Re: mod_python compilation error in VS 2008 for py2.7.1

2016-06-16 Thread asimkostas
Τη Τρίτη, 14 Ιουνίου 2016 - 3:36:23 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Pavel S έγραψε:
> Have you considered to use rather WSGI-based solution? (for Apache Httpd is 
> mod_wsgi). Mod_python is totally obsolete.

Regarding my blog post, i would like to inform you that someone helped me to 
overcome this error but i got another one that i do not know it's meaning:

deleted #define ssize_t

error: [Errno 22] invalid mode ('wb') or filename: "dist\\mod_python-'{' \x9b\x9
c\xa4 \x98\xa4\x98\x9a\xa4\xe0\xa8\xe5\x9d\x9c\xab\x98\xa0 \xe0\xaa \x9c\xa9\xe0
\xab\x9c\xa8\xa0\xa1\xe3 \xe3 \x9c\xa5\xe0\xab\x9c\xa8\xa0\xa1\xe3 \x9c\xa4\xab\
xa6\xa2\xe3,\n\x9c\xa1\xab\x9c\xa2\xe2\xa9\xa0\xa3\xa6 \xa7\xa8\xe6\x9a\xa8\x98\
xa3\xa3\x98 \xe3 \x98\xa8\xae\x9c\xe5\xa6 \x9b\xe2\xa9\xa3\x9e\xaa \x9c\xa4\x9c\

Any idea would help me a lot?  Attached file for more information!

Kostas Asimakopoulos

Re: mod_python compilation error in VS 2008 for py2.7.1

2016-06-14 Thread Pavel S
Have you considered to use rather WSGI-based solution? (for Apache Httpd is 
mod_wsgi). Mod_python is totally obsolete.

mod_python compilation error in VS 2008 for py2.7.1

2016-06-14 Thread asimkon
I would like to ask you a technical question regarding python module
compilation for python 2.7.1.

I want to compile mod_python
for Apache 2.2 and py2.7  on Win32 in
order to use it for  psp - py scripts that i have written. I tried to
compile it using VS 2008 (VC++) and unfortunately i get an error on
pyconfig.h (Py2.7/include) error C2632: int followed by int  is illegal.

This problem occurs when i try to run the bat file that exists on
mod_python/dist folder. Any idea or suggestion what should i do in order to
run it on Win 7 Pro (win 32) environment and produce the final apache
executable module (.so).

 I have posted the same question here
but unfortunately i had had no luck!

Additionally i give you the compilation instructions that i follow (used
also MinGW-w64 and get the same error) in order to produce the final output!


Open a command prompt with VS2008 support. The easiest way to do this is to
use "Start | All Programs | Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 | Visual Studio
Tools | Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt". (This puts the VS2008 binaries
in the path and sets up the lib/include environmental variables for the
Platform SDK.) to the mod_python\dist folder.

2.Tell mod_python where Apache is: set APACHESRC=C:\Apache

3. Run build_installer.bat.

If it succeeds, an installer.exe will be created in a subfolder. Run that
install the module.

Kind  Regards

Kostas Asimakopoulos