Re: working with ctypes and complex data structures

2016-10-06 Thread Michael Felt

On 04-Oct-16 04:48, eryk sun wrote:

On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 9:27 PM, Michael Felt  wrote:

int perfstat_subsystem_total(
perfstat_id_t *name,
perfstat_subsystem_total_t *userbuff,
int sizeof_struct,
int desired_number);
+79  class cpu_total:
+80  def __init__(self):
+81  __perfstat__ = CDLL("libperfstat.a(shr_64.o)")
Thanks for the model below - a lot to think about. Some was expected, 
some is a gift!

Python is "a lot to learn". This helps a great deal.

Move loading the library and defining function prototypes to either
the module or class body. Also, don't use dunder names. The convention
for a private attribute is a single underscore. For type safety,
define each function's argtypes (and restype where required, the
default is c_int). For a more Pythonic interface, define a ctypes
errcheck function that encapsulates raising an appropriate exception
when a C call fails. For example:

 import ctypes

 # If the following types are used generally, define them at
 # the module level, else define them in the class namespace
 # that uses them.

 perfstat = ctypes.CDLL("libperfstat.a(shr_64.o)")

 class perfstat_id_t(ctypes.Structure):


 class time64_t(ctypes._SimpleCData):
 _type_ = ctypes.c_int64._type_

 time_t = time64_t

 class perfstat_cpu_total_t(ctypes.Structure):
 _fields_ = (("ncpus",   ctypes.c_int),
 ("ncpus_cfg",   ctypes.c_int),
 ("description", ctypes.c_char * IDENTIFIER_LENGTH),
 ("buffer1", ctypes.c_ulonglong * 15),
 ("lbolt",   time_t),
 ("loadavg", ctypes.c_ulonglong * 3),
 ("buffer2", ctypes.c_ulonglong * 29),
 ("ncpus_high",  ctypes.c_int),
 ("puser",   ctypes.c_ulonglong),
 ("pidle",   ctypes.c_ulonglong),
 ("pwait",   ctypes.c_ulonglong),
 ("buffer3", ctypes.c_ulonglong * 12))

 def _perfstat_errcheck(result, func, args):
 if result == -1:
 # get error info and
 raise SomeException()
 return args

 class CPUTotal(object):
 # These may be defined here or just referenced here.
 _perfstat = perfstat
 _perfstat_id_t = perfstat_id_t
 _perfstat_cpu_total_t = perfstat_cpu_total_t

 _cpu_total = _perfstat.perfstat_cpu_total
 _cpu_total.errcheck = _perfstat_errcheck
 _cpu_total.argtypes = (
 ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int)

 def __init__(self):
 self._tcpu = self._perfstat_cpu_total_t()
 ctypes.sizeof(self._tcpu), 1)


Re: working with ctypes and complex data structures

2016-10-05 Thread eryk sun
On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 9:03 PM, Michael Felt  wrote:
>> +80  args = (1, "name", None), (2, "buff", None), (1, "size",
>> 0), (1, "count", 1)
> error #1. paramater type 2 (the buffer might be where data is being put, but
> for the call, the pointer is INPUT)

An output parameter (type 2) has ctypes implicitly create the buffer
and insert it in the argument list. It gets returned as the call's
result. Here's a contrived example:

class Buf(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = (('value', ctypes.c_char * 100),)

LP_Buf = ctypes.POINTER(Buf)

proto = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int,
LP_Buf, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int)
flags = ((2, 'buf'), (1, 'fmt'), (1, 'arg', 42))
sprintf = proto(('sprintf', ctypes.CDLL(None)), flags)

>>> r = sprintf(b'The answer is %d.')
>>> r.value
b'The answer is 42.'

This works best when combined with an errcheck function. This lets you
see the actual arguments that were passed in the call and the original

def errcheck(result, func, args):
print('result:', result)
print('args:', args)
return args

sprintf.errcheck = errcheck

>>> r = sprintf(b'The answer is %d.')
result: 17
args: (<__main__.Buf object at 0x7fede840bb70>, b'The answer is %d.', 42)

When the errcheck function returns "args", this tells ctypes to
continue with its normal post-processing, so instead of the actual 17
result, it returns the "buf" output parameter:

>>> r.value
b'The answer is 42.'

Notice that I declared the output parameter's type as a pointer type,
but ctypes is smart enough to create a Buf instance for me instead of
just a pointer. Also, because the argument type is a pointer type, its
from_param method implicitly passes the Buf instance by reference.

> class perfstat_xxx:
> def init(self):
> # AIX member in an archive
> _perflib = ctypes.CDLL("libperfstat.a(shr_64.o)")
> _fn_xxx =
> # ALL AIX perfstat routines have 4 arguments:
> # (name, buff, sizeof_buff, count)
> # the buff is a pointer to where the information will be stored
> _fn = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, POINTER(xxx_t), c_int, c_int)
> _args = ((1, "name", None), (1, "buff", None), (1, "size", 0),
>  (1, "count", 1))
> _xxx = _fn(("xxx", _fn_xxx), _args)

You should really do this work at the class or module level. Every
time this init() method is called, you're needlessly incrementing the
reference count on the "libperfstat.a(shr_64.o)" shared library and
needlessly creating and instantiating the function pointer type.

Re: working with ctypes and complex data structures

2016-10-05 Thread Michael Felt

Never said thank you - so, thanks!

What I need to do was add the .v at the end so I was accessing the value 
of the structure.

Unlilke Linux, AIX - for reasons unknown to all, they have the time_t 
definition that is specific to the ABI size, at least for these 
performance libraries that probably originated before 64-bit was a 
concern. So my guess is that the dual size in the struct, depending on 
the application size (not the kernel) is to maintain compatibility with 
32-bit applications that had been built against/on a 32-bit kernel.

So, lucky for me it did not work intiallly - because it made me pause 
and understand better what I had written.

And now the real thankyou for the detail you shared!


On 03-Oct-16 17:53, eryk sun wrote:

On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 2:35 PM, Michael Felt  wrote:

On 02-Oct-16 23:44, eryk sun wrote:

   On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 5:50 PM, Michael Felt 

b) what I am not understanding - as the basic documentation shows
FOO.value as the way to set/get the value of a _field_

You may be surprised when accessing simple-type fields such as c_int
and c_char_p. These simple types have getter and setter functions that
get called automatically whenever the type is used as a function
result, array index, or struct field. For example:

OK - so lucky me - it "does not work" like earlier examples because I am
referencing, generally, c_ulonglong - and these do not have a automatic
getter/setter function? If not, how do I go about making one (preferably
without needing to right a "method" for each and every _field_ in a class.

No, c_ulonglong is a simple (fundamental) type, which behaves just
like other simple types such as c_int or c_char_p.

On platform's with a 64-bit long, c_ulonglong is an alias for c_ulong
(i.e. type "L"). On the other hand, on 64-bit Windows, c_ulonglong is
an unsigned quad word (i.e. type "Q").

All simple types subclass ctypes._SimpleCData and define a `_type_`
code such as "c" for c_char. On 64-bit Linux the simple types are
defined as follows:

 ?: c_bool
 c: c_char
 z: c_char_p
 u: c_wchar
 Z: c_wchar_p
 P: c_void_p

 b: c_int8, c_byte
 B: c_uint8, c_ubyte
 h: c_int16, c_short
 H: c_uint16, c_ushort
 i: c_int32, c_int
 I: c_uint32, c_uint
 l: c_int64, c_long, c_longlong, c_ssize_t
 L: c_uint64, c_ulong, c_ulonglong, c_size_t

 f: c_float
 d: c_double
 g: c_longdouble

For convenience, simple types are automatically converted when
accessed as a function result, struct field, or array index. As I
mentioned previously, the only way around this behavior is to use a
subclass. A subclass doesn't get automatically converted because it
might define custom methods and attributes that need to be preserved.

I'd alias the type instead of defining a struct, e.g. `time_t =
c_long`. This preserves automatic conversion of the simple type.

The reason for the not using alias is because a) I was trying to be more
inline with the text of the include file. I will have to check the sizeof
c_long (i.e., sizeof(long) in both 32 and 64-bit modes

I don't follow. Currently you wrap a c_int or c_long in a struct when
you could just use those types directly. You have to check the pointer
size, but then it's up to you what assumptions to make about the
target platform's integer sizes. Currently on a 64-bit system you're
assuming a Unix-style LP64 data model [1], in which a long is 64-bit.
That should be fine if you're writing Unix-specific code that doesn't
care about LLP64 Windows systems.

Wrapping the type in a struct provides more type safety, but if I
wanted that I'd create my own simple subclass. For example, assuming
time_t should be a signed integer that's the same size as a pointer:

 class time_t(ctypes._SimpleCData):
 if ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p) == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_longlong):
 _type_ = ctypes.c_longlong._type_
 elif ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p) == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_long):
 _type_ = ctypes.c_long._type_
 elif ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p) == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_int):
 _type_ = ctypes.c_int._type_
 # else raise AttributeError for missing _type_



Re: working with ctypes and complex data structures

2016-10-05 Thread Michael Felt

On 05-Oct-16 22:29, Emile van Sebille wrote:
Thanks for the reply!

After a shirt coffeebreak - back into the fray - and I found the following:

+76  class cpu_total:
   +77  def __init__(self):
   +78  __perfstat__ = CDLL("libperfstat.a(shr_64.o)")
   +79  prototype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int,

error #2 - see below

+80  args = (1, "name", None), (2, "buff", None), (1, "size",
0), (1, "count", 1)
error #1. paramater type 2 (the buffer might be where data is being put, 
but for the call, the pointer is INPUT)

+81  cpu_total = prototype(("perfstat_cpu_total",
__perfstat__), args)
   +83  buff = perfstat_cpu_total_t()
   +84  cpu_total(buff=buff, size=sizeof(buff))
The error #2 is #2, because only after I corrected the inputs did I get 
Type Exceptions. I had hoped that c_void_p was a "typeless" type, mainly 
the right size, but the ctypes interface is more particular when you use 
the CFUNCTYPE() - so now I have my boilerplate for what I hope
can be a tutorial for interfacing - by hand - with complex functions, 
i.e., using one class as the data aka typedef defintion, and a second 
class to work

on it.

In template form:

class perfstat_xxx_t:
_fields_ = ( ... )

class perfstat_xxx:
def init(self):
_perflib = ctypes.CDLL("libperfstat.a(shr_64.o)") # AIX member 
in an archive

_fn_xxx =
# ALL AIX perfstat routines have 4 arguments: (name, buff, 
sizeof_buff, count)

# the buff is a pointer to where the information will be stored
_fn = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, POINTER(xxx_t), c_int, c_int)
_args = (1, "name", None), (1, "buff", None), (1, "size", 0), 
(1, "count", 1)

_xxx = _fn(("xxx", _fn_xxx), _args)

_buff = perfstat_cpu_total_t()
_xxx(buff=_buff, size=sizeof(_buff))
self._v = _buff

So, the next question/test will be to move the _fields_ into the 
"second" class definition. I just need to find what "self" attribute 
that is.


Re: working with ctypes and complex data structures

2016-10-05 Thread Emile van Sebille

On 10/05/2016 01:06 PM, Michael Felt wrote:

On 02-Oct-16 19:50, Michael Felt wrote:

I am trying to understand the documentation re: ctypes and interfacing
with existing libraries.

I am reading the documentation, and also other sites that have largely
just copied the documentation - as well as the "free chapter" at
O'Reilly (Python Cookbook).

Using O'Reilly and the standard documentation I now have these two
excerpts. The second def works, the first does not.

Someone helping me understand what I am not reading properly in this bit
of documentation - is much appreciated.

from  ctypes  import  c_int,  WINFUNCTYPE,  windll
from  ctypes.wintypes  import  HWND,  LPCSTR,  UINT
prototype  =  WINFUNCTYPE(c_int,  HWND,  LPCSTR,  LPCSTR,  UINT)
paramflags  =  (1,  "hwnd",  0),  (1,  "text",  "Hi"),  (1,
"caption",  None),  (1,  "flags",  0)
MessageBox  =  prototype(("MessageBoxA",  windll.user32),  paramflags)

The MessageBox foreign function can now be called in these ways:

MessageBox(text="Spam, spam, spam")
MessageBox(flags=2,  text="foo bar")

Note that MessageBox() may give two arguments.

My code: note both def init() are meant to do the same thing, just
different call syntax.

   +76  class cpu_total:
   +77  def __init__(self):
   +78  __perfstat__ = CDLL("libperfstat.a(shr_64.o)")
   +79  prototype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int,
   +80  args = (1, "name", None), (2, "buff", None), (1, "size",
0), (1, "count", 1)
   +81  cpu_total = prototype(("perfstat_cpu_total",
__perfstat__), args)
   +83  buff = perfstat_cpu_total_t()
   +84  cpu_total(buff=buff, size=sizeof(buff))
   +86  class perfstat_cpu_total:
   +87  def __init__(self):
   +88  __perfstat__ = CDLL("libperfstat.a(shr_64.o)")
   +89  cpu_total = __perfstat__.perfstat_cpu_total
   +91  _perfstat_cpu_total = perfstat_cpu_total_t()
   +92  ret = cpu_total(None,
   +93  byref(_perfstat_cpu_total),
   +94  sizeof(perfstat_cpu_total_t), 1)
   +95  self.boot = _perfstat_cpu_total.lbolt.v / 100
   +96  self.ncpus = _perfstat_cpu_total.ncpus
   +97  self._v = _perfstat_cpu_total

When I call the second I can print values and even call functions,
reload the _v, etc..

The first class fails with this message:

a = cpu_total()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 135, in 
  File "", line 84, in __init__
TypeError: call takes exactly 1 arguments (2 given)

Thanks for your attention.

the line it's objecting to is:

>+84  cpu_total(buff=buff, size=sizeof(buff))

because the expectation is defined as:

>+77  def __init__(self):




Re: working with ctypes and complex data structures

2016-10-05 Thread Michael Felt

On 02-Oct-16 19:50, Michael Felt wrote:
I am trying to understand the documentation re: ctypes and interfacing 
with existing libraries.

I am reading the documentation, and also other sites that have largely 
just copied the documentation - as well as the "free chapter" at 
O'Reilly (Python Cookbook).

Using O'Reilly and the standard documentation I now have these two 
excerpts. The second def works, the first does not.

Someone helping me understand what I am not reading properly in this bit 
of documentation - is much appreciated.

from  ctypes  import  c_int,  WINFUNCTYPE,  windll
from  ctypes.wintypes  import  HWND,  LPCSTR,  UINT
prototype  =  WINFUNCTYPE(c_int,  HWND,  LPCSTR,  LPCSTR,  UINT)
paramflags  =  (1,  "hwnd",  0),  (1,  "text",  "Hi"),  (1,  "caption",  None),  (1,  
"flags",  0)
MessageBox  =  prototype(("MessageBoxA",  windll.user32),  paramflags)

The MessageBox foreign function can now be called in these ways:

MessageBox(text="Spam, spam, spam")
MessageBox(flags=2,  text="foo bar")

Note that MessageBox() may give two arguments.

My code: note both def init() are meant to do the same thing, just different 
call syntax.

   +76  class cpu_total:
   +77  def __init__(self):
   +78  __perfstat__ = CDLL("libperfstat.a(shr_64.o)")
   +79  prototype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int, c_int)
   +80  args = (1, "name", None), (2, "buff", None), (1, "size", 0), (1, 
"count", 1)
   +81  cpu_total = prototype(("perfstat_cpu_total", __perfstat__), 
   +83  buff = perfstat_cpu_total_t()
   +84  cpu_total(buff=buff, size=sizeof(buff))
   +86  class perfstat_cpu_total:
   +87  def __init__(self):
   +88  __perfstat__ = CDLL("libperfstat.a(shr_64.o)")
   +89  cpu_total = __perfstat__.perfstat_cpu_total
   +91  _perfstat_cpu_total = perfstat_cpu_total_t()
   +92  ret = cpu_total(None,
   +93  byref(_perfstat_cpu_total),
   +94  sizeof(perfstat_cpu_total_t), 1)
   +95  self.boot = _perfstat_cpu_total.lbolt.v / 100
   +96  self.ncpus = _perfstat_cpu_total.ncpus
   +97  self._v = _perfstat_cpu_total

When I call the second I can print values and even call functions, reload the 
_v, etc..

The first class fails with this message:

a = cpu_total()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 135, in 
  File "", line 84, in __init__
TypeError: call takes exactly 1 arguments (2 given)

Thanks for your attention.



Re: working with ctypes and complex data structures

2016-10-03 Thread eryk sun
On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 9:27 PM, Michael Felt  wrote:
> int perfstat_subsystem_total(
>perfstat_id_t *name,
>perfstat_subsystem_total_t *userbuff,
>int sizeof_struct,
>int desired_number);
> ...
>+79  class cpu_total:
>+80  def __init__(self):
>+81  __perfstat__ = CDLL("libperfstat.a(shr_64.o)")

Move loading the library and defining function prototypes to either
the module or class body. Also, don't use dunder names. The convention
for a private attribute is a single underscore. For type safety,
define each function's argtypes (and restype where required, the
default is c_int). For a more Pythonic interface, define a ctypes
errcheck function that encapsulates raising an appropriate exception
when a C call fails. For example:

import ctypes

# If the following types are used generally, define them at
# the module level, else define them in the class namespace
# that uses them.

perfstat = ctypes.CDLL("libperfstat.a(shr_64.o)")

class perfstat_id_t(ctypes.Structure):


class time64_t(ctypes._SimpleCData):
_type_ = ctypes.c_int64._type_

time_t = time64_t

class perfstat_cpu_total_t(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = (("ncpus",   ctypes.c_int),
("ncpus_cfg",   ctypes.c_int),
("description", ctypes.c_char * IDENTIFIER_LENGTH),
("buffer1", ctypes.c_ulonglong * 15),
("lbolt",   time_t),
("loadavg", ctypes.c_ulonglong * 3),
("buffer2", ctypes.c_ulonglong * 29),
("ncpus_high",  ctypes.c_int),
("puser",   ctypes.c_ulonglong),
("pidle",   ctypes.c_ulonglong),
("pwait",   ctypes.c_ulonglong),
("buffer3", ctypes.c_ulonglong * 12))

def _perfstat_errcheck(result, func, args):
if result == -1:
# get error info and
raise SomeException()
return args

class CPUTotal(object):
# These may be defined here or just referenced here.
_perfstat = perfstat
_perfstat_id_t = perfstat_id_t
_perfstat_cpu_total_t = perfstat_cpu_total_t

_cpu_total = _perfstat.perfstat_cpu_total
_cpu_total.errcheck = _perfstat_errcheck
_cpu_total.argtypes = (
ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int)

def __init__(self):
self._tcpu = self._perfstat_cpu_total_t()
ctypes.sizeof(self._tcpu), 1)

Re: working with ctypes and complex data structures

2016-10-03 Thread Michael Felt

On 02-Oct-16 19:50, Michael Felt wrote:

class perfstat_cpu_total_t(Structure):
typedef struct { /* global cpu information */
int ncpus;/* number of active logical 
processors */

int ncpus_cfg; /* number of configured processors */
char description[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; /* processor description 
(type/official name) */
u_longlong_t buffer1[15];   /*  several variables being 
skipped for now */
time_t lbolt;  /* number of ticks since last 
reboot */
u_longlong_t loadavg[3];  /* (1

Re: working with ctypes and complex data structures

2016-10-03 Thread Michael Felt

On 03-Oct-16 16:35, Michael Felt wrote:

I'd alias the type instead of defining a struct, e.g. `time_t =
c_long`. This preserves automatic conversion of the simple type.
The reason for the not using alias is because a) I was trying to be 
more inline with the text of the include file.
I will have to check the sizeof c_long (i.e., sizeof(long) in both 32 
and 64-bit modes

Also, sys.maxsize is based on the platform's size_t type. That's
generally the same size as a pointer, but C doesn't require this.
Instead use sizeof(c_void_p), which will be 8 on a 64-bit platform and
4 on a 32-bit platform. 

I had checked this before - I shall have to try a 32-bit python to see 
what _ctypes is doing with c_long on AIX - is it 4, or is it 8.

perfstat_cpu_total_t cpu_totals;
void *p1, *p2;

printf("int_size:%d\n", sizeof(int));
printf("long_size:%d\n", sizeof(long));
printf("timet_size:%d\n", sizeof(time_t));
printf("void_ptr_size:%d\n", sizeof(void *));
printf("lbolt_size:%d\n", sizeof(cpu_totals.lbolt));

p1 = &cpu_totals;
p2 = &cpu_totals.lbolt;
printf("lbolt offset:%d\n", p2 - p1);


-q32 >

lbolt offset:192
-q64 >

lbolt offset:192

I think 4 and 8 because of problems I have with this block when not in 
the right "mode", i.e. SIZEOF_LONG changes

/* 04-Oct-2000 LONG_BIT is apparently (mis)defined as 64 on some recent
 * 32-bit platforms using gcc.  We try to catch that here at compile-time
 * rather than waiting for integer multiplication to trigger bogus
 * overflows.
#error "LONG_BIT definition appears wrong for platform (bad gcc/glibc 



Re: working with ctypes and complex data structures

2016-10-03 Thread eryk sun
On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 2:35 PM, Michael Felt  wrote:
> On 02-Oct-16 23:44, eryk sun wrote:
>>   On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 5:50 PM, Michael Felt 
>> wrote:
>>> b) what I am not understanding - as the basic documentation shows
>>> FOO.value as the way to set/get the value of a _field_
>> You may be surprised when accessing simple-type fields such as c_int
>> and c_char_p. These simple types have getter and setter functions that
>> get called automatically whenever the type is used as a function
>> result, array index, or struct field. For example:
> OK - so lucky me - it "does not work" like earlier examples because I am
> referencing, generally, c_ulonglong - and these do not have a automatic
> getter/setter function? If not, how do I go about making one (preferably
> without needing to right a "method" for each and every _field_ in a class.

No, c_ulonglong is a simple (fundamental) type, which behaves just
like other simple types such as c_int or c_char_p.

On platform's with a 64-bit long, c_ulonglong is an alias for c_ulong
(i.e. type "L"). On the other hand, on 64-bit Windows, c_ulonglong is
an unsigned quad word (i.e. type "Q").

All simple types subclass ctypes._SimpleCData and define a `_type_`
code such as "c" for c_char. On 64-bit Linux the simple types are
defined as follows:

?: c_bool
c: c_char
z: c_char_p
u: c_wchar
Z: c_wchar_p
P: c_void_p

b: c_int8, c_byte
B: c_uint8, c_ubyte
h: c_int16, c_short
H: c_uint16, c_ushort
i: c_int32, c_int
I: c_uint32, c_uint
l: c_int64, c_long, c_longlong, c_ssize_t
L: c_uint64, c_ulong, c_ulonglong, c_size_t

f: c_float
d: c_double
g: c_longdouble

For convenience, simple types are automatically converted when
accessed as a function result, struct field, or array index. As I
mentioned previously, the only way around this behavior is to use a
subclass. A subclass doesn't get automatically converted because it
might define custom methods and attributes that need to be preserved.

>> I'd alias the type instead of defining a struct, e.g. `time_t =
>> c_long`. This preserves automatic conversion of the simple type.
> The reason for the not using alias is because a) I was trying to be more
> inline with the text of the include file. I will have to check the sizeof
> c_long (i.e., sizeof(long) in both 32 and 64-bit modes

I don't follow. Currently you wrap a c_int or c_long in a struct when
you could just use those types directly. You have to check the pointer
size, but then it's up to you what assumptions to make about the
target platform's integer sizes. Currently on a 64-bit system you're
assuming a Unix-style LP64 data model [1], in which a long is 64-bit.
That should be fine if you're writing Unix-specific code that doesn't
care about LLP64 Windows systems.

Wrapping the type in a struct provides more type safety, but if I
wanted that I'd create my own simple subclass. For example, assuming
time_t should be a signed integer that's the same size as a pointer:

class time_t(ctypes._SimpleCData):
if ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p) == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_longlong):
_type_ = ctypes.c_longlong._type_
elif ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p) == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_long):
_type_ = ctypes.c_long._type_
elif ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p) == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_int):
_type_ = ctypes.c_int._type_
# else raise AttributeError for missing _type_


Re: working with ctypes and complex data structures

2016-10-03 Thread Michael Felt

On 02-Oct-16 23:44, eryk sun wrote:

  On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 5:50 PM, Michael Felt  wrote:

a) where is documentation on "CField"'s?

It's undocumented.

So I do not feel so bad about not finding anything :)

A CField is a data descriptor that accesses a
struct field with the given type, size, and offset. Like most
descriptors, it's meant to be accessed as an attribute of an instance,
not as an attribute of the type.

When accessed as an attribute of a struct type, the value returned is
the CField descriptor itself. One reason to reference the descriptor
is for its "offset" attribute, since there's no offsetof() in ctypes.
At least in this regard it should be documented.

b) what I am not understanding - as the basic documentation shows FOO.value
as the way to set/get the value of a _field_

You may be surprised when accessing simple-type fields such as c_int
and c_char_p. These simple types have getter and setter functions that
get called automatically whenever the type is used as a function
result, array index, or struct field. For example:
OK - so lucky me - it "does not work" like earlier examples because I am 
referencing, generally, c_ulonglong - and these do not have a automatic 
getter/setter function? If not, how do I go about making one (preferably 
without needing to right a "method" for each and every _field_ in a class.

 class Foo(ctypes.Structure):
 _fields_ = (('v', ctypes.c_int),)

 >>> foo = Foo()
 >>> foo.v = 5
 >>> foo.v

You can use a subclass to avoid the getfunc's automatic conversion. For example;

 class my_int(ctypes.c_int):

 class Bar(ctypes.Structure):
 _fields_ = (('v', my_int),)

 >>> bar = Bar()
 >>> bar.v = 5
 >>> bar.v
 >>> bar.v.value
I'll try it also with my c_int/c_uint fields - maybe these just work. If 
so, again - how do I get a c_ulonglong?

class time_t(Structure):
 if (maxsize > 2**32):
 _fields_ = [("v", c_long)]
 _fields_ = [("v", c_int)]

I'd alias the type instead of defining a struct, e.g. `time_t =
c_long`. This preserves automatic conversion of the simple type.
The reason for the not using alias is because a) I was trying to be more 
inline with the text of the include file.
I will have to check the sizeof c_long (i.e., sizeof(long) in both 32 
and 64-bit modes

Also, sys.maxsize is based on the platform's size_t type. That's
generally the same size as a pointer, but C doesn't require this.
Instead use sizeof(c_void_p), which will be 8 on a 64-bit platform and
4 on a 32-bit platform.


Also, while it's unrelated to your current problem, bear in mind that
int and long are both always 32-bit on Windows. c_int64 is a
cross-platform 64-bit integer.


Re: working with ctypes and complex data structures

2016-10-03 Thread Michael Felt

On 02-Oct-16 23:44, eryk sun wrote:

  On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 5:50 PM, Michael Felt  wrote:

>a) where is documentation on "CField"'s?

I will reply more later - just a quick thanks.

Not using maxsize will be good, also in a different patch - also 
specific to AIX.

This "thing" I am working is to:
a) document stuff (for a novice like myself)
b) have a better way to get system low-level statistics, comparable to 
Linux, where additions have been made to libc to get them.


Re: working with ctypes and complex data structures

2016-10-02 Thread eryk sun
 On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 5:50 PM, Michael Felt  wrote:
> a) where is documentation on "CField"'s?

It's undocumented. A CField is a data descriptor that accesses a
struct field with the given type, size, and offset. Like most
descriptors, it's meant to be accessed as an attribute of an instance,
not as an attribute of the type.

When accessed as an attribute of a struct type, the value returned is
the CField descriptor itself. One reason to reference the descriptor
is for its "offset" attribute, since there's no offsetof() in ctypes.
At least in this regard it should be documented.

> b) what I am not understanding - as the basic documentation shows FOO.value
> as the way to set/get the value of a _field_

You may be surprised when accessing simple-type fields such as c_int
and c_char_p. These simple types have getter and setter functions that
get called automatically whenever the type is used as a function
result, array index, or struct field. For example:

class Foo(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = (('v', ctypes.c_int),)

>>> foo = Foo()
>>> foo.v = 5
>>> foo.v

You can use a subclass to avoid the getfunc's automatic conversion. For example;

class my_int(ctypes.c_int):

class Bar(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = (('v', my_int),)

>>> bar = Bar()
>>> bar.v = 5
>>> bar.v

>>> bar.v.value

> class time_t(Structure):
> ...
> if (maxsize > 2**32):
> _fields_ = [("v", c_long)]
> else:
> _fields_ = [("v", c_int)]

I'd alias the type instead of defining a struct, e.g. `time_t =
c_long`. This preserves automatic conversion of the simple type.

Also, sys.maxsize is based on the platform's size_t type. That's
generally the same size as a pointer, but C doesn't require this.
Instead use sizeof(c_void_p), which will be 8 on a 64-bit platform and
4 on a 32-bit platform.

Also, while it's unrelated to your current problem, bear in mind that
int and long are both always 32-bit on Windows. c_int64 is a
cross-platform 64-bit integer.

working with ctypes and complex data structures

2016-10-02 Thread Michael Felt
I am trying to understand the documentation re: ctypes and interfacing 
with existing libraries.

I am reading the documentation, and also other sites that have largely 
just copied the documentation - as well as the "free chapter" at 
O'Reilly (Python Cookbook).

I am missing anything on CFields.

My test (template) is:

"""Internal ctypes definitions for AIX libperfstat"""
from sys import maxsize
from ctypes import Structure, Union
from ctypes import c_bool, c_char, c_wchar, c_byte, c_ubyte, c_short, 

from ctypes import c_int, c_uint, c_long, c_ulong, c_longlong, c_ulonglong
from ctypes import c_float, c_double, c_longdouble
from ctypes import c_char_p, c_wchar_p, c_void_p
from ctypes import sizeof


class time_t(Structure):
#ifndef _TIME_T
#define _TIME_T
typedef long inttime_t;
#else   /* !_LINUX_SOURCE_COMPAT */
#ifdef __64BIT__
typedef longtime_t;
typedef int time_t;
#endif  /* !_LINUX_SOURCE_COMPAT */
if (maxsize > 2**32):
_fields_ = [("v", c_long)]
_fields_ = [("v", c_int)]

class perfstat_cpu_total_t(Structure):
typedef struct { /* global cpu information */
int ncpus;/* number of active logical processors */
int ncpus_cfg; /* number of configured processors */
char description[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; /* processor description 
(type/official name) */
u_longlong_t buffer1[15];   /*  several variables being skipped 
for now */

time_t lbolt;  /* number of ticks since last reboot */
u_longlong_t loadavg[3];  /* (1