Re: query-block command is missing device name. Deprecated?

2020-02-05 Thread Mike Lee

Thanks for the thorough explanation.  I finaly found some QEMU pdf docs
out there describing that -blockdev was the way of the furture.

I'll try providing a job-id for the backups.  Again thanks for the
reply/feedback.  It's great to see how fast this stuff is progressing,
even if it causes some usage gotchas from time to time.  Have a good


On Tue, 2020-02-04 at 12:29 +0100, Max Reitz wrote:
> On 31.01.20 05:06, Mike Lee wrote:
> > Hello All,
> Hi Mike,
> Most of the changes you’re seeing are probably due to libvirt using
> node
> names to create block devices now.  So every node in the block graph
> (e.g. a file node to read a file from the normal filesystem, or a
> qcow2
> node to interpret the qcow2 format) is now created explicitly by
> libvirt, and every such node needs a node name.
> Before this (very recent) change, libvirt used -drive (I think),
> which
> either creates a guest device along with an attached full block node
> tree, or just the tree without the device – but that tree still gets
> a
> name as whole, and that was the name shown by query-block.  (The
> guest
> device name is shown under @qdev.)
> With libvirt now using -blockdev instead of -drive and thus creating
> single block nodes, there is no such tree name anymore.  That’s why
> it’s
> shown as empty.
> > 1.) I suspect the error I get when starting the backup is simply a
> > bug.
> > Am I correct in assuming this, since the backup actually
> > starts?  If
> > I'm wrong what do I need to change to not get the error?
> This is also related to the libvirt change described above.  You used
> to
> have to specify the tree name (generally called “device name” in
> QAPI),
> but now there is no such name.  As such, you have to specify the node
> name now.  You did that, but you also need to specify a job-id then.
> The documentation isn’t really clear about this, but job-id will only
> default to the device name, not to what @device says.  There is no
> device name (or “tree name”, as I’ve called it above), so it cannot
> default to anything.  Hence the error message, that an empty job ID
> is
> not permissible.
> So long story short, you need to specify something for @job-id.  (And
> then all further job commands/events will use that for their
> respective
> @device field.  That will be a bit confusing, but, well, we had to
> for
> compatibility.)
> > 2.) Has the "device" attribute in the "query-block" command been
> > deprecated and is that why that attribute's value is now
> > blank?  I've
> > gone back through all of the QEMU release notes and see no mention
> > of
> > this.  
> It hasn’t, but when using -blockdev instead of -drive for block
> devices,
> it will be empty.  (And libvirt does use -blockdev now.)
> > 3.) What's with the "libvirt-X-format" node name?  The "drive-
> > virtio-
> > diskX" seemed more logical.  Is this naming change a libvirt thing
> > and
> > not qemu?
> That has the same reason, libvirt now uses -blockdev, so it specifies
> node names.  “libvirt-X-format” looks like a typical node name
> (“format”
> is a type of node that interprets image formats, like qcow2 or raw),
> whereas “drive-virtio-diskX” seems like a name for a whole tree of
> block
> nodes (i.e., a device name).
> Max

query-block command is missing device name. Deprecated?

2020-01-30 Thread Mike Lee
Hello All,

I've discovered that when I run the command "query-block" command, the
"device:" attribute's value is now blank.  I use this to help execute
incremental backups of my VMs. In previous versions this worked but now
that I'm on a rolling distro I no longer receive this info.  I'm
wondering if this is a bug or intended, and if so why.  Details of my
findings are below.

Distro: Mint 19.1
Kernel: 4.15.0-74-generic #84-Ubuntu SMP
Virsh ver: 4.0
QEMU Version: 2.11.1(Debian 1:2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu7.21)

In the old Mint distro I could run something like the below to create
the dirty bitmap and then kick-off a backup (I'm aware I can combine
the two into one trasaction but I am separating them out here for

CREATE BITMAP: (drive-virtio-disk0 was the "device" name that was
always returned by the qemu-monitor "query-block" command.)

virsh qemu-monitor-command manjaro-xfce --pretty \
'{"execute": "transaction",' \
'"arguments":' \
'{' \
'"actions":' \
'[' \
'{"type": "block-dirty-bitmap-add",' \
' "data": {"node": "drive-virtio-disk0", "name":
"bitmap0"}' \
'}' \
']' \
'}' \


virsh qemu-monitor-command manjaro-xfce --pretty \
'{"execute": "transaction",' \
'"arguments":' \
'{' \
'"actions":' \
'[' \
'{"type": "drive-backup",' \
' "data": {"device": "drive-virtio-disk0",' \
'  "target": "/libvirt-backups/manjaro-xfce-full-
backup.qcow2",' \
'  "sync": "full", "format": "qcow2"' \
' }' \
'}' \
']' \
'}' \

Distro: Manjaro
Kernel: 5.4.15-2-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT
Virsh ver: 5.10.0
QEMU Version: 4.2.0

Now when I run the above command to create the dirty bitmap I get:
virsh qemu-monitor-command manjaro-xfce --pretty \
> '{"execute": "transaction",' \
> '"arguments":' \
> '{' \
> '"actions":' \
> '[' \
> '{"type": "block-dirty-bitmap-add",' \
> ' "data": {"node": "drive-virtio-disk0", "name":
"bitmap0"}' \
> '}' \
> ']' \
> '}' \
> '}'
  "id": "libvirt-389",
  "error": {
"class": "GenericError",
"desc": "Cannot find device=drive-virtio-disk0 nor node_name=drive-

Querying the manjaro-xfce VM for block info I get the below.  NOTE the
blank "device" entry.  Previously this was populated with "drive-
virtio-disk0"  .  So what do I use for the device now on the new
version of qemu?

virsh qemu-monitor-command manjaro-xfce --pretty '{"execute":"query-
  "return": [
  "io-status": "ok",
 --->> "device": "", <<-
  "locked": false,
  "removable": false,
  "inserted": {
"iops_rd": 0,
"detect_zeroes": "off",
"image": {
  "virtual-size": 8589934592,
  "filename": "/var/lib/libvirt/images/manjaro-xfce.qcow2",
  "cluster-size": 65536,
  "format": "qcow2",
  "actual-size": 8591200256,
  "format-specific": {
"type": "qcow2",
"data": {
  "compat": "1.1",
  "lazy-refcounts": true,
  "refcount-bits": 16,
  "corrupt": false
  "dirty-flag": false
"iops_wr": 0,
"ro": false,
"node-name": "libvirt-3-format",
"backing_file_depth": 0,
"drv": "qcow2",
"iops": 0,
"bps_wr": 0,
"write_threshold": 0,
"encrypted": false,
"bps": 0,
"bps_rd": 0,
"cache": {
  "no-flush": false,
  "direct": false,
  "writeback": true
"file": "/var/lib/libvirt/images/manjaro-xfce.qcow2",
"encryption_key_missing": false
  "qdev": "/machine/peripheral/virtio-disk0/virtio-backend",
  "type": "unknown"
  "io-status": "ok",
  "device": "",
  "locked": false,
  "removable": false,
  "inserted": {
"iops_rd": 0,
"detect_zeroes": "off",
"image": {
  "virtual-size": 2147483648,
  "filename": "/var/lib/libvirt/images/manjaro-xfce-1.qcow2",
  "cluster-size": 65536,
  "format": "qcow2",
  "actual-size": 2148020224,
  "format-specific": {
"type": "qcow2",
"data": {
  "compat": "1.1",

[Qemu-discuss] Permission denied when using block-dirty-bitmap on dynamically-mounted backup drive.

2017-09-27 Thread Mike Lee
I am using Qemu's block-dirty-bitmap features to perform full/incremental
backups of my qcow2 images.  Things are working great but when I go to
perform the initial full backup command to create the bitmap I get
"libvirt-49 Could not create file: Permission denied".  I'm issuing these
json-based commands to the qemu monitor via the virsh qemu-monitor-command
command.  Yes, the dest. dir is owned by libvirt-qemu.kvm user/group.

The only time I get this permission error is when I'm trying to write
backup qcow2 files to a dynamically-mounted external drive (USB, etc.).  If
I create a manual mount point for it and provide an entry in my fstab file,
things work great.

Any idea how I can do backups to destination disks that are auto-mounted
(mounted automatically when I plug-in the external USB disk?

The command I'm running is:

virsh qemu-monitor-command ubuntu16.04 --pretty \
"transaction",' \
'"arguments":' \
'{' \
'"actions":' \
'[' \
'{"type": "block-dirty-bitmap-add",' \
' "data": {"node": "drive-virtio-disk1", "name": "bitmap0"}' \
'},' \
'{"type": "drive-backup",' \
' "data": {"device": "drive-virtio-disk1",' \
'  "target":
'  "sync": "full", "format": "qcow2"' \
' }' \
'}' \
']' \
'}' \

