#fedora-meeting-1: fedora-qadevel

Minutes (text): 

Meeting summary
* roll call  (tflink, 14:00:54)

* Announcements and Information  (tflink, 14:07:18)
  * libtaskotron docs have a new theme, and some parts were updated (not
    deployed yet in production) -- kparal  (tflink, 14:07:25)
  * D1195 updated to run "ansible -c local" on a minion :( - mkrizek
    (mkrizek, 14:07:43)

* Tasking  (tflink, 14:16:00)

* Test Invocation Status  (tflink, 14:19:28)
  * D1195 is still in progress, will support the new ansible-based
    standard interface when merged  (tflink, 14:20:10)
  * porting existing tasks to new ansible format has yet to start, will
    hopefully not take long  (tflink, 14:20:52)
  * process of porting libtaskotron directives to ansible modules is
    ongoing, some discussion required  (tflink, 14:23:37)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/ansible-fedoraqa-modules   (tflink,

* Testcloud and ppc  (tflink, 14:34:59)

* Open Floor  (tflink, 14:40:57)

Meeting ended at 14:42:13 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* tflink (74)
* kparal (23)
* roshi (18)
* mkrizek (10)
* zodbot (4)

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