
here are some missed undefined instructions I skipped over last time
(I had forgotten to enable FP16 support in QEMU):

- disas_simd_across_lanes: for FP16 FMAX/FMINV/FMAXNMV/FMINNMV it
should be checked that bit 0 of the size field is 0

- disas_simd_mod_imm: FP16 FMOV imm must have bit 29 = 0

- disas_simd_scalar_pairwise: FP16 FMAXP/FADPP/... must have bit 0 of
the size field = 0

- disas_simd_three_reg_same_fp16: opcodes 5, b, c, d, 11, 19, 1b, 1f
are unallocated

- disas_simd_two_reg_misc_fp16: FRECPX is a scalar only instruction

- disas_simd_two_reg_misc_fp16: FABS/FNEG/FSQRT are vector only instructions

- disas_simd_two_reg_misc_fp16: the default clause should undef in the
first switch statement

- disas_simd_two_reg_misc_fp16:  FNEG should be removed from the scalar part.

Hopefully that's all that was left...



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