[Pythonmac-SIG] More on init

2005-07-06 Thread Aldo Bergamini
An update on my fiddling:


from Foundation import *
from AppKit import *

from PyObjCTools import NibClassBuilder

class PySayTextAppDelegate(NibClassBuilder.AutoBaseClass):
#IB defined outlets
#IB defined actions

def init(self):


self.speechSynth = NSSpeechSynthetizer.alloc()

return self


In this version the init method gets called. I did remove the attempt to
call the super class' init method.

I know that the method IS called as I get an exception on
NSSpeechSynthetizer.alloc() (hooray... ;-) : NSSpeechSynthetizer is not
defined, apparently.

An attempt to import Cococa failed miserably...

Any idea?

Thanks again,

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] More on init

2005-07-06 Thread Dethe Elza
This works for me:

from Foundation import *
from AppKit import *
from PyObjCTools import NibClassBuilder, AppHelper

jabberwocky = '''Twas brillig and the slithy toves
did gyre and gimble in the wabe
all mimsy were the borogroves
and the mome raths outgrabe'''

class SpeechDelegate(NSObject):

 def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, notification):
 synth = NSSpeechSynthesizer.alloc()
 synth = synth.initWithVoice_ 

app = NSApplication.sharedApplication()
delegate = SpeechDelegate.alloc().init()


Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org

[Pythonmac-SIG] Discussion of Python IDE's: strengths and weaknesses (long)

2005-07-06 Thread Kevin Walzer
Hash: SHA1

Hi Wolfgang,

- ---
Riaan Booysen wrote:

| Kevin's comments here relate to an incorrect way in which subprocesses
| were launced under OS X for those IDEs.

Riaan makes a good point here. Geoff Canyon offered a very useful hint
on configuring the various Python IDE's to launch GUI programs. For
instance, with Boa Constructor, you would set the path this way:


Wolfgang's question has prompted me to think more generally about each
Python IDE for OS Xthat has been discussed. I've used, or tried to use,
every one of them over the past several months, and I'd like to offer a
brief discussion of each, plus some that have not been discussed at
length. So, in  no particular order:

1. Boa Constructor. This is the one that I've packaged most recently for
OS X. I haven't yet done a real project in it, so I don't know all of
its capabilities, but I can definitely say that it is a powerful tool
that reflects several years of development work by Riaan and others.
While its learning curve is not trivial, I found that just in following
the getting started tutorial that I was able to create a simple
wxPython GUI project more easily than with any other toolset. Boa is
also, without a doubt, the best-documented of any open-source Python IDE
that I've seen: its documents are clear, thorough, extremely extensive,
and well-written. I can definitely understand the acclaim that Boa has
gotten on other platforms. The work I've done with Boa has mainly been
to get a stable configuration for it to run on OS X. As I noted above, I
haven't worked with Boa as extensively as the other tools I've packaged,
so there may be more work to be done with stability, identifying and
fixing bugs, etc. There may also be limits to what can be done, limits
that are attributable to the underlying wxPython/wxMac libraries. As I
get more experience working with Boa, and as users continue to provide
bug reports, I will be able to contribute more to the Mac version.

2. Spe, which also includes wxGlade and other tools. My most extensive
experience has been with the Spe/wxGlade combination. Spe itself is a
Python editor, and bundles the other programs (including wxGlade) to
provide a complete environment. Spe's big strength, especially for
wxPython development, is its code completion/code tips capability, and
its class browsing features: both are well-done. I also like Spe's
built-in console: it's my favorite tool for doing interactive
playing/learning with Python. Here Spe's code-sense capabilities are
also very helfpul. Supplementing Spe's general capabilities is wxGlade,
which is a good GUI-building tool for wxWidgets. wxGlade does have a
learning curve, but once you get a feel for how it works, it's useful
for developing the GUI component of a wxPython script. It doesn't link
widgets with events; you have to do that by hand. In the past wxGlade
had serious stability issues on OS X; it would crash randomly, and
frequently. The newest version (v. 0.4.0 in CVS, which includes some
patches submitted by me) is more stable, and running it against the
latest Python/wxPython versions also helps. I've been able to use it
successfully on a couple of small projects. Spe also had stability
issues, which have been reduced greatly by moving to the latest
Python/wxPython. A plus for both Spe and wxGlade is that they provide
good documentation.

3. Moving away from non-wxPython tools: Eric3 is a Python IDE that's
written in PyQt, which I also maintain for the Mac. Eric3 is a very nice
editing environment, including project management, integration with Qt's
GUI building tools, unit testing, integration with CVS/Subversion, etc.
These capabilities are marred by serious stability issues that I don't
currently know how to address: it crashes constantly on OS X. I don't
see these reports of chronic instability for Eric3 on Linux, so my guess
it's related more to the underlying PyQt libraries. Qt 4 has just been
released, with a version of PyQt 4 probably a few months away, so I'm
hoping that an upgrade of Qt will help with Eric3's problems. Another
conspicuous lack for Eric3 is documentation; I'm going to work on
writing some basic documentation for this IDE, once I get it running
reasonably well.  The instability is a real shame, because it's a nice
environment otherwise.

4. WingIDE: Wing is a (rather expensive) commercial IDE, and as you
should expect, it doesn't have the stability issues. It also has all
kinds of slick features, including code/class browsing, extensive and
well-written documentation, and so on. Wing provides a free license for
open-source development, which is nice. Wing's howling flaw is that it's
a GTK-based (meaning X11) application, which I eventually found to be
such a distraction that I stopped using it. Wing uses Aqua-type theming
to try and fit in, but it still is uncomfortably jarring at least for

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Discussion of Python IDE's: strengths and weaknesses (long)

2005-07-06 Thread Dethe Elza
Hi Kevin,

Thanks for that summary.  Testing out all of these various IDEs has  
been on my to-do list for a long time, but I never seem to get around  
to it (I rely on vim and TextWrangler for most of my coding needs).   
It's very helpful to have a good summary of the features and status  
of the IDEs handy.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org

[Pythonmac-SIG] [ANN] PyObjC 1.3.7

2005-07-06 Thread Ronald Oussoren
I've just uploaded PyObjC 1.3.7. This is a minor upgrade to PyObjC  
and features support for Xcode 2.1 in the Xcode templates, several  
new and improved framework wrappers, the port to Intel as well as  
some (minor) bugfixes. The new release can be downloaded from http:// 

For those of you who live under a rock:

PyObjC is a bridge between Python and Objective-C.  It allows full
featured Cocoa applications to be written in pure Python.  It is also
easy to use other frameworks containing Objective-C class libraries
from Python and to mix in Objective-C, C and C++ source.

The installer package includes a number of Xcode templates
for easily creating new Cocoa-Python projects, as well as py2app,
a suite of tools for building redistributable Python applications
and plugins.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Discussion of Python IDE's: strengths and weaknesses (long)

2005-07-06 Thread Gary Poster

On Jul 6, 2005, at 5:27 PM, Russell E. Owen wrote:

  I plan to try
 Komodo when it arrives, but if it's written using Tcl/Tk then I worry
 that it won't be great on the Mac. Aqua Tcl/Tk has many cosmetic bugs
 that don't show any sign of getting fixed.

On the other platforms Komodo supports, I'm pretty sure they use  
Mozilla Gecko.  I would expect the same on the Mac...but Trent's on  
this list now, and he'd know for sure. :-)

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org

[Pythonmac-SIG] Can MacPython 2.4.1 and Tiger's Python co-exist

2005-07-06 Thread Derek Lee-Wo
I want to be able to create wxPython apps that can run on Tiger out of
the box.  That is, using the version of Python and wxWidgets that ship
with Tiger.

I also want to try Boa Constructor, but it requires MacPython 2.4.1
and wxWdigets 2.6.X

Can I insall the latest MacPython and wxWidgets, but have it coexist
with the original Tiger versions of these packages?  What I'd like to
do is use Python 2.4.1 for Boa Contructor, but be able to run any apps
I create using the original MacPython that comes with Tiger and thus
confirm that the apps would run on iger out-of-the-box.

The ReadMe that comes with MacPythion says the executables would go in
/usr/local/bin, but it seems that it will put some stuff within the
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework directory.

In Windows, I would install the different Python versions to different
directories.  Same for wxWidgets.

Derek M. A. Lee-Wo
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Can MacPython 2.4.1 and Tiger's Python co-exist

2005-07-06 Thread Kevin Walzer
Hash: SHA1

Yes, you can install Macpython 2.4.1 and wxPython 2.6 separately from
what ships with Apple. The Apple stuff in in /System/Frameworks. They
will never see each other.

I also use your strategy of developing with Python 2.4.1/wxPython 2.6
and testing/deploying against Py 2.3.5/wxPy 2.5. The Apple system
installation is a very convenient deployment target.

One caveat: the Apple system stuff is older, and especially (with
wxPython) a bit buggier. That's why, for instance, Boa won't run on the
Apple stuff. wxPython was a moving target until 2.6. However, I haven't
seen any huge problems in the stuff I'm developing/working with. Your
mileage may vary.


Kevin Walzer, PhD
WordTech Software--Open Source Applications and Packages for OS X

Derek Lee-Wo wrote:
| I want to be able to create wxPython apps that can run on Tiger out of
| the box.  That is, using the version of Python and wxWidgets that ship
| with Tiger.
| I also want to try Boa Constructor, but it requires MacPython 2.4.1
| and wxWdigets 2.6.X
| Can I insall the latest MacPython and wxWidgets, but have it coexist
| with the original Tiger versions of these packages?  What I'd like to
| do is use Python 2.4.1 for Boa Contructor, but be able to run any apps
| I create using the original MacPython that comes with Tiger and thus
| confirm that the apps would run on iger out-of-the-box.
| The ReadMe that comes with MacPythion says the executables would go in
| /usr/local/bin, but it seems that it will put some stuff within the
| /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework directory.
| In Windows, I would install the different Python versions to different
| directories.  Same for wxWidgets.
| ---
| Derek M. A. Lee-Wo
| ___
| Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org
| http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pythonmac-sig
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Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Discussion of Python IDE's: strengths and weaknesses (long)

2005-07-06 Thread Trent Mick
[Gary Poster wrote]
 On the other platforms Komodo supports, I'm pretty sure they use  
 Mozilla Gecko.  I would expect the same on the Mac...but Trent's on  
 this list now, and he'd know for sure. :-)

That's right: Komodo on OS X uses the Mozilla/Gecko runtime, which
effective means that Komodo's UI uses native Carbon widgets.

[Russell E. Owen wrote]
   I plan to try
  Komodo when it arrives, but if it's written using Tcl/Tk then I worry
  that it won't be great on the Mac. Aqua Tcl/Tk has many cosmetic bugs
  that don't show any sign of getting fixed.

An aside on Tk on OS X: poke around here to see some of the Tcl/Tk work
being done for native theming on OS X:

This work will be going into *Tcl* 8.5 (its next release). I'm not sure
about Python's Tkinter, though.


Trent Mick
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Discussion of Python IDE's: strengths and weaknesses (long)

2005-07-06 Thread Kevin Walzer
Hash: SHA1

| An aside on Tk on OS X: poke around here to see some of the Tcl/Tk work
| being done for native theming on OS X:
| http://tktable.sourceforge.net/tile/screenshots/macosx.html
| This work will be going into *Tcl* 8.5 (its next release). I'm not sure
| about Python's Tkinter, though.

There's a Tkinter wrapper for Tile for here:


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Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org