.

The 3.4.1 release mainly addresses compatibility with Python version
up to 2.7.5 and Apache HTTP Server 2.4.4, addition of a WSGI handler
as well as many bug fixes.

Mod_python 3.4.1 is released under the Apache License version 2.0.

Information about this release, download link, documentation and more
is available at:

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to and helped test
this release, without your help it would not be possible!


Gregory Trubetskoy

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[issue18542] httpd memory consuption increasing continously due to mod_python

2013-07-25 Thread Ronald Oussoren

Changes by Ronald Oussoren

stage:  - committed/rejected
status: pending - closed

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18542] httpd memory consuption increasing continously due to mod_python

2013-07-24 Thread Sumitinder

New submission from Sumitinder:

Mod_python is used in our application and continous load of mod_python result 
in increase in httpd memory usage i.e upto 1.6 Gb.

Packets used:
Centos 5.5 OS

Is there any memory leak in mod_python which is resulting in increase in memory 

messages: 193634
nosy: sumitinder
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: httpd memory consuption increasing continously due to mod_python
type: performance
versions: Python 3.2

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18542] httpd memory consuption increasing continously due to mod_python

2013-07-24 Thread Ronald Oussoren

Ronald Oussoren added the comment:

mod_python isn't part of the cpython std lib. As such, this isn't the right 
tracker to report problems with mod_python.

You may have more success by asking the project itself 

nosy: +ronaldoussoren
resolution:  - invalid
status: open - pending

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

RE: Question regarding mod_python and a script for web.

2012-12-21 Thread John Pennington

Hi Ion thanks a bunch, for responding. The problem we seem to be running into 
is that  When we change the
forms to a post instead of a get I cannot pick up the post values using cgi:


page_info = cgi.FieldStorage()
is this a limitation of mod_python?
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2012 17:59:42 -0800
Subject: Re: Question regarding mod_python and a script for web.

Short answer: Use the POST method on the form instead of GET. Depending how you 
process the form you might need to make a few changes to the script that 
answers the request. --

Question regarding mod_python and a script for web.

2012-12-20 Thread John Pennington

Hi Everyone,
I'm a linux admin that was tasked by his python programming boss to solve a 
problem my boss is having with a web form he wrote on our site. Unfortunately 
for me, I lack any experience whatsoever with python and very little with 
programming on the web, so my hope is someone can point me in the right 
direction for solving this.
Basically, the problem is this. we have a webform that collects data  such as, 
NAME, SSN, EMAIL Address etc.. when the user hits submit, 
the  uri posts to the query string like the folllowing:
Which is bad as we are are going to be collecting data like Social Security 
We are using mod_python 
WSGIScriptAlias /myapp /var/www/html/admit/index.pyRewriteEngine OnRewriteRule 
^/admit /var/www/html/admitOrder 
deny,allowAllow from allSSLRequireSSLDirectoryIndex
AddHandler mod_python .pyPythonHandler mod_python.cgihandler
###PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
PythonDebug On/Directory
Does anyone have an idea how to make sure a python script doesn't put the data 
in the query string? Am I even making sense? Any all help would be greatly 
appreciated because as I mentioned I'm as new as it gets.
John  --

Re: Question regarding mod_python and a script for web.

2012-12-20 Thread ian douglas
Short answer: Use the POST method on the form instead of GET. Depending how
you process the form you might need to make a few changes to the script
that answers the request.

Errors installing mod_python with apache

2011-12-27 Thread Mark Seger
I've tried this on both RHEL5.5 and RHEL 6.0, using the default apache that
comes with the environment and itself isn't configured with mod_python.

The first thing I noticed when mod_python wouldn't install was that apsx
wasn't installed either.  After a lot of pain, I discovered httpd-devel
provided apsx and so installed that.

Back to mod_python.  After running ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs,
according to the README I need to run make dso, but that promptly blows
up because it's looking for header files in /usr/include/httpd and itlooks
like the apxs files are in /usr/include/apr1, so I copied all its contents
to /usr/include/httpd.

Now when I try to make dso, it successfully gets past finding its header
files but now fails with:

[root@rhel6 mod_python-2.7.10]#  make dso
make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src'
gcc  -I/tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include -I/usr/include/httpd
-I/usr/include/python2.6-c -o mod_python.o mod_python.c
In file included from /usr/include/python2.6/pyconfig.h:6,
 from /usr/include/python2.6/Python.h:8,
 from /tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include/mod_python.h:77,
 from mod_python.c:54:
/usr/include/python2.6/pyconfig-64.h:1031:1: warning: _POSIX_C_SOURCE
In file included from /usr/include/sys/types.h:26,
 from /usr/include/httpd/apr-x86_64.h:127,
 from /usr/include/httpd/apr.h:19,
 from /usr/include/httpd/ap_config.h:25,
 from /usr/include/httpd/httpd.h:43,
 from /tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include/mod_python.h:63,
 from mod_python.c:54:
/usr/include/features.h:213:1: warning: this is the location of the
previous definition
In file included from mod_python.c:54:
/tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include/mod_python.h:93: error: expected â=â,
â,â, â;â, âasmâ or â__attribute__â before â*â token
/tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include/mod_python.h:96: error: expected â=â,
â,â, â;â, âasmâ or â__attribute__â before âpython_moduleâ
In file included from /tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include/mod_python.h:99,
 from mod_python.c:54:
/tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include/util.h:57: error: expected â;â, â,â or
â)â before â*â token
In file included from /tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include/mod_python.h:100,
 from mod_python.c:54:

and a lot more.  Can anyone help?


Re: Errors installing mod_python with apache

2011-12-27 Thread Rami Chowdhury
On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 13:32, Mark Seger wrote:
 I've tried this on both RHEL5.5 and RHEL 6.0, using the default apache that
 comes with the environment and itself isn't configured with mod_python.

 The first thing I noticed when mod_python wouldn't install was that apsx
 wasn't installed either.  After a lot of pain, I discovered httpd-devel
 provided apsx and so installed that.

 Back to mod_python.  After running ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs,
 according to the README I need to run make dso, but that promptly blows up
 because it's looking for header files in /usr/include/httpd and itlooks like
 the apxs files are in /usr/include/apr1, so I copied all its contents to

 Now when I try to make dso, it successfully gets past finding its header
 files but now fails with:

 [root@rhel6 mod_python-2.7.10]#  make dso
 make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src'
 gcc  -I/tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include -I/usr/include/httpd
 -I/usr/include/python2.6    -c -o mod_python.o mod_python.c
 In file included from /usr/include/python2.6/pyconfig.h:6,
                  from /usr/include/python2.6/Python.h:8,
                  from /tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include/mod_python.h:77,
                  from mod_python.c:54:
 /usr/include/python2.6/pyconfig-64.h:1031:1: warning: _POSIX_C_SOURCE
 In file included from /usr/include/sys/types.h:26,
                  from /usr/include/httpd/apr-x86_64.h:127,
                  from /usr/include/httpd/apr.h:19,
                  from /usr/include/httpd/ap_config.h:25,
                  from /usr/include/httpd/httpd.h:43,
                  from /tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include/mod_python.h:63,
                  from mod_python.c:54:
 /usr/include/features.h:213:1: warning: this is the location of the previous
 In file included from mod_python.c:54:
 /tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include/mod_python.h:93: error: expected â=â,
 â,â, â;â, âasmâ or â__attribute__â before â*â token
 /tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include/mod_python.h:96: error: expected â=â,
 â,â, â;â, âasmâ or â__attribute__â before âpython_moduleâ
 In file included from /tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include/mod_python.h:99,
                  from mod_python.c:54:
 /tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include/util.h:57: error: expected â;â, â,â or
 â)â before â*â token
 In file included from /tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include/mod_python.h:100,
                  from mod_python.c:54:

 and a lot more.  Can anyone help?

Is there a reason you're not using the system package manager? Does
yum install mod_python not find anything? How about yum provides

Rami Chowdhury
A mind all logic is like a knife all blade - it makes the hand bleed
that uses it. -- Rabindranath Tagore
+44-7581-430-517 / +1-408-597-7068 / +88-0189-245544

Re: Errors installing mod_python with apache

2011-12-27 Thread Mark Seger
I did try yum and got this:

[root@rhel53 tmp]# yum install mod_python
Loaded plugins: rhnplugin, security
This system is not registered with RHN.
RHN support will be disabled.
Setting up Install Process
Parsing package install arguments
No package mod_python available.
Nothing to do

after further digging around I did find rh's mod_python rpm so I installed
than and now seem to be ok.  nevertheless it still bothers me the
'standard' tarball install didn't work.  but I guess I'll leave that to
others to worry about.


On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 12:02 PM, Rami Chowdhury

 On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 13:32, Mark Seger wrote:
  I've tried this on both RHEL5.5 and RHEL 6.0, using the default apache
  comes with the environment and itself isn't configured with mod_python.
  The first thing I noticed when mod_python wouldn't install was that apsx
  wasn't installed either.  After a lot of pain, I discovered httpd-devel
  provided apsx and so installed that.
  Back to mod_python.  After running
 ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs,
  according to the README I need to run make dso, but that promptly
 blows up
  because it's looking for header files in /usr/include/httpd and itlooks
  the apxs files are in /usr/include/apr1, so I copied all its contents to
  Now when I try to make dso, it successfully gets past finding its header
  files but now fails with:
  [root@rhel6 mod_python-2.7.10]#  make dso
  make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src'
  gcc  -I/tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include -I/usr/include/httpd
  -I/usr/include/python2.6-c -o mod_python.o mod_python.c
  In file included from /usr/include/python2.6/pyconfig.h:6,
   from /usr/include/python2.6/Python.h:8,
   from /tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include/mod_python.h:77,
   from mod_python.c:54:
  /usr/include/python2.6/pyconfig-64.h:1031:1: warning: _POSIX_C_SOURCE
  In file included from /usr/include/sys/types.h:26,
   from /usr/include/httpd/apr-x86_64.h:127,
   from /usr/include/httpd/apr.h:19,
   from /usr/include/httpd/ap_config.h:25,
   from /usr/include/httpd/httpd.h:43,
   from /tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include/mod_python.h:63,
   from mod_python.c:54:
  /usr/include/features.h:213:1: warning: this is the location of the
  In file included from mod_python.c:54:
  /tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include/mod_python.h:93: error: expected â=â,
  â,â, â;â, âasmâ or â__attribute__â before â*â token
  /tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include/mod_python.h:96: error: expected â=â,
  â,â, â;â, âasmâ or â__attribute__â before âpython_moduleâ
  In file included from /tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include/mod_python.h:99,
   from mod_python.c:54:
  /tmp/mod_python-2.7.10/src/include/util.h:57: error: expected â;â, â,â or
  â)â before â*â token
  In file included from
   from mod_python.c:54:
  and a lot more.  Can anyone help?

 Is there a reason you're not using the system package manager? Does
 yum install mod_python not find anything? How about yum provides

 Rami Chowdhury
 A mind all logic is like a knife all blade - it makes the hand bleed
 that uses it. -- Rabindranath Tagore
 +44-7581-430-517 / +1-408-597-7068 / +88-0189-245544


Wing in mod_python vs wsgi?

2011-02-08 Thread Tom Stambaugh
I'm still using mod_python to deploy my framework for production (CentOS 
running Python 2.5.5, Apache 2.2.3, mod_python 3.3.1). I'm acutely aware 
of how elderly mod_python is, and I've had some frustrations using Wing 
to debug inside it -- at least its possible, which is not true for any 
other Python IDE I've tried.

Does Wing do better in mod_wsgi? Is it time for me to migrate from 
mod_python to mod_wsgi?

Has anybody tried to do this (mod_wsgi and apache) in a Windoze environment?

Tom S.
Tom Stambaugh
63 Boston Ave
Somerville, MA 02144
617-776-8934 (land)
617-721-0446 (cell)

Re: Wing in mod_python vs wsgi?

2011-02-08 Thread Doug Epling
I don't know about your IDE, I am using the default IDLE just because it 
is handy.  But I have made the switch from mod_python.  It was a good 
idea, but mod_wsgi is a better idea.  And as you know, mod_python is no 
longer supported.

I am running Apache with mod_wsgi in a windows 7 environment -- I am 
working on implementing Pylons.

Also, I have another Apache server with mod_wsgi serving a MoinMoin 
wiki.  This one is on a good os -- Fedora.

On 2/8/2011 6:57 PM, Tom Stambaugh wrote:

I'm still using mod_python to deploy my framework for production (CentOS
running Python 2.5.5, Apache 2.2.3, mod_python 3.3.1). I'm acutely aware
of how elderly mod_python is, and I've had some frustrations using Wing
to debug inside it -- at least its possible, which is not true for any
other Python IDE I've tried.

Does Wing do better in mod_wsgi? Is it time for me to migrate from
mod_python to mod_wsgi?

Has anybody tried to do this (mod_wsgi and apache) in a Windoze

Tom S.


mod_python load cx_Oracle error

2010-07-19 Thread li wang
It's quite weird when I import cx_Oracle in python interactive shell,
it works perfectly.
but when I import cx_Oracle in a *,py script, handled by
mod_python.publisher, it keep reportint :

ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No
such file or directory

Can I anyone have a clue what's the matter,
any help would be appreciated!

Re: mod_python load cx_Oracle error

2010-07-19 Thread Mladen Gogala
On Mon, 19 Jul 2010 09:12:20 -0700, li wang wrote:

 It's quite weird when I import cx_Oracle in python interactive shell, it
 works perfectly.
 but when I import cx_Oracle in a *,py script, handled by
 mod_python.publisher, it keep reportint :
 ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such
 file or directory
 Can I anyone have a clue what's the matter, any help would be

That's an Oracle error, it means that you didn't set and export 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH like this:


This is how it normally works:
mgog...@nycwxp2622:~$ python
Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Dec  7 2009, 18:45:15) 
[GCC 4.4.1] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import cx_Oracle

And this is what happens when I unset the shell variable:
mgog...@nycwxp2622:~$ unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH
mgog...@nycwxp2622:~$ python
Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Dec  7 2009, 18:45:15) 
[GCC 4.4.1] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import cx_Oracle
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such 
file or directory

My cx_Oracle is linked against Oracle instant client 11.2 on Ubuntu.


mod_python and css

2010-06-24 Thread Bradley Hintze
Hi all,

the mod_python mailing list is pretty dead so I thought I'd try asking
my question here.

I am using mod_python and am having trouble with my .py scripts that
output HTML. the HTML comes out alright but my style sheets are not
being rendered. I am sure that this has to do withe a mod handler

Here is what I have in httpd.conf:

Directory /Library/WebServer/Documents/css
AddHandler mod_python .css
PythonHandler handler::handler_css
PythonDebug On

Here is what looks like:

from mod_python import apache

def _dump(req, extension):
req.content_type = 'text/plain'
print  req, 'uri = %s' % req.uri
print  req, 'filename = %s' % req.filename
print  req, 'path_info = %s' % req.path_info
print  req, 'extension = %s' % extension
return apache.OK

def handler(req):
return _dump(req, '')

def handler_css(req):
return _dump(req, '.css')

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

Bradley J. Hintze
Graduate Student
Duke University
School of Medicine

Re: mod_python and css

2010-06-24 Thread Thomas Jollans
On 06/24/2010 09:10 PM, Bradley Hintze wrote:
 Hi all,

about your question, no idea.

 the mod_python mailing list is pretty dead so I thought I'd try asking
 my question here.

It comes as no surprise to me that the mod_python mailing list is dead:
nobody uses mod_python anymore. For all I know, it might be broken, and
the API was (IIRC) never particularly nice.

IMHO, you should use WSGI instead: it's an interface portable across web
server boundaries, and, with mod_wsgi, it's just as high-performance on
apache as was mod_python.

 I am using mod_python and am having trouble with my .py scripts that
 output HTML. the HTML comes out alright but my style sheets are not
 being rendered. I am sure that this has to do withe a mod handler

What does not being rendered mean? Do you have an exception traceback?
Can you maybe a full transcript of HTTP headers and output? (by
telnet'ing to the web server perhaps)

 Here is what I have in httpd.conf:
 Directory /Library/WebServer/Documents/css
 AddHandler mod_python .css
 PythonHandler handler::handler_css
 PythonDebug On
 Here is what looks like:
 from mod_python import apache
 def _dump(req, extension):
 req.content_type = 'text/plain'
 print  req, 'uri = %s' % req.uri
 print  req, 'filename = %s' % req.filename
 print  req, 'path_info = %s' % req.path_info
 print  req, 'extension = %s' % extension
 return apache.OK
 def handler(req):
 return _dump(req, '')
 def handler_css(req):
 return _dump(req, '.css')
 Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?


Re: mod_python and css

2010-06-24 Thread Bradley Hintze
I had some issues with WSGI install. It was duious at best as it
failed and seemed very unstable. Is this a trusted application?

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 3:19 PM, Thomas Jollans wrote:
 On 06/24/2010 09:10 PM, Bradley Hintze wrote:
 Hi all,

 about your question, no idea.

 the mod_python mailing list is pretty dead so I thought I'd try asking
 my question here.

 It comes as no surprise to me that the mod_python mailing list is dead:
 nobody uses mod_python anymore. For all I know, it might be broken, and
 the API was (IIRC) never particularly nice.

 IMHO, you should use WSGI instead: it's an interface portable across web
 server boundaries, and, with mod_wsgi, it's just as high-performance on
 apache as was mod_python.

 I am using mod_python and am having trouble with my .py scripts that
 output HTML. the HTML comes out alright but my style sheets are not
 being rendered. I am sure that this has to do withe a mod handler

 What does not being rendered mean? Do you have an exception traceback?
 Can you maybe a full transcript of HTTP headers and output? (by
 telnet'ing to the web server perhaps)

 Here is what I have in httpd.conf:

 Directory /Library/WebServer/Documents/css
     AddHandler mod_python .css
     PythonHandler handler::handler_css
     PythonDebug On

 Here is what looks like:

 from mod_python import apache

 def _dump(req, extension):
     req.content_type = 'text/plain'
     print  req, 'uri = %s' % req.uri
     print  req, 'filename = %s' % req.filename
     print  req, 'path_info = %s' % req.path_info
     print  req, 'extension = %s' % extension
     return apache.OK

 def handler(req):
     return _dump(req, '')

 def handler_css(req):
     return _dump(req, '.css')

 Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?


Bradley J. Hintze
Graduate Student
Duke University
School of Medicine

Re: mod_python and css

2010-06-24 Thread John Nagle

   If you send back a content type of text/plain, your output
will not be rendered as HTML by a browser; it will just be
displayed as plain text.

   Try text/html.

John Nagle

On 6/24/2010 12:19 PM, Thomas Jollans wrote:

On 06/24/2010 09:10 PM, Bradley Hintze wrote:

Hi all,

about your question, no idea.

the mod_python mailing list is pretty dead so I thought I'd try asking
my question here.

It comes as no surprise to me that the mod_python mailing list is dead:
nobody uses mod_python anymore. For all I know, it might be broken, and
the API was (IIRC) never particularly nice.

IMHO, you should use WSGI instead: it's an interface portable across web
server boundaries, and, with mod_wsgi, it's just as high-performance on
apache as was mod_python.

I am using mod_python and am having trouble with my .py scripts that
output HTML. the HTML comes out alright but my style sheets are not
being rendered. I am sure that this has to do withe a mod handler

What does not being rendered mean? Do you have an exception traceback?
Can you maybe a full transcript of HTTP headers and output? (by
telnet'ing to the web server perhaps)

Here is what I have in httpd.conf:

Directory /Library/WebServer/Documents/css
 AddHandler mod_python .css
 PythonHandler handler::handler_css
 PythonDebug On

Here is what looks like:

from mod_python import apache

def _dump(req, extension):
 req.content_type = 'text/plain'
 print  req, 'uri = %s' % req.uri
 print  req, 'filename = %s' % req.filename
 print  req, 'path_info = %s' % req.path_info
 print  req, 'extension = %s' % extension
 return apache.OK

def handler(req):
 return _dump(req, '')

def handler_css(req):
 return _dump(req, '.css')

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?


Configuring apache to execute python scripts using mod_python handler

2010-02-12 Thread Juan Carlos Rodriguez
I configured apache to execute python scripts using mod_python
handler. I followed below mentioned steps to configure apache.

1. In http.conf I added

  Directory D:/softwares/Apache2.2/htdocs
  AddHandler mod_python .py
  PythonHandler mptest
  PythonDebug On

2. Then I added the line LoadModule python_module modules/ to http.conf.

Then I tried execute the python script mentioned below from browser.

from mod_python import apache
def handler(req):
req.content_type = 'text/plain'
req.write(Hello World!)
return apache.OK

Then I am getting the following error

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File D:\softwares\Python25\Lib\site-packages\mod_python
\, line 1537, in HandlerDispatch
default=default_handler, arg=req, silent=hlist.silent)

  File D:\softwares\Python25\Lib\site-packages\mod_python
\, line 1202, in _process_target
module = import_module(module_name, path=path)

  File D:\softwares\Python25\Lib\site-packages\mod_python
\, line 304, in import_module
return __import__(module_name, {}, {}, ['*'])

ImportError: No module named mptest

I am using Apache 2.2.4, python 2.5 and mod_python-3.3.1.win32-py2.5-

I am able to execute python scripts by configuring apache to execute
the cgi scripts. But I want to execute it using mod_python as it is
faster compared to cgi mode. Someone please help me on this issue.

Re: Configuring apache to execute python scripts using mod_python handler

2010-02-12 Thread Kev Dwyer
On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 13:08:59 -0400, Juan Carlos Rodriguez wrote:

Hello Juan Carlos,

You're better off raising this on the mod_python list, however...

Python is looking for a module called mptest, and cannot find it.

Have you created the module? (It should contain the handler function 
in your item (2)).

Is it on the python path used by the webserver?  See for example the last post
which shows how you can set up the path.




Re: CGI vs mod_python

2009-11-12 Thread Victor Subervi
On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 3:32 PM, Dave Angel wrote:

 Victor Subervi wrote:


 The problem was not CGI. It turned out to be line-endings being mangled by
 Windoze and __invisible __ in my unix editor. Lovely.
 Thanks anyway,

 That's twice you've blamed Windows for the line-ending problem.  Windows
 didn't create those crlf endings, your text editor did.  If your editor
 can't control that, you could try a different one.  Komodo for example can
 do it either way, or it can preserve whatever is being used in the loaded
 file.  Similarly metapad, in spite of its huge simplicity, lets you decide,
 and can convert an existing file in either direction.

 And I'm a great believer in visible control characters.  I configure Komodo
 to show me spaces in the lines, so I can see whether it's a tab or a space.
  It can also be configured to show end-of-line characters, so I presume
 that'd work here.  See whether your Unix editor can show you this sort of

 Finally, many FTP programs can be told to automatically convert
 line-endings when transferring text files.  There's probably some risk that
 it'll mangle a non-text file, but it's worth considering.

Wonderful, wonderful. I'll take both of those pieces of advice. Thank you.

Re: CGI vs mod_python

2009-11-11 Thread Victor Subervi
On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 6:12 PM, John Nagle wrote: wrote:

 On Nov 9, 2009, at 10:18 AM, Victor Subervi wrote:

  Yes, obviously. But if CGI is enabled, it should work anyway, should it

 Depends on what CGI is enabled means.

 Usually, web servers are not set to just handle cgi scripts from anywhere,
 but only from specific file system locations.  Otherwise, an an anonymous
 upload could be executed as CGI and wreak havoc.

If it won't work as a CGI program, which is relatively straightforward,
 it probably won't work at all.

First, write some trivial CGI program in Python and make sure the
 environment works - Python loads, the Python program loads, and you
 can get a response back.

Bear in mind that most hosting services don't make much of an attempt
 to support Python. Expect important libraries to be missing or obsolete.

The problem was not CGI. It turned out to be line-endings being mangled by
Windoze and __invisible __ in my unix editor. Lovely.
Thanks anyway,

Re: CGI vs mod_python

2009-11-11 Thread Dave Angel

Victor Subervi wrote:

The problem was not CGI. It turned out to be line-endings being mangled by
Windoze and __invisible __ in my unix editor. Lovely.
Thanks anyway,

That's twice you've blamed Windows for the line-ending problem.  Windows 
didn't create those crlf endings, your text editor did.  If your editor 
can't control that, you could try a different one.  Komodo for example 
can do it either way, or it can preserve whatever is being used in the 
loaded file.  Similarly metapad, in spite of its huge simplicity, lets 
you decide, and can convert an existing file in either direction.

And I'm a great believer in visible control characters.  I configure 
Komodo to show me spaces in the lines, so I can see whether it's a tab 
or a space.  It can also be configured to show end-of-line characters, 
so I presume that'd work here.  See whether your Unix editor can show 
you this sort of thing.

Finally, many FTP programs can be told to automatically convert 
line-endings when transferring text files.  There's probably some risk 
that it'll mangle a non-text file, but it's worth considering.


Re: CGI vs mod_python

2009-11-10 Thread John Nagle wrote:

On Nov 9, 2009, at 10:18 AM, Victor Subervi wrote:

Yes, obviously. But if CGI is enabled, it should work anyway, should 
it not?

Depends on what CGI is enabled means.

Usually, web servers are not set to just handle cgi scripts from 
anywhere, but only from specific file system locations.  Otherwise, an 
an anonymous upload could be executed as CGI and wreak havoc.

If it won't work as a CGI program, which is relatively straightforward,
it probably won't work at all.

First, write some trivial CGI program in Python and make sure the
environment works - Python loads, the Python program loads, and you
can get a response back.

Bear in mind that most hosting services don't make much of an attempt
to support Python. Expect important libraries to be missing or obsolete.

John Nagle

CGI vs mod_python

2009-11-09 Thread Victor Subervi
I've  been told by a server farm that they're having trouble getting my
scripts to work because they're written with cgi calls as opposed to
mod_python. Is there a basis for their complaint? These pages serve fine on
another server.

Re: CGI vs mod_python

2009-11-09 Thread

On Nov 9, 2009, at 9:32 AM, Victor Subervi wrote:

I've  been told by a server farm that they're having trouble getting  
my scripts to work because they're written with cgi calls as opposed  
to mod_python. Is there a basis for their complaint? These pages  
serve fine on another server.

Does the server they're working fine on use CGI?  Yes, they're  



Re: CGI vs mod_python

2009-11-09 Thread Victor Subervi
Yes, obviously. But if CGI is enabled, it should work anyway, should it not?

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 9:46 AM, sstein...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Nov 9, 2009, at 9:32 AM, Victor Subervi wrote:

 I've  been told by a server farm that they're having trouble getting my
 scripts to work because they're written with cgi calls as opposed to
 mod_python. Is there a basis for their complaint? These pages serve fine on
 another server.

 Does the server they're working fine on use CGI?  Yes, they're different.



Re: CGI vs mod_python

2009-11-09 Thread

On Nov 9, 2009, at 10:18 AM, Victor Subervi wrote:

Yes, obviously. But if CGI is enabled, it should work anyway, should  
it not?

Depends on what CGI is enabled means.

Usually, web servers are not set to just handle cgi scripts from  
anywhere, but only from specific file system locations.  Otherwise, an  
an anonymous upload could be executed as CGI and wreak havoc.

And it should work anyway, should it not is already answered by  
they're having trouble getting my scripts to work.



Re: CGI vs mod_python

2009-11-09 Thread Victor Subervi
Uuuuh. Thanks!

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 10:45 AM, sstein...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Nov 9, 2009, at 10:41 AM, Victor Subervi wrote:

 On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 10:29 AM, 

 On Nov 9, 2009, at 10:18 AM, Victor Subervi wrote:

  Yes, obviously. But if CGI is enabled, it should work anyway, should it

 Depends on what CGI is enabled means.

 Usually, web servers are not set to just handle cgi scripts from anywhere,
 but only from specific file system locations.  Otherwise, an an anonymous
 upload could be executed as CGI and wreak havoc.

 Of course, yes.

 And it should work anyway, should it not is already answered by they're
 having trouble getting my scripts to work.

 They're having _all_sorts_of_trouble_ getting my scripts to work, not just
 this issue. These scripts worked fine on another server. I don't understand
 what the problems are, and I'm trying to parameterize.


 Do you have access to and have you given them the old httpd.conf?

 That could certainly give them some clues about what's different.

 Also, there is (on apache 2.x+ anyway) a whole directory tree full of
 included files that get sucked in as the configuration is getting built so
 that whole tree would give them everything they would need (if they know how
 to work from it which they should if they're running a server farm).



Re: mod_python: Permission denied

2009-08-30 Thread David
Thanks Graham. Let me contact Admin.

mod_python: Permission denied

2009-08-25 Thread David

I googled online however I did not find a clue my question. So I post
it here.

I created a mod_python CGI to upload a file and saves it in folder /
var/www/keyword-query/files/.  My code runs in root.

 fileitem = req.form['file']

   # Test if the file was uploaded
   if fileitem.filename:

  # strip leading path from file name to avoid directory traversal
  fname = os.path.basename(fileitem.filename)
  # build absolute path to files directory
  dir_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(req.filename), 'files')
  f = open(os.path.join(dir_path, fname), 'wb', 1)

  # Read the file in chunks
  for chunk in fbuffer(fileitem.file):
  message = 'The file %s was uploaded successfully' % fname

I got:

 File /var/www/keyword-query/, line 30, in upload
f = open(os.path.join(dir_path, fname), 'wb', 1)

IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/www/keyword-query/files/

Defrosting.rtf is a file on the desktop of my Windows XP computer.

Anybody knows what the problem is?

Thanks for your replies.


Re: mod_python: Permission denied

2009-08-25 Thread Graham Dumpleton
On Aug 26, 8:43 am, David wrote:

 I googled online however I did not find a clue my question. So I post
 it here.

 I created a mod_python CGI to upload a file and saves it in folder /
 var/www/keyword-query/files/.  My code runs in root.

      fileitem = req.form['file']

    # Test if the file was uploaded
    if fileitem.filename:

       # strip leading path from file name to avoid directory traversal
       fname = os.path.basename(fileitem.filename)
       # build absolute path to files directory
       dir_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(req.filename), 'files')
       f = open(os.path.join(dir_path, fname), 'wb', 1)

       # Read the file in chunks
       for chunk in fbuffer(fileitem.file):
       message = 'The file %s was uploaded successfully' % fname

 I got:

  File /var/www/keyword-query/, line 30, in upload
     f = open(os.path.join(dir_path, fname), 'wb', 1)

 IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/www/keyword-query/files/

 Defrosting.rtf is a file on the desktop of my Windows XP computer.

 Anybody knows what the problem is?

 Thanks for your replies.

Apache service likely running as a special user which doesn't have
write permission to your directory.


Re: mod_python: Permission denied

2009-08-25 Thread David
A little more info: Defrosting.rtf is a file that I wanted to
upload. This file was supposed to upload to folder '/var/www/keyword-

My code runs in root.

Re: mod_python: Permission denied

2009-08-25 Thread David
disclaimer: i did not write this code. i copied it and inserted into
my cgi code. it is from

Re: mod_python: Permission denied

2009-08-25 Thread David
On Aug 25, 4:00 pm, David wrote:
 Thanks Graham. Let me contact Admin.

Hi Graham: you are right. it's fixed now. Thanks again.

Re: mod_python and xml.dom.minidom

2009-05-15 Thread dpapathanasiou

 Were you getting this issue with xml.dom showing on first request all
 the time, or only occasionally occurring? If the latter, were you
 running things in a multithreaded configuration and was the server
 being loaded with lots of concurrent requests?

It was the former.

 For your particular Python installation, does the '_xmlplus' module
 exist? Ie., can you import it as '_xmlplus' or 'xml.doc._xmlplus'?

No, it appears I don't have _xmlplus; neither 'import _xmlplus' nor
'import xml.doc._xmlplus' works.

My python installation is the default which came with debian 5.0
(i.e., I didn't build it from source with unorthodox configuration
options, or use apt).

As a final note, I wound up switching to cElementTree for parsing the
xml (not only for performance but also because the code is much more
concise), and I found that I don't need a full package path with that

I.e, the import statement is:

from cElementTree import ElementTree, Element, SubElement, iterparse,
tostring, fromstring

and within each function I can simply refer to Element, SubElement,
etc. w/o the full path prefix.

Re: mod_python and xml.dom.minidom

2009-05-13 Thread Graham Dumpleton
On May 12, 1:59 am, dpapathanasiou
 For the record, and in case anyone else runs into this particular
 problem, here's how resolved it.

 My original was written this way:

 from xml.dom import minidom

 def parse_item_attribute (item, attribute_name):
     item_doc = minidom.parseString(item)

 That version worked under the python interpreter, but failed under
 both mod_python andmod_wsgiapache modules with an error (Parent
 module 'xml.dom' not loaded).

 I found that changing the import statement and the minidom reference
 within the function resolved the problem.

 I.e., after rewriting this way, it works under both
 apache modules as well as in the python interpreter:

 import xml.dom.minidom

 def parse_item_attribute (item, attribute_name):
     item_doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(item)

FWIW, have just seen someone else raising an issue where something
caused problems unless a full package path was used. In that case it
was the 'email' package.

The common thing between these two packages is that they do funny
stuff with sys.modules as part of import.

For 'email' package it is implementing some sort of lazy loader and
aliasing thing to support old names. For 'xml.dom' it seems to replace
the current module with a C extension variant on the fly if the C
extension exists.

Were you getting this issue with xml.dom showing on first request all
the time, or only occasionally occurring? If the latter, were you
running things in a multithreaded configuration and was the server
being loaded with lots of concurrent requests?

For your particular Python installation, does the '_xmlplus' module
exist? Ie., can you import it as '_xmlplus' or 'xml.doc._xmlplus'?


Re: mod_python and xml.dom.minidom

2009-05-11 Thread dpapathanasiou

 His problem is therefore likely to be something completely different.

You are correct.

As per the earlier advice, I switched from mod_python to mod_wsgi but
I still see the same error:

[Mon May 11 10:30:21 2009] [notice] Apache/2.2.11 (Unix) mod_wsgi/2.4
Python/2.5.2 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Mon May 11 10:30:26 2009] [error] Traceback (most recent call last):
[Mon May 11 10:30:26 2009] [error]   File ../db/, line
38, in lambda
[Mon May 11 10:30:26 2009] [error] db_object.associate(sdb_object,
(lambda primary_key, primary_data:xml_utils.parse_item_attribute
(primary_data, attribute)))
[Mon May 11 10:30:26 2009] [error]   File ../common/,
line 80, in parse_item_attribute
[Mon May 11 10:30:26 2009] [error] item_doc = minidom.parseString
[Mon May 11 10:30:26 2009] [error]   File /usr/lib/python2.5/xml/dom/, line 1924, in parseString
[Mon May 11 10:30:26 2009] [error] from xml.dom import
[Mon May 11 10:30:26 2009] [error] SystemError: Parent module
'xml.dom' not loaded
[Mon May 11 10:30:26 2009] [error] Traceback (most recent call last):
[Mon May 11 10:30:26 2009] [error]   File ../db/, line
38, in lambda
[Mon May 11 10:30:26 2009] [error] db_object.associate(sdb_object,
(lambda primary_key, primary_data:xml_utils.parse_item_attribute
(primary_data, attribute)))
[Mon May 11 10:30:26 2009] [error]   File ../common/,
line 80, in parse_item_attribute
[Mon May 11 10:30:26 2009] [error] item_doc = minidom.parseString
[Mon May 11 10:30:26 2009] [error]   File /usr/lib/python2.5/xml/dom/, line 1924, in parseString
[Mon May 11 10:30:26 2009] [error] from xml.dom import
[Mon May 11 10:30:26 2009] [error] SystemError: Parent module
'xml.dom' not loaded

The odd thing is that when is run outside of either
apache module, xml.dom does load, and the minidom parsing works.

I'm not sure why this is happening, but the next thing I'll do is try
replacing minidom with ElementTree, and see if that has any issues
running under either apache module.

Re: mod_python and xml.dom.minidom

2009-05-11 Thread dpapathanasiou
For the record, and in case anyone else runs into this particular
problem, here's how resolved it.

My original was written this way:

from xml.dom import minidom

def parse_item_attribute (item, attribute_name):
item_doc = minidom.parseString(item)

That version worked under the python interpreter, but failed under
both mod_python and mod_wsgi apache modules with an error (Parent
module 'xml.dom' not loaded).

I found that changing the import statement and the minidom reference
within the function resolved the problem.

I.e., after rewriting this way, it works under both
apache modules as well as in the python interpreter:

import xml.dom.minidom

def parse_item_attribute (item, attribute_name):
item_doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(item)


Re: mod_python and xml.dom.minidom

2009-05-10 Thread Graham Dumpleton
On May 10, 3:40 am, Paul Boddie wrote:
 On 9 Mai, 01:36, dpapathanasiou wrote:

  Apache's configure utility (I'm using httpd version 2.2.11) doesn't
  explicitly describe an expat library option.

  Also, if libexpat is version 1.95.2, wouldn't I have to get version
  2.0 to be compatible with pyexpat?

 The aim would be to persuade Apache to configure itself against the
 same Expat library that pyexpat is using, which would involve the
 headers and libraries referenced during the pyexpat configuration
 process, although I seem to recall something about pyexpat bundling
 its own version of Expat - that would complicate matters somewhat.

  If anyone has any advice or suggestions, I'd appreciate hearing them.

 Expat might be getting brought into Apache via mod_dav:

 Perhaps disabling mod_dav when configuring Apache might drop Expat
 from Apache's library dependencies.

The OP was using Python 2.5, so shouldn't be an issue because pyexpat
properly name space prefixes its version of expat. See:

where explicitly says that only applies to Python prior to Python 2.5.

His problem is therefore likely to be something completely different.


Re: mod_python and xml.dom.minidom

2009-05-09 Thread Paul Boddie
On 9 Mai, 01:36, dpapathanasiou wrote:

 Apache's configure utility (I'm using httpd version 2.2.11) doesn't
 explicitly describe an expat library option.

 Also, if libexpat is version 1.95.2, wouldn't I have to get version
 2.0 to be compatible with pyexpat?

The aim would be to persuade Apache to configure itself against the
same Expat library that pyexpat is using, which would involve the
headers and libraries referenced during the pyexpat configuration
process, although I seem to recall something about pyexpat bundling
its own version of Expat - that would complicate matters somewhat.

 If anyone has any advice or suggestions, I'd appreciate hearing them.

Expat might be getting brought into Apache via mod_dav:

Perhaps disabling mod_dav when configuring Apache might drop Expat
from Apache's library dependencies.


Re: mod_python and xml.dom.minidom

2009-05-09 Thread Stephen Hansen

 My only advice is, don't use mod_python. The project is dead, you
  should use mod_wsgi instead:

To echo what Daniel said, mod_wsgi is really the way to go. It might still
not work in embedded mode where like mod_python the Python interpreter is
in the Apache instance thus there might be binary linking conflicts, but you
can use it in daemon mode where it launches external python processes and
passes requests back and forth through them. That's not as slow as it sounds
too :)

Also maybe check out lxml or ElementTree (cElementTree); minidom is about
*the* slowest way to parse XML in Python I believe. And is terribly
unpythonic-- which may be why you made xml_utils, I dunno. Check out
lxml/ElementTree :)


mod_python and xml.dom.minidom

2009-05-08 Thread dpapathanasiou
I wrote a python script called which parses xml using

It works when it's run on its own, but when I try to import it and run
it inside a mod_python handler, I get this error:

  File ../common/, line 80, in parse_item_attribute
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/xml/dom/, line 1924, in
from xml.dom import expatbuilder
SystemError: Parent module 'xml.dom' not loaded

Basically, it's the same problem I found in this post:

This site (
ExpatCausingApacheCrash) goes through a detailed explanation, and I
found that the version of pyexpat is newer than libexpat:

# ldd /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd | grep expat = /usr/local/apache2/lib/ (0xb7f71000)
# strings /usr/local/apache2/lib/ | grep expat_

$ python
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Jan  4 2009, 17:40:26)
[GCC 4.3.2] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import pyexpat
(2, 0, 0)

But this is where I'm stuck: the article suggests recompiling apache
with the newer version of expat.

Apache's configure utility (I'm using httpd version 2.2.11) doesn't
explicitly describe an expat library option.

Also, if libexpat is version 1.95.2, wouldn't I have to get version
2.0 to be compatible with pyexpat?

If anyone has any advice or suggestions, I'd appreciate hearing them.

Re: mod_python and xml.dom.minidom

2009-05-08 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
On 5/8/09, dpapathanasiou wrote:
 I wrote a python script called which parses xml using

 It works when it's run on its own, but when I try to import it and run
 it inside a mod_python handler, I get this error:

   File ../common/, line 80, in parse_item_attribute
   File /usr/lib/python2.5/xml/dom/, line 1924, in
 from xml.dom import expatbuilder
 SystemError: Parent module 'xml.dom' not loaded

 Basically, it's the same problem I found in this post:

 This site (
 ExpatCausingApacheCrash) goes through a detailed explanation, and I
 found that the version of pyexpat is newer than libexpat:

 # ldd /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd | grep expat = /usr/local/apache2/lib/ (0xb7f71000)
 # strings /usr/local/apache2/lib/ | grep expat_

 $ python
 Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Jan  4 2009, 17:40:26)
 [GCC 4.3.2] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import pyexpat
 (2, 0, 0)

 But this is where I'm stuck: the article suggests recompiling apache
 with the newer version of expat.

 Apache's configure utility (I'm using httpd version 2.2.11) doesn't
 explicitly describe an expat library option.

 Also, if libexpat is version 1.95.2, wouldn't I have to get version
 2.0 to be compatible with pyexpat?

 If anyone has any advice or suggestions, I'd appreciate hearing them.

My only advice is, don't use mod_python. The project is dead, you
should use mod_wsgi instead:


Psss, psss, put it down! -

Re: mod_python and xml.dom.minidom

2009-05-08 Thread Stefan Behnel
Daniel Fetchinson wrote:
 On 5/8/09, dpapathanasiou wrote:
 I wrote a python script called which parses xml using
 My only advice is, don't use mod_python. The project is dead, you
 should use mod_wsgi instead:

Now that we're at it anyway: don't use minidom, either. It's rather slow
and very memory expensive. The stdlib comes with ElementTree since Python 2.5.


Re: mod_python form upload: permission denied sometimes...

2009-04-26 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message 0fc15bee-003a-45ca-, 

 I have a mod_python application that takes a POST file upload from a
 form. It works fine from my machine, other machines in my office and
 my home machine. It does not work from my bosses machine in a
 different city - he gets You don't have permission to access this on
 this server.
 In the logs, it's returned 403. I also have this error in error.log:
 Cannot traverse upload in /pythonapps/wiggle/form/upload because
 function form at 0x7fe7568e31b8 is not a traversable object,
 referer: ...

Sounds like a bug in your code. Have you tried uploading a smaller file? 
What's different about the setup on your boss's machine? OS? Browser? 


mod_python form upload: permission denied sometimes...

2009-04-24 Thread
I have a mod_python application that takes a POST file upload from a
form. It works fine from my machine, other machines in my office and
my home machine. It does not work from my bosses machine in a
different city - he gets You don't have permission to access this on
this server.

In the logs, it's returned 403. I also have this error in error.log:

Cannot traverse upload in /pythonapps/wiggle/form/upload because
function form at 0x7fe7568e31b8 is not a traversable object,
referer: ...

Could this be a network level problem? If so, why does it work from my
home machine but not my bosses machine?? The file to upload is quite
large - 7MB.

[mod_python] Knowing the encoding of the URI

2009-03-03 Thread Daniel Chiaramello

Hello everybody.

I am using mod_python, and I am confronted with a problem I don't know 
how to solve in an elegant way...

The problem is that I don't know what is the encoding of the 
req.unparsed_uri strings...

My script runs in China, and I receive requests coded in both utf-8 
and gb18030 encoding...

The way I handle that is the following:

   uri = req.unparsed_uri

   uri_utf8 = uri.decode(utf-8).encode(utf-8)
   found_encoding = (uri_utf8 == uri)
   found_encoding = False
   if not found_encoding:

   uri_gb18030 = 
   uri_gb18030 = uri.decode(gb18030).encode(gb18030)
   found_encoding = (uri_gb18030 == uri)
   found_encoding = False
   if found_encoding:

   uri = uri.decode(gb18030).encode(utf-8)
   raise ### Failed to find encoding for uri '%s'... % (uri)

I am not very pleased by that.

So, is there a way to know in which encoding the unparsed_uri is 
coded? Is there a better way to determine the encoding?
I noticed the content_encoding member of the request, but it is always 
set to None...

Thanks for your attention,

Mod_python, jsonrpc and sessions

2009-01-14 Thread p3dda . adam

I've got a python web-application being served by apache via
mod_python, in which the users sessions are tracked via the mod_python
Session module.
Some of websites generated contain a java-script function which starts
a jsonrpc call to the same server and gets further data or stores
something to a database (AJAX). The server-sided jsonrpc functions are
written in python as ServiceMethods.

As I need to identify the user issuing the rpc call, I'm wondering if
there is any possibility to access the session created by the
previosly called mod_python Handler-method. In mod_python it is
accessed using the mod_python request object, but in the rpc
servicemethod I don't have such an object. So how can I track the rpc

Any ideas and hints appreciated.

Mod_python, jsonrpc and sessions

2009-01-14 Thread p3dda . adam

I've got a python web-application being served by apache via
mod_python, in which the users sessions are tracked via the mod_python
Session module.
Some of websites generated contain a java-script function which starts
a jsonrpc call to the same server and gets further data or stores
something to a database (AJAX). The server-sided jsonrpc functions are
written in python as ServiceMethods.

As I need to identify the user issuing the rpc call, I'm wondering if
there is any possibility to access the session created by the
previosly called mod_python Handler-method. In mod_python it is
accessed using the mod_python request object, but in the rpc
servicemethod I don't have such an object. So how can I track the rpc

Any ideas and hints appreciated.

Re: Mod_python, jsonrpc and sessions

2009-01-14 Thread lkcl
On Jan 14, 4:47 pm, wrote:

 I've got a python web-application being served by apache via
 mod_python, in which the users sessions are tracked via the mod_python
 Session module.
 Some of websites generated contain a java-script function which starts
 a jsonrpc call to the same server and gets further data or stores
 something to a database (AJAX). The server-sided jsonrpc functions are
 written in python as ServiceMethods.

 As I need to identify the user issuing the rpc call, I'm wondering if
 there is any possibility to access the session created by the
 previosly called mod_python Handler-method. In mod_python it is
 accessed using the mod_python request object, but in the rpc
 servicemethod I don't have such an object. So how can I track the rpc

 the only way to store session info reliably is: cookies.

 therefore, the code in one part of the application _will_ have to
store a session cookie as an identifier, and you can track the name of
that cookie through the source code that created it.  or look in the
source code for anything beginning with the word session.  grep -
ril is your friend.

 also, if the app stores its session authentication information in a
database, you can look through the app for the database table name.

 if you don't _know_ the database table name, and are having
difficulty finding out because the design of the app is SHITE then you
can do a dump of the database _before_ a session login, and a dump
afterwards, and then diff is your friend.  if the database is mysql,
add --extended-insert=no (something like that) to the mysqldump
command otherwise you will have a bitch-awful job identifying the
right line.

 i've done this when working with fricking-joomla, integrating it with
django.  fireboard.  i had to hunt through the php code looking for
the database user-session.

 once you have the session info, that's your user tracking function
in the rpc calls.

 none of the above is particularly rocket science - or actually
anything to do with python: it's a simple matter of applying
investigative techniques logically working from how the technology
_should_ work and then bludgeoning it into submission to tell you what
the hell's going on.


Re: mod_python: delay in files changing after alteration

2009-01-12 Thread
On 6 Jan, 23:31, Graham Dumpleton wrote:

 Thus, any changes to modules/packages installed on sys.path require a
 full restart of Apache to ensure they are loaded by all Apache child
 worker processes.

That will be it. I'm pulling in some libraries of my own from
elsewhere, which are still being modified to accommodate the web app.
These are the changes that are causing the problems. An Apache restart
isn't too onerous - I'll just start doing that.



Re: mod_python: delay in files changing after alteration

2009-01-06 Thread Graham Dumpleton
On Jan 6, 2:39 am,
 Maybe this is an apache question, in which case apologies.

 I am runningmod_python3.3.1-3 on apache 2.2.9-7. It works fine, but
 I find that when I alter a source file during development, it
 sometimes takes 5 seconds or so for the changes to be seen. This might
 sound trivial, but when debugging tens of silly errors, it's annoying
 that I have to keep hitting refresh on my browser waiting for the
 change to take. I'm guessing this is just a caching issue of some
 kind, but can't figure out how to switch it off. Any suggestions?

 The entry in my apache2.conf looks like this:

 Directory /var/www/pythonapps
    PythonDebug On

If the change is to a Python module installed on sys.path the change
would never be reloaded by a process. If you are seeing a delay, it is
probably only because the request is being handled by a different
Apache child process that has never loaded the code before. This is
all because Apache is a multiprocess web server on UNIX.

Thus, any changes to modules/packages installed on sys.path require a
full restart of Apache to ensure they are loaded by all Apache child
worker processes.

So, which code files are you actually modifying, ie., where do they
exist and how are they imported?



Re: mod_python: delay in files changing after alteration

2009-01-05 Thread Stephen Chapman
I have never noticed any such delay. After making a change I just hit
F5 on my browser and its fine.  Maybe its a browser issue

On 1/5/09, wrote:
 Maybe this is an apache question, in which case apologies.

 I am running mod_python 3.3.1-3 on apache 2.2.9-7. It works fine, but
 I find that when I alter a source file during development, it
 sometimes takes 5 seconds or so for the changes to be seen. This might
 sound trivial, but when debugging tens of silly errors, it's annoying
 that I have to keep hitting refresh on my browser waiting for the
 change to take. I'm guessing this is just a caching issue of some
 kind, but can't figure out how to switch it off. Any suggestions?

 The entry in my apache2.conf looks like this:

 Directory /var/www/pythonapps
SetHandler mod_python
PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
PythonDebug On



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mod_python: delay in files changing after alteration

2009-01-05 Thread
Maybe this is an apache question, in which case apologies.

I am running mod_python 3.3.1-3 on apache 2.2.9-7. It works fine, but
I find that when I alter a source file during development, it
sometimes takes 5 seconds or so for the changes to be seen. This might
sound trivial, but when debugging tens of silly errors, it's annoying
that I have to keep hitting refresh on my browser waiting for the
change to take. I'm guessing this is just a caching issue of some
kind, but can't figure out how to switch it off. Any suggestions?

The entry in my apache2.conf looks like this:

Directory /var/www/pythonapps
   SetHandler mod_python
   PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
   PythonDebug On



Apache/mod_python: Registering a request handler dynamically

2008-12-28 Thread Samuel

Is there a way to dynamically overwrite the request handler from within 
mod_python scripts? Something along those lines:

from mod_python import apache

def myhandler(request):
request.content_type = 'text/plain'
request.write('Hello world')


I specifically want to avoid changing the Apache directive, as this code 
is supposed to function in a place where the user has no permission to 
override the Apache directive.

The reason is that I am trying to hide the difference between different 
environments (such as mod_python or CGI) from the developer, such that 
the following is possible:

import os, os.path
from PleaseHideMyEnvironment import RequestHandler

def index(request):
request.write('Hello World')


So at the time at which RequestHandler() is created, I need a way to make 
sure that mod_python calls to the RequestHandler instead of the normal 
handler, whenever a new request is made.

Any idea?


Re: mod_python resources

2008-12-20 Thread Graham Dumpleton
On Dec 20, 2:47 pm, Anjanesh Lekshminarayanan
 Same requirement here.
 But isnt there any mod_python for Python 3.0 ?
 Or do we need to build it from source ourselves ?

 I was hoping there would bemod_wsgibinaries for Python 3.0.

At this stage it looks like there will not be a mod_python for Python

If you want the ability to run Python embedded in Apache like
mod_python did, use a framework that can host on top of WSGI and host
it on mod_wsgi instead. The version of mod_wsgi in subversion
repository already supports Python 3.0.


Re: mod_python resources

2008-12-19 Thread tmallen
Here's my problem (it's a conceptual one). Coming from the world of
mod_php, each file can represent a page with no intervention. I was
not able to achieve the same with mod_python when I tried, and for
that matter, couldn't put the pieces together in a usable way.

Let me start simply: If I wanted to create a trivial site, (Home,
About, Contact) with a header and footer included, in PHP, it would be
done as such: each page (index.php, about.php, contact.php) includes
the template bits (header.php, footer.php). Is this simplicity
achievable using Python? And by simplicity, I'm referring to
simplicity in execution; not necessarily an identical approach.


On Dec 17, 4:25 am, Graham Dumpleton
 On Dec 17, 11:10 am, Дамјан Георгиевски wrote:

   I'm trying again because I'm stubborn. Maybe the fourth time will be
   the charm...

   Are there any good tutorials out there for setting up Apache with

  mod_python is depreceated, nobody uses it. 

 The mod_python package is not deprecated, although it could be said to
 be sleeping at the moment. You'll also probably still find that more
 new people choose mod_python over mod_wsgi. This is because it has the
 more obvious name to look for when Googling. It also has publisher and
 PSP high level handler which are still attractive to many as they are
 more lightweight and easier to get into than the large WSGI
 frameworks. Finally, the Django folks still recommend in their
 documentation to use mod_python.

 Anyway, if wanting to host a WSGI capable application, using mod_wsgi
 would be the more obvious choice. If wanting to write your own
 framework, or work at low level, basing it on WSGI rather than
 mod_python specific APIs would certainly be a better long term
 direction to take.



Re: mod_python resources

2008-12-19 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
 Here's my problem (it's a conceptual one). Coming from the world of
 mod_php, each file can represent a page with no intervention. I was
 not able to achieve the same with mod_python when I tried, and for
 that matter, couldn't put the pieces together in a usable way.

 Let me start simply: If I wanted to create a trivial site, (Home,
 About, Contact) with a header and footer included, in PHP, it would be
 done as such: each page (index.php, about.php, contact.php) includes
 the template bits (header.php, footer.php). Is this simplicity
 achievable using Python? And by simplicity, I'm referring to
 simplicity in execution; not necessarily an identical approach.

Yes, it is possible. As already advised by several posters, reading
the documentation actually helps. You may want to have a look at:

The spyce project you may also find helpful:


Psss, psss, put it down! -

Re: mod_python resources

2008-12-19 Thread Anjanesh Lekshminarayanan
Same requirement here.
But isnt there any mod_python for Python 3.0 ?
Or do we need to build it from source ourselves ?

I was hoping there would be mod_wsgi binaries for Python 3.0.

Re: mod_python resources

2008-12-17 Thread Graham Dumpleton
On Dec 17, 11:10 am, Дамјан Георгиевски wrote:
  I'm trying again because I'm stubborn. Maybe the fourth time will be
  the charm...

  Are there any good tutorials out there for setting up Apache with

 mod_python is depreceated, nobody uses it. usemod_wsgi

The mod_python package is not deprecated, although it could be said to
be sleeping at the moment. You'll also probably still find that more
new people choose mod_python over mod_wsgi. This is because it has the
more obvious name to look for when Googling. It also has publisher and
PSP high level handler which are still attractive to many as they are
more lightweight and easier to get into than the large WSGI
frameworks. Finally, the Django folks still recommend in their
documentation to use mod_python.

Anyway, if wanting to host a WSGI capable application, using mod_wsgi
would be the more obvious choice. If wanting to write your own
framework, or work at low level, basing it on WSGI rather than
mod_python specific APIs would certainly be a better long term
direction to take.



mod_python resources

2008-12-16 Thread tmallen
I'm trying again because I'm stubborn. Maybe the fourth time will be
the charm...

Are there any good tutorials out there for setting up Apache with


Re: mod_python resources

2008-12-16 Thread Aleksandar Radulovic
On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 8:22 PM, tmallen wrote:
 Are there any good tutorials out there for setting up Apache with

Apart from the (clear and concise) information in the mod_python documentation?
Starts here:

Compiling is as easy as:
$ ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs
$ make
$ sudo make install (if you have sudo)

Configuring Apache is as easy as adding the lines in the apache config file:

LoadModule python_module libexec/
Alias /py /somedirectory

Directory /somedirectory
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AddHandler mod_python .py
PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
PythonDebug On

That's about it.. For testing, continue reading the mod_python manual.

a lex 13 x

Re: mod_python resources

2008-12-16 Thread Дамјан Георгиевски

 I'm trying again because I'm stubborn. Maybe the fourth time will be
 the charm...
 Are there any good tutorials out there for setting up Apache with

mod_python is depreceated, nobody uses it. use mod_wsgi

дамјан ( )

Today we create the legacy of tomorrow.

Re: mod_python and files directory

2008-12-14 Thread mete
On Monday 08 December 2008 10:31:28 Gabriel Genellina wrote:

thanks a lot it's working.

Re: mod_python and files directory

2008-12-08 Thread Gabriel Genellina

En Sat, 06 Dec 2008 09:26:40 -0200, mete [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

but i want to take it somewhere else...i want to it work some other path  

other system.

returns the directory where the current file resides. Execute it early in
your code.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: mod_python and files directory

2008-12-08 Thread Gabriel Genellina

En Sat, 06 Dec 2008 09:26:40 -0200, mete [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

but i want to take it somewhere else...i want to it work some other path  

other system.

returns the directory where the current file resides. Execute it early in
your code.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: mod_python and files directory

2008-12-06 Thread Graham Dumpleton
On Dec 6, 1:52 am, mete bilgin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 I try to make a websevice with python and mod_python. İ try to make a po
 files, but i can not reach them in the page. When i ask the page like 
 os.listdir('.')  but i want to get files directory, what can i do? sorry
 for my bad describe of that. Thanks a lot...

The current working directory in Apache can be anything. You must
supply an absolute path to all directories/files you are trying to


Re: mod_python and files directory

2008-12-06 Thread mete
but i want to take it somewhere else...i want to it work some other path in 
other system.

On Saturday 06 December 2008 12:34:07 Graham Dumpleton wrote:
 On Dec 6, 1:52 am, mete bilgin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all,
  I try to make a websevice with python and mod_python. İ try to make a po
  files, but i can not reach them in the page. When i ask the page like 
  os.listdir('.')  but i want to get files directory, what can i do? sorry
  for my bad describe of that. Thanks a lot...

 The current working directory in Apache can be anything. You must
 supply an absolute path to all directories/files you are trying to



mod_python and files directory

2008-12-05 Thread mete bilgin
Hi all,
I try to make a websevice with python and mod_python. İ try to make a po
files, but i can not reach them in the page. When i ask the page like 
os.listdir('.')  but i want to get files directory, what can i do? sorry
for my bad describe of that. Thanks a lot...

Re: Apache mod_python: I don't receive anything with POST method

2008-11-27 Thread tengounplanb
On 26 nov, 23:22, Graham Dumpleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 27, 12:21 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I'm using a simple form to make possible the users of our site upload

      headmeta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
      form method=post enctype=multipart/form-data action=/ws/
          input name=upfile type=file size=50/br
          input type=submit value=send/

  The looks like this:

  from mod_python import apache, util;

  def index(req):
      form = util.FieldStorage(req, keep_blank_values=1)
          # form is empty here
          # return form -- I get {}
          ufile = form.get('upfile', None)

          if not form.has_key('upfile'):
              return :( No 'upfile' key

          # some checks. I never get beyond here

          ufile = form['upfile']
          if ufile.file:
              return :( It's not a file
      except Exception, e:
          return 'Fail: ' + str(e)

  I'm getting an empty 'form'. No 'upfile' key at all. I've tried to add
  some other text fields but the result is the same: empty. If I use GET
  method with text fields, it works properly.

  Currently I'm using:
  Apache 2.2.9 (initially I used Apache 2.2.3 too)
  mod_python 3.3.1 (initially I used mod_python 3.2.10 too)
  Python 2.5.2

 Which is the correct result for the code you are using.

 The problem is that you appear to be using mod_python.publisher which
 does its own form handling before you are even getting a chance, thus
 it is consuming the request content.

 For how to handle forms in mod_python.publisher see:



I should get a non-empty form.

With the following html

headmeta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
form method=get action=/ws/
input type=text name=some_text size=50/br
input type=submit value=enviar/

...and the following

from mod_python import util, apache

def index(req):
form = util.FieldStorage(req, keep_blank_values=1)
some_text = form.get('some_text', None);
return form.items
except Exception, e:
return 'Fail: ' + str(e)

...I get (writting Python in the text box)

[('some_text', Field('some_text', 'Python'))]

So, I have a form with a non-empty structure of (key, value), and
I'm able to get the value I'm looking for:

some_text = form.get('some_text', None) # It's not empty anymore



Re: Apache mod_python: I don't receive anything with POST method

2008-11-27 Thread tengounplanb
On 27 nov, 15:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 26 nov, 23:22, Graham Dumpleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Nov 27, 12:21 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I'm using a simple form to make possible the users of our site upload

       headmeta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
       form method=post enctype=multipart/form-data action=/ws/
           input name=upfile type=file size=50/br
           input type=submit value=send/

   The looks like this:

   from mod_python import apache, util;

   def index(req):
       form = util.FieldStorage(req, keep_blank_values=1)
           # form is empty here
           # return form -- I get {}
           ufile = form.get('upfile', None)

           if not form.has_key('upfile'):
               return :( No 'upfile' key

           # some checks. I never get beyond here

           ufile = form['upfile']
           if ufile.file:
               return :( It's not a file
       except Exception, e:
           return 'Fail: ' + str(e)

   I'm getting an empty 'form'. No 'upfile' key at all. I've tried to add
   some other text fields but the result is the same: empty. If I use GET
   method with text fields, it works properly.

   Currently I'm using:
   Apache 2.2.9 (initially I used Apache 2.2.3 too)
   mod_python 3.3.1 (initially I used mod_python 3.2.10 too)
   Python 2.5.2

  Which is the correct result for the code you are using.

  The problem is that you appear to be using mod_python.publisher which
  does its own form handling before you are even getting a chance, thus
  it is consuming the request content.

  For how to handle forms in mod_python.publisher see:



 I should get a non-empty form.

 With the following html

     headmeta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
     form method=get action=/ws/
         input type=text name=some_text size=50/br
         input type=submit value=enviar/

 ...and the following

 from mod_python import util, apache

 def index(req):
     form = util.FieldStorage(req, keep_blank_values=1)
         some_text = form.get('some_text', None);
         return form.items
     except Exception, e:
         return 'Fail: ' + str(e)

 ...I get (writting Python in the text box)

 [('some_text', Field('some_text', 'Python'))]

 So, I have a form with a non-empty structure of (key, value), and
 I'm able to get the value I'm looking for:

 some_text = form.get('some_text', None) # It's not empty anymore



I got an alternative solution here,118.msg507.html#msg507


Apache mod_python: I don't receive anything with POST method

2008-11-26 Thread tengounplanb

I'm using a simple form to make possible the users of our site upload

headmeta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
form method=post enctype=multipart/form-data action=/ws/
input name=upfile type=file size=50/br
input type=submit value=send/

The looks like this:

from mod_python import apache, util;

def index(req):
form = util.FieldStorage(req, keep_blank_values=1)
# form is empty here
# return form -- I get {}
ufile = form.get('upfile', None)

if not form.has_key('upfile'):
return :( No 'upfile' key

# some checks. I never get beyond here

ufile = form['upfile']
if ufile.file:
return :( It's not a file
except Exception, e:
return 'Fail: ' + str(e)

I'm getting an empty 'form'. No 'upfile' key at all. I've tried to add
some other text fields but the result is the same: empty. If I use GET
method with text fields, it works properly.

Currently I'm using:
Apache 2.2.9 (initially I used Apache 2.2.3 too)
mod_python 3.3.1 (initially I used mod_python 3.2.10 too)
Python 2.5.2


Best regards,

Re: Apache mod_python: I don't receive anything with POST method

2008-11-26 Thread Graham Dumpleton
On Nov 27, 12:21 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm using a simple form to make possible the users of our site upload

     headmeta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
     form method=post enctype=multipart/form-data action=/ws/
         input name=upfile type=file size=50/br
         input type=submit value=send/

 The looks like this:

 from mod_python import apache, util;

 def index(req):
     form = util.FieldStorage(req, keep_blank_values=1)
         # form is empty here
         # return form -- I get {}
         ufile = form.get('upfile', None)

         if not form.has_key('upfile'):
             return :( No 'upfile' key

         # some checks. I never get beyond here

         ufile = form['upfile']
         if ufile.file:
             return :( It's not a file
     except Exception, e:
         return 'Fail: ' + str(e)

 I'm getting an empty 'form'. No 'upfile' key at all. I've tried to add
 some other text fields but the result is the same: empty. If I use GET
 method with text fields, it works properly.

 Currently I'm using:
 Apache 2.2.9 (initially I used Apache 2.2.3 too)
 mod_python 3.3.1 (initially I used mod_python 3.2.10 too)
 Python 2.5.2

Which is the correct result for the code you are using.

The problem is that you appear to be using mod_python.publisher which
does its own form handling before you are even getting a chance, thus
it is consuming the request content.

For how to handle forms in mod_python.publisher see:


Re: mod_python and file not found

2008-11-10 Thread Steve Holden
Simo D wrote:
 Hello, I'm trying to configure the apache to handle the python scripts. My
 platform is a CentOs server.
 I wrote these directives in the conf.d/python.conf:
 Directory /var/www/html/my/dir
   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
   AllowOverride None
   Order allow,deny
   allow from all
   AddHandler mod_python .py
   PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
   PythonDebug On
 The results are that if the script writes something on the server it works
 fine but if the script contains only html like this:
 print Content-type: text/html\n
 print html
 print body
 print pok/p
 print /body
 print /html
 it returns url not found on this server. It seems that I can't send info
 back to the browser.
 Can you help me?
 Thanks a lot.

In the mod_python environment you aren't expected to write to standard
output. How you create your output will depend on the way you have set
mod_python up to handle requests. In your case, using the Publisher
handler, you should return the HTML you want to see in your browser: see

for a simple example.

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


mod_python and file not found

2008-11-10 Thread Simo D

Hello, I'm trying to configure the apache to handle the python scripts. My
platform is a CentOs server.
I wrote these directives in the conf.d/python.conf:
Directory /var/www/html/my/dir
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
  AllowOverride None
  Order allow,deny
  allow from all
  AddHandler mod_python .py
  PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
  PythonDebug On

The results are that if the script writes something on the server it works
fine but if the script contains only html like this:
print Content-type: text/html\n
print html
print body
print pok/p
print /body
print /html

it returns url not found on this server. It seems that I can't send info
back to the browser.

Can you help me?
Thanks a lot.
View this message in context:
Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at


Mod_python permission denied

2008-11-07 Thread Simo D

Hi, I'm using a to write a file in a dir on the server. Mod_python
work but i get:
Mod_python error: PythonHandler mod_python.publisher

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line 299,
in HandlerDispatch
result = object(req)

  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line
204, in handler
module = page_cache[req]

  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line 82, in
return self._checkitem(name)[2]

  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line 124,
in _checkitem
value =, name, opened, entry)

  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line
77, in build
return, key, req, opened, entry)

  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line 371,
in build
exec opened in module.__dict__

  File /var/www/html/flood/py/, line 18, in ?

  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/reportlab/pdfgen/, line
881, in save
self._doc.SaveToFile(self._filename, self)

  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/reportlab/pdfbase/,
line 218, in SaveToFile
f = open(filename, wb)

IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'wms.pdf'

The dir has the read, write and execute permissions and SELinux is disabled.
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance.
View this message in context:
Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at


Re: Mod_python permission denied

2008-11-07 Thread Simo D

Ok, solved: apache is unable to follow relative paths from the script.
Putting ol absolute paths it's ok!

Simo D wrote:
 Hi, I'm using a to write a file in a dir on the server.
 Mod_python work but i get:
 Mod_python error: PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line
 299, in HandlerDispatch
 result = object(req)
   File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line
 204, in handler
 module = page_cache[req]
   File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line 82,
 in __getitem__
 return self._checkitem(name)[2]
   File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line 124,
 in _checkitem
 value =, name, opened, entry)
   File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line
 77, in build
 return, key, req, opened, entry)
   File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line 371,
 in build
 exec opened in module.__dict__
   File /var/www/html/flood/py/, line 18, in ?
   File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/reportlab/pdfgen/,
 line 881, in save
 self._doc.SaveToFile(self._filename, self)
   File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/reportlab/pdfbase/,
 line 218, in SaveToFile
 f = open(filename, wb)
 IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'wms.pdf'
 The dir has the read, write and execute permissions and SELinux is
 Can you help me?
 Thanks in advance.

View this message in context:
Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at


mod_python and updated files

2008-08-18 Thread Aaron Scott
I have mod_python running on my server, but when I chance a Python
file on the server, Apache needs to be restarted in order to have the
changes take effect. I assume this is so mod_python can run
persistently, but it's becoming quite a headache for development. Is
there a way to turn off the persistence, or a way to force mod_python
to compile and run the new version of the file?

Re: mod_python and updated files

2008-08-18 Thread Daniel Klein
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 09:16:13 -0700 (PDT), Aaron Scott

I have mod_python running on my server, but when I chance a Python
file on the server, Apache needs to be restarted in order to have the
changes take effect. I assume this is so mod_python can run
persistently, but it's becoming quite a headache for development. Is
there a way to turn off the persistence, or a way to force mod_python
to compile and run the new version of the file?

Add this to your Apache httpd.conf:

MaxRequestsPerChild 1

Not something you want to leave set on a production server.


Getting mod_python to Work

2008-08-05 Thread jpuopolo
Hi, all...

I am hoping that someone can help me with the magic incantation to get
mod_python working on my local machine.

Set up: Apache 2.2.9, mod_python 3.3.1 on Windows Vista (yes, pity

I've gotten the basic handler to work with no problem. I am
now trying to use the mod_python.publisher, but when I do, I get a 404
Not Found error for any file I try to access. If I switch back to my
simple mptest,py handler, everything works fine.

What do I need to do so that I can use the mod_python.publisher?

Here is the relevant section from my httpd.conf file:

LoadModule python_module modules/
Directory C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\cgi-
  AddHandler mod_python .py
  #PythonHandler mptest --- works if I uncomment this line and comment
next line
  PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
  PythonDebug On

Many thanks,


Re: Getting mod_python to Work

2008-08-05 Thread jpuopolo
On Aug 5, 8:44 am, jpuopolo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, all...

 I am hoping that someone can help me with the magic incantation to get
 mod_python working on my local machine.

 Set up: Apache 2.2.9, mod_python 3.3.1 on Windows Vista (yes, pity

 I've gotten the basic handler to work with no problem. I am
 now trying to use the mod_python.publisher, but when I do, I get a 404
 Not Found error for any file I try to access. If I switch back to my
 simple mptest,py handler, everything works fine.

 What do I need to do so that I can use the mod_python.publisher?

 Here is the relevant section from my httpd.conf file:

 LoadModule python_module modules/
 Directory C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\cgi-
   AddHandler mod_python .py
   #PythonHandler mptest --- works if I uncomment this line and comment
 next line
   PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
   PythonDebug On

 Many thanks,jpuopolo


As it turns out, it was the URL I was using that made the difference -
and the URL that worked was http://localhost/cgi-bin/

Note the /handler at the end of the URL --- this made all the

I found the answer here:

So, in summary, to have mod_python work:

1. Add the following to your httpd.conf file:

#Start of section pasted in by YOURNAME
LoadModule python_module modules/
Directory C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\cgi-
  AddHandler mod_python .py
  PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
  PythonDebug On
#End of section pasted in by YOURNAME

I put this at the end of the other LoadModule entries in the
httpd.conf file.

2. Save your httpd.conf file.
3. Restart Apache (either close/restart or restart the Windows
service, depending on your configuration).
4. Ensure the URL to your .py files in your cgi-bin directory (or
whatever directory you've configured, see above) end in /handler

I hope this helps someone...

Thank you,

[issue2951] ElementTree parsing bus error (but only from mod_python)

2008-08-01 Thread Jack Diederich

Jack Diederich [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

It is a common apache problem.  Elementree imports an expat parser
(presumably cElementree doesn't) and different versions of expat play
together very poorly.  Lots of apache modules load one xml lib version
or another and they tend to step on each others toes .. and then segfault.

IIRC the only way to resolve this is to figure out which loaded apache
modules are using expat and recompile them all against the same version.
 Not fun.

nosy: +jackdied
resolution:  - invalid
status: open - closed

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: Error importing modules with mod_python

2008-07-21 Thread Graham Dumpleton
On Jul 22, 3:30 am, Aaron Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've installedmod_python, and everything seems to be working, but it
 fails when I try to import another file into the file that's actually
 producing the output. I have these lines at the top of

 frommod_pythonimport apache
 from storylab import *

 ... and in the directory where resides (/htdocs/python/), I
 have a directory called storylab. Inside that directory is When I try to execute /htdocs/python/, I get the
 following error:


 ProcessId:      828
 Interpreter:    'localhost'
 ServerName:     'localhost'
 DocumentRoot:   'C:/htdocs'
 URI:            '/python/'
 Location:       None
 Directory:      'C:/htdocs/python/'
 Filename:       'C:/htdocs/python/'
 PathInfo:       ''
 Phase:          'PythonHandler'
 Handler:        'index'

 Traceback (most recent call last):

   File C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\mod_python\, line
 1537, in HandlerDispatch
     default=default_handler, arg=req, silent=hlist.silent)

   File C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\mod_python\, line
 1202, in _process_target
     module = import_module(module_name, path=path)

   File C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\mod_python\, line
 296, in import_module
     log, import_path)

   File C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\mod_python\, line
 680, in import_module
     execfile(file, module.__dict__)

   File C:\htdocs\python\, line 2, in module
     from storylab import *

 ImportError: No module named storylab


 What am I doing wrong? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

You can't put Python packages in same directory as handler scripts
managed by mod_python. See documentation for import_module() in:



[issue2951] ElementTree parsing bus error (but only from mod_python)

2008-07-19 Thread nicodotti

nicodotti [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

Thanks for logging this bug Kathy I had the same problem for 2 days! I
used the cElementTree as you mentioned and it worked fine

nosy: +nicodotti

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue2951] ElementTree parsing bus error (but only from mod_python)

2008-07-19 Thread Benjamin Peterson

Benjamin Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

This is probably a mod_python problem.

nosy: +benjamin.peterson

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue2951] ElementTree parsing bus error (but only from mod_python)

2008-07-19 Thread Kathy Van Stone

Kathy Van Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

Does ElementTree do anything unusual in importing? That is one area
where mod_python is different from standard python.

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: Problem with MySQLdb and mod_python

2008-07-18 Thread Graham Dumpleton
On Jul 18, 3:28 pm, John Nagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Cyril Bazin wrote:
  Thanks for your reply

  The apache log contains lines like :

  [Tue Jul 15 23:31:01 2008] [notice]mod_python(pid=11836,
  interpreter=''):Importing module
  [Tue Jul 15 23:31:02 2008] [notice] child pid 11836 exit signal
  Segmentation fault (11)
  [Tue Jul 15 23:31:19 2008] [notice]mod_python(pid=11764,
  interpreter=''):Importing module
  [Tue Jul 15 23:31:19 2008] [notice] child pid 11764 exit signal
  Segmentation fault (11)

  I think the problem comes from the MySQLdb module.
  If I can't find another solution, I think I will downgrade the MySQLdb
  version to 1.2.1

     Sounds like version hell.  mod_python and MySQLdb have to be
 compiled with exactly the same compiler for this to work.

Use of compatible compilers applies to anything you want to use
together. This is nothing specific to mod_python, so this comment is a
bit misleading. These days with with GNU C everywhere, it is hardly
and issue, and was usually only an issue with C++ code and not C code

    mod_python is usually troublesome.   Python doesn't really have
 quite enough isolation to run multiple unrelated instances reliably.

The isolation issue is nothing to do with Python itself. Isolation is
an issue in this case, but most likely comes about because the OP is
trying to use both PHP and mod_python together in the same Apache

In particular, the PHP package is likely loading a MySQL module and it
is linked against a different version of the MySQL client libraries
than what the Python MySQL package is wanting.

People like to blame mod_python for these problems, but it can equally
be attributed to PHP. In practice the reason it shows up as a
mod_python issue is that PHP tries to preload a lot of stuff and so
manages to load its version of shared libraries first. Python with its
lazy loading comes in second, and so conflicts will occur. If
mod_python preloaded stuff like PHP did and this was occurring before
PHP got a chance, it would be the other way around and mod_python
would work fine and PHP would instead be what crashes all the time.

 We use FCGI, which has the isolation of CGI but doesn't reload the
 application for every transaction.  Also, it's easier to debug if
 CPython is crashing.

With the reason that FCGI works being that the processes, even if they
are spawned by Apache, use a fork/exec, thus meaning they have a clean
memory space when starting up.

In summary, look at what version of MySQL libraries are used by PHP
modules and ensure that Python MySQL module is compiled against the
same version.


Re: Problem with MySQLdb and mod_python

2008-07-17 Thread Cyril Bazin
Thanks for your reply

The apache log contains lines like :

[Tue Jul 15 23:31:01 2008] [notice] mod_python (pid=11836,
interpreter=''): Importing module
[Tue Jul 15 23:31:02 2008] [notice] child pid 11836 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)
[Tue Jul 15 23:31:19 2008] [notice] mod_python (pid=11764,
interpreter=''): Importing module
[Tue Jul 15 23:31:19 2008] [notice] child pid 11764 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)

I think the problem comes from the MySQLdb module.
If I can't find another solution, I think I will downgrade the MySQLdb
version to 1.2.1


On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 7:27 AM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Cyril Bazin

 But it seems, after many tests, that the script stops at the
 instruction : c.execute(requete)

 What's the error message? This should be in Apache's error_log file.


Re: Problem with MySQLdb and mod_python

2008-07-17 Thread John Nagle

Cyril Bazin wrote:

Thanks for your reply

The apache log contains lines like :

[Tue Jul 15 23:31:01 2008] [notice] mod_python (pid=11836,
interpreter=''): Importing module
[Tue Jul 15 23:31:02 2008] [notice] child pid 11836 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)
[Tue Jul 15 23:31:19 2008] [notice] mod_python (pid=11764,
interpreter=''): Importing module
[Tue Jul 15 23:31:19 2008] [notice] child pid 11764 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)

I think the problem comes from the MySQLdb module.
If I can't find another solution, I think I will downgrade the MySQLdb
version to 1.2.1

   Sounds like version hell.  mod_python and MySQLdb have to be
compiled with exactly the same compiler for this to work.

   mod_python is usually troublesome.   Python doesn't really have
quite enough isolation to run multiple unrelated instances reliably.
We use FCGI, which has the isolation of CGI but doesn't reload the
application for every transaction.  Also, it's easier to debug if
CPython is crashing.

John Nagle

Problem with MySQLdb and mod_python

2008-07-15 Thread Cyril Bazin

I installed an apache server with mod_python.
I have got a problem with the mysql connection of my python script.

In fact I tried this file :
import os
os.environ[PYTHON_EGG_CACHE] = /tmp
import MySQLdb
from mod_python import apache

def test(req):
c = db.cursor()
requete = SELECT * FROM document
nbRows = c.execute(requete)
req.write(Result : %s%repr(nbRows))
return apache.OK


But it seems, after many tests, that the script stops at the
instruction : c.execute(requete)
The script works if I am logged on the server as root or www. I use :
Python 2.4.4 (#1, Oct 23 2006, 13:58:00)
[GCC 4.1.1 20061011 (Red Hat 4.1.1-30)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import MySQLdb
 import mod_python

If someone has any information that can help me...

Thanks in advance,


mod_wsgi vs mod_python interfaces

2008-06-21 Thread Pau Freixes
Hi list,

I remember red into this list that mod_wsgi is more faster than mod_python.
Why ?

WSIG it's only a true specification for deploy and performance Python
applications running into web servers, mod python it's like mod wsgi but
it's only a not official specification between Apache and Python aplications
or frameworks. Therefore the real difference between both module are a kind
of protocol/interface for talk with Python Aplication.

mod_wsgi and mod_python are written in C and only how their internal data
structures and memory managment and other issues can justify a different
performance. Or WSGI interface it's more efficient than mod_python interface

What do you think about this ?

Pau Freixes
Linux GNU/User

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