win32 service

2006-12-16 Thread g.franzkowiak
Hi everybody,

have a little problem with a service on Win32.

I use a TCP server as service, but can't access from an other machine.
Only local access is possible.

The service starts like this:

-> --username user --password password install <-

followed by start

The user is member in "Log on as service", but... only local access :-(

What is wrong or what can I do ?


Starting Win32 Service

2006-09-26 Thread placid
Hi all,

Using Tim Golden's wmi module you can get the service names

import wmi
c = wmi.WMI ()
stopped_services = c.Win32_Service (StartMode="Auto", State="Stopped")
if stopped_services:
  for s in stopped_services:
print s.Caption, "service is not running"
  print "No auto services stopped"

but how do i start services that are stopped?



Re: win32 service

2006-12-16 Thread Tim Williams
On 16/12/06, g.franzkowiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> have a little problem with a service on Win32.
> I use a TCP server as service, but can't access from an other machine.
> Only local access is possible.
> The service starts like this:
> -> --username user --password password install <-
> followed by start
> The user is member in "Log on as service", but... only local access :-(
> What is wrong or what can I do ?

Have you checked that your firewall isn't causing the problem,  and
that the servers IP address is accessible from other machines to start
with ?

Re: win32 service

2006-12-16 Thread g.franzkowiak
Tim Williams schrieb:
> On 16/12/06, g.franzkowiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> have a little problem with a service on Win32.
>> I use a TCP server as service, but can't access from an other machine.
>> Only local access is possible.
>> The service starts like this:
>> -> --username user --password password install <-
>> followed by start
>> The user is member in "Log on as service", but... only local access :-(
>> What is wrong or what can I do ?
> Have you checked that your firewall isn't causing the problem,  and
> that the servers IP address is accessible from other machines to start
> with ?

Yes, is checked. The server class operates as normal console program.

Re: win32 service

2006-12-16 Thread g.franzkowiak
Tim Williams schrieb:
> On 16/12/06, g.franzkowiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> have a little problem with a service on Win32.
>> I use a TCP server as service, but can't access from an other machine.
>> Only local access is possible.
>> The service starts like this:
>> -> --username user --password password install <-
>> followed by start
>> The user is member in "Log on as service", but... only local access :-(
>> What is wrong or what can I do ?
> Have you checked that your firewall isn't causing the problem,  and
> that the servers IP address is accessible from other machines to start
> with ?

OK, now I'm connected. My adjustments in "Log on as service" were wrong.

win32 service and sockets

2005-02-08 Thread Tom Brown

I created a win32 service for XPPro called (see below). 
The service runs as a particular user with administrative rights. It starts a 
thread that creates a simple socket server ( -- also 
below) that just waits for 20 character string. When I run the socket server 
by itself the test client can connect to the server and send a 20 character 
string just fine. When I run the service, the server will bind to the port 
but the client cannot connect. I verified the server was listening on the 
given port using netstat -an. The client eventually times out. Why isn't the 
server accepting connections when run in a service?

import win32serviceutil
import win32service
import win32event
import N4010ASocketServer
from thread import start_new_thread

class N4010ATestService(win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework):
  _svc_name_ = "N4010ATestService"
  _svc_display_name_ = "N4010A Test Service"
  def __init__(self, args):
win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework.__init__(self, args)

  def SvcDoRun(self):
 start_new_thread(N4010ASocketServer.main, ())

  def SvcStop(self):
# Before we do anything, tell the SCM we are starting the stop process.

if __name__ == '__main__':
from socket import socket
from select import select
from time import sleep
import win32evtlogutil

applicationName = 'N4010ASocketServer'
messageDll = 'C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\win32\pythonservice.exe'
running = True
stopped = False

def registerWithEventViewer():
  win32evtlogutil.AddSourceToRegistry(applicationName, messageDll)

def stop():
  import servicemanager
  global running
  running = False

def waitfor():
  while not stopped:

def main():
  import servicemanager
  servicemanager.LogInfoMsg('creating socket')
  sock = socket()
  servicemanager.LogInfoMsg('binding to port 48777')
  sock.bind(('', 48777))
  while running:
servicemanager.LogInfoMsg('Waiting for connection.')
readyRead, readyWrite, inerror = select([sock], [], [], 0)
while (not readyRead) and running:
  readyRead, readyWrite, inerror = select([sock], [], [], 0)
if running:
  conn, address = sock.accept()
  msg = conn.recv(20)
  servicemanager.LogInfoMsg('Recvd msg: %s' % msg)
  global stopped
  stopped = True

win32 service and time.sleep()

2005-09-20 Thread rbt
I have a win32 service written in Python. It works well. It sends a
report of the status of the machine via email periodically. The one
problem I have is this... while trying to send an email, the script
loops until a send happens and then it breaks. Should it be unable to
send, it sleeps for 10 minutes with time.sleep(600) and then wakes and
tries again. This is when the problem occurs. I can't stop the service
while the program is sleeping. When I try, it just hangs until a reboot.
Can some suggest how to fix this?


win32 service and time.sleep()

2005-09-20 Thread rbt
I have a win32 service written in Python. It works well. It sends a
report of the status of the machine via email periodically. The one
problem I have is this... while trying to send an email, the script
loops until a send happens and then it breaks. Should it be unable to
send, it sleeps for 10 minutes with time.sleep(600) and then wakes and
tries again. This is when the problem occurs. I can't stop the service
while the program is sleeping. When I try, it just hangs until a reboot.
Can some suggest how to fix this?



RE: Starting Win32 Service

2006-09-27 Thread Tim Golden
| Using Tim Golden's wmi module you can get the service names
| import wmi
| c = wmi.WMI ()
| stopped_services = c.Win32_Service (StartMode="Auto", State="Stopped")
| if stopped_services:
|   for s in stopped_services:
| print s.Caption, "service is not running"
| else:
|   print "No auto services stopped"
| but how do i start services that are stopped?

import wmi
c = wmi.WMI ()
for method in c.Win32_Service._methods:
  print method

#... includes StartService

print c.Win32_Service.StartService

#  (ReturnValue)>

# Therefore, to start all non-running auto services (!)
for service in c.Win32_Service (StartMode="Auto", State="Stopped"):
  print service.Caption
  service.StartService ()


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Re: Starting Win32 Service

2006-09-27 Thread Gabriel Genellina

At Wednesday 27/9/2006 01:39, placid wrote:

Using Tim Golden's wmi module you can get the service names
but how do i start services that are stopped?

Surely there are fancier ways:
>net start servicename

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas,
está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta).
¡Probalo ya!


Re: Starting Win32 Service

2006-09-27 Thread placid

Tim Golden wrote:
> [placid]
> | Using Tim Golden's wmi module you can get the service names
> |
> | import wmi
> | c = wmi.WMI ()
> | stopped_services = c.Win32_Service (StartMode="Auto", State="Stopped")
> | if stopped_services:
> |   for s in stopped_services:
> | print s.Caption, "service is not running"
> | else:
> |   print "No auto services stopped"
> |
> | but how do i start services that are stopped?
> import wmi
> c = wmi.WMI ()
> for method in c.Win32_Service._methods:
>   print method
> #
> #... includes StartService
> #
> print c.Win32_Service.StartService
> #  (ReturnValue)>
> #
> # Therefore, to start all non-running auto services (!)
> #
> for service in c.Win32_Service (StartMode="Auto", State="Stopped"):
>   print service.Caption
>   service.StartService ()

Thanks for that.

Now i was trying to use service.ChangeStartMode but each time i pass in
an argument i get the error;

#TypeError: __call__() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)


>>> print service.ChangeStartMode

ChangeStartMode needs an argument!

What im i doing wrong here?



Re: Starting Win32 Service

2006-09-27 Thread placid

placid wrote:
> Tim Golden wrote:
> > [placid]
> > | Using Tim Golden's wmi module you can get the service names
> > |
> > | import wmi
> > | c = wmi.WMI ()
> > | stopped_services = c.Win32_Service (StartMode="Auto", State="Stopped")
> > | if stopped_services:
> > |   for s in stopped_services:
> > | print s.Caption, "service is not running"
> > | else:
> > |   print "No auto services stopped"
> > |
> > | but how do i start services that are stopped?
> >
> > 
> > import wmi
> > c = wmi.WMI ()
> > for method in c.Win32_Service._methods:
> >   print method
> >
> > #
> > #... includes StartService
> > #
> >
> > print c.Win32_Service.StartService
> >
> > #  (ReturnValue)>
> >
> > #
> > # Therefore, to start all non-running auto services (!)
> > #
> > for service in c.Win32_Service (StartMode="Auto", State="Stopped"):
> >   print service.Caption
> >   service.StartService ()
> >
> > 
> >
> > TJG
> >
> Thanks for that.
> Now i was trying to use service.ChangeStartMode but each time i pass in
> an argument i get the error;
> #TypeError: __call__() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
> but;
> >>> print service.ChangeStartMode
>  (ReturnValue)>
> ChangeStartMode needs an argument!
> What im i doing wrong here?

And to answer my own question, the way to pass in arguments is via the
key=value way so;

service.ChangeStartMode(StartMode = "Automatic")


P.S: Dont you just love trial and error/brute force?


RE: Starting Win32 Service

2006-09-27 Thread Tim Golden
| > Now i was trying to use service.ChangeStartMode but each 
| time i pass in
| > an argument i get the error;
| >
| > #TypeError: __call__() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
| >
| > but;
| >
| > >>> print service.ChangeStartMode
| >  (ReturnValue)>
| >
| > ChangeStartMode needs an argument!
| >
| > What im i doing wrong here?
| And to answer my own question, the way to pass in arguments is via the
| key=value way so;
| service.ChangeStartMode(StartMode = "Automatic")

Yes, sorry about that, it's a well-known (to me) gotcha.
Basically there's no way I can extract the params from
the COM interface in a way which implies order, so I
can't take them in positionally. (Corrections to this
statement will be gratefully received).


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Re: Starting Win32 Service

2006-09-28 Thread Roger Upole

Tim Golden wrote:
> Yes, sorry about that, it's a well-known (to me) gotcha.
> Basically there's no way I can extract the params from
> the COM interface in a way which implies order, so I
> can't take them in positionally. (Corrections to this
> statement will be gratefully received).

InParameters.Properties_ can be accessed by name or index,
so you should be able to map both *args and **kwargs.
(although you'd have to check for overlap yourself)


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RE: Starting Win32 Service

2006-09-28 Thread Tim Golden
| Tim Golden wrote:
| ...
| > Yes, sorry about that, it's a well-known (to me) gotcha.
| > Basically there's no way I can extract the params from
| > the COM interface in a way which implies order, so I
| > can't take them in positionally. (Corrections to this
| > statement will be gratefully received).
| >
| > TJG
| InParameters.Properties_ can be accessed by name or index,
| so you should be able to map both *args and **kwargs.
| (although you'd have to check for overlap yourself)
|   Roger

Thanks a lot, Roger. I thought I'd looked around this
one before, but obviously not hard enough! I'll have
another look.


This e-mail has been scanned for all viruses by Star. The
service is powered by MessageLabs. For more information on a proactive
anti-virus service working around the clock, around the globe, visit:


Re: win32 service and sockets

2005-02-09 Thread Tom Brown
On Tuesday 08 February 2005 16:41, Tom Brown wrote:
> Hi,
> I created a win32 service for XPPro called (see
> below). The service runs as a particular user with administrative rights.
> It starts a thread that creates a simple socket server
> ( -- also below) that just waits for 20 character
> string. When I run the socket server by itself the test client can connect
> to the server and send a 20 character string just fine. When I run the
> service, the server will bind to the port but the client cannot connect. I
> verified the server was listening on the given port using netstat -an. The
> client eventually times out. Why isn't the server accepting connections
> when run in a service?
> Thanks,
> Tom

Well, I have found that it works if I launch the client on the same machine as 
the service. It will not work from a remote machine. Any ideas?


Re: win32 service and sockets

2005-02-09 Thread David Bolen
Tom Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Well, I have found that it works if I launch the client on the same
> machine as the service. It will not work from a remote machine. Any
> ideas?

Sounds like it might be an issue at the network layer rather than in
your code - perhaps a routing or filtering problem between your two
machines.  Have you verified that you do in fact have network
connectivity between the machines (such as with ping), and that you
can reach your server's port from the client (perhaps try telnetting
to the port).

Since you mentioned Xp, could any of it's built-in firewall support be
enabled, and perhaps blocking access to your server's port?

-- David

Re: win32 service and sockets

2005-02-09 Thread Tom Brown
On Wednesday 09 February 2005 10:48, David Bolen wrote:
> Tom Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Well, I have found that it works if I launch the client on the same
> > machine as the service. It will not work from a remote machine. Any
> > ideas?
> Since you mentioned Xp, could any of it's built-in firewall support be
> enabled, and perhaps blocking access to your server's port?


That was it. It was the built-in firewall that was getting me.


Re: win32 service and time.sleep()

2005-09-20 Thread Oracle
On Tue, 20 Sep 2005 10:49:13 -0400, rbt wrote:

> I have a win32 service written in Python. It works well. It sends a
> report of the status of the machine via email periodically. The one
> problem I have is this... while trying to send an email, the script
> loops until a send happens and then it breaks. Should it be unable to
> send, it sleeps for 10 minutes with time.sleep(600) and then wakes and
> tries again. This is when the problem occurs. I can't stop the service
> while the program is sleeping. When I try, it just hangs until a reboot.
> Can some suggest how to fix this?

You could try doing it the hard way.  In a loop, sleep for 1-5 seconds at
a time.  Everytime you complete a sleep, check the elapsed time.  If the
elapsed time is >= the total sleep duration, fall out of the sleep loop
and try your email again.  This should allow your service to stop within
1-5 seconds of your request while imposing little to no load on the system.


Re: win32 service and time.sleep()

2005-09-20 Thread Laszlo Zsolt Nagy
rbt wrote:

>I have a win32 service written in Python. It works well. It sends a
>report of the status of the machine via email periodically. The one
>problem I have is this... while trying to send an email, the script
>loops until a send happens and then it breaks. Should it be unable to
>send, it sleeps for 10 minutes with time.sleep(600) and then wakes and
>tries again. This is when the problem occurs. I can't stop the service
>while the program is sleeping. When I try, it just hangs until a reboot.
>Can some suggest how to fix this?
Yes. Generally, most of the win32 services work like this:

- the main thread listens to win32 service commands
- when starting the service, you should create a new worker thread that 
does the job for you
- when stopping the service, your service should report 
win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING immediately, and ask the worker thread 
to terminate
- you should be continuously reporting win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING 
until your workder thread has stopped

Here is a simple module that uses a 'Processor' class and a new thread 
to do the work.
(The full program is here: )

class Service(win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework):
_svc_name_ = SERVICE_NAME
_svc_display_name_ = SERVICE_DISPLAY
def __init__(self, args):
win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework.__init__(self, args)
self.stopped = threading.Event()
self.logger = getLogger(SERVICE_NAME)

def SvcStop(self):"Got SvcStop, trying to stop service...")

def SvcDoRun(self):
"""Write an event log record - in debug mode we will also see 
this message printed."""
import servicemanager
(self._svc_name_, '')
self.logger.debug("Creating processor instance")
processor = Processor(self.stopped)
self.logger.debug("Starting processor thread")
self.logger.debug("Waiting for the processor thread to finish")
while not processor.stopped.isSet():

self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, 5000)
(self._svc_name_, "")
self.logger.error('',exc_info = sys.exc_info())

if __name__=='__main__':

Re: win32 service and time.sleep()

2005-09-20 Thread Steve Holden
rbt wrote:
> I have a win32 service written in Python. It works well. It sends a
> report of the status of the machine via email periodically. The one
> problem I have is this... while trying to send an email, the script
> loops until a send happens and then it breaks. Should it be unable to
> send, it sleeps for 10 minutes with time.sleep(600) and then wakes and
> tries again. This is when the problem occurs. I can't stop the service
> while the program is sleeping. When I try, it just hangs until a reboot.
> Can some suggest how to fix this?

One way would be to maintain a Queue.Queue containing the messages that 
need to be sent and, rather than sleeping to retry just retrying when 
enough time has elapsed. That way you can keep pumping messages and so 
on to your heart's content, though you will have to keep track of the 
messages still to be sent.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: win32 service and time.sleep()

2005-09-22 Thread Steve Horsley
Oracle wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Sep 2005 10:49:13 -0400, rbt wrote:
>> I have a win32 service written in Python. It works well. It sends a
>> report of the status of the machine via email periodically. The one
>> problem I have is this... while trying to send an email, the script
>> loops until a send happens and then it breaks. Should it be unable to
>> send, it sleeps for 10 minutes with time.sleep(600) and then wakes and
>> tries again. This is when the problem occurs. I can't stop the service
>> while the program is sleeping. When I try, it just hangs until a reboot.
>> Can some suggest how to fix this?
> You could try doing it the hard way.  In a loop, sleep for 1-5 seconds at
> a time.  Everytime you complete a sleep, check the elapsed time.  If the
> elapsed time is >= the total sleep duration, fall out of the sleep loop
> and try your email again.  This should allow your service to stop within
> 1-5 seconds of your request while imposing little to no load on the system.

I adopted that solution just last week. When you wake (every few 
seconds), you check for a stop flag (and exit if needed of 
course) before checking if its time to do work-work. Works a treat.

Another option is to use a threading.Condition, and have the 
service thread wait(600). The thread that calls to stop the 
service can set the stop flag and then notify() the Condition.


win32 Service: path to .py script

2006-09-19 Thread Gregor Horvath

I have a (see below). I installed the Windows-Service
successfully. (via commandlineoption install)
The problem is that it runs only when it is in c:\windows\system32 or in
the python path.
I added the desired path (Y:\) to the PYTHONPATH environment variable
for the system account and rebooted.
When I start command line python and do a import testservice everything
is fine.
Starting the service with the script only in Y:\ gives the error in the
event log:

Python could not import the service's module

exceptions.ImportError: No module named testservice

Thanks for your help.


import win32serviceutil, win32service
import servicemanager
import win32api
import win32event
import sys

class TestPipeService(win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework):
_svc_name_ = "MDE Dispatcher"
_svc_display_name_ = "MDE-Dispatcher"
_svc_description_ = "Dispatches machine events from the Siemens ODC
to registrered MDE clients (windows) over the network via XML-RPC"
def __init__(self, args):
win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework.__init__(self, args)
self.hWaitStop = win32event.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None)

def SvcStop(self):

def SvcDoRun(self):
# Write an event log record - in debug mode we will also
# see this message printed.
(self._svc_name_, '')

while 1:
rc = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(self.hWaitStop, 2000)
if rc == win32event.WAIT_OBJECT_0:

# Write another event log record.
(self._svc_name_, " TEST ")

if __name__=='__main__':


Re: win32 Service: path to .py script

2006-09-19 Thread Larry Bates
Gregor Horvath wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a (see below). I installed the Windows-Service
> successfully. (via commandlineoption install)
> The problem is that it runs only when it is in c:\windows\system32 or in
> the python path.
> I added the desired path (Y:\) to the PYTHONPATH environment variable
> for the system account and rebooted.
> When I start command line python and do a import testservice everything
> is fine.
> Starting the service with the script only in Y:\ gives the error in the
> event log:
> Python could not import the service's module
> exceptions.ImportError: No module named testservice
> Thanks for your help.
> --
> Greg
> import win32serviceutil, win32service
> import servicemanager
> import win32api
> import win32event
> import sys
> class TestPipeService(win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework):
> _svc_name_ = "MDE Dispatcher"
> _svc_display_name_ = "MDE-Dispatcher"
> _svc_description_ = "Dispatches machine events from the Siemens ODC
> to registrered MDE clients (windows) over the network via XML-RPC"
> def __init__(self, args):
> win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework.__init__(self, args)
> self.hWaitStop = win32event.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None)
> def SvcStop(self):
> self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING)
> win32event.SetEvent(self.hWaitStop)
> def SvcDoRun(self):
> # Write an event log record - in debug mode we will also
> # see this message printed.
> servicemanager.LogMsg(
> servicemanager.PYS_SERVICE_STARTED,
> (self._svc_name_, '')
> )
> while 1:
> win32api.Sleep(2)
> rc = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(self.hWaitStop, 2000)
> if rc == win32event.WAIT_OBJECT_0:
> break
> # Write another event log record.
> servicemanager.LogMsg(
> servicemanager.PYS_SERVICE_STOPPED,
> (self._svc_name_, " TEST ")
> )
> if __name__=='__main__':
> win32serviceutil.HandleCommandLine(TestPipeService)
I believe that your problem is that services run under Local
System account.  Normally Local System account would not have
a drive mapping Y:\.  You can change the account that a service
runs under in the Service Manager-Log On tab.  Normally you
wouldn't run services from mapped drives, they would be
installed on local machine and started from there.  If services
need to access mapped drives, you need to put full UNC
pathnames to access them or run the services under an account
that has the drives mapped properly.

-Larry Bates

Re: win32 Service: path to .py script

2006-09-19 Thread Gregor Horvath
Larry Bates schrieb:

> I believe that your problem is that services run under Local
> System account.  Normally Local System account would not have
> a drive mapping Y:\.  You can change the account that a service

You are absolutly correct.
I moved the script to a local drive instead of a mapped network drive,
now it works perfectly.

Thank you a lot.

  Servus, Gregor