[Qgis-developer] feature freeze exception 2

2015-01-30 Thread Frédéric Jacon
Dear all,

I would like to draw your attention again on  these 2 pull requests :


Based on previous mails and feedbacks, I had the feeling everything was OK
for merging before feature freeze.

Please let me know if these features can be merged.

Kind regards,

Frédéric Jacon
Responsable d'agence - Chef de projets
Camptocamp France
Savoie Technolac
BP 352
48 avenue du Lac du Bourget
73372 Le Bourget du Lac, Cedex

+33 614 71 28 24 (mobile)
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+33 479 44 44 94 (standard)
+33 479 70 15 81 (fax)
Qgis-developer mailing list

Re: [Qgis-developer] Processing : 2 Pull Requests for merging before feature freeze

2015-01-25 Thread Frédéric Jacon
Hi everyone,

Is it possible to proceed to the PR merging ?

That would be great to have them for next release.

Kind regards,

2015-01-23 10:12 GMT+01:00 Arnaud Morvan arnaud.mor...@camptocamp.com:

 For now, it seems that all the points raised have been threated
 and commits rebased to avoid conflicts

 Reminder, here are the links to pull requests:





 Le 21/01/2015 13:14, Victor Olaya a écrit :

  Thanks for the reminder. I added comments on both of the PR (once
 should be almost ready to merge, the other one might need a bit more


 2015-01-21 12:23 GMT+01:00 Paolo Cavallini cavall...@faunalia.it:

 Il 21/01/2015 12:18, Frédéric Jacon ha scritto:


 You can find features description on pull requests pages

 We feel both PR carry interesting enhancements and new functionnalities
 for processing.
 Could you please confirm if you think it is OK for merging ?

 agreed, interesting stuff, thanks.
 Beware build is failing, however:
 All the best.
 Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
 QGIS  PostGIS courses: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html
 Qgis-developer mailing list

 Qgis-developer mailing list

 Qgis-developer mailing list

Frédéric Jacon
Responsable d'agence - Chef de projets
Camptocamp France
Savoie Technolac
BP 352
48 avenue du Lac du Bourget
73372 Le Bourget du Lac, Cedex

+33 614 71 28 24 (mobile)
+33 479 26 57 97 (direct France)
+41 21 619 10 44 (direct Suisse)
+33 479 44 44 94 (standard)
+33 479 70 15 81 (fax)
Qgis-developer mailing list

[Qgis-developer] Processing : 2 Pull Requests for merging before feature freeze

2015-01-21 Thread Frédéric Jacon
Dear all,

I would like to draw your attention on new features Arnaud Morvan has
developed for processing :


You can find features description on pull requests pages

We feel both PR carry interesting enhancements and new functionnalities for

We would greatly appreciate if they could be merged before feature freeze.
If necessary, we would of course do all requested improvements afterwards.

Could you please confirm if you think it is OK for merging ?

Many thanks and kind regards to the QGIS dev team !

Frédéric Jacon
Responsable d'agence - Chef de projets
Camptocamp France
Savoie Technolac
BP 352
48 avenue du Lac du Bourget
73372 Le Bourget du Lac, Cedex

+33 614 71 28 24 (mobile)
+33 479 26 57 97 (direct France)
+41 21 619 10 44 (direct Suisse)
+33 479 44 44 94 (standard)
+33 479 70 15 81 (fax)
Qgis-developer mailing list

[Qgis-developer] Proposal for new features selection functionalities in Digitizing Tool Bar

2014-05-23 Thread Frédéric Jacon
Dear all,

We would like to have your feedbacks on our proposition to add new
selection functionnalities in the Digitizing Tool Bar.

These functions come from the 'SELECTPLUSFR' extensions, developed by
MASSE (french Ministry of Ecology) and available here :


 Originally 'SELECTPLUS' is a collection of tools for selecting objects on
vectors historically developed by Barry Rowlingson and supplemented by
Carson JQ Farmer.

SELECTPLUSFR includes a “Create Drawn Objects” tool that allows user to
create circles or rectangles.
Our proposal is to add the “Create Drawn Objects” tool into the
“digitizing” tool bar.

The procedure is as follows :


   *Click* button to initialize the command ;

   *Click in the map window* to place the center of the circle and get the
   box set the properties of the circle (object proposed default).

The it is possible to :


   change the type object ;

   previewing dynamic drawing of the object ;

   move the object by changing the X and Y coordinates (or scroll button) ;

   change the attributes of the object : a circle radius or width and
   height for a rectangle (or scroll button) ;

   change the label associated with the object ;

   change associated with the object position (*only for rectangles*) ;

   switch to the current way (map window) or general control ;

   recall the X and Y coordinates of the last point raised in the map
   window ;

   change the selection option on the layer to achieve (interaction with
   toolbar) ;

   make a selection with the object (no need to create it) ;

   create object (memory layer).

If this proposal gets your attention and interest, we could be able to work
on it for the version after 2.4.

All feedbacks welcome !

Thanks !
Frédéric Jacon
Responsable d'agence - Chef de projets
Camptocamp France
Savoie Technolac
BP 352
48 avenue du Lac du Bourget
73372 Le Bourget du Lac, Cedex

+33 614 71 28 24 (mobile)
+33 479 26 57 97 (direct France)
+41 21 619 10 44 (direct Suisse)
+33 479 44 44 94 (standard)
+33 479 70 15 81 (fax)
Qgis-developer mailing list

[Qgis-developer] Proposal for new features selection functionalities in Attributes Tool Bar

2014-05-23 Thread Frédéric Jacon
Dear all,

We would like to have your feedbacks on our proposition to add new
selection functionnalities in the attributes Tool Bar.

These functions come from the 'SELECTPLUSFR' extensions, developed by
MASSE (french Ministry of Ecology) and available here :


 Originally 'SELECTPLUS' is a collection of tools for selecting objects on
vectors historically developed by Barry Rowlingson and supplemented by
Carson JQ Farmer.

 *Proposal 1* : Add the possibility for the user to make selection on :

   - Active layer (see the window control layers QGIS) or
   - All layers or
   - first layer ( layer highest in the order of layers) or
   - first content selection (search for all layers and stops at the first
   layer that returns a selection ).

A combo list will be added with these 4 options.

*Proposal 2* : Add two functions in the existing combo list (Select single
feature, Select features by rectangle, …) :

   - Select all features,
   - Select features by diameters : similar to the select features by
   radius functionality,

 *Proposal 3* : Add a new tool called “Invert selection” which would simply
select all features that are not presently selected and unselect the
previously selected features.

 *Proposal 4* : Add a new tool that would allow user to choose the operator
used for selection. In fact, when QGIS is only using “intersects”,
SELECTPLUSFR plugin provides the possibility to choose among these other
operators :









   DE-9IM operator

 For DE-9IM operator, the user can define the mask to be used.

If this proposal gets your attention and interest, we could be able to work
on it for the version after 2.4.

All feedbacks welcome !

Thanks !

Frédéric Jacon
Responsable d'agence - Chef de projets
Camptocamp France
Savoie Technolac
BP 352
48 avenue du Lac du Bourget
73372 Le Bourget du Lac, Cedex

+33 614 71 28 24 (mobile)
+33 479 26 57 97 (direct France)
+41 21 619 10 44 (direct Suisse)
+33 479 44 44 94 (standard)
+33 479 70 15 81 (fax)
Qgis-developer mailing list

[Qgis-developer] Proposal for new features in ftools (Intersect)

2014-05-23 Thread Frédéric Jacon
Dear all,

We would like to have your feedbacks on our proposition to add new
functionnalities in ftools.

These functions come from the 'SELECTPLUSFR' extensions, developed by
MASSE (french Ministry of Ecology) and available here :


 Originally 'SELECTPLUS' is a collection of tools for selecting objects on
vectors historically developed by Barry Rowlingson and supplemented by
Carson JQ Farmer.

*Proposal *:

 The “intersect” tool from the GeoProcessing Tools could be generalized so
that the user can :


   Choose to select on the active layer only, or on all layers, or on first
   layer (layer highest in the order of layers), or on first content
   selection (search for all layers and stops at the first layer that returns
   a selection).

   Perform the intersection only with selected features.

   Choose the operator among Within, Overlaps, Contains, Crosses, Disjoint,
   Equals, Intersects (default operator), Touches, DE-9IM operator (with the
   possibility to set options)

   Choose between creating a new layer, creating a memory layer or making a
   selection on a target layer*.

 * Selection on a target layer : Selection on target requires that the
active layer (which will provide the target) has at least one selection.
Target selection on all layers are scanned. The active layer itself is
scanned or not according to the option selection.

If this proposal gets your attention and interest, we could be able to work
on it for the version after 2.4.

All feedbacks welcome !

Thanks !

Frédéric Jacon
Responsable d'agence - Chef de projets
Camptocamp France
Savoie Technolac
BP 352
48 avenue du Lac du Bourget
73372 Le Bourget du Lac, Cedex

+33 614 71 28 24 (mobile)
+33 479 26 57 97 (direct France)
+41 21 619 10 44 (direct Suisse)
+33 479 44 44 94 (standard)
+33 479 70 15 81 (fax)
Qgis-developer mailing list