Re: tkinter ttk.Treeview: changing background colour of single item when selected

2023-02-13 Thread stefalem

Il 12/02/23 12:10, John O'Hagan ha scritto:

> My goal was to be able to change the colour of an individual item
> regardless of whether it is selected or not. To do that, it is
> necessary to be able to change the colour of an individual selected
> item, without changing the selection or changing the colour of other
> selected items. It seems this isn't possible.

ok sorry. As another alternative I had thought of this:

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *

root = Tk()
t = Treeview(root)

t.insert('', 0, iid='item1', text='item1')
t.insert('', 1, text='item2')
t.tag_configure('flashtag', background='red')
style = Style()
styleDefault = ("Treeview"))

def flash():
 tags = t.item('item1', 'tags')
 t.item('item1', tags='' if tags else 'flashtag')
 t.after(500, flash)
 itemselected = t.selection()
 for x in itemselected:
  if (x == 'item1'):
   style.configure('Treeview', selectbackground='red')'Treeview', background=[('disabled', 'white')], 
foreground=[('disabled', 'red')])

  else:'Treeview', background=[('selected', 


Maybe it can be useful for other situations.

Bye bye

Re: tkinter ttk.Treeview: changing background colour of single item when selected

2023-02-12 Thread John O'Hagan
On Sun, 2023-02-12 at 08:59 -0500, Thomas Passin wrote:


> On 2/12/2023 6:10 AM, John O'Hagan wrote:


> > 
> > My goal was to be able to change the colour of an individual item
> > regardless of whether it is selected or not. To do that, it is
> > necessary to be able to change the colour of an individual selected
> > item, without changing the selection or changing the colour of
> > other
> > selected items. It seems this isn't possible.
> I haven't worked with ttk objects or Treeviews, but judging from old 
> style objects, I think you have to re-apply your color and flashing
> when 
> the item becomes selected and possibly again when it becomes
> unselected.
> Depending on exactly what effect you want, you may also need to apply
> color and flashing when the mouse moves over the item and again when
> it 
> leaves.  When I make changes in e.g. color, I like to save the
> previous 
> value(s) in the object itself.  That way I can easily restore say a 
> background color without having to work out what it used to be, which
> may be some color that Tk applies based on the desktop theme and who 
> know what else.
> Here's an example (simplified) for changing color on mouse hover and 
> leave events:
> BG_KEY = 'bg' if platform.lower().startswith('win') \
>   else 'activebackground'  # Different for Linux!
> def on_enter(event):
>  w = event.widget
>  w.old_bg = w.cget('bg')
>  w[BG_KEY] = BUTTON_HOVER  # Color you have chosen
> def on_leave(event):
>  w = event.widget
>  _bg = w.old_bg
>  w[BG_KEY] = _bg

Thank you again for your reply, Thomas. I didn't know tkinter
configuration keys have different names on different platforms, that
seems unneccesary! I also like the idea of storing the original
settings on the object itself.

However, because of the nature of ttk widgets, I think I'm stuck with
my original issue. Unlike classic tkinter widgets, a lot of the ttk
configuration options are not available on individual widgets, but must
be done through styles or tags. On Treeviews (and possibly other ttk
widgets), the colours for selected items can only be set using (AFAIK).  The colours for individual items can (only?) be set
using tags, but this is evidently overridden when the item is
selected by the selection colour dictated by the style. Treeview tags
do not have a 'selectbackground' option like many tkinter widgets do.
(Fonts _can_ be set this way, so I could flash, say, the font size, but
that's ugly!)

As as aside, IMO ttk looks great (and Treeview is really useful) but
this approach to configuration is a double-edged sword. On one hand
it's super-easy to change the whole look, but on the other, it can be
overly restrictive if you want to control the look of individual

I might try to put forward a feature request to add a
'selectbackground' option to ttk tags to see if there's any interest.




Re: tkinter ttk.Treeview: changing background colour of single item when selected

2023-02-12 Thread Thomas Passin

On 2/12/2023 6:10 AM, John O'Hagan wrote:

On Mon, 2023-02-06 at 10:19 -0800, stefalem wrote:

Il giorno sabato 4 febbraio 2023 alle 11:43:29 UTC+1 John O'Hagan ha

Is there another way to do what I want?

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *

root = Tk()
t = Treeview(root)

t.insert('', 0, iid='item1', text='item1')
t.insert('', 1, text='item2')
t.tag_configure('flashtag', background='red')
def flash():

  tags = t.item('item1', 'tags')
  t.item('item1', tags='' if tags else 'flashtag')
  t.after(500, flash)
  itemselected = t.selection()
  for x in itemselected:
   if (x == 'item1'):


Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately that's not quite what I'm
after, because it unselects the flashing item.

My goal was to be able to change the colour of an individual item
regardless of whether it is selected or not. To do that, it is
necessary to be able to change the colour of an individual selected
item, without changing the selection or changing the colour of other
selected items. It seems this isn't possible.

I haven't worked with ttk objects or Treeviews, but judging from old 
style objects, I think you have to re-apply your color and flashing when 
the item becomes selected and possibly again when it becomes unselected.

Depending on exactly what effect you want, you may also need to apply 
color and flashing when the mouse moves over the item and again when it 
leaves.  When I make changes in e.g. color, I like to save the previous 
value(s) in the object itself.  That way I can easily restore say a 
background color without having to work out what it used to be, which 
may be some color that Tk applies based on the desktop theme and who 
know what else.

Here's an example (simplified) for changing color on mouse hover and 
leave events:

BG_KEY = 'bg' if platform.lower().startswith('win') \
 else 'activebackground'  # Different for Linux!

def on_enter(event):
w = event.widget
w.old_bg = w.cget('bg')
w[BG_KEY] = BUTTON_HOVER  # Color you have chosen

def on_leave(event):
w = event.widget
_bg = w.old_bg
w[BG_KEY] = _bg


Re: tkinter ttk.Treeview: changing background colour of single item when selected

2023-02-12 Thread John O'Hagan
On Mon, 2023-02-06 at 10:19 -0800, stefalem wrote:
> Il giorno sabato 4 febbraio 2023 alle 11:43:29 UTC+1 John O'Hagan ha
> scritto:
> ...
> > Is there another way to do what I want? 
> from tkinter import *
> from tkinter.ttk import *
> root = Tk()
> t = Treeview(root)
> t.insert('', 0, iid='item1', text='item1')
> t.insert('', 1, text='item2')
> t.tag_configure('flashtag', background='red')
> t.pack()
> def flash():
>  tags = t.item('item1', 'tags')
>  t.item('item1', tags='' if tags else 'flashtag')
>  t.after(500, flash)
>  itemselected = t.selection()
>  for x in itemselected:
>   if (x == 'item1'):
>    t.selection_remove(t.get_children())
> flash()

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately that's not quite what I'm
after, because it unselects the flashing item.

My goal was to be able to change the colour of an individual item
regardless of whether it is selected or not. To do that, it is
necessary to be able to change the colour of an individual selected
item, without changing the selection or changing the colour of other
selected items. It seems this isn't possible.



Re: tkinter ttk.Treeview: changing background colour of single item when selected

2023-02-06 Thread stefalem
I apologize for the 3 messages sent, I could not access the usual news 
server and with Google Groups I messed up :)


Re: tkinter ttk.Treeview: changing background colour of single item when selected

2023-02-06 Thread stefalem
> Is there another way to do what I want? 

try this:

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *

root = Tk()
t = Treeview(root)

t.insert('', 0, iid='item1', text='item1')
t.insert('', 1, text='item2')
t.tag_configure('flashtag', background='red')
def flash():
 tags = t.item('item1', 'tags')
 t.item('item1', tags='' if tags else 'flashtag')
 t.after(500, flash)
 itemselected = t.selection()
 for x in itemselected:
  if (x == 'item1'):



Re: tkinter ttk.Treeview: changing background colour of single item when selected

2023-02-06 Thread stefalem
Il giorno sabato 4 febbraio 2023 alle 11:43:29 UTC+1 John O'Hagan ha scritto:

> Is there another way to do what I want? 

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *

root = Tk()
t = Treeview(root)

t.insert('', 0, iid='item1', text='item1')
t.insert('', 1, text='item2')
t.tag_configure('flashtag', background='red')
def flash():
 tags = t.item('item1', 'tags')
 t.item('item1', tags='' if tags else 'flashtag')
 t.after(500, flash)
 itemselected = t.selection()
 for x in itemselected:
  if (x == 'item1'):


> Thanks 
> -- 
> John

Re: tkinter ttk.Treeview: changing background colour of single item when selected

2023-02-04 Thread Thomas Passin
I haven't worked specifically with a Treeview, but I think you need to 
detect the onClick event (or an onSelect event if there is one) and have 
that trigger the flashing.  Otherwise the selection probably overwrites 
styling that you added. That's what I do for classic Tk buttons to make 
them flash when selected.  (I only flash once, though; I don't keep them 

On 2/4/2023 5:42 AM, John O'Hagan wrote:

Hi list

I'm using a ttk Treeview to display a hierarchical data structure. When
an error condition arises in a node, I want the corresponding item in
the Treeview to flash its background color.

Using a tag to flash the item background works, except when the item is
selected, when the tag has no effect. I want the item to keep flashing
even when selected.

The code below is a minimal example of the issue. It displays a
Treeview containing two items with the first one flashing. If you
select it, you don't see the flashing anymore.

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *

root = Tk()
t = Treeview(root)

t.insert('', 0, iid='item1', text='item1')
t.insert('', 1, text='item2')
t.tag_configure('flashtag', background='red')

def flash():
  tags = t.item('item1', 'tags')
  t.item('item1', tags='' if tags else 'flashtag')
  t.after(500, flash)


Other than tags, the only other way I've found to dynamically change
Treeview backgrounds is using styles, in particular to
configure the background of a selected item, but they apply to all
items in the Treeview and would flash all selected items, not just the
one I want to keep flashing.

Is there another way to do what I want?





tkinter ttk.Treeview: changing background colour of single item when selected

2023-02-04 Thread John O'Hagan
Hi list

I'm using a ttk Treeview to display a hierarchical data structure. When
an error condition arises in a node, I want the corresponding item in
the Treeview to flash its background color. 

Using a tag to flash the item background works, except when the item is
selected, when the tag has no effect. I want the item to keep flashing
even when selected.

The code below is a minimal example of the issue. It displays a
Treeview containing two items with the first one flashing. If you
select it, you don't see the flashing anymore.

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *

root = Tk()
t = Treeview(root)

t.insert('', 0, iid='item1', text='item1')
t.insert('', 1, text='item2')
t.tag_configure('flashtag', background='red')

def flash():
 tags = t.item('item1', 'tags')
 t.item('item1', tags='' if tags else 'flashtag')
 t.after(500, flash)


Other than tags, the only other way I've found to dynamically change
Treeview backgrounds is using styles, in particular to
configure the background of a selected item, but they apply to all
items in the Treeview and would flash all selected items, not just the
one I want to keep flashing.

Is there another way to do what I want?



