My name name is Simon and I use OpenOffice family from several years, also
on works (mainly Write, a little bit Calc; rarely Draw or Impress); i write
nearly 60 pages of paper works, also using macro to interface it with a
software I made.
I said "family" meaning also the LibreOffice fork: I've installed both on
my computers 'cause each has its own good & bad.

My former hope was LibreOffice, now it's OpenOffice 4: I highly appreciated
your public questions about people desires about 4.0 version, because a
great defect in LibreOffice is that, IMHO, they lost the "normal" user (AKA
non-geek) point of view, introducing very specialistic feature, cleaning of
source, improvement in speed, but still remain many ugly interface defects
that make this software less easy to use for a simple user (like my
parents) vs old (but easier) word 97/2000.

I find horrible having non resizeable window in some option window, ugly
the way to redefine toolbar or keyboard, also worse the macro interface,
but also lacking a simple way to put line pages (centered in bottom)
without knowing about fields & c. or  not hint as file name the first line
of the document or a way to save/transfer easily configuration from one
computer to another (also better by clouds).

I'd like to show OO to my friends saying "It's easier than your old Word":
hope I will soon!

If I can help, I'm here.

*Simone *

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