Re: threading.Semaphore (quite long)

2011-04-12 Thread Aahz
In article imqr00$5hb$,
Thomas Rachel wrote:

I want to implement an alternative concept to worker threads processing 
a job queue. The alternative consists of threads being the jobs 
themselves and thus running only this one job. The job threads are 
started after a Semaphore's acquire() giving the OK to do so. The 
Semaphore's release() gets called inside the jobs/threads, saying 
done, the next one please.

But the program doesn't always stop on Ctrl-C.


0. (First and in general) Am I doing bad things when calling release() 
at a completely different place than acquire() with a Semaphore? I used 
to believe that's why there are Semaphores?

Should be fine.

1. Is a bug report useful, or would that worsen the problem, as the race 
condition doesn't disappear completely?

shrug  If you can demonstrate that the problem occurs outside signals
(keyboard interrupt uses a signal), that would be more interesting
(signals and threads are often problematic).

2. Is in, in general, an error to work with Semaphores (ore, more 
general with Locks) in the MainThread? Or should this be done in a 
separate thread being informed about a keyboard exception by the main 

Outside of signals, there should not be a problem with that.  I don't
have time to look further, I just noticed that nobody responded.
Aahz (   *

At Resolver we've found it useful to short-circuit any doubt and just
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--Michael Foord paraphrases Christian Muirhead on python-dev, 2009-03-22

threading.Semaphore (quite long)

2011-03-28 Thread Thomas Rachel

[posted in de.clp in German]


I want to implement an alternative concept to worker threads processing 
a job queue. The alternative consists of threads being the jobs 
themselves and thus running only this one job. The job threads are 
started after a Semaphore's acquire() giving the OK to do so. The 
Semaphore's release() gets called inside the jobs/threads, saying 
done, the next one please.

But the program doesn't always stop on Ctrl-C.

So I had a look on threading.Semaphore and found

def acquire(self, blocking=1):
rc = False
self.__cond.acquire() [1]
self.__cond.release() [2]
return rc

__enter__ = acquire

def release(self):
self.__cond.acquire() [3]

Due to Strg-C, after returning from [1] there was a KeyboardInterrupt. 
[2] was never reached, so the threads deadlocked on [3].

In the other classes (Event, Condition) the helper lock calls are 
wrapped with try...finally gepackt, where after Ctrl-C 
self.__cond.release() would be called as well, allowing for the 
currently running jobs to finish.

First I thought about writing a bug report. But does t make it better? 
Because, with the finally: solution mentionned, an exception still can 
happen between finally: and release() - or not? It is less probable, the 
time window being smaller, but not impossible, so this error becomes 
more subtle.

Thus, the following questions:

0. (First and in general) Am I doing bad things when calling release() 
at a completely different place than acquire() with a Semaphore? I used 
to believe that's why there are Semaphores?

1. Is a bug report useful, or would that worsen the problem, as the race 
condition doesn't disappear completely?

2. Is in, in general, an error to work with Semaphores (ore, more 
general with Locks) in the MainThread? Or should this be done in a 
separate thread being informed about a keyboard exception by the main 

Below is a minimal example ( demonstrating the behaviour.

python -m t 1 does the IMHO bad thing: Ctrl-C stops the MainThread and 
has the others starve on the lock.

python -m t 2 does spawning in a separate thread. The MainThread reacts 
to Strg-C with run = False, telling the other threads to stop ASAP.

python -m t 3 improves Semaphore() by putting self.__cond.release() into 
a finally: clause.

python -m t 4 destroys this beautiful new concept by throwing an 
Asserion at the appropriate (worst case) place (instead of a 

So the question is: Bug(report) doe to finally:, or used the wrong way?

TIA and greetings,

import threading
import time
import random

run = True
destroyed = False

sema = threading.Semaphore(5)
def target():
print threading.current_thread(), ' works'
time.sleep(max(random.normalvariate(2, .4), 0))

class MySema(threading._Semaphore):
def acquire(self, blocking=1):
rc = False
ok = False # for destroying
while self._Semaphore__value == 0:
if not blocking:
if __debug__:
self._note(%s.acquire(%s): blocked waiting, value=%s,
self, blocking, self._Semaphore__value)
self._Semaphore__value = self._Semaphore__value - 1
if __debug__:
self._note(%s.acquire: success, value=%s,
self, self._Semaphore__value)
rc = True
ok = True # for not destroying
if destroyed and not ok: assert 0, hier kaputt, release() 
doch nicht

return rc

__enter__ = acquire

def release(self):
self._Semaphore__value = self._Semaphore__value + 1
if __debug__:
self._note(%s.release: success, value=%s,
   self, self._Semaphore__value)

def thread():
t = threading.Thread(target=target)
return t

def erroneous():
global run
while True:
t = thread()
print 'main thread spawned', t
run = False

def extrathread():
global run
def extra():
while run:
t = thread()
print 'control thread spawned', t
while True:
run = False

def alternative():
global sema
sema = MySema(5)

if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys