I'm trying to test something I'm working on qemu-kvm and I ran into a segfault.
I usually use valgrind to deal with these kind of issues, but when I
try to used it on
qemu it goes nuts and shows me this error and closes:
getauxval AT_DCACHEBSIZE failed

Is it because I use hugetlb ? Or do any of you guys have an idea why
this is happening?

I've found the same issue on google, but it was related to a bad
Ubuntu valgrind build in an official repo, but I'm using everything
built from yocto.

This is the full command I'm issuing:
valgrind ./qemu-system-ppc -enable-kvm -nographic -m 1024 -M ppce500
-kernel uImage-p3041ds.bin -initrd fsl-image-core-p3041ds.ext2.gz
-append "root=/dev/ram rw console=ttyS0,115200 ramdisk_size=67186297"
-mem-path /var/lib/hugetlbfs/pagesize-4MB -device virtio-crypto-pci

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