Hi Stuart,

   I have been suffering similar problems since MacOSX
changed the way they handle windows, a couple of versions back.

See: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/tkinter-discuss/2012-May/003161.html

The problem there also included the argv_emulation flag,
and setting this to false fixed the problem.

If you need argv_emulation=True, then put some code
in to iconify/deiconify the window (maybe followed by a lift). May result
in the window
flashing, but at least it will be workable to your users. I have the
in my code for my toplevel window:
        if sys.platform =="darwin":


On 13 August 2013 02:13, Berg, Stuart <be...@janelia.hhmi.org> wrote:

> Hi Ronald,
> It took me a while to follow up on this thread I started a few months ago
> because I wanted to find a minimal test case that illustrates my problem.
>  Now I've got one.  Apparently the PyQt spashscreen doesn't behave
> correctly when I use the py2app "argv_emulation" option.
> To save you from digging through your email for the previous posts, I'll
> summarize my issue again:
> - I use py2app to bundle my app, which is implemented with PyQt4
> (qt-4.8.3, pyqt-4.9.5).
> - I want to show a QSplashScreen when my app starts up, and hide it when
> the main window is shown.
> - When I double-click my app bundle:
>  -- There is a brief delay
>  -- The splash screen appears
>  -- The main window does not appear.
>  -- At this point, I can summon the main window into existence by using
> command-tab to switch away from the app and then back again.
> - I get correct splash screen behavior if I launch the app from the
> command line via MyBundle.app/Contents/MacOS/myapp
> I noticed that the odd behavior happens when I use the "argv_emulation"
> option.  Here's a minimal example that shows the incorrect behavior on my
> machine.  To see correct behavior, comment out the 'argv_emulation' option
> in setup.py.
> If necessary, I can probably use a workaround to avoid argv_emulation, but
> if there is a quick fix for this, I'd love to know about it.
> Thanks,
> Stuart
> # bash commands to run:
> $ python setup.py py2app
> $ open dist/splashtest.app # incorrect splash screen behavior
> $ open dist/splashtest.app/Contents/MacOS/splashtest # Correct behavior
> ##############
> ### splashtest.py
> import sys, time
> from PyQt4.QtGui import QPixmap, QSplashScreen, QApplication, QMainWindow
> app = QApplication([])
> # Show a (blank) splash screen
> splash = QSplashScreen( QPixmap(300, 200) )
> splash.show()
> app.processEvents()
> time.sleep(1)
> # Create & show the main window
> window = QMainWindow()
> window.show()
> window.raise_()
> # Close the splash screen
> splash.finish(window)
> sys.exit( app.exec_() )
> ##############
> # setup.py
> from setuptools import setup, find_packages
> setup(
>     app=['splashtest.py'],
>     options={ 'py2app': { 'argv_emulation': True,
>                           'includes':['PyQt4.QtCore','PyQt4.QtGui' ] } },
>     setup_requires=['py2app']
> )
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