Re: overload builtin operator

2005-08-29 Thread Bengt Richter
On Sun, 28 Aug 2005 23:27:07 -0400, "Terry Reedy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I suspect that PyPy, when further alone, will make it easier to do things 
>like develop a customized interpreter that has alternate definitions for 
>builtin operators.  So maybe the OP should ask again in a year or two.
OTOH, did you notice that I provided (although I didn't post the underlying
walker framework) a way (that works now) of importing a module with
the / operator effectively converted to a safediv call, as the OP apparently 
BTW, I posted an update that handles non-simple-name-target /= augassigns as 
but though it shows on google groups, I can't see it yet. Still some news server
problem, apparently. Or maybe it's just slogging to catch up after previous 

Bengt Richter

Re: overload builtin operator

2005-08-29 Thread Robert Kern
Iain King wrote:
> Robert Kern wrote:

>>You have silly users.
> You mean you don't?  Damn.  Can I have some of yours?

No, you may not. Mine! All mine!

Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter


Re: overload builtin operator

2005-08-29 Thread Iain King

Robert Kern wrote:
> Shaun wrote:
> > Thanks for your replies, obviously this isn't a simple thing to do so
> > I'll take a different tack.
> >
> > The exact problem I am trying to solve here is to avoid the
> > ZeroDivisionError in division.
> > I have c++ code which delegates to python to calculate expressions on
> > table cells. The values of the table cell are arbitary numbers and the
> > expressions to be calculated are fairly simple python arithmetic and
> > math functions.
> >
> > The problem being that some users want an expression like '(100/x)+ 3'
> > where x=0 to return 3. So that dividing a number by zero results in 0.
> You have silly users.

You mean you don't?  Damn.  Can I have some of yours?



Re: overload builtin operator

2005-08-28 Thread Terry Reedy
I suspect that PyPy, when further alone, will make it easier to do things 
like develop a customized interpreter that has alternate definitions for 
builtin operators.  So maybe the OP should ask again in a year or two.



Re: overload builtin operator

2005-08-28 Thread Bengt Richter
On Sun, 28 Aug 2005 04:09:10 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bengt Richter) wrote:

[... a response to the OP's apparent desire to "overload the divide operator" 
with a call
to his safediv function ...]

The part that rewrote the the AugAssign could only work for plain name 
Augassign targets, so
I introduced a helper function to generate a suitable assignment target node 
for attributes,
subscripts, and slices as well. So the test (still very alpha) looks like the 
following now:

def test():
print 1.0/2.0
print 12/3
a=12; b=3
print a/b
print 2**a/(b+1)
print 'print 1/0 =>'
print 1/0
except Exception, e: print '%s: %s' %(e.__class__.__name__, e)
print 'print a/(b*(a-12)) =>'
print a/(b*(a-12))
except Exception, e: print '%s: %s' %(e.__class__.__name__, e)
print 'def foo(x=1/(b-3)): return x =>'
def foo(x=1/(b-3)): return x
print 'print foo() =>'
print foo()
except Exception, e: print '%s: %s' %(e.__class__.__name__, e)
print 'b /= (a-12) =>'
b /= (a-12)
print 'b after b/=(a-12):', b
except Exception, e: print '%s: %s' %(e.__class__.__name__, e)
print 's=[15]; s[0] /= 3; print s =>'
s=[15]; s[0] /= 3; print s
class T(list):
def __getitem__(self, i): print i; return 42
def __setitem__(self, i, v): print i, v
def __div__(self, other): print self, other; return 4242
t = T()
print 't.x=15; t.x /= 3; print t.x =>'
t.x=15; t.x /= 3; print t.x
print 't=T([15, 27]); t /= 3; print t =>'
t=T([15, 27]); t /= 3; print t

def foo(x, y):
"""for dis.dis to show code"""
z = x/y
x /= y
x.a /= y
x[z] /= y
x[:] /= y

if __name__ == '__main__': test()
Outputfrom run without conversion of / :

from arborist import import_editing_ast, get_augassign_tgt
from compiler.ast import Div, CallFunc, Name, AugAssign, Assign

def safediv(num, den):
if den==0: result = 0*num
else: result = num/den
print 'safediv(%r, %r) => %r'%(num, den, result)
return result

def div2safediv(divnode):
"""replace Div nodes with CallFunc nodes calling safediv with same args"""
return  CallFunc(Name('safediv'),[divnode.left, divnode.right], None, None, 
def divaugass2safediv(auganode):
if auganode.op != '/=': return auganode
return Assign([get_augassign_tgt(auganode)],
CallFunc(Name('safediv'),[auganode.node, auganode.expr], None, None, 

callbacks = {Div:div2safediv, AugAssign:divaugass2safediv}
def import_safediv(modname, verbose=False):
modsafe = import_editing_ast(modname, callbacks, verbose)
modsafe.safediv = safediv
return modsafe

if __name__ == '__main__':
modsafe = import_safediv('testdiv', verbose=True)

Result from using the above interactively:

 [14:21] C:\pywk\ut\ast>py24
 Python 2.4b1 (#56, Nov  3 2004, 01:47:27)
 [GCC 3.2.3 (mingw special 20030504-1)] on win32
 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

First import as usual and run test()
 >>> import testdiv
 >>> testdiv.test()
 print 1/0 =>
 ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
 print a/(b*(a-12)) =>
 ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
 def foo(x=1/(b-3)): return x =>
 ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
 b /= (a-12) =>
 ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
 s=[15]; s[0] /= 3; print s =>
 t.x=15; t.x /= 3; print t.x =>
 t=T([15, 27]); t /= 3; print t =>
 [15, 27] 3

Now import the import_safediv importer, to import with
conversion of ast to effect translation of divides to safediv calls:

Import and runs test() much as before:

 >>> from import_safediv import import_safediv
 >>> tdsafe = import_safediv('testdiv')
 >>> tdsafe.test()
 safediv(1.0, 2.0) => 0.5
 safediv(12, 3) => 4
 safediv(12, 3) => 4
 safediv(4096, 4) => 1024
 print 1/0 =>
 safediv(1, 0) => 0
 print a/(b*(a-12)) =>
 safediv(12, 0) => 0
 def foo(x=1/(b-3)): return x =>
 safediv(1, 0) => 0
 print foo() =>
 b /= (a-12) =>
 safediv(3, 0) => 0
 b after b/=(a-12): 0
 s=[15]; s[0] /= 3; print s =>
 safediv(15, 3) => 5
 t.x=15; t.x /= 3; print t.x =>
 safediv(15, 3) => 5
 t=T([15, 27]); t /= 3; print t =>
 [15, 27] 3
 safediv([15, 27], 3) => 4242

Look at the code generated by normal import first

 >>> import dis
 >>> dis.dis(
  40   0 LOAD_FAST0 (x)

Re: overload builtin operator

2005-08-27 Thread Bengt Richter
On Thu, 25 Aug 2005 16:12:20 +0200, Reinhold Birkenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>Shaun wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to overload the divide operator in python for basic arithmetic.
>> eg. 10/2 ... no classes involved.
>> I am attempting to redefine operator.__div__ as follows:
>>  # my divide function
>>  def safediv(a,b):
>>  return ...
>>  # reassign buildin __div__
>>  import operator
>>  operator.__div__ = safediv
>> The operator.__dict__ seems to be updated OK but the '/' operator still  
>> calls buildin __div__
>It won't work that way. You cannot globally modify the behaviour of an 
>but you can customize how an operator works for your type.
>class safeint(int):
>def __div__(self, other):
>return safediv(self, other)
You are right that you cannot globally modify the behaviour of an operator in 
sense the OP seems to be envisioning, but with some trouble I think it would be 
to interfere with the translation of '/' to 
'safediv(, )' by transforming the AST during 
a custom
import process, such that wherever a Div node is found, a CallFunc node is 
substituted. E.g.,

for a node like

Div((Name('numerator'), Name('denominator')))

substitute another node like

CallFunc(Name('safediv'), [Name('numerator'), Name('denominator')], None, 

where the Name('numerator') and Name('denominator') in the latter are actually
the Div node's .left and .right, so as to operate on the same args (which can
be abitrary expression-representing subtrees).

Of course, you probably also want to replace

AugAssign(Name('a'), '/=', Name('b'))


Assign([AssName('a', 'OP_ASSIGN')], CallFunc(Name('safediv'), [Name('a'), 
Name('b')], None, None))

Unfortunately, the AST tree does not seem to be designed to be edited easily wrt
_replacing_ nodes found by walking via flattened lists vs. just _using_ them in 

I think I can create special walker that can do replacements of nodes found 
anywhere, and
calling node-type-specific or default supplied callbacks to supply replacements 
for original nodes
passed to them, but this will require a number of specialized visitor methods 
etc., so I will
have to get back to this later. But at least the OP and you nudged me into 
thinking about
AST rewriting again ;-) (also affects my @@sourcedeco ideas ;-)

... this didn't go out due to news server problem, so I'll add some clips from 
what I did re ast editing:

def test():
print 1.0/2.0
print 12/3
a=12; b=3
print a/b
print 2**a/(b+1)
print 'print 1/0 =>'
print 1/0
except Exception, e: print '%s: %s' %(e.__class__.__name__, e)
print 'print a/(b*(a-12)) =>'
print a/(b*(a-12))
except Exception, e: print '%s: %s' %(e.__class__.__name__, e)
print 'def foo(x=1/(b-3)): return x =>'
def foo(x=1/(b-3)): return x
print 'print foo() =>'
print foo()
except Exception, e: print '%s: %s' %(e.__class__.__name__, e)
print 'b /= (a-12) =>'
b /= (a-12)
print 'b after b/=(a-12):', b
except Exception, e: print '%s: %s' %(e.__class__.__name__, e)

if __name__ == '__main__': test()
Outputfrom run without conversion of / :

print 1/0 =>
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
print a/(b*(a-12)) =>
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
def foo(x=1/(b-3)): return x =>
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
b /= (a-12) =>
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero

from importast import importast
from compiler.ast import Div, CallFunc, Name
from compiler.ast import AugAssign, Assign, AssName

def safediv(num, den):
if den==0: result = 0*num
else: result = num/den
print 'safediv(%r, %r) => %r'%(num, den, result)
return result

def div2safediv(divnode):
"""replace Div nodes with CallFunc nodes calling safediv with same args"""
return  CallFunc(Name('safediv'),[divnode.left, divnode.right], None, None, 

def divaugass2safediv(auganode):
if auganode.op != '/=': return auganode
return Assign([AssName(assname, 'OP_ASSIGN')],
CallFunc(Name('safediv'),[Name(assname), auganode.expr], None, None, 

callbacks = {Div:div2safediv, AugAssign:divaugass2safediv}
def import_safediv(modname, verbose=False):
return importast(modname, callbacks, verbose)

if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
modname, args = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:]
verbose = (args[0:] and args[0]=='-verbose') or False

Re: overload builtin operator

2005-08-26 Thread Robert Kern
Shaun wrote:
> Thanks for your replies, obviously this isn't a simple thing to do so
> I'll take a different tack.
> The exact problem I am trying to solve here is to avoid the
> ZeroDivisionError in division.
> I have c++ code which delegates to python to calculate expressions on
> table cells. The values of the table cell are arbitary numbers and the
> expressions to be calculated are fairly simple python arithmetic and
> math functions.
> The problem being that some users want an expression like '(100/x)+ 3'
> where x=0 to return 3. So that dividing a number by zero results in 0.

You have silly users. There's only one place I can think of where
division of a finite, nonzero number by zero can sensibly result in zero
(underdetermined least squares via SVD). I'd be curious as to why they
want that behavior.

> Apart from parsing the expression string myself and checking for divide
> by zero I can't find another way to solve the problem.

It might be easier to parse the expression and wrap all of the numbers
by a subclass of float that does division like you want.

Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter


Re: overload builtin operator

2005-08-26 Thread Shaun
Thanks for your replies, obviously this isn't a simple thing to do so
I'll take a different tack.

The exact problem I am trying to solve here is to avoid the
ZeroDivisionError in division.
I have c++ code which delegates to python to calculate expressions on
table cells. The values of the table cell are arbitary numbers and the
expressions to be calculated are fairly simple python arithmetic and
math functions.

The problem being that some users want an expression like '(100/x)+ 3'
where x=0 to return 3. So that dividing a number by zero results in 0.

Apart from parsing the expression string myself and checking for divide
by zero I can't find another way to solve the problem.

Hopefully someone out there has some ideas.


Re: overload builtin operator

2005-08-26 Thread Bengt Richter
On Thu, 25 Aug 2005 16:12:20 +0200, Reinhold Birkenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>Shaun wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to overload the divide operator in python for basic arithmetic.
>> eg. 10/2 ... no classes involved.
>> I am attempting to redefine operator.__div__ as follows:
>>  # my divide function
>>  def safediv(a,b):
>>  return ...
>>  # reassign buildin __div__
>>  import operator
>>  operator.__div__ = safediv
>> The operator.__dict__ seems to be updated OK but the '/' operator still  
>> calls buildin __div__
>It won't work that way. You cannot globally modify the behaviour of an 
>but you can customize how an operator works for your type.
>class safeint(int):
>def __div__(self, other):
>return safediv(self, other)
You are right that you cannot globally modify the behaviour of an operator in 
sense the OP seems to be envisioning, but with some trouble I think it would be 
to interfere with the translation of '/' to 
'safediv(, )' by transforming the AST during 
a custom
import process, such that wherever a Div node is found, a CallFunc node is 
substituted. E.g.,

for a node like

Div((Name('numerator'), Name('denominator')))

substitute another node like

CallFunc(Name('safediv'), [Name('numerator'), Name('denominator')], None, 

where the Name('numerator') and Name('denominator') in the latter are actually
the Div node's .left and .right, so as to operate on the same args (which can
be abitrary expression-representing subtrees).

Of course, you probably also want to replace

AugAssign(Name('a'), '/=', Name('b'))


Assign([AssName('a', 'OP_ASSIGN')], CallFunc(Name('safediv'), [Name('a'), 
Name('b')], None, None))

Unfortunately, the AST tree does not seem to be designed to be edited easily wrt
_replacing_ nodes found by walking via flattened lists vs. just _using_ them in 

I think I can create special walker that can do replacements of nodes found 
anywhere, and
calling node-type-specific or default supplied callbacks to supply replacements 
for original nodes
passed to them, but this will require a number of specialized visitors etc., so 
I will have to get back
to this later. But at least the OP and you nudged me into thinking about AST 
rewriting again ;-)
(also affects my @@sourcedeco ideas ;-)

Bengt Richter

Re: overload builtin operator

2005-08-25 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Shaun wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to overload the divide operator in python for basic arithmetic.
> eg. 10/2 ... no classes involved.
> I am attempting to redefine operator.__div__ as follows:
>  # my divide function
>  def safediv(a,b):
>  return ...
>  # reassign buildin __div__
>  import operator
>  operator.__div__ = safediv
> The operator.__dict__ seems to be updated OK but the '/' operator still  
> calls buildin __div__

It won't work that way. You cannot globally modify the behaviour of an operator,
but you can customize how an operator works for your type.


class safeint(int):
def __div__(self, other):
return safediv(self, other)



Re: overload builtin operator

2005-08-25 Thread Robert Kern
Shaun wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to overload the divide operator in python for basic arithmetic.
> eg. 10/2 ... no classes involved.
> I am attempting to redefine operator.__div__ as follows:
>  # my divide function
>  def safediv(a,b):
>  return ...
>  # reassign buildin __div__
>  import operator
>  operator.__div__ = safediv
> The operator.__dict__ seems to be updated OK but the '/' operator still  
> calls buildin __div__


  int1 / int2

is, I believe, equivalent to

  int.__div__(int1, int2)

operator.__div__ does not get called.

> Does anyone know if this is possible and if I'm going along the correct  
> path with my attempts above?
> Is it possible to do this using a C extention?

No, you can't replace the methods on builtin types.

Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter


overload builtin operator

2005-08-25 Thread Shaun

I'm trying to overload the divide operator in python for basic arithmetic.
eg. 10/2 ... no classes involved.

I am attempting to redefine operator.__div__ as follows:

 # my divide function
 def safediv(a,b):
 return ...

 # reassign buildin __div__
 import operator
 operator.__div__ = safediv

The operator.__dict__ seems to be updated OK but the '/' operator still  
calls buildin __div__

Does anyone know if this is possible and if I'm going along the correct  
path with my attempts above?
Is it possible to do this using a C extention?
