Please help me with one minor issue regarding network configuration

2023-08-10 Thread Antonio Apostoliu

I see this page

You are so kind to tell me the network arguments part for connecting on
Windows host (with configurated loopback interface named retealoopback)

I tried:
-netdev tap,id=mynet1,ifname=retealoopback -device
as second network adapter

Qemu output was:
tap: Could not open 'retealoopback'  - on standard output stream
C:\Program Files\qemu\qemu-system-x86_64.exe: -netdev
tap,id=mynet1,ifname=retealoopback: Device 'tap' could not be initialized -
on Debug(error) output stream

Context was:

Ethernet adapter retealoopback:

   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

I used:

The loopback interface was configurated with next powershell script

Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
$NIC_NAME = "retealoopback"
[string] $strFilenameTranscript = "retealoopback.log"
Start-Transcript -path $strFilenameTranscript | Out-Null
 .\devcon.exe -r install $env:windir\Inf\Netloop.inf *MSLOOP | Out-Null
$eth_loopback = Get-NetAdapter|where{$_.DriverDescription -eq "Microsoft
KM-TEST Loopback Adapter"}
Rename-NetAdapter -Name $ -NewName $NIC_NAME
if ($IpAddress){
New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias $NIC_NAME -IPAddress $IpAddress
-PrefixLength $PrefixLength -AddressFamily ipv4
Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceIndex $eth_loopback.ifIndex -InterfaceMetric
"254" -WeakHostReceive Enabled -WeakHostSend Enabled
Disable-NetAdapterBinding -Name $NIC_NAME -ComponentID ms_msclient
Disable-NetAdapterBinding -Name $NIC_NAME -ComponentID ms_pacer
Disable-NetAdapterBinding -Name $NIC_NAME -ComponentID ms_server
Disable-NetAdapterBinding -Name $NIC_NAME -ComponentID ms_tcpip6
Disable-NetAdapterBinding -Name $NIC_NAME -ComponentID ms_lltdio
Disable-NetAdapterBinding -Name $NIC_NAME -ComponentID ms_rspndr

Best regards
P.S  With works

Looking for netdev and device parameters for one specific network interface

2023-04-24 Thread Antonio Apostoliu
  You are so kind to tell me if there is one method to configure netdev
and  device parameters to accommodate  one network interface generated with
following powershell script code.

$loopback_name2 = 'gh3n'
$primary_interface2 = 'Ethernet'
$loopback_ipv4_2 = ''
$loopback_ipv4_length_2 = '24'
Install-Module -Name LoopbackAdapter -MinimumVersion -Force
Import-Module -Name LoopbackAdapter
New-LoopbackAdapter -Name $loopback_name2 -Force
$interface_loopback2 = Get-NetAdapter -Name $loopback_name2

  $interface_main = Get-NetAdapter -Name $primary_interface

Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceIndex $interface_loopback2.ifIndex
-InterfaceMetric "254" -WeakHostReceive Enabled -WeakHostSend Enabled -DHCP

  Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceIndex $interface_main.ifIndex
-WeakHostReceive Enabled -WeakHostSend Enabled

Set-NetIPAddress -InterfaceIndex $interface_loopback2.ifIndex -SkipAsSource

New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias $loopback_name2 -IPAddress
$loopback_ipv4_2 -PrefixLength $loopback_ipv4_length_2 -AddressFamily ipv4
Disable-NetAdapterBinding -Name $loopback_name2 -ComponentID ms_msclient
Disable-NetAdapterBinding -Name $loopback_name2 -ComponentID ms_pacer
Disable-NetAdapterBinding -Name $loopback_name2 -ComponentID ms_server
Disable-NetAdapterBinding -Name $loopback_name2 -ComponentID ms_lltdio
Disable-NetAdapterBinding -Name $loopback_name2 -ComponentID ms_rspndr

Best regards

tftp related question

2022-10-27 Thread Antonio Apostoliu

   I use Qemu 6.2.0 on Windows 10.
  I launch qemu with this script:
..\qemu\qemu-system-x86_64.exe -m 512 -smp 1 -hda images/d.qcow2  ^
 -nic user,tftp=trf,hostfwd=tcp:

Before run script I typed
icacls .\trf /grant:r "%username%":(OI)(CI)F /T

Downloads from host to vm works.
Uploads from vm to host does not works.

Curl command give me error type 28 and 69

Please see also the attached image.

Please help me

Best regards

Regarding qemu command tunning.

2020-02-27 Thread Antonio Apostoliu

 Qemu is awesome.

 You are so kind to tell me follow info:
I use qemu on Windows 10.
I use telnet to monitor and shutdown qemu instance
What  parameter in long qemu command is used for return  prompt before
stop the simulation program.

I want to use same  command line window to run telnet for
info/control/stop qemu instance.

Best regards.