Re: parser recommendation

2008-06-06 Thread Kay Schluehr
On 6 Jun., 01:58, Alan Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One other possibility:
 SimpleParse (for speed).
 It is very nice.
 Alan Isaac

How does SimpleParse manage left-factorings, left-recursion and other

For example according to [1] there are two non-terminals




with an equal initial section of 4 token. How does SimpleParse detect
when it has to use the second production?


Re: parser recommendation

2008-06-05 Thread Alan Isaac

One other possibility:
SimpleParse (for speed).
It is very nice.
Alan Isaac

parser recommendation

2008-06-03 Thread Filipe Fernandes
I have a project that uses a proprietary format and I've been using
regex to extract information from it.  I haven't hit any roadblocks
yet, but I'd like to use a parsing library rather than maintain my own
code base of complicated regex's.  I've been intrigued by the parsers
available in python, which may add some much needed flexibility.

I've briefly looked at PLY and pyparsing.  There are several others,
but too many to enumerate.  My understanding is that PLY (although
more difficult to use) has much more flexibility than pyparsing.  I'm
basically looking to make an informed choice.  Not just for this
project, but for the long haul.  I'm not afraid of using a difficult
(to use or learn) parser either if it buys me something like
portability (with other languages) or flexibility).

I've been to a few websites that enumerate the parsers, but not all
that very helpful when it came to comparisons...

I'm not looking to start a flame war... I'd just like some honest opinions.. ;)


Re: parser recommendation

2008-06-03 Thread Paul McGuire
On Jun 3, 8:43 am, Filipe Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've briefly looked at PLY and pyparsing.  There are several others,
 but too many to enumerate.  My understanding is that PLY (although
 more difficult to use) has much more flexibility than pyparsing.  I'm
 basically looking to make an informed choice.  Not just for this
 project, but for the long haul.  I'm not afraid of using a difficult
 (to use or learn) parser either if it buys me something like
 portability (with other languages) or flexibility).

Short answer: try them both.  Learning curve on pyparsing is about a
day, maybe two.  And if you are already familiar with regex, PLY
should not seem too much of a stretch.  PLY parsers will probably be
faster running than pyparsing parsers, but I think pyparsing parsers
will be quicker to work up and get running.

Longer answer: PLY is of the lex/yacc school of parsing libraries
(PLY=Python Lex/Yacc).  Use regular expressions to define terminal
token specifications (a la lex).  Then use t_XXX and p_XXX methods
to build up the parsing logic - docstrings in these methods capture
regex or BNF grammar definitions.  In contrast, pyparsing is of the
combinator school of parsers.  Within your Python code, you compose
your parser using '+' and '|' operations, building up the parser using
pyparsing classes such as Literal, Word, OneOrMore, Group, etc.  Also,
pyparsing is 100% Python, so you wont have any portability issues
(don't know about PLY).

Here is a link to a page with a PLY and pyparsing example (although
not strictly a side-by-side comparison):
For comparison, here is a pyparsing version of the PLY parser on that
page (this is a recursive grammar, not necessarily a good beginner's
example for pyparsing):
term = Word(alphas,alphanums)

func_call = Forward()
func_call_list = Forward()
comma = Literal(,).suppress()
func_call_list  Group( func_call + Optional(comma +
func_call_list) )

lpar = Literal(().suppress()
rpar = Literal()).suppress()
func_call  Group( term + lpar +
Optional(func_call_list,default=[]) + rpar )
command = func_call

prog = OneOrMore(command)

comment = # + restOfLine
prog.ignore( comment )

With the data set given at Dave Kuhlman's web page, here is the
[['aaa', ['']],
 ['bbb', [['ccc', ['',
  [['eee', ['']],
   [['fff', [['ggg', ['']], [['hhh', ['']], [['iii', ['']]

Pyparsing makes some judicious assumptions about how you will want to
parse, most significant being that whitespace can be ignored during
parsing (this *can* be overridden in the parser definition).
Pyparsing also supports token grouping (for building parse trees),
parse-time callbacks (called 'parse actions'), and assigning names
within subexpressions (called 'results names'), which really helps in
working with the tokens returned from the parsing process.

If you learn both, you may find that pyparsing is a good way to
quickly prototype a particular parsing problem, which you can then
convert to PLY for performance if necessary.  The pyparsing prototype
will be an efficient way to work out what the grammar kinks are, so
that when you get around to PLY-ifying it, you already have a clear
picture of what the parser needs to do.

But, really, more flexible?  I wouldn't really say that was the big
difference between the two.

-- Paul

(More pyparsing info at

Re: parser recommendation

2008-06-03 Thread Kay Schluehr
On 3 Jun., 15:43, Filipe Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a project that uses a proprietary format and I've been using
 regex to extract information from it.  I haven't hit any roadblocks
 yet, but I'd like to use a parsing library rather than maintain my own
 code base of complicated regex's.  I've been intrigued by the parsers
 available in python, which may add some much needed flexibility.

 I've briefly looked at PLY and pyparsing.  There are several others,
 but too many to enumerate.  My understanding is that PLY (although
 more difficult to use) has much more flexibility than pyparsing.  I'm
 basically looking to make an informed choice.  Not just for this
 project, but for the long haul.  I'm not afraid of using a difficult
 (to use or learn) parser either if it buys me something like
 portability (with other languages) or flexibility).

 I've been to a few websites that enumerate the parsers, but not all
 that very helpful when it came to comparisons...

 I'm not looking to start a flame war... I'd just like some honest opinions.. 


Trail [1] that comes with EasyExtend 3 is not Batchelders list. Trail
is an EBNF based, top-down, 1 token of lookahead, non-backtracking
parser which is strictly more powerful than LL(1). For LL(1) languages
Trail *is* an LL(1) parser. Trail isn't well reasearched yet so I can
say little about performance characteristics for parsing non LL(1)
languages. They are somewhat varying with regard to the size of the
automata generated by Trail. There are also classes of grammars which
are not accepted by Trail. Just few of them are known.

I used a Trail based parser to replace the regular expression based
tokenizer for Python tokenization in EasyExtend 3. There are
definitely performance issues with the pure Python implementation and
Trail is an order of magnitude slower than On the other
hand EBNF grammars are compositional and one can easily add new rules.



Re: parser recommendation

2008-06-03 Thread Filipe Fernandes
On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 10:41 AM, Paul McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you learn both, you may find that pyparsing is a good way to
 quickly prototype a particular parsing problem, which you can then
 convert to PLY for performance if necessary.  The pyparsing prototype
 will be an efficient way to work out what the grammar kinks are, so
 that when you get around to PLY-ifying it, you already have a clear
 picture of what the parser needs to do.

Thanks (both Paul and Kay) for responding.  I'm still looking at Trail
in EasyExtend and pyparsing is very nicely objected oriented but PLY
does seems to have the speed advantage, so I'm leaning towards PLY

But I do have more questions... when reading the header (in
2.5) I found the following paragraph...

# The current implementation is only somewhat object-oriented. The
# LR parser itself is defined in terms of an object (which allows multiple
# parsers to co-exist).  However, most of the variables used during table
# construction are defined in terms of global variables.  Users shouldn't
# notice unless they are trying to define multiple parsers at the same
# time using threads (in which case they should have their head examined).

Now, I'm invariably going to have to use threads...  I'm not exactly
sure what the author is alluding to, but my guess is that to overcome
this limitation I need to acquire a thread lock first before
defining/creating a parser object before I can use it?

Has anyone ran into this issue?  This would definitely be a
showstopper (for PLY anyway), if I couldn't create multiple parsers
because of threads.  I'm not saying I need more than one, I'm just not
comfortable with that limitation.

I have a feeling I'm just misunderstanding since it doesn't seem to
hold you back from creating multiple parsers under a single process.


Re: parser recommendation

2008-06-03 Thread Kay Schluehr
On 3 Jun., 19:34, Filipe Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 # The current implementation is only somewhat object-oriented. The
 # LR parser itself is defined in terms of an object (which allows multiple
 # parsers to co-exist).  However, most of the variables used during table
 # construction are defined in terms of global variables.  Users shouldn't
 # notice unless they are trying to define multiple parsers at the same
 # time using threads (in which case they should have their head examined).

 Now, I'm invariably going to have to use threads...  I'm not exactly
 sure what the author is alluding to, but my guess is that to overcome
 this limitation I need to acquire a thread lock first before
 defining/creating a parser object before I can use it?

Nope. It just says that the parser-table construction itself relies on
global state. But you will most likely build your parser offline  in a
separate run.


Re: parser recommendation

2008-06-03 Thread Paul McGuire
On Jun 3, 12:34 pm, Filipe Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 10:41 AM, Paul McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But I do have more questions... when reading the header (in
 2.5) I found the following paragraph...

 # The current implementation is only somewhat object-oriented. The
 # LR parser itself is defined in terms of an object (which allows multiple
 # parsers to co-exist).  However, most of the variables used during table
 # construction are defined in terms of global variables.  Users shouldn't
 # notice unless they are trying to define multiple parsers at the same
 # time using threads (in which case they should have their head examined).

 Now, I'm invariably going to have to use threads...  I'm not exactly
 sure what the author is alluding to, but my guess is that to overcome
 this limitation I need to acquire a thread lock first before
 defining/creating a parser object before I can use it?

 Has anyone ran into this issue?  This would definitely be a
 showstopper (for PLY anyway), if I couldn't create multiple parsers
 because of threads.  I'm not saying I need more than one, I'm just not
 comfortable with that limitation.

 I have a feeling I'm just misunderstanding since it doesn't seem to
 hold you back from creating multiple parsers under a single process.


You can use pyparsing from any thread, and you can create multiple
parsers each running in a separate thread, but you cannot concurrently
use one parser from two different threads.  Some users work around
this by instantiating a separate parser per thread using pickle to
quickly construct the parser at thread start time.

-- Paul


Re: parser recommendation

2008-06-03 Thread Filipe Fernandes
 On Jun 3, 12:34 pm, Filipe Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 10:41 AM, Paul McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But I do have more questions... when reading the header (in
 2.5) I found the following paragraph...

 # The current implementation is only somewhat object-oriented. The
 # LR parser itself is defined in terms of an object (which allows multiple
 # parsers to co-exist).  However, most of the variables used during table
 # construction are defined in terms of global variables.  Users shouldn't
 # notice unless they are trying to define multiple parsers at the same
 # time using threads (in which case they should have their head examined).

 Now, I'm invariably going to have to use threads...  I'm not exactly
 sure what the author is alluding to, but my guess is that to overcome
 this limitation I need to acquire a thread lock first before
 defining/creating a parser object before I can use it?

 Has anyone ran into this issue?  This would definitely be a
 showstopper (for PLY anyway), if I couldn't create multiple parsers
 because of threads.  I'm not saying I need more than one, I'm just not
 comfortable with that limitation.

On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 1:53 PM, Kay Schluehr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nope. It just says that the parser-table construction itself relies on
 global state. But you will most likely build your parser offline  in a
 separate run.

Thanks Kay for the context.., I misunderstood completely, but your
last sentence coupled with a few running examples, cleared things
right up...

On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 4:36 PM, Paul McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can use pyparsing from any thread, and you can create multiple
 parsers each running in a separate thread, but you cannot concurrently
 use one parser from two different threads.  Some users work around
 this by instantiating a separate parser per thread using pickle to
 quickly construct the parser at thread start time.

I didn't know that pyparsing wasn't thread safe.  I kind of just
assumed because of it's OO approach.  Thanks for the work around.  I
haven't given up on pyparsing, although I'm now heavily leaning
towards PLY as an end solution since lex and yacc parsing is available
on other platforms as well.

Thanks Kay and Paul for the advice...  I'm still using the first two I
started looking at, but I'm much for confident in the choices made.


Re: parser recommendation

2008-06-03 Thread rurpy
On Jun 3, 2:55 pm, Filipe Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I haven't given up on pyparsing, although I'm now heavily leaning
 towards PLY as an end solution since lex and yacc parsing is available
 on other platforms as well.

Keep in mind that PLY's compatibility with YACC is functional,
not syntactical.  That is, you can not take a YACC file, replace
the actions with Python actions and feed it to PLY.

It's a shame that the Python world has no truly YACC compatible
parser like YAPP in the Perl world.