[Qgis-developer] pg table inheritance

2010-10-17 Thread Paolo Cavallini
Hi all.
Has anybody tested QGIS against PostgreSQL inherited tables? I have a database 
parents and child, and everything works fine, but attribute tables are shown as
filled up with ERROR. Data are read, geometries can be categorized, a shp can 
exported, but selection from the table does not work properly.
I'm planning of setting up a public clone of it for devs testing, is anyone is
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc
Qgis-developer mailing list

[Qgis-developer] 1.6 Release Timeline

2010-10-17 Thread Tim Sutton
Hi Folks

Ok so my proposed (extremely short) timeline for releasing 1.6 is:

Feature freeze AND string freeze : 24 October 2010
Code freeze, branch and call for packaging: 31 October 2010
Release announcement date: November 7 2010

As per usual exact day of release will depend on package availability.

So now is a good time to identify any show stoppers.

Does anybody find this short timeline problematic?

I started a checklist page for 1.6 at:

If anybody has ideas and suggestions for interesting things to
highlight for the visual changelog, please make a note of them here:




Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
Please do not email me off-list with technical
support questions. Using the lists will gain
more exposure for your issues and the knowledge
surrounding your issue will be shared with all.

Visit http://linfiniti.com to find out about:
 * QGIS programming and support services
 * Mapserver and PostGIS based hosting plans
 * FOSS Consulting Services
Skype: timlinux
Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net
Qgis-developer mailing list

[Qgis-developer] ECW Support in 1.6...

2010-10-17 Thread Jože Detečnik


I don't understand why ECW support is not included in this version. GDAL
1.7.2 now support ECW, also I downloaded ERDAS SDK kit 4.1 last night.

I think a lot of users use ECW in their projects.


Thank you for answers and all good work you done.


Best regards, Joze.



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[Qgis-developer] Raster histogram in Python plugin

2010-10-17 Thread Benoit de Cabissole
 Hi all,

Is it possible to access the histogramVector attribute from the
QgsRasterBandStats Class in Python code from a plugin?

When the following code is run it issues the error:
AttributeError: 'QgsRasterBandStats' object has no attribute

myStats = self.theLayer.bandStatistics(1)
grd.S.Histo[0, 0] = myStats.histogramVector[0].y()

where 'self.theLayer' is a one band raster image and 'grd.S.nClass' = 40001

Python version: 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 21 2008, 13:11:45) [MSC v.1310 32
bit (Intel)]
QGIS version: 1.6.0-Trunk Trunk, 14378
From OSGeo4W on WinXP.


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[Qgis-developer] GRASS QGIS module list

2010-10-17 Thread Micha Silver
The GRASS QGIS Module List wiki page [1] holds a list of the GRASS 
modules now available from the QGIS GRASS Toolbox. Hamish suggested [2] 
to color code the list (similar to the Live DVD packaging matrix).
I've started to add color coding to the wiki page. I did just a few 
entries to see how it looks.

Comments welcome, before I go ahead and set status coloring for all modules.


[1] http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS-QGIS_relevant_module_list
[2] http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/forum/PostLink.jtp?post=5570523

Micha Silver
Arava Development Co. +972-52-3665918

Qgis-developer mailing list

Re: [Qgis-developer] Raster histogram in Python plugin

2010-10-17 Thread Benoit de Cabissole

Hi Tim,

On 17/10/2010 21:36, Tim Sutton wrote:


On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 7:15 PM, Benoit de Cabissole ben...@exigesa.com wrote:

Hi Tim,

Many thanks for your reply.

I see that the API doc classifies HistogramVector as a QVector but I
cannot find any reference of QVector in the Qt doc (there are QVector2D,
QVector3D and QVector4D). Could it be the problem?

I found QVector in my (Qt 4.7) docs using Qt Assistant - not sure why
its not showing up for you. Perhaps it is not ported to the python SIP

Well it is not in the PyQt (4.6.2) API doc I'm using!


What I'm trying to do is to improve the speed of my plugin '1-band
raster colour table' that allows to create colour table from a colour
palette and a colouring method.

Yup I use your plugin regularly - its great!



As I'm doing it in Python, the
computation of the stats and histogram takes for ever on large rasters.
I was hoping to piggyback on the stats and histo function built in QGIS
(they themselves are (very) slow on large rasters).

Right this is an issue. Part of the reason why QGIS is so slow is that
it actually does two complete scans of each pixel to calculate the
stats. This is needed for computing stddev - although since writing
that code I have seen a way to compute stddev in a single pass - I
just need to find the formula and the time to implement that.

Oh no! I'm also using two passes, because I need to compute the
min/max in the first pass to compute the classes for the histogram
in the second pass.
The STDev that I use is computed in a single pass with the following

STD = SQRT( ( N * Sum(X^2) - (Sum(X))^2 ) / ( N * (N-1) ) )

Note that Sum(X^2) is the 'sum of uncentered squares', not the one
presently computed by QGIS/GDAL.
Manuel Massing has said that QGIS/GDAL computes the 'empirical
variance of the data' (i.e. sum (value-mean)2
) and calls it the 'sum of the squared values'.

So between us two we could reduce the time by having only one loop!
How do you compute the histogram in one pass? Do you, a priori, know
the max and min values? Are they available when the raster is
loaded? I know an estimate of them is available.

GDAL computes stats more quickly as it a) doesnt calculate stddev and
b) will estimate things like min/max, histograms etc if you like based
on a sampling of the data.

GDAL can also store gathered stats (you may have noticed aux.xml files
lying around in your raster dirs).

Yes, I've noticed that one. Is there a function in QGIS to read its
content in one go? Or do I have to parse it myself?

For version 1.x of the plugin, I've eliminated the "imagette" (as
Agus calls it) and replaced it by a new temporary layer in the
mapcanvas because I'm now using QGIS functions to display the raster
instead of my very slow matrix based raster used in the published
Problem now is that QGIS compute the stats for that temp raster each
time it is launched, and it can be very very slow. Is there a way to
tell QGIS to use an (arbitrary) aux.xml file instead of computing
the stats the first time the colour table changes? In my experience
rasters files rarely change so keeping the stats file for that
raster somewhere close to it would be a good idea, isn't it?

In the longer term I would like to a) persist QGIS gathered stats, b)
implement faster stddev calcs as mentioned above and c) only compute
IO intensive stats like stddev if they are actually needed (e.g. if
the user elects to use stddev in the raster symbology options).


I agree that this work should be patched to the current code, but I'm
not able to program in C++/C...
So once the python plugin works as expected, it would be a good idea to
hand it over to a C++ guru for patching!

Yeah if I have time I may take a look - your plugin is really needed
in the core of QGIS.

Please before doing that wait for version 1.x it could be better to
do the translation on it rather than on the current version.





Qgis-developer mailing list

Re: [Qgis-developer] Release plans for QGIS 1.6

2010-10-17 Thread Tim Sutton

Ok I went with Giovanni's suggestion of Capiopo for this release - see
the new splash screen in trunk.



On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 10:42 AM, Benoit de Cabissole
ben...@exigesa.com wrote:

 On 17/10/2010 10:37, Tim Sutton wrote:

 On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 10:16 AM, Vincent Leong loldog2...@gmail.com wrote:
 How about hill names as release names?
 Hills is better than mountains because mountains is always too well
 known and probably been used by others.
 Moreover, their shape can be used to differentiate releases.

 One example: Bohol

 Any nice pics to go with your suggestion? I quite like the idea since
 philosophically each release is another hill we have climbed and put
 behind us :-)

 Or characteristics contour lines of the hill (we are dealing with GIS
 after all)?

 My 2 cents

 Lets keep the discussion on-list ok?



 On 10/17/10, Tim Sutton li...@linfiniti.com wrote:

 On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 1:07 AM, Alex Mandel tech_...@wildintellect.com
 I agree that real place names is a better idea. I could see lots of
 Mythical/Fictitious names actually being claimed by people. I will also
 point out that the Mozilla Foundation uses National Parks/Reserves in
 the code naming of pre-release firefox branches and suggest that we
 could do something with a greater cause as our release names:
 Endangered Species, World Heritage Sites, Rivers, Mountain Peaks, etc..
 (suggest your idea)

 Sorry in retrospect my original email was probably unclear. It was my
 intention that we use *real* (hence photographable) place names, but
 obscure ones that a) have some geographical interest and b) are
 unlikely to ever have been used by someone as a trademark. Having a
 theme to the place names would be fine (making them really obscure and
 interesting was kind of my idea for a theme, but another theme would
 be fine too).

 Using well known places e.g. Moscow as Maxim suggests will lead to
 similar conflicts as using planetary moons.



 We could also de-emphasize the release name and use it amongst the
 developer group to keep track of what's being worked on, ie the trunk
 will have a name leading up to it's release and then switch names.

 I also agree, to just avoid the issue as it's not worth our effort to


 On 10/16/2010 03:06 PM, Maxim Dubinin wrote:
 How about making release names geographic. QGIS 1.6 Moscow sounds
 good and easily memorizable.


 Вы писали 16 октября 2010 г., 14:07:10:

 TS Hi

 TS On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 8:09 PM, Jürgen E. j...@norbit.de wrote:
 Hi Tim,

 On Sat, 16. Oct 2010 at 01:42:54 +0200, Tim Sutton wrote:
 We (the PSC) recently received a threat of legal action against our
 use of the word 'Tethys' in the naming of the 1.5 release of QGIS.
 It seems that the word Tethys is trademarked by a company in one
 Although we feel their case is weak, we do not have the time, money or
 inclination to engage in a legal battle over this.
 Does OSGeo have a position on this?  I thought the OSGeo umbrella was
 covering legal support.

 Just curious - that would probably be a waste of time of resources

 TS Ok Frank covered that. And yeah we should pick our battles...

 This has a few implications:
 - The PSC has agreed to stop using planetary moons as the names for
 our releases, and embark on a new theme of using extremely obscure
 place names (e.g. the mythical Tweebuffelsmeteenskootgeskietfontein in
 South Africa).
 Do we need codenames at all?   Any name - obscure or not - could be a

 TS *sniff* lose the release names? That would be no funshould we let
 TS big corporations take away our fun? :-P

 TS But yeah theoretically we don't need them, though personally I'd like
 TS to continue with them...

 TS Regards

 TS Tim


 Jürgen E. Fischer         norBIT GmbH               Tel.
 Dipl.-Inf. (FH)           Rheinstraße 13            Fax.
 Software Engineer         D-26506 Norden

 Qgis-developer mailing list

 Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
 Please do not email me off-list with technical
 support questions. Using the lists will gain
 more exposure for your issues and the knowledge
 surrounding your issue will be shared with all.

 Visit http://linfiniti.com to find out about:
  * QGIS programming and support services
  * Mapserver and PostGIS based hosting plans
  * FOSS Consulting Services
 Skype: timlinux
 Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net
 Qgis-developer mailing list

[Qgis-developer] qgs project from 1.4 crashing qgis 1.5

2010-10-17 Thread Agustin Lobo

I've tried to open a qgs file made with qgis 1.4 on qgis 1.5
(ubuntu binaries on ubuntu 9.10) but qgis 1.5 crashes before
completing the loading of all layers.
Is there any way I can debug the qgs file? In particular,
I would like to edit the qgs file and delete after a given layer,
but guess that there is  a part at the end that I should keep.


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