Hi All,

I have created QGIS Feature request #19790, "Handle Bad Layers - DISABLE instead of DELETE" about this problem.  Change it to a BUG if it should be classified that way.

I've summarized my ideas there. Please add your suggestions so this can be solved in the best way possible.


*Worth Lutz*

On 9/6/2018 10:18 AM, Matthias Kuhn wrote:
On 09/05/2018 11:49 PM, Nyall Dawson wrote:
On Thu, 6 Sep 2018 at 05:42, Worth Lutz <w...@mindspring.com> wrote:
Hi Devs,

I have a question about the "Handle Bad Layers" dialog. My scenario is working offline 
and loading a project with WMS layers defined. As the WMS is unreachable, the layers are marked as 
"bad". Since the layers are not fixable while offline, they get deleted from the project.

I would like to continue to edit the layers locally stored on my laptop and not 
lose the definitions of the WMS layers when saving the project.

I would like to see the "bad" layers marked as "disabled because bad" and not 
deleted from the project. This would keep the stored information about the layer in the project. 
When the project is next opened while connected to the internet these layers would be available 
without having to enter them again.

Is there currently a way to do this?  Or should I add an enhancement request 
issue for this idea?
I think this is a widely desired feature, and something I'd very much
like to see available "out of the box".

For 2.x there is a plugin "changeDataSource" which allows this
behavior. I don't think that plugin is available for 3.x yet.

Just to second this statement: any contribution that works towards this
goal (especially for QGIS core) gets my full support! (for a long time
already ;)

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