Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Py2app-built app giving error 255 on loading AppKit?

2013-05-22 Thread Ronald Oussoren

On 21 May, 2013, at 16:04, wrote:

 I've built an app with Py2app. It runs as expected on my development machine, 
 but on machines (10.7.5 and 10.8.2, at least) without a development 
 environment, I get:
 testmini1:~ administrator$ 
 /Users/administrator/Desktop/ ; exit;
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 43, in module
 line 38, in _run
exec(compile(source, path, 'exec'), globals(), globals())
 line 13, in module
import AppKit
  File AppKit/__init__.pyc, line 43, in module
  File AppKit/_AppKit.pyc, line 14, in module
  File AppKit/_AppKit.pyc, line 10, in __load
  2): Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSObject
  Referenced from: 
  Expected in: /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
 2013-05-21 09:19:44.502 EasySetup[393:707] EasySetup Error
 The file referenced is in the location referenced. I've deleted 
 /build and /dist and rebuilt the app.

It is odd that the problem occurs on all machines without development tools. 
What's the deployment target of the application? You can check the actual 
deployment target in binaries (such as using otool -vl FILENAME, 
look for 'LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX'. Having a too high deployment target could 
explain why the app doesn't work on 10.7, but not why it doesn't work on 10.8 
machines without devtools.


 from setuptools import setup
 APP = ['']
 DATA_FILES = ['EasySetup/MainMenu.xib', '', '', 
 'create_corplocaladministrator-1.0.pkg', '', 
 OPTIONS = {'argv_emulation': False, 'iconfile':'EasySetup.icns'}
options={'py2app': OPTIONS},
 I'm using virtualenv, where yolk -list gives:
 python  - 2.7.3- active development 
 altgraph- 0.10.2   - active 
 beautifulsoup4  - 4.1.3- active 
 macholib- 1.5.1- active 
 modulegraph - 0.10.4   - active 
 pexpect - 2.4  - active 
 pip - 1.3.1- active 
 py2app  - 0.7.3- non-active 
 pyobjc-core - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-Accounts - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-AddressBook - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-AppleScriptKit - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-AppleScriptObjC - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-Automator - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-CFNetwork - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-CalendarStore - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-Cocoa - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-Collaboration - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-CoreData - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-CoreLocation - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-CoreText - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-DictionaryServices - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-EventKit - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-ExceptionHandling - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-FSEvents - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-InputMethodKit - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-InstallerPlugins - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-InstantMessage - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-LatentSemanticMapping - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-LaunchServices - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-Message - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-PreferencePanes - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-PubSub - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-QTKit - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-Quartz - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-ScreenSaver - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-ScriptingBridge - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-SearchKit - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-ServerNotification - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-ServiceManagement - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-Social - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-SyncServices - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-SystemConfiguration - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-WebKit - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc  - 2.5.1- active 

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Py2app-built app giving error 255 on loading AppKit?

2013-05-22 Thread Frank Steele
That was it -- Thanks! I built a new Python 2.7.4 virtual environment this 
morning, and code built with gives 10.6 as the minimum target. I'm not sure how 
my 2.7.3 environment got built with 10.8 only.


On May 22, 2013, at 4:15 AM, Ronald Oussoren wrote:

 On 21 May, 2013, at 16:04, wrote:
 I've built an app with Py2app. It runs as expected on my development 
 machine, but on machines (10.7.5 and 10.8.2, at least) without a development 
 environment, I get:
 testmini1:~ administrator$ 
 /Users/administrator/Desktop/ ; exit;
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 43, in module
 line 38, in _run
   exec(compile(source, path, 'exec'), globals(), globals())
  line 13, in module
   import AppKit
 File AppKit/__init__.pyc, line 43, in module
 File AppKit/_AppKit.pyc, line 14, in module
 File AppKit/_AppKit.pyc, line 10, in __load
  2): Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSObject
 Referenced from: 
 Expected in: /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
 2013-05-21 09:19:44.502 EasySetup[393:707] EasySetup Error
 The file referenced is in the location referenced. I've deleted 
 /build and /dist and rebuilt the app.
 It is odd that the problem occurs on all machines without development tools. 
 What's the deployment target of the application? You can check the actual 
 deployment target in binaries (such as using otool -vl 
 FILENAME, look for 'LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX'. Having a too high deployment 
 target could explain why the app doesn't work on 10.7, but not why it doesn't 
 work on 10.8 machines without devtools.
 from setuptools import setup
 APP = ['']
 DATA_FILES = ['EasySetup/MainMenu.xib', '', '', 
 'create_corplocaladministrator-1.0.pkg', '', 
 OPTIONS = {'argv_emulation': False, 'iconfile':'EasySetup.icns'}
   options={'py2app': OPTIONS},
 I'm using virtualenv, where yolk -list gives:
 python  - 2.7.3- active development 
 altgraph- 0.10.2   - active 
 beautifulsoup4  - 4.1.3- active 
 macholib- 1.5.1- active 
 modulegraph - 0.10.4   - active 
 pexpect - 2.4  - active 
 pip - 1.3.1- active 
 py2app  - 0.7.3- non-active 
 pyobjc-core - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-Accounts - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-AddressBook - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-AppleScriptKit - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-AppleScriptObjC - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-Automator - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-CFNetwork - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-CalendarStore - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-Cocoa - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-Collaboration - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-CoreData - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-CoreLocation - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-CoreText - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-DictionaryServices - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-EventKit - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-ExceptionHandling - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-FSEvents - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-InputMethodKit - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-InstallerPlugins - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-InstantMessage - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-LatentSemanticMapping - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-LaunchServices - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-Message - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-PreferencePanes - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-PubSub - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-QTKit - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-Quartz - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-ScreenSaver - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-ScriptingBridge - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-SearchKit - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-ServerNotification - 2.5.1- active 
 pyobjc-framework-ServiceManagement - 2.5.1

[Pythonmac-SIG] Advice wanted on dependency building...

2013-05-22 Thread Chris Barker - NOAA Federal
Hey folks,

I'm looking for advice, and maybe even some consensus among the
MacPython community, on how to build and distribute packages with
non-python dependencies.

As we all know, a number of Python packages require libs that are used
outside of python itself. These libs fall into (sort of) what I would
call two catagories;

1) general purpose libs used by multiple python packages: libpng, freetype, etc.
 (I'm still confused on why Apple doesn't provide all these --
particularly libpng -- what's up with that?)

2) More specific libs, likely only used by a single python package --
netcdf, proj.4, etc.

Users also fall into two categories:

1) Folks that do Python development on OS-X much like Linux, etc --
these folks are likely to use macports or homebrew, or are used to the
.configure, make, make install dance. We don't need to do anything to
support these folks -- pip install generally works for them.

2) folks that want to use a Mac like a Mac, and people that develop
for those folks --  these people need binary installers, and may want
to be able to use and deploy either packages or applications (Py2app)
that will run on systems older than the one developed on, or want
universal builds, or ???
  - These are the folks I'd like to support, but I'm still unsure as
to how best to do that.

Way back when Bob Ippolito maintained a repository of binary packages
for the mac -- it was a great resource, but he's long since moved on
to other things.

We kind of get away with it because a number of major package
maintainers have done a good job of providing binaries themselves
(wxPython, numpy/scipy/matplotlib), but others fail to do so (PIL).
Plus some of us have minor packages that we want to distribute.

I'd like to put together an archive, much like Bob's was, or like
Christoph Gohlke's one for Windows
(By the way -- that one is HUGE -- I have no idea how he keeps it up!

But with or without that archive, I still need to build the darn
things. So now on to the question:

How should the dependencies be distributed?

1) They should be built to match the Python binary being targeted
(honestly, I think that's now only the Intel 32-64 bit ones -- PPC
machines, and pre 10.6, are getting really rare...)

2) Static or dynamic?

IIUC, most successful binary packages for the Mac have relied on
statically linking the dependencies -- this works, and is pretty
robust. However, it can be kind of a pain to do (though I've finally
figure how to do it more reliably!). Also, it seems like a waste to me
for packages that use common dependencies -- how many copies of libpng
do I really want linked into my single instance of Python at run time?

But if dynamic, where do you put them? We'll still want to ship them
with the binary, so people have a one-click install. I don't think we
want to install them into a standard location, like /usr/local, as
that could stomp on something else the user is doing. So:
 - Do we put the in the Python Framework, say in:
 - This make some sense, but then you couldn't share them between,
say, python 2.7 and 3.3 (and however many other versions...
  - Do we create a new Framework, say:
/Library/Frameworks/PythonDeps.framework and put them all there? But
this may confuse things for different deployment targets.

If we go one of these routes, would we have a separate installer for
the libs, and all the other installers would depend on that? Or would
each installer put a copy of the libs it needed into the common
location, maybe writing over one that's already there (which should be
OK -- it should be compatible, or have a different version number,

Note that I've used the term we here ;-)  I'm hoping that others
will join me in following a convention and getting stuff out there,
but even if not, I'd love feedback on how best to do it.

By the way, the other goal is to build scripts that do the builds the
way we need for various libs, packages, etc, so that it's easy to do
it all when new builds are required...
(maybe use gattai? --

Feedback please!!



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/ORR(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Advice wanted on dependency building...

2013-05-22 Thread Ronald Oussoren

On 22 May, 2013, at 19:30, Chris Barker - NOAA Federal 

 Hey folks,
 I'm looking for advice, and maybe even some consensus among the
 MacPython community, on how to build and distribute packages with
 non-python dependencies.
 As we all know, a number of Python packages require libs that are used
 outside of python itself. These libs fall into (sort of) what I would
 call two catagories;
 1) general purpose libs used by multiple python packages: libpng, freetype, 
 (I'm still confused on why Apple doesn't provide all these --
 particularly libpng -- what's up with that?)

In general Apple doesn't ship libraries that it doesn't use itself, and for 
image format support they have their own libraries (in particular the ImageIO 

To move back onto topic, not relying on unix-level libraries in OSX is in a 
good thing as it makes it easier to support multiple OSX versions with a single 
set of binaries.

 2) More specific libs, likely only used by a single python package --
 netcdf, proj.4, etc.
 Users also fall into two categories:
 1) Folks that do Python development on OS-X much like Linux, etc --
 these folks are likely to use macports or homebrew, or are used to the
 .configure, make, make install dance. We don't need to do anything to
 support these folks -- pip install generally works for them.

Except for a number of more complicated libraries (such as PIL/Pillow) when 
using universal binaries (when using 'pip install', homebrew/macports/... have 
their own mechanisms for building).

 2) folks that want to use a Mac like a Mac, and people that develop
 for those folks --  these people need binary installers, and may want
 to be able to use and deploy either packages or applications (Py2app)
 that will run on systems older than the one developed on, or want
 universal builds, or ???
  - These are the folks I'd like to support, but I'm still unsure as
 to how best to do that.

It would be nice to have a set of binary packages, based on a reproducable 
build system.

 Way back when Bob Ippolito maintained a repository of binary packages
 for the mac -- it was a great resource, but he's long since moved on
 to other things.

The binary packages that Bob maintained had IMHO two major problems:

1) The largest problem is that the packages were AFAIK created ad-hoc (Bob or 
some other contributor did the magic incantations to build library dependencies)

2) The packages were packages. The current state of the art for 
development/project environments is to use virtualenv or buildout to create 
separated python installations and install all project depedencies there 
instead of the global site-packages directory. That's not something that's 
easily supported with packages.

 We kind of get away with it because a number of major package
 maintainers have done a good job of providing binaries themselves
 (wxPython, numpy/scipy/matplotlib), but others fail to do so (PIL).
 Plus some of us have minor packages that we want to distribute.
 I'd like to put together an archive, much like Bob's was, or like
 Christoph Gohlke's one for Windows
 (By the way -- that one is HUGE -- I have no idea how he keeps it up!
 But with or without that archive, I still need to build the darn
 things. So now on to the question:
 How should the dependencies be distributed?
 1) They should be built to match the Python binary being targeted
 (honestly, I think that's now only the Intel 32-64 bit ones -- PPC
 machines, and pre 10.6, are getting really rare...)

No objections there. Supporting PPC is getting way to hard now that
the Xcode version that you can install on recent machines cannot generate
PPC code.  I have VMs with older OSX releases for running the compiler,
but that's barely usable.

 2) Static or dynamic?
 IIUC, most successful binary packages for the Mac have relied on
 statically linking the dependencies -- this works, and is pretty
 robust. However, it can be kind of a pain to do (though I've finally
 figure how to do it more reliably!). Also, it seems like a waste to me
 for packages that use common dependencies -- how many copies of libpng
 do I really want linked into my single instance of Python at run time?

As long as the libpng state isn't shared static linking isn't really a
problem. It does get a problem when two extensions use the same external
library and share state, for example the curses and curses_panel extensions
in the stdlib.

Dynamic linking has at least two disadvantages:

1) Relocation of the installation prefix is harder due to the way the dynamic 
linker on OSX looks for libraries: when extension uses library 
libfoo.dylib the absolute path of libfoo.dylib is included in the MachO header 
for The header is easily updated using macholib, but that makes 
installation harder and isn't supported by the standard packaging tools 

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Advice wanted on dependency building...

2013-05-22 Thread Chris Barker - NOAA Federal
Thanks Ronald,

On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Ronald Oussoren wrote:

 To move back onto topic, not relying on unix-level libraries in OSX is in a 
 good thing as it makes it easier to support multiple OSX versions with a 
 single set of binaries.

hmm -- I figured if it was a system lib, it should work on whatever
system It's running on. For example, I'm working right now on the
netcdf4 lib -- it required hdr5, which requires zlib. Im using the
system zlib -- is that a bad idea? Should I build it too, to make sure
it matches the rest of it?

(I do want the binaries to run anywhere the binary Python I'm using runs)

 Except for a number of more complicated libraries (such as PIL/Pillow) when 
 using universal binaries (when using 'pip install', homebrew/macports/... 
 have their own mechanisms for building).

right -- Universal libs are not well supported by those systems -- but
that's the power users problem!

 2) folks that want to use a Mac like a Mac, and people that develop
 for those folks --  these people need binary installers, and may want
 to be able to use and deploy either packages or applications (Py2app)
 that will run on systems older than the one developed on, or want
 universal builds, or ???
  - These are the folks I'd like to support, but I'm still unsure as
 to how best to do that.

 It would be nice to have a set of binary packages, based on a reproducable 
 build system.

Exactly what I'd like to build!

 Way back when Bob Ippolito maintained a repository of binary packages
 for the mac -- it was a great resource, but he's long since moved on
 to other things.

 The binary packages that Bob maintained had IMHO two major problems:

 1) The largest problem is that the packages were AFAIK created ad-hoc (Bob or 
 some other contributor did the magic incantations to build library 

Yeah, and he never gave anyone else permission to push to it...

 2) The packages were packages. The current state of the art for 
 development/project environments is to use virtualenv or buildout to create 
 separated python installations and install all project depedencies there 
 instead of the global site-packages directory. That's not something that's 
 easily supported with packages.

It was the way to go at the time, but I agree a binary format that
supports virtualenv would be great.

 do I really want linked into my single instance of Python at run time?

 As long as the libpng state isn't shared static linking isn't really a

good to know, but somehow it still offends my sensibilities

 Dynamic linking has at least two disadvantages:

 1) Relocation of the installation prefix is harder due to the way the dynamic 
 linker on OSX looks for libraries:

yeah -- that is a pain.

 The header is easily updated using macholib, but that makes installation
 harder and isn't supported by the standard packaging tools (easy_install
 and pip)

But if we put the shared libs in amore central location, then all your
virtual-ens could use the same ones, yes?

 2) The primary use case for dynamic linking is to share dylibs between 
 extensions, and when those extensions are in different PyPI packages the 
 packaging story gets more complicated. The easiest workaround is to ignore 
 sharing dylibs and still bundle multipe copies of libpng if two different 
 PyPI packages both link with libpng.

when you say bundle, do you mean static link? Or just package up the
dylib with the bundle, which is what i was thinking -- each package
installs the libs it needs, which may or may not already have been
installed by another package -- but so what?

And I expect the number of folks building packages will be fairly
small, so one builder would one have to build one set of dylibs.

 But if dynamic, where do you put them? We'll still want to ship them
 A new framework isn't necessary. There are three locations that could easily 
 be used:

 1) A directory in Python.framework, for example 

That makes sense to me.

 2) A directory in /Library/Python, for example /Library/Python/Externals

that feels a bit lke Apple's turf, but what do I know?

 3) As 2), but in the users home directory (~/Library/Python/Externals)
 The latter is the only one where you can install without admin privileges.

But we put the python binaries  in /LIbrary/Frameworks -- it seems we
should do the same with libs...

 The folks over on distutils-sig are working towards support for wheels (PEP 
 427, at least in pip and 
 distribute/setuptools and possibly in the stdlib as well (for 3.4). It would 
 be nice if the OSX package collection would be in wheel format, that would 
 make it relatively easy to install the packages using the defacto standard 

Any idea what the time scale is on this?

 What I haven't looked into yet is how easy it would be to configure pip to 
 look for 

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Advice wanted on dependency building...

2013-05-22 Thread Chris Barker - NOAA Federal
I just poked a bit into the Anaconda Python distribution. their
packages are simple tarballs, but I think they have a dependency
management system of some sort.

They deliver the dependencies as separate packages (tarballs), one for
each lib. It looksl ike it all gets unpacked inot a sinlgle dir (in
/opt), and an example python extension is built like this:

$ otool -L
@loader_path/../../libnetcdf.7.dylib (compatibility version 10.0.0,
current version 10.0.0)
@loader_path/../../libhdf5_hl.7.dylib (compatibility version 8.0.0,
current version 8.3.0)
@loader_path/../../libhdf5.7.dylib (compatibility version 8.0.0,
current version 8.3.0)
@loader_path/../../libz.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current
version 1.2.7)
/usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 
/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current
version 111.0.0)

I don't know how to get that @loader_path thing in there, but this
seems like a reasonable way to do it (though I guess it wouldn't
support virtualenv...)


On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 3:46 PM, Chris Barker - NOAA Federal wrote:
 Thanks Ronald,

 On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Ronald Oussoren 

 To move back onto topic, not relying on unix-level libraries in OSX is in a 
 good thing as it makes it easier to support multiple OSX versions with a 
 single set of binaries.

 hmm -- I figured if it was a system lib, it should work on whatever
 system It's running on. For example, I'm working right now on the
 netcdf4 lib -- it required hdr5, which requires zlib. Im using the
 system zlib -- is that a bad idea? Should I build it too, to make sure
 it matches the rest of it?

 (I do want the binaries to run anywhere the binary Python I'm using runs)

 Except for a number of more complicated libraries (such as PIL/Pillow) when 
 using universal binaries (when using 'pip install', homebrew/macports/... 
 have their own mechanisms for building).

 right -- Universal libs are not well supported by those systems -- but
 that's the power users problem!

 2) folks that want to use a Mac like a Mac, and people that develop
 for those folks --  these people need binary installers, and may want
 to be able to use and deploy either packages or applications (Py2app)
 that will run on systems older than the one developed on, or want
 universal builds, or ???
  - These are the folks I'd like to support, but I'm still unsure as
 to how best to do that.

 It would be nice to have a set of binary packages, based on a reproducable 
 build system.

 Exactly what I'd like to build!

 Way back when Bob Ippolito maintained a repository of binary packages
 for the mac -- it was a great resource, but he's long since moved on
 to other things.

 The binary packages that Bob maintained had IMHO two major problems:

 1) The largest problem is that the packages were AFAIK created ad-hoc (Bob 
 or some other contributor did the magic incantations to build library 

 Yeah, and he never gave anyone else permission to push to it...

 2) The packages were packages. The current state of the art 
 for development/project environments is to use virtualenv or buildout to 
 create separated python installations and install all project depedencies 
 there instead of the global site-packages directory. That's not something 
 that's easily supported with packages.

 It was the way to go at the time, but I agree a binary format that
 supports virtualenv would be great.

 do I really want linked into my single instance of Python at run time?

 As long as the libpng state isn't shared static linking isn't really a

 good to know, but somehow it still offends my sensibilities

 Dynamic linking has at least two disadvantages:

 1) Relocation of the installation prefix is harder due to the way the 
 dynamic linker on OSX looks for libraries:

 yeah -- that is a pain.

 The header is easily updated using macholib, but that makes installation
 harder and isn't supported by the standard packaging tools (easy_install
 and pip)

 But if we put the shared libs in amore central location, then all your
 virtual-ens could use the same ones, yes?

 2) The primary use case for dynamic linking is to share dylibs between 
 extensions, and when those extensions are in different PyPI packages the 
 packaging story gets more complicated. The easiest workaround is to ignore 
 sharing dylibs and still bundle multipe copies of libpng if two different 
 PyPI packages both link with libpng.

 when you say bundle, do you mean static link? Or just package up the
 dylib with the bundle, which is what i was thinking -- each package
 installs the libs it needs, which may or may not already have been
 installed by another package -- but so what?

 And I expect the number of folks building packages will be fairly
 small, so one