[QGIS-Developer] Security Question - Is location included in file when save an image file?

2019-06-02 Thread Ert Four
I'm a little out of my league here, I'm not a developer, but was pointed here 
from the QGIS-user list.

My question is: Does any coordinate or location data get embedded in the image 
file if I use Project > Save as Image or Composer > Export as Image/PDF/SVG 
(other than what is literally seen in the image)?

My question is primarily for 2.14.3 now, but later will have the same concern 
for the 3.x series when we upgrade.

(I know about the option to check "World file on" and create a separate world 
file. What I need is to make sure there is no identifying info whatsoever from 
the project file in the image file itself.)

Eg, say I have a basemap like OpenStreetMap open for a country and I load 
points in another layer that are inside that country. Then I zoom in on a group 
of points from my data layer, I turn off the basemap layer, and make a map with 
just my data points. I want to preserve the relative spatial relationships 
between my points but not reveal where in the world the map came from. If I 
publish this image file, might the metadata or anything else embedded in the 
file reveal the location?

So far, the QGIS-user members who've responded and I have found no indications 
that this type of data is included, but I'm posting here in case anyone who is 
familiar with that code could confirm that. Sorry I'm not able to read the code 

For the work we do, it's critically important we don't unknowingly publish 
specific locations. For now I'm taking screenshots to be sure nothing is 
transmitted, but that's a limiting workaround.

Thank you, as I said in my first post to the QGIS-user list, I very much 
appreciate QGIS and its community!

Fwiw, thread on the user list starts here: 
Continues here in June archive: 
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[QGIS-Developer] New version notifications

2019-06-02 Thread Cory Albrecht
Why does QGIS alert about newer versions before the version is even
available in something like the Debian/Ubuntu repos at
http://qgis.org/ubuntu-nightly-release ?
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Security Question - Is location included in file when save an image file?

2019-06-02 Thread Nyall Dawson
On Sun, 2 Jun 2019 at 17:50, Ert Four <4...@mailbox.org> wrote:
> I'm a little out of my league here, I'm not a developer, but was pointed here 
> from the QGIS-user list.
> My question is: Does any coordinate or location data get embedded in the 
> image file if I use Project > Save as Image or Composer > Export as 
> Image/PDF/SVG (other than what is literally seen in the image)?
> My question is primarily for 2.14.3 now, but later will have the same concern 
> for the 3.x series when we upgrade.
> (I know about the option to check "World file on" and create a separate world 
> file. What I need is to make sure there is no identifying info whatsoever 
> from the project file in the image file itself.)

yes - regardless of that setting, the outputs are georeferenced and
have coordinates baked in*

(* depending on format support. SVG doesn't, certain raster formats
may not -- check with GDAL whether embedded georeferencing of these is
possible. It is for all the common ones at least).


> Eg, say I have a basemap like OpenStreetMap open for a country and I load 
> points in another layer that are inside that country. Then I zoom in on a 
> group of points from my data layer, I turn off the basemap layer, and make a 
> map with just my data points. I want to preserve the relative spatial 
> relationships between my points but not reveal where in the world the map 
> came from. If I publish this image file, might the metadata or anything else 
> embedded in the file reveal the location?
> So far, the QGIS-user members who've responded and I have found no 
> indications that this type of data is included, but I'm posting here in case 
> anyone who is familiar with that code could confirm that. Sorry I'm not able 
> to read the code myself.
> For the work we do, it's critically important we don't unknowingly publish 
> specific locations. For now I'm taking screenshots to be sure nothing is 
> transmitted, but that's a limiting workaround.
> Thank you, as I said in my first post to the QGIS-user list, I very much 
> appreciate QGIS and its community!
> Fwiw, thread on the user list starts here: 
> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-user/2019-May/043218.html
> Continues here in June archive: 
> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-user/2019-June/043224.html
> ___
> QGIS-Developer mailing list
> QGIS-Developer@lists.osgeo.org
> List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer
> Unsubscribe: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement: Week 1 Report

2019-06-02 Thread Nyall Dawson
On Sat, 1 Jun 2019 at 23:57, Ismail Sunni  wrote:
> Dear QGIS developers
> Here is my 1st-week report for my GSoC Project. You can also check it on the 
> wiki page [3][4]. Comments and suggestions are welcome :)
> Best regards
> GSoC 3D Improvement Week 1 Report
> Period: 27 May 2019 - 2 June 2019
> Report
> 1. What did I complete this week?
>* Trying to implement floating widget above Q3DWindow --> Not possible
>* Decide with the mentors to implement it as a normal widget next to the 
> Q3DWindow
>* Implement the navigation widget and add the functionality (zoom in/out, 
> tilt up/down, rotating)
>  ![QGIS 3D Navigation Widget](https://i.imgur.com/CBhu4PT.jpg)

Just a thought -- did you try splitting this navigation widget off
into it's own tool-style window? Maybe doing so and letting the window
manager force it to sit above the 3d window would help. That giant
amount of wasted space on the right is certainly a downer.

>* Add the button to show and hide the widget (still using random icon)
> 2. What am I going to achieve for next week?
>* Make the rotating button sync with the map (currently it can rotate the 
> map, but when the map rotate it doesn't move)
>* Create better icons for the buttons and make the rotation widget looks
>* Testing
>* Make a pull request to merge the works
> 3. Is there any blocking issue?
>* Previously yes, with the Q3DWindow, after discussing with mentors, we 
> will go to the normal widget. Another option: using QtQuick (needs to add 
> dependencies), render the control manually (too much work)
> 4. Code
>* For the initial works, my mentors asked me to work on my small project 
> [1] so that it is faster to developer
>* For the QGIS implementation [2]
> 5. Misc
>* We have daily text stand up in a slack channel

Nice progress Ismail, keep up the great work!

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Issues in Feedback state & auto-closing issues

2019-06-02 Thread Nyall Dawson
On Fri, 31 May 2019 at 18:00, Martin Dobias  wrote:
> Hi Nyall
> On Fri, May 31, 2019 at 12:10 AM Nyall Dawson  wrote:
> >
> > I'd like to see the stale bot used for ALL issues too eventually - but
> > the timeout could be much longer for these than for pull requests.
> > E.g. 1 month for issues with the feedback flag, 3 months for
> > non-feedback flagged issues (with the stale message prompting them to
> > test on the latest release). We'd need to set the bot to skip any
> > issues filed by the qgib bot for the reasons you outlined above.
> Yeah that makes sense. For non-feedback issues I would even suggest ~6
> months since 3 months is not even a full development cycle. My main
> concern was whether this is possible at all with the current state of
> probot-stale to have different rules for issues and pull requests (or
> even different rules for different labels of issues).

I'm happy with either. To be honest, I suspect a lot of users would
"move on"/forget after 6 months, so that would be the maximum I'd like
to see.

> > And then for feature requests, I'd love to see stale bot posting a
> > message hinting to the reporter that the work could be sponsored, and
> > adding a gdal-style "needs funding" label automatically. We could
> > safely bulk-apply this to all open feature requests (including qgip
> > filed ones) older than say 1 or 2 months (we'd want to keep the
> > timeout short enough that the original poster doesn't just move on).
> Not sure how I like automatic addition of "needs funding" label. If
> someone has a good idea and just wants to share it with others, adding
> this label may deter people from adding more feature requests...?

Well, I figure it's an accurate reflection of the situation. A feature
request older than this will likely NEVER get implemented without
funding. If we don't go for a specific label, I'd suggest we make the
bot message say something like:

"Hey, your feature request hasn't been implemented in the 2 months
since you suggested it. That doesn't mean it's not a great idea! (more
likely, our developers are just busy with other priorities). The good
news is that YOU can still see this feature become a reality! Some
possible suggestions are:
- Dive into the QGIS code, and implement it yourself. If you've got
coding experience, QGIS is a fantastic, friendly open-source community
to contribute to.
- Pay one of the QGIS core developers to implement it for you.
Developers aren't necessarily volunteers, and often require payment to
justify the time they invest into the QGIS project. Our developers
LOVE working on QGIS, but they also like to eat and pay their rents!
- Run your own crowd funding or co-funding campaign and raise funds to
see the feature sponsored.
If you've any questions regarding how to approach any of these
suggestions, just ask below, and one of our team members will assist."

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