[Qemu-devel] How to enable DEBUG_IOPORT?

2012-02-11 Thread Wizard

When I reading the code, i find in the  cpu_log_items the
CPU_LOG_IOPORT is not enabled since the
DEBUD_IOPORT is not defined.

I searched the configure file but find no option to enable this.
So currently the only way to do this is comment out the macro in ioport.c?


[Qemu-devel] int128_add assumes the result will not exceed 128bits?

2012-02-09 Thread Wizard
All, I am reading this code.

static inline Int128 int128_add(Int128 a, Int128 b){    Int128 r = {
a.lo + b.lo, a.hi + b.hi };    r.hi += (r.lo  a.lo) || (r.lo  b.lo);
   return r;}
This assumes the result r will not exceed 128 bits?--

[Qemu-devel] User Mode Emulation

2005-12-11 Thread space-wizard

I want to run some Intel-Linux-Binaries on a PowerPC-Linux-Machine. 
Does somebody know how to copy the shared libraries and make them usable by
qemu-i386? How to call ldconfig? 

I want to make a collection of some x86 and ppc-Libraries (like the
qemu-gnemul-Package at the qemu-Website), but I found no documentation how
to create such a Package.

Can somebody help me?

Thanks a lot!


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[Qemu-devel] qvm86

2005-12-05 Thread space-wizard

I tried to install qvm86 under SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 running on a
Dual Pentium III with Kernel 2.6.5-7.139-smp.

After compiling the module:

modprobe qvm86
chmod 666 /dev/qvm86

In /var/log/messages I get the following output:

kernel: qvm86: unsupported module, tainting kernel.
kernel: qvm86: Module loaded
kernel: qvm86: Created device 10.62

When I start qemu, it runs without qvm86 acceleration.

I have no idea, why it isn't running with qvm86 on this machine. (Doing the
same procedure on a debian system, everything is running perfect!)

Thanks for your help!


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[Qemu-devel] Time measurement under QEMU

2005-11-24 Thread space-wizard

I need a precise time measurement under QEMU with SLES 9 (Kernel 2.6.8) as
host and guest.

I synchronize the clock via ntpdate with a ntp-time-server. Then I start
heavy load applications. When I execute ntpdate again, I get a negative
offset, sometimes a positive offset with more than 1 second. That means that
the clock runs slower (or faster) in the guest os. 

How can I get a time synchronisation between Host- and Guest-OS? 

I tried the following kernel options at the guest:

nosmp noapic nolapic clock=pit

But without success :-(

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,


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[Qemu-devel] Problems with ppc-emulation

2005-11-14 Thread space-wizard

I make different Benchmarks (lmbench / unixbench) on SuSE Linux Enterprise
Server 9 (PPC) with SMP-Kernel running on a PowerPC host. The target OS is
SLES9 for Intel x86 .

With Unixbench 4.1.0 running at the emulated x86-machine I got the following
error message:

Recursion Test--Tower of Hanoi 1 2 3
awk: /root/unixbench-4.1.0/pgms/index.awk:18: fatal: division by zero

This message I get only with the x86-emulation. It doesn't appear when
running on a real x86 or a real ppc-machine.

Has anybody a solution for this?

Best regards,


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Qemu-devel mailing list

[Qemu-devel] Re: timing problems

2005-11-09 Thread space-wizard

I checked my QEMU and I found the same Problems. I'm running SLES9 (x86) on
an SLES9 (ppc) host. The target clock runs faster(? I've got positive
offsets running ntpdate ?) than the host clock. I've tried severel kernel
parameters (eg. clock=pit or clock=pmtmr) without any success. 

The timing problems seem to be not only a problem with Windows XP as guest

Best regards


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[Qemu-devel] opc.h and gen-op.h

2005-11-05 Thread space-wizard

What is the job of the two files gen-op.h and opc.h? They were created by
dyngen -c / -g 

I don't understand their content.

opc.h contains something like:
DEF(movl_A0_EAX, 0, 3)
DEF(addl_A0_EAX, 0, 5)
DEF(addl_A0_EAX_s1, 0, 6)

gen-op.h contains:
static inline void gen_op_movl_A0_EAX(void)
*gen_opc_ptr++ = INDEX_op_movl_A0_EAX;

static inline void gen_op_addl_A0_EAX(void)
*gen_opc_ptr++ = INDEX_op_addl_A0_EAX;

Can you help me?


Highspeed-Freiheit. Bei GMX supergünstig, z.B. GMX DSL_Cityflat,
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