Re: Bug report : comment after "if ... then ... else"

2022-06-06 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Lucien,

Lucien Mathay schrieb am 06.06.2022 um 18:51:

Thank you Regina, but

if I add an 'endif' at the end of the line
   ( "  if a = b then a=1  Else a=2  endif  'test "),
the compiler fails with the message "Syntax error : unexpectes symbol : 
End If".

Indeed, endif is only possible in case if-then, else, endif are on own 

The part 'test is interpreted as
 :Rem test
So the comment belongs to the else-Block.
The problem is, that AOO does not end the if-statement with end of the line.
LibreOffice has a different behavior.

Therefore I still consider this as a bug.

You can write an issue on

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Re: Bug report : comment after "if ... then ... else"

2022-06-06 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Lucien,

Lucien Mathay schrieb am 06.06.2022 um 10:42:


I would like to report the following bug : in the macros when a line 
containing "if ... then ... else" is followed by a comment on the same 
line, the compiler fails.

Example :

Function test()
     dim a as long, b as long
   a=0:  b=0
   if a = b then a=1  else a=2  'test
   call msgbox b
End Function

The if-statement misses endif.

Kind regards,

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Re: [CODE] old business...patches

2014-12-04 Thread Regina Henschel

Kay Schenk schrieb:

The following query lists issues of type = PATCH

You will need to be a registered Bugzilla user to view it.

It would be helpful for QA and dev team members to determine if the
submitted patches are still relevant. Bulk notification may not have
reached patch contributors.

The link does not work for me. But go to your Preferences and there to 
the tab Saved Searches. In the lower part you will find the search 
PATCHES and can run it.

Kind regards

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Re: No daily builds

2014-11-02 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Pedro,

Pedro Lino schrieb:

Thank you for the quick answer
I can't find any download links...
Am I missing something?

Kind regards

On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 5:28 PM, Kay Schenk wrote:

On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 8:10 AM, Pedro Lino wrote:

Hi all

In case no one has noticed there haven't been any daily builds since Oct
18th (and as far as Oct 6th for 32 bit Linux).

Best regards,

There daily builds are actually still functioning -- see

but the main output display page that you reference is not being updated.
We are investigating the cause.



One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth
  to a dancing star.
  -- Friedrich Nietzsche

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Re: Development progress on SVG-graphics

2014-08-02 Thread Regina Henschel


Armin Le Grand schrieb:

On 01.08.2014 14:43, Regina Henschel wrote:


BTW, the error is not in the pdf export, but in the conservation to

Regina is right, it's a problem in conversion to metafile, probably
clipping involved. Do we have a task in bugzilla for this?

I have written
The reason is the combination of point outside viewBox and gradient 
fill, details in the bug report.

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Re: Development progress on SVG-graphics

2014-08-01 Thread Regina Henschel

He Pedro,

Pedro Lino schrieb:

Hi Regina

I'm not sure if this is what you meant, but I reported this bug on LO a
long time ago but it is also present in AOO.

No, the current improvements are for import of svg graphics and the 
import seems to be correct in your case. I can see a normal Chrome logo. 
In addition, the logo has been created with Inkscape and Inkscape has 
only small support for CSS.

BTW, the error is not in the pdf export, but in the conservation to 

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Development progress on SVG-graphics

2014-07-30 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

perhaps you have noticed recently a lot of issues and commits regarding 
SVG. Styling a SVG-Graphic with CSS stylesheets is a great feature, but 
very complex. Thanks to Armins recent work, OpenOffice now understands 
the simple selectors 'id', 'class' and type in the style sheet element, 
understands the style attribute in addition to non-css presentation 
attributes, and handles their priority correctly. That covers most of 
the graphics you will use, for example from clip art galleries.

These CSS-features are still missing:
complex selectors with descendant, child and sibling relations
selectors with attributes
@import and @media
pseudo classes like :lang or :hover

The current state has been tested with a lot of special test files. But 
now we need “real-life” svg-graphics. So if you come across such 
graphics, please take an OpenOffice build from a buildbot (make sure it 
is a 4.2 build and not a 4.1.1 build) and try it out; and when you 
encounter a problem, report it here.

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Re: Need to crash openoffice

2013-08-09 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Edoardo,

Edoardo Panfili schrieb:

To reproduce a bug I need to crash openoffice  (with some opened
openoffice windows) in OS X.

Anyone have any suggestions?

If it is AOO4.0, you can insert the svg-picture attached to issue 
122912. It will crash AOO immediately because of null pointer dereference.

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Re: Regarding test case 1502 (writer)

2013-06-07 Thread Regina Henschel


Liu Ping schrieb:

hi , Prachi

I think the picture object also should  be applicable to Step 4 to Step 10

Indeed  , I can't see rotation section in position and size section in
sidebar in writer

But I try create a picture and see rotation section in spreadsheet and

so i suggest you create new bug in bugzilla (

No, it is no bug. Picture inserted in Writer are different from pictures 
inserted in Draw. Write-pictures do not have the ability to rotate. If 
you insert a picture in Draw and then copy it to Writer, then you get a 
Draw-picture and that can be rotated.

Issue for the problem is

Kind regards

Thanks your support

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 6:10 PM, Edwin Sharp wrote:

IMHO fail the test.
Rotation can not be found.

On Wed, Jun 5, 2013, at 18:38, Prachi Jain wrote:

Hi ,

  Step No. 3   Insert a drawing object, or a picture.

After inserting drawing object all the test steps (4 to 10) works as

expected, but after inserting picture should I need to execute all the
steps( 4 to10 ). If yes , then in position and size section I could not see
rotation section.Is it a bug? or I just need to run all the test steps for
drawing object not for picture. Please help.


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Re: Issues regarding selecting curve lines

2013-06-01 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Alexandro,

Alexandro Colorado schrieb:

There was a bug reported on the issue regarding selecting curved connectors
that have been modified.

I was able to reproduce it, however I am not sure if this bug still exist
in 4.0. Can someone please test it?

The process is, build a curved connector, modify the way the curve altitude
is selected.

Select away, and try to re-click on the vector.

According to Armin LeGrand he said he was working on similar issues,
however this date back to 2009.

That issue is about the shape of the connector, not about selecting a 

I can select the connector in AOO4.0. Can you please describe with more 
details, in which situation it does not work for you?

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2013-03-18 Thread Regina Henschel

Daniel Alvaro schrieb:

I was checking the bug 121854, but I don't
understand the  word POLICE , do you know what is the meaning of this
word or where can I find it?
I'm using Win 7

The reporter has a French mailing address. So perhaps it is police de 
caractères. That would be font.

You can ask him to attach a screen shot of the dialog and mark, which 
field does not work for him.

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Re: QA Assignment

2013-01-20 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Mechtilde,

nice to hear from you.

Mechtilde schrieb:

Hello Rob,
hello @ all,

I'm confusing about such mails,

Which modules are meant?

Where can I get more information, what someone should do to start with
qa'ing AOO?

The page mentioned above contains a link to Introduction to QA.

Kind regards

Re: Introducing Steve Culver

2013-01-13 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Mickey,

this is a mailing list. That means, that a mail to the list will be sent 
to all subscribers of the list. Therefore it is essential, that posters 
use an informative subject, so that everyone can easily decide, whether 
the mail is relevant for him.

Kind regards

Mickey Hanson schrieb:

How does that involve me?

 Mickey Hanson

On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 11:01 AM, Steve Culver steve_cul...@yahoo.comwrote:

This is my introduction eMail as specified in How to Get Involved.

I've been using OO for quite some time now. There was a period when I
tried LibreOffice, but that wasn't a successful experiment.

Most of my time is spent in Writer or Calc, but I've attempted some things
in Base and would like to do a lot more. I make my living writing apps in
Access, and I'd love to be as proficient in Base as I am in Access.

To make my first QA observation, I've noted that ever since I've used OO,
when the spellchecker changes the last word in a sentence, it deletes the
period. I'd like to see that fixed.


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Re: Introduction to QA, Level 3

2013-01-13 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Alan,

Alan Wilson schrieb:

Good morning Rob,

I have completed Intro to QA Level 3.  Do you recommend using
VirtualBox for testing?

It depends on what you will test. In some cases it is sufficient to make 
an administrative installation and edit the bootstrap-file. But when you 
will e.g. test the installation process itself, you need a system, which 
is separated from your daily work system. Other examples are testing 
several desktop environments like small screens, high dpi, dark desktop 

Kind regards

Re: Volunteer request

2013-01-13 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Nayana,

to get a start, you can use and later on follow 
the link Introduction to QA on that page.

Kind regards

Nayana Pande schrieb:

Hi All,

I hold a diploma in Software Testing and want to contribute in testing OOO.
Please let me know where do I start from.

Re: building aoo-3.4.1 source code problem need you help

2012-12-28 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Yi,

2 schrieb:

Hi Andrea,
Thank you so much for your help! I have solved the problem about dmake before.
But now I am building the source code,   I got another error when building the 
embedserv module, the message as follow

Compiling: embedserv/source/embed/register.cxx
d:\aoo\main\embedserv\source\inc\stdafx.h(21) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open 
include file: 'atlbase.h': No such file or directory
dmake:  Error code 2, while making '../../'

Look forwardto your reply

it looks like you are using a MSVC Express version? That version does 
not include atlbase.h. You have to disable that stuff in configure by


 or you need to install the Windows Driver Kit

Most of the remarks on are 
still valid.

Please specify which compiler you use and on which operating system you 
are building.

Perhaps you can post your configure call? There might be other problems 

Kind regards