Re: neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library

2021-03-09 Thread Peter J. Holzer
On 2021-03-08 09:29:31 +0100, Mirko via Python-list wrote:
> Am 07.03.2021 um 21:52 schrieb Avi Gross via Python-list:
> > The precedence example used below made a strange assumption that the
> > imaginary program would not be told up-front what computer language it was
> > being asked to convert from. That is not the scenario being discussed as we
> > have described. In any particular language, there usually is a well-known
> > precedence order such as "*" coming before "+" unless you use something like
> > parentheses to make your intent clear and over-ride it.
> Well, no I did not assume some kind of magical universal translator
> ala Star Trek. ;-)
> The OP seems to claim, that he could compile any language by just
> providing a JSON schema file which describes the language.

Right. Using JSON is probably not the best choice (20 years ago
everybody was using XML for everything, now everybody uses JSON for
everything), but that's merely a question of readability. The
functionality doesn't depend on the (meta-)syntax.

> I assumed that those who tried this before did something similar. And
> that is what sounds logically impossible (or at least unfeasible) to
> me. How can one write a comparatively small descriptive schema that
> covers all of a language's subtleties in syntax, grammar, semantics
> and behavior?

How does one design a programming language which covers all the
subtleties in algorithms?

I think these are quite similar problems. Except that it has already
been proven that a very primitive programming language (the Turing
machine) is sufficient to describe all algorithms, and I'm not sure that
a similar prove exists for formal languages. Still, I think that the
latter can be reduced to the former (I compiler is essentially such a
description, so you could just use any programming language).

(Such formal languages exist, for example, for formal verification of
programs. I don't think any of these is truely universal, but I suspect
that the restrictions are more caused by having to be "provable" in the
mathematical sense and less with the variety in possible semantics.)

Where the OP is wrong, IMHO, is the "comparatively small" aspect. A
formal description of C will not fit into a few lines. The C standard is
670 pages, about 150 pages of which are the language proper (the rest is
library, concepts, etc.) All that information has to be expressed in
that formal language. Depending on the expressiveness of the language
such a formal description might be quite a bit shorter (or much longer)
than English prose, but it won't be dramatically shorter. And C is a
relatively small language ...

> I agree that my example wasn't good, since it would be just a matter
> of specifying operator precedence. But there are numerous little and
> large aspects to cover for any language. In the end, one would have
> to write a more or less full blown parser.

Yes, but writing a parser is (comparatively) easy. Parser generators
have existed for decades. It's the semantics that are difficult.

I'm not saying that you are wrong. I am saying that you haven't even
looked at the real problems yet.


   _  | Peter J. Holzer| Story must make more sense than reality.
|_|_) ||
| |   | |-- Charles Stross, "Creative writing
__/   | |   challenge!"

Description: PGP signature

Re: neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library

2021-03-08 Thread Mirko via Python-list
Am 07.03.2021 um 21:52 schrieb Avi Gross via Python-list:
> The precedence example used below made a strange assumption that the
> imaginary program would not be told up-front what computer language it was
> being asked to convert from. That is not the scenario being discussed as we
> have described. In any particular language, there usually is a well-known
> precedence order such as "*" coming before "+" unless you use something like
> parentheses to make your intent clear and over-ride it.

Well, no I did not assume some kind of magical universal translator
ala Star Trek. ;-)

The OP seems to claim, that he could compile any language by just
providing a JSON schema file which describes the language. I assumed
that those who tried this before did something similar. And that is
what sounds logically impossible (or at least unfeasible) to me. How
can one write a comparatively small descriptive schema that covers
all of a language's subtleties in syntax, grammar, semantics and

I agree that my example wasn't good, since it would be just a matter
of specifying operator precedence. But there are numerous little and
large aspects to cover for any language. In the end, one would have
to write a more or less full blown parser. Or at least a schema that
is so long, that all advantages of this approach go away.

Re: neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library

2021-03-07 Thread Christian Gollwitzer

Am 07.03.21 um 20:42 schrieb Peter J. Holzer:

The second part is converting a parse tree into code. I am quite sure
that it is possible to devise a formal language to specify the semantics
of any programming language and then to use this to generate the code.
However, I strongly suspect that such a language would be comparable in
expressiveness and ease of use to other programming languages - or in
other worlds it would be just another programming language. 

As far as I understand the idea, Leigh (aka Mr Flibble) thinks that he 
can create a "library" of code translators that translate the individual 
pieces of the parse tree into some intermediate code, and by specifying 
these codelets within the grammar the semantics of a language can be 
fully described.

My argument against this whole thing is that the library would be 
enormous. He seems to think that big chunks can be reused for different 
languages, but I don't believe this. A simple example:

int a = -3
unsigned int b = 5;

in C: a < b is false. This is insane but follows from the type casting 
rules in C.

in Python or any other language with sane integers, -3 < 5 will always 
be true. For large enough values you must convert them to big integers. 
CPython simply uses big integers for everything, but that obviously 
slows down the whole thing. If you want to compile that to fast machine 
code, you need to do the computation in fixed integers and check for 
overflow *after every single step*.

And there are myriads of differences. Introducing JavaScript again will 
bring myriads of differences and so on. The closest thing to such a 
project I can think of is LLVM. It still requires you to write the 
actual code generator, but features many intrinsics and libriaries that 
could be reused and therefore it is easy to add a new language. The 
approximate value of LLVM is estimated here:

It's over 5000 man years of work. There is no way a single developer, 
regardless how brilliant he may be, can recreate this in his lifetime. 
Maybe focussed to a single language or two, but not "universal" in any 


RE: neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library

2021-03-07 Thread Avi Gross via Python-list
The precedence example used below made a strange assumption that the
imaginary program would not be told up-front what computer language it was
being asked to convert from. That is not the scenario being discussed as we
have described. In any particular language, there usually is a well-known
precedence order such as "*" coming before "+" unless you use something like
parentheses to make your intent clear and over-ride it.

But it makes me think of a related question. Assume you are writing code in
a language like Python and the language has been analyzed and all kinds of
info stored that describes it and that includes things like precedence rules
for operators. Suppose it works fine and YOU want to break it. Could you?

If your language supports constructs like creating what looks like new infix
operators as an example, or overloading existing ones, could you write
expressions this mystical product would interpret differently than the
original compiler or interpreter?

As an example, what does this simple statement mean:

A + B

I mean A can be an integer or floating point number or character string but
can also be a complex number or a data.frame  or just about any arbitrary
object. So can B. And in many cases, the operation is not at all Abelian and
B+A is something else. In many cases, the logic is to look at the right-hand
or left-hand variable and see if it has a method defined to be called such
as __ADD__ or __RADD__  or maybe  inherited such a method from another class
perhaps using some specific method with complicated multiple inheritance
scenarios. Or the language may choose to convert either A or B or both to
some other format and perform some kind of addition and maybe convert the
result to something. Lots of work is in the Python interpreter to deal with
this and some of it has to be flexible enough to deal with times when a
class or object is changed as the program runs. Might it be possible to
create edge cases that break a static set of description files? If not, how
much more complex must the imaginary program get to handle these challenges
and what might that do to the purported gains in efficiency claimed?

I am currently studying a language called Kotlin. They, like some other
languages, allow the creation of new infix operators and once I have defined
"myplus" I can write code like:

A myplus B

What if it would also allow me to specify dynamically what the priority of
"myplus" is? Clearly it cannot be a reserved keyword in some table loaded in
the language in advance. R lets me do something similar like create
"%myplus%" as an operator and even weirder things like rebinding "+" to mean
something else that no longer has a particular priority that was

So if we had a contest on finding ways to break a sort of general purpose
customizable any-language mangler, I wonder if it might be easy to mangle it
at first. To get around that, you might have to not handle languages you
declare as misbehaving, or make a more complex system that handles all known
cases. But even then, can we design a new language for the express purpose
of exposing some hidden flaw and make them deal with that?

New languages keep popping up, some with no prior intent on breaking
anything, but I think a universal translator may not be imminent.

-Original Message-
From: Python-list  On
Behalf Of Peter J. Holzer
Sent: Sunday, March 7, 2021 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library

On 2021-03-06 23:41:10 +0100, Mirko via Python-list wrote:
> I even wonder why they have tried. Writing a universal 
> compiler/interpreter sounds logically impossible to me, Here's a 
> simple Python expression:
> >>> 3+3*5
> 18
> And here's the same expression in (GNU) Smalltalk:
> st> 3+3*5
> 30
> How would such a universal compiler know which evaluation strategy to 
> follow, if not by writing a parser end evaluator for every supported 
> language?

That depends on what you mean by "writing". If we stick to your example, you
would need to specify in some way that in Python * has higher precedence
than +, while in Smalltalk it doesn't. You could write some code in Python
or Smalltalk or C or Assembler or even for a Turing machine to do that. Or
you can write the grammar in some formal language (e.g. BNF) and let the
compiler interpret that (or generate native code from it and run that). The
latter is what a "universal compiler" would do and parser generators have
been around for a long time (they were nothing new when I studied CS in the
1980's). While there is still progress here (I've come across a few
interesting papers over the last year or so), I'd say that part of the
problem is solved.

The second part is converting a parse tree into code. I am quite sure that
it is possible to devise a

Re: neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library

2021-03-07 Thread Peter J. Holzer
On 2021-03-06 23:41:10 +0100, Mirko via Python-list wrote:
> I even wonder why they have tried. Writing a universal
> compiler/interpreter sounds logically impossible to me, Here's a
> simple Python expression:
> >>> 3+3*5
> 18
> And here's the same expression in (GNU) Smalltalk:
> st> 3+3*5
> 30
> How would such a universal compiler know which evaluation strategy
> to follow, if not by writing a parser end evaluator for every
> supported language?

That depends on what you mean by "writing". If we stick to your example,
you would need to specify in some way that in Python * has higher
precedence than +, while in Smalltalk it doesn't. You could write some
code in Python or Smalltalk or C or Assembler or even for a Turing
machine to do that. Or you can write the grammar in some formal language
(e.g. BNF) and let the compiler interpret that (or generate native code
from it and run that). The latter is what a "universal compiler" would
do and parser generators have been around for a long time (they were
nothing new when I studied CS in the 1980's). While there is still
progress here (I've come across a few interesting papers over the last
year or so), I'd say that part of the problem is solved.

The second part is converting a parse tree into code. I am quite sure
that it is possible to devise a formal language to specify the semantics
of any programming language and then to use this to generate the code.
However, I strongly suspect that such a language would be comparable in
expressiveness and ease of use to other programming languages - or in
other worlds it would be just another programming language. Certainly
better suited to compiler construction (otherwise why would you use
it?), but probably not massively so (unlike writing a Yacc grammar is a
lot easier/quicker than writing a top-down parser), So there wouldn't be
a huge incentive to use it unless you plan to write compilers for lots
of languages. On the other hand there are downsides: Such a generic
system might be slow and/or memory-hungry, it might not run on every
platform, it might have a steep learning curve, and it's probably not so
well-suited for non-compiler programs.

> And if it's hard for this simple problem, how about more complex
> cases.

For this simple problem it's easy :-)


   _  | Peter J. Holzer| Story must make more sense than reality.
|_|_) ||
| |   | |-- Charles Stross, "Creative writing
__/   | |   challenge!"

Description: PGP signature

Re: neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library

2021-03-06 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 9:42 AM Mirko via Python-list
> I even wonder why they have tried. Writing a universal
> compiler/interpreter sounds logically impossible to me, Here's a
> simple Python expression:
> >>> 3+3*5
> 18
> And here's the same expression in (GNU) Smalltalk:
> st> 3+3*5
> 30
> How would such a universal compiler know which evaluation strategy
> to follow, if not by writing a parser end evaluator for every
> supported language? And if it's hard for this simple problem, how
> about more complex cases.

There are two ways in which "universal compiler/interpreter" can
definitely make sense, but neither of them is what he's trying to do.

1) A bytecode or machine code that all other languages can be compiled
to. For example, I'm running an amd64 CPU, so on this computer,
everything ultimately gets executed as amd64 bytecode. It's also
possible to have higher level bytecodes, or even textual languages
(Asm.js can be used as a compilation target).

2) "Compiler compilers" and grammar parsers. These are an excellent
tool for people designing programming language compilers, as they make
it a lot easier to describe the syntax and semantics for the language.

Both of them are tools that programming language developers use. They
don't replace language interpreters any more than a JSON parser
replaces the need to open files.


Re: neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library

2021-03-06 Thread Mirko via Python-list
Am 06.03.2021 um 22:24 schrieb Ben Bacarisse:
> Mr Flibble  writes:
>>> Someone who says that he is capable of writing a compiler that
>>> translates every language has megalomania. No one can do this.
>> Just because you can't make one it doesn't follow that nobody else
>> can.
> True, but lots of very knowledgeable people have tried and failed.

I even wonder why they have tried. Writing a universal
compiler/interpreter sounds logically impossible to me, Here's a
simple Python expression:

>>> 3+3*5

And here's the same expression in (GNU) Smalltalk:

st> 3+3*5

How would such a universal compiler know which evaluation strategy
to follow, if not by writing a parser end evaluator for every
supported language? And if it's hard for this simple problem, how
about more complex cases.


Re: neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library

2021-03-06 Thread Chris M. Thomasson

On 3/5/2021 8:51 AM, Mr Flibble wrote:
neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library with arbitrary 
precision integers, floats and rationals:

It hasn't been formally released yet as it still requires more extensive 
testing.  It will be used as part of my universal compiler, neos, that 
can compile any programming language and will be used for the neos 
implementation of Python (Python has big integers).

Message ends.

Get atan2, cos and sin, and I have some code to run it against.

It needs arbitrary precision! :^)

RE: neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library

2021-03-06 Thread Avi Gross via Python-list
Just to be clear, and luckily the person who posed such boasts is luckily
gone and I AM NOT interested in having the discussion again here, I have a
point to make.

He did not suggest a magical compiler that could translate any language. Not

I think he suggested that if all languages share a large set of paradigms
related to what methods we have for computing, then there may be a way to
capture and store some description of any new language that defines it well
enough. He proposed a sort of universal program, indeed, that would read the
description files and then actual programs and generate something that
ultimately would be runnable. Of course, he basically ignored any little
details along the way and even insisted it would be easy and the result
would be much more efficient in every case.

So, I suggest he is not as bright as he thinks.

I, on the other hand, think it is a hard problem but in some abstract sense
doable given infinite resources and time. Translation, not a worthwhile
quest for NOW. There are accepted theorems that suggests a fairly simple
Turing Machine can solve any problem computable on our current (non-quantum)
generation of computers. The programs would be very far from efficient and
in some cases would require an infinitely long tape and more states than our
universe can accommodate. But in principle, it can do anything as stated

So, any program in any language can theoretically be rewritten as a Turing
Machine version. But that would not be done by a universal translator. I
assume you could do it from say a compiled machine language version for some
languages but it would require access to anything modern programs get from
all kinds of libraries out there that extend the program and if it spawns
other processes or has things run in parallel it gets more and more complex.

But why do it at all? 

Sure, translating parts of some programs in one language to another can make
sense. But why a goal to have a sort of Unified Programming Language Theory
other than as an academic exercise?

Having said that, I keep looking at how languages like Python and R grow and
how they keep adding features including many borrowed or imitated from
elsewhere and I conclude you can just put everything imaginable into Python
and the rest become superfluous! Problem solved.

-Original Message-
From: Python-list  On
Behalf Of Bonita Montero
Sent: Saturday, March 6, 2021 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library

>> There is no projection.
>> _You_ have megalomania, not me.
>> And there's also no Dunning Kruger effect.
>> You can't assess your capabilites, not me.

> no u

Someone who says that he is capable of writing a compiler that translates
every language has megalomania. No one can do this.



Re: neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library

2021-03-06 Thread Ben Bacarisse
Mr Flibble  writes:

>> Someone who says that he is capable of writing a compiler that
>> translates every language has megalomania. No one can do this.
> Just because you can't make one it doesn't follow that nobody else
> can.

True, but lots of very knowledgeable people have tried and failed.  And
although you use the present tense "my universal compiler, neos, that
/can/ compile any programming language" (emphasis mine) you currently
have nothing to show -- no compiler for any language, no paper outlining
how you plan to overcome the problems that stumped others, nothing but
what appears to be a false claim about neos can do.  If you want this
project to be taken seriously, you are going about it the wrong way.


Re: neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library

2021-03-06 Thread Chris M. Thomasson

On 3/6/2021 11:35 AM, Mr Flibble wrote:

On 06/03/2021 19:11, Bonita Montero wrote:

There is no projection.
_You_ have megalomania, not me.
And there's also no Dunning Kruger effect.
You can't assess your capabilites, not me.

no u

Someone who says that he is capable of writing a compiler that
translates every language has megalomania. No one can do this.

Just because you can't make one it doesn't follow that nobody else can.

I remember when Bonita tried to convince me that a mutex must use an 
atomic counter.


Re: neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library

2021-03-06 Thread Bonita Montero

There is no projection.
_You_ have megalomania, not me.
And there's also no Dunning Kruger effect.
You can't assess your capabilites, not me.

no u

Someone who says that he is capable of writing a compiler that
translates every language has megalomania. No one can do this.


Re: neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library

2021-03-06 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 4:51 AM Bonita Montero  wrote:
> > Whilst you need to read the following:
> > *
> > *
> There is no projection.
> _You_ have megalomania, not me.
> And there's also no Dunning Kruger effect.
> You can't assess your capabilites, not me.

Ignore this guy. He produces nothing, insults everyone, and just gets
himself banned from places. He is nothing more than a troll and a
waste of everyone's time.

His posts do not reach the mailing list, only your replies do.


Re: neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library

2021-03-06 Thread Bonita Montero

Whilst you need to read the following:

There is no projection.
_You_ have megalomania, not me.
And there's also no Dunning Kruger effect.
You can't assess your capabilites, not me.

Re: neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library

2021-03-06 Thread Bonita Montero
It hasn't been formally released yet as it still requires more extensive 
testing. It will be used as part of my universal compiler, neos, that 
can compile any programming language ...

You will get the same room in the same psychiatric ward like
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
