Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Python control/integration of a Cocoa/Quicktime application?

2007-11-03 Thread Dethe Elza
On 11/2/07, Darran Edmundson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Now that we have a proof-of-concept Objective-C framework, I'm trying to
   port a simple test application to python.   Keep in mind that I didn't
 write either of these.  I'm a complete neophyte in terms of Mac
 development and ObjectiveC; all I have going for me is a lot of python
 experience on Windows.  Issues I'm having:

 - In a terminal, 'python' still gives me Apple's native 2.3 rather than
MacPython 2.4.  Do I uninstall Apple's version or simply ensure that
the MacPython version comes earlier in the system path?

Just make sure python2.5 comes earlier in your path.  Never uninstall
Apple's version--your computer uses it for system operations.

 - The pyObjC online docs discuss XCode templates and a distutils
approach.  Is the latter deprecated, or still a reasonable approach?

I would use the distutils (actually, I think it is setuptools now)
approach.  The XCode templates have been fixed in Leopard (or so I
have heard), but I don't think they were very helpful in Tiger.

You can easy_install setuptools and py2app.  Below is a bare-bones that you can customize by replacing variables with the word
YOUR in them.  Sorry about the over-abundance of ALL CAPS.  I have
this set up so I can re-use it quickly, so there are a bunch of
semi-constants I use in all caps, then I added more for your
customization.  Let me know if it is confusing.

Minimal example, run with:
% python py2app

from distutils.core import setup
import py2app

ICON = ''
COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright 2007 YOUR_NAME'
DATA_FILES = ['English.lproj'] # This is needed if you use nib files
to define your UI

plist = dict(
CFBundleIconFile= ICON,
CFBundleName= NAME,
CFBundleShortVersionString  = ' '.join([NAME, VERSION]),
CFBundleGetInfoString   = NAME,
CFBundleExecutable  = NAME,
CFBundleIdentifier  = 'org.YOUR_DOMAIN.examples.%s' % ID,
NSHumanReadableCopyright= COPYRIGHT

app_data = dict(script=SCRIPT, plist=plist)
py2app_opt = dict(frameworks=['YOUR_FRAMEWORK_HERE.framework'],)
options = dict(py2app=py2app_opt,)

  data_files = DATA_FILES,
  app = [app_data],
  options = options,
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Python control/integration of a Cocoa/Quicktime application?

2007-11-03 Thread Dethe Elza
On 11/2/07, Darran Edmundson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   The bare minimum you need is:
   import objc
   objc.loadBundle('MyBundle', globals(),

One more thing.  While the above is a bare minimum from the command
line or to work with the framework locally, you'll need a skintch more
to get the file paths to work when the framework is packaged into your
application bundle.  Below is an example I use to package Tim
Omernick's CocoaSequenceGrabber framework, and it works both from the
command line and in the app bundle.  I have this saved as
PySight/ and can then use all the framework objects and
methods by simply importing PySight in my project.

Again, if any of this is not clear, or you're not sure how to
customize this to your project, just let me know.

import objc, AppKit, Foundation, os
if '' in __file__:
  base_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()), 'Frameworks')
  base_path = '/Library/Frameworks'
bundle_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_path, 'CocoaSequenceGrabber.fram
objc.loadBundle('CocoaSequenceGrabber', globals(), bundle_path=bundle_path)
del objc, AppKit, Foundation, os, base_path, bundle_path

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Python control/integration of a Cocoa/Quicktime application?

2007-11-02 Thread Darran Edmundson

Dethe Elza wrote:
 If you write an Objective-C framework, the python code to wrap it
 using PyObjC is very short.  Here is an example I use to expose Tim
 Omernick's CocoaSequenceGrabber framework to capture images from the
 iSight camera ...

  The bare minimum you need is:
  import objc
  objc.loadBundle('MyBundle', globals(),

Now that we have a proof-of-concept Objective-C framework, I'm trying to 
  port a simple test application to python.   Keep in mind that I didn't 
write either of these.  I'm a complete neophyte in terms of Mac 
development and ObjectiveC; all I have going for me is a lot of python 
experience on Windows.  Issues I'm having:

- In a terminal, 'python' still gives me Apple's native 2.3 rather than
   MacPython 2.4.  Do I uninstall Apple's version or simply ensure that
   the MacPython version comes earlier in the system path?

- The pyObjC online docs discuss XCode templates and a distutils
   approach.  Is the latter deprecated, or still a reasonable approach?

- Following Dethe's advice, I can successfully
  obj.loadBundle('EDMDisplayController', ...)
   from within IDLE.  I'm not at all clear on how to proceed from
   here ;-)  It seems there's some infrastructure required even for the
   simplest of applications, correct?  I.e., I can't just expect to
   create a single python script callable from the command line ...

As much as I like independent learning, I could really do with someone 
to walk me through this one-on-one.  Anyone interested in a few hours of 
consulting?  If so, just email me a rate and availability over the next 
week.  I can give you SVN access to our code, and we can chat on the 
phone or Skype.


Darran Edmundson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Python control/integration of a Cocoa/Quicktime application?

2007-10-27 Thread Dethe Elza
If you write an Objective-C framework, the python code to wrap it
using PyObjC is very short.  Here is an example I use to expose Tim
Omernick's CocoaSequenceGrabber framework to capture images from the
iSight camera:


import objc, AppKit, Foundation, os
if '' in __file__:
  base_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()), 'Frameworks')
  base_path = '/Library/Frameworks'
bundle_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_path, 'CocoaSequenceGrabber.fram
objc.loadBundle('CocoaSequenceGrabber', globals(), bundle_path=bundle_path)
del objc, AppKit, Foundation, os, base_path, bundle_path


I have that saved as PySight/ so I can import * from
PySight to get all the objects and methods from the framework.  It
would be shorter, but I have some path manipulation so that it works
from the command line and from within an application bundle built with
py2app.  The bare minimum you need is:

import objc
objc.loadBundle('MyBundle', globals(),

Writing a bundle in Python that can be imported by an Objective-C
application is similarly easy.  I have some blog posts on that topic
if you ever decide to try that direction.  The application just needs
to take Objective-C bundles as plugins, it does not have to plan for,
or even know about, Python in the bundle implementation.


Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Python control/integration of a Cocoa/Quicktime application?

2007-10-27 Thread Jack Jansen

On  27-Oct-2007, at 02:55 , Darran Edmundson wrote:
I've recommended that Douglas join this mailing list and ask  

  My only concern is that most people coming to this list are probably
python users (like myself) who want to write Mac apps.  Douglas is
coming from the opposite tack - he's a hardcore Cocoa developer who
doesn't know python at all.  With this in mind, do you have any  

in designing a library that is easily called from python?

There are some things you can do in ObjC that are difficult to expose  
to Python, but as they're so unusual I've never come across them I've  
also conveniently forgotten what they are:-)

Oh yes, I think if you pass a C structure you have to do some  
massaging (excpe tif PyObjC already knows about that structure, such  
as for NSPoint and such, then the work has already been done for you).

I wondered, for example, if he wrote the Objective C library and a
separate Objective C test application to exercise the code, if the  

app could then simply be ported to pyObjC?  This way Douglas wouldn't
need to worry about python at all ...

If you do this very early during development, i.e. when the library  
API has only a couple of calls you have the ObjC programmer write a  
minimal test script which you then port to Python, you could give  
this back to the ObjC developer. There's a very good chance this'll  
teach them enough Python to continue the testing directly in Python.

If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

[Pythonmac-SIG] Python control/integration of a Cocoa/Quicktime application?

2007-10-26 Thread Darran Edmundson

I have a couple of Cocoa/Quicktime developers working on a small custom 
application.  These guys are very capable at OS X programming but don't 
have any python experience.  I, on the other hand, have a lot of python 
experience but virtually no Mac development experience.  I could really 
do with some advice from someone able to see the big picture.

A bit of background ... We are working on a museum exhibit where a large 
65 1920x1080 screen attached to a Mac Pro is electronically positioned 
on a 4m industrial slide-track via a physical interface device.  Each 
millimeter of track corresponds to a different image in a 4000 frame 
photo-jpeg-encoded Quicktime.  The user tweaks the interface device, the 
screen moves, the image changes appropriately - that's the basic plan.

I have a python program on the Mac that determines, among other things, 
the screen location.   The OS X developers are going to write a 
full-screen Cocoa application that handles the display side of things 
(along with some tricks like: change to a new movie; tweak the opacity; 
add a second layer movie; etc.)  The question then: how to join these 
two codes?

Options (that I can think of, probably more worthy of discussion):

1) Get the Mac guys to write their application as a library that can be 
wrapped in pyObjC and invoked by my python program.  In this scenario, 
the result is only one process/program with no network issues.

2) Add networking code to both the python and cocoa apps in order to 
communicate (binary socket, XML over http, Bonjour, etc.).  Easy in 
python via Twisted, no doubt less so in cocoa.

As always, any advice is much appreciated.


Darran Edmundson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Python control/integration of a Cocoa/Quicktime application?

2007-10-26 Thread Jack Jansen
If I understand the architecture correctly I would go with option 1.  
And get the Mac guys to write their code in a reusable way, i.e. have  
them export enough low-level functionality in their API. This should  
be easy enough in ObjC.
It'll allow tweaking from the Python side, and if you're lucky during  
the project they'll see the advantage of Python and all jump on the  

BTW: there's a potential third architecture that I can see: write a  
Cocoa app with a Python module embedded. This is similar to option 1,  
but depending on which technologies you use it may be easier to  
structure things with ObjC in charge in stead of Python. But if you  
also structure your Python code well it shouldn't be much of a  
problem to switch from design 1 to design 3 later in the development  

On 26-okt-2007, at 9:01, Darran Edmundson wrote:

 I have a couple of Cocoa/Quicktime developers working on a small  
 application.  These guys are very capable at OS X programming but  
 have any python experience.  I, on the other hand, have a lot of  
 experience but virtually no Mac development experience.  I could  
 do with some advice from someone able to see the big picture.

 A bit of background ... We are working on a museum exhibit where a  
 65 1920x1080 screen attached to a Mac Pro is electronically  
 on a 4m industrial slide-track via a physical interface device.  Each
 millimeter of track corresponds to a different image in a 4000 frame
 photo-jpeg-encoded Quicktime.  The user tweaks the interface  
 device, the
 screen moves, the image changes appropriately - that's the basic plan.

 I have a python program on the Mac that determines, among other  
 the screen location.   The OS X developers are going to write a
 full-screen Cocoa application that handles the display side of things
 (along with some tricks like: change to a new movie; tweak the  
 add a second layer movie; etc.)  The question then: how to join these
 two codes?

 Options (that I can think of, probably more worthy of discussion):

 1) Get the Mac guys to write their application as a library that  
 can be
 wrapped in pyObjC and invoked by my python program.  In this scenario,
 the result is only one process/program with no network issues.

 2) Add networking code to both the python and cocoa apps in order to
 communicate (binary socket, XML over http, Bonjour, etc.).  Easy in
 python via Twisted, no doubt less so in cocoa.

 As always, any advice is much appreciated.


 Darran Edmundson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Python control/integration of a Cocoa/Quicktime application?

2007-10-26 Thread has
Darran Edmundson wrote:

 I have a python program on the Mac that determines, among other  
 things, the screen location.   The OS X developers are going to  
 write a full-screen Cocoa application [...] The question then: how  
 to join these two codes?

 1) Get the Mac guys to write their application as a library that  
 can be wrapped in pyObjC and invoked by my python program.  In this  
 scenario, the result is only one process/program with no network  

 2) Add networking code to both the python and cocoa apps in order  
 to communicate (binary socket, XML over http, Bonjour, etc.).  Easy  
 in python via Twisted, no doubt less so in cocoa.

Jack's already given advice on #1 and suggested embedding Python as a  
third option.

As for the IPC option, you're pretty well covered there too. The two  
high-level approaches I'd recommend investigating are:

1. Apple events using appscript/aem on the client side and OS X's  
Cocoa Scripting framework on the server side (although there are  
other options available as well).

2. Cocoa's Distributed Objects system, using PyObjC on the client side.



Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Python control/integration of a Cocoa/Quicktime application?

2007-10-26 Thread Darran Edmundson

Jack and Has, thanks very much for the valuable advice.  This weekend 
one of the developers is going to have a first crack at implementing 
option 1, namely a library that we can invoke from python.

I've recommended that Douglas join this mailing list and ask questions. 
  My only concern is that most people coming to this list are probably 
python users (like myself) who want to write Mac apps.  Douglas is 
coming from the opposite tack - he's a hardcore Cocoa developer who 
doesn't know python at all.  With this in mind, do you have any pointers 
in designing a library that is easily called from python?

I wondered, for example, if he wrote the Objective C library and a 
separate Objective C test application to exercise the code, if the test 
app could then simply be ported to pyObjC?  This way Douglas wouldn't 
need to worry about python at all ...

As always, any advice is much appreciated.


Darran Edmundson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -