Re: [Qgis-user] NTV2 Grid Shits

2017-10-24 Per discussione stevejking
 NAD27 and ATS77 don't seem to share the same ellipsoid. lists ATS77 as 
+proj=sterea +lat_0=47.25 +lon_0=-63 +k=0.12 +x_0=70 +y_0=40
+a=6378135 +b=6356750.304921594 +units=m +no_defs 

It's missing a +towgs84= or +nadgrids= BUT Notice the ellipsoid a and b
parameters do not match the NAD27 clarke66 ellipsoid. So a nadgrids shift
file for NAD27, will not work for ATS77.


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Re: [Qgis-user] NTV2 Grid Shits

2017-10-24 Per discussione stevejking

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Re: [Qgis-user] Drone for 2780 USD

2017-10-24 Per discussione Nuno de Santos Loureiro

DJI Phantom 4 Pro

Citando Piotr Kania :

what kind of drone would You buy having 2780 USD? In theory that  
"vehicle" will be used for creating ortophotomosaic of wood (I'm  

I know -it's better to buy satellite photos, but my boss wants drone...

Can You indicate which drone's model is worth attention? -for  
example it has better camera, it's easier for beginner etc. I'm  
sorry for naive questions, but I don't know any other place with so  
many "gis" people.

Thanks for any response

Qgis-user mailing list
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Nuno de Santos Loureiro (PhD)
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - DCTMA - Ed. 8
Universidade do Algarve
Campus de Gambelas
8005-139 FARO   (Portugal)

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

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Re: [QGIS-it-user] R: Re: minidump su qgis 2.14.18

2017-10-24 Per discussione Totò
maggio75 wrote
> Grazie per il benvenuto , ma come si risolve?

questo errore può dipendere da tantissime cose:
1. da un plugin, quindi dovresti disinstallarli tutti e poi installarli uno
ad uno per capire quale potrebbe essere;
2. può essere causato da un set di dati con geometria non valida;
3. da mille altre cose

consiglio, aggiorna la versione:
1. all'ultima LTR 2.14.19
2. passa all'ultima versione 2.18.13


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QGIS-it-user mailing list

[QGIS-it-user] R: Re: minidump su qgis 2.14.18

2017-10-24 Per discussione
Grazie per il benvenuto , ma come si risolve?

>Messaggio originale
>Da: "Totò" 
>Data: 24-ott-2017 21.41
>Ogg: Re: [QGIS-it-user] minidump su qgis 2.14.18
>maggio75 wrote
>> Salve a tutti, 
>> riscontro dei problemi su qgis 2.14.18  installato su portatile  con
>> win10. In sostanza mi appare un messaggio : Creato un dump relativo al
>> blocco. Dopo questo messaggio QGIS si spegne e bisogna ravviarlo.
>> Quale potrebbero essere le cause
>Benvenuto nel clan dei minidump!!!
>è un errore molto noto di qgis ma di difficile interpretazione!!!
>Sent from:
>QGIS-it-user mailing list

QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [QGIS-it-user] file .mxd in QGIS

2017-10-24 Per discussione Totò
Gabriela Osaci Costache wrote
> Ciao a tutti!
> Devo aprire in QGIS un file .mxd ricevuto da un collaboratore (che non usa
> QGIS). Ho trovato in Internet che nel 2013 c'era un plugin mxd2qgis, ma
> che ora non appare nell'elenco dei plugin compatibili con la versione
> 2.18.13.
> Come potrei aprire il file .mxd per sovrapporre i miei strati?
> Grazie,Gabriela

Ciao, bel problema ti trovi davanti.
Hai letto qui[0], occorre python 2.6



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QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [QGIS-it-user] minidump su qgis 2.14.18

2017-10-24 Per discussione Totò
maggio75 wrote
> Salve a tutti, 
> riscontro dei problemi su qgis 2.14.18  installato su portatile  con
> win10. In sostanza mi appare un messaggio : Creato un dump relativo al
> blocco. Dopo questo messaggio QGIS si spegne e bisogna ravviarlo.
> Quale potrebbero essere le cause

Benvenuto nel clan dei minidump!!!

è un errore molto noto di qgis ma di difficile interpretazione!!!


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QGIS-it-user mailing list

[QGIS-it-user] minidump su qgis 2.14.18

2017-10-24 Per discussione
Salve a tutti, 
riscontro dei problemi su qgis 2.14.18  installato su portatile  con win10. In 
sostanza mi appare un messaggio : Creato un dump relativo al blocco. Dopo 
questo messaggio QGIS si spegne e bisogna ravviarlo.
Quale potrebbero essere le cause
QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [QGIS-it-user] problema installazione QGIS (osgeo4w 32 bit) Windows 10

2017-10-24 Per discussione Totò
Gabriela Osaci Costache wrote
> Grazie mille, Totò!
> Sono riuscita a risolvere: sul portatile senza Bitdefender sembra che sia
> stato un errore temporaneo del server, mentre su quello con Bitdefender ho
> creato delle regole per le applicazioni e per le cartelle protette allo
> scopo di ”addormentare” Bitdefender. Lo sapevi... che Bitdefender è un
> prodotto romeno? :-))
> Saluti e grazie,Gabriela

Felice di esserti stato utile.

Si, lo so che è romeno.


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QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [QGIS-it-user] problema installazione QGIS (osgeo4w 32 bit) Windows 10

2017-10-24 Per discussione Gabriela Osaci Costache
Grazie mille, Totò!
Sono riuscita a risolvere: sul portatile senza Bitdefender sembra che sia stato 
un errore temporaneo del server, mentre su quello con Bitdefender ho creato 
delle regole per le applicazioni e per le cartelle protette allo scopo di 
”addormentare” Bitdefender. Lo sapevi... che Bitdefender è un prodotto romeno? 
Saluti e grazie,Gabriela

  Da: Totò 
 Inviato: Venerdì 20 Ottobre 2017 19:08
 Oggetto: Re: [QGIS-it-user] problema installazione QGIS (osgeo4w 32 bit) 
Windows 10
Gabriela Osaci Costache wrote
> Capita soltanto a me?

io uso OSGeo4W64 in win 10 64 bit, mai avuto problemi!!!
è fondamentale disattivare antivirus (usiamo lo stesso ;-) ) cioè disattiva
firewall prima dell'installazione oppure, successivamente, devi creare delle
regole sui firewall che ti permettano di avviare gli eseguibili.


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QGIS-it-user mailing list

QGIS-it-user mailing list

[QGIS-it-user] file .mxd in QGIS

2017-10-24 Per discussione Gabriela Osaci Costache
Ciao a tutti!
Devo aprire in QGIS un file .mxd ricevuto da un collaboratore (che non usa 
QGIS). Ho trovato in Internet che nel 2013 c'era un plugin mxd2qgis, ma che ora 
non appare nell'elenco dei plugin compatibili con la versione 2.18.13.
Come potrei aprire il file .mxd per sovrapporre i miei strati?
QGIS-it-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Drone for 2780 USD

2017-10-24 Per discussione Piotr Kania
what kind of drone would You buy having 2780 USD? In theory that "vehicle" will 
be used for creating ortophotomosaic of wood (I'm forester). 

I know -it's better to buy satellite photos, but my boss wants drone... 

Can You indicate which drone's model is worth attention? -for example it has 
better camera, it's easier for beginner etc. I'm sorry for naive questions, but 
I don't know any other place with so many "gis" people. 
Thanks for any response

Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

[Qgis-user] mapillary

2017-10-24 Per discussione fernando moran
el pluig esta roto y no lo puedo usar que debo hacer para que esta
herramienta funcione en mi ordenador
Qgis-user mailing list
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Re: [Qgis-user] NTV2 Grid Shits

2017-10-24 Per discussione stevejking
Last I checked QGIS 2.14 ignored any +geoidgrid=
But it works fine in various stand alone Proj4 tools.

Alternatively, any nadgrids and any geoidgrids files will open in QGIS as
raster grids, so you can use them that way too. For example A gsb file will
be multi band, latitude shift, longitude shift (usually arc seconds of a
degree), and two error values usually set to zero. And for example a GTX
file will be a grid of vertical shifts usually to the WGS84 or GRS80
ellipsoid. Both grid files need to be realised on the CRS native ellipsoid
in latlong coordinates, ie. not necessarily on WGS84 ellipsoid. Note some
nadgrids files are produced in the reverse direction, but proj4 assumes
shifts are to WGS84 from the CRS ellipsoid.


Siki Zoltan wrote
> Dear Tyler!
> , I don't know if
> QGIS allow +geogrids, too...
> Best regards,
> Zoltan
> On Tue, 24 Oct 2017, Tyler Veinot wrote:
>> Since you guys both know more about PROJ4 than I do I thought I would
>> just
>> tag this question on;
>> Where is QGIS/PROJ4 with support for vertical datums? Is there a way I
>> can
>> attach a vertical datum to a CRS in PROJ4?
>> Tyler
>> On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 9:09 AM, Tyler Veinot 

> tylerkveinot@

>> wrote:
>>> Andre;
>>> It seems QGIS does not like my gsb file, I downloaded the NTV2 gsb from
>>> NRCan and pointed to it and it worked. For some reason the one specific
>>> for
>>> PEI does not. However, the grid shift could be the same as far as I
>>> know;
>>> cannot find any information on what mathematical principles are used to
>>> define the shift to correct the coordinates.
>>> Tyler
>>> On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 8:01 AM, André Joost 

> andre.joost@

>  wrote:
 Am 20.10.2017 um 20:19 schrieb Tyler Veinot:

> Andre;
> Again, sorry accidently sent the email mid writing. Where was I
> Right so I added
> nadgrids=PE7783V2.gsb a number of ways trying to sort it based on
> online
> information and how some other CRS's were setup within QGIS but
> nothing
> worked yet.

 It might be better to post the full string.

 When I add the directory to my gsb where do I add it in the line and
> it need quotes?

 If you have blanks in folder names, surely.

 André Joost

> On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 2:55 PM, Andre Joost 

> andre+joost@

> wrote:
> Am 20.10.2017 um 14:31 schrieb Tyler Veinot:
>> Anyone knowledge in using grid shift files (gsb) with QGIS?
>>> I have a local CRS NAD27 Double Stereographic Imperial that I need
>>> to
>>> transform to NAD83 CSRS 2010 Epoch. I have the CRS properly defined
>>> using
>>> the provincial description
>> Can you add your custom CRS? Maybe you have +datum=nad27 which uses
>> the
>> main nadcon transformation file. use +ellps=clrk66
>> +nadgrids=/path/to/your/file
>>   but QGIS using its Clark 1866 to GRS80
>> transformation puts the points a little off from the NTV2 coordinate
>>> transformation software we have. I have the GSB used (even though it
>>> says
>>> ATS77 the provincial geomatics guys tell me it shits NAD27 and ATS77
>>> into
>>> CSRS 2010 NAD83). I followed some directions on putting the file in
>>> a
>>> specific folder and restarted QGIS set the settings to always ask
>>> for
>>> grid
>>> shift file for transformations yet I do not see the one I put in
>>> there
>>> in
>>> my list to pick from.
>> Can you explain where that setting should be?
>> I also tried to install a plugin for NTV2 transformations but cannot
>>> activate it. When I go to Activate Additional Providers in my
>>> Processing
>>> Toolbox where NTv2 Datum Transformations resides I get the
>>> "Specified
>>> Path
>>> does not exist: C:\PROGA~1\QGIS~1.18\bin" error that I have not yet
>>> managed
>>> to resolve. To my understanding has something to do with GRASS
>>> plugins
>>> and
>>> past versions of QGIS.
>> You can workaround that GRASS error by creating that folder, or
>> changing
>> the folder entry for GRASS 7 to an existing folder.
>> But to use your grid in the plugin, you would need some python code
>> around
>> it, like the other grids have in C:\Users\
> \.qgis2\pyt
>> hon\plugins\ntv2_transformations
>> Without that processing would not know about your grid.
>> HTH,
>> André Joost
>> ___
>> Qgis-user mailing list

> Qgis-user@.osgeo

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Re: [Qgis-user] NTV2 Grid Shits

2017-10-24 Per discussione Siki Zoltan

Dear Tyler!

proj4 projections definitions are stored on ubuntu in the file
/usr/share/proj/epsg, edit this file to add +geoidgrids=your_grid.

QGIS projection definitions are stored in a sqlite database, on ubuntu you 
can find the srs.db in the /usr/share/qgis/resources directory.

You can update the record of a projection in this database.
I have sofar used +nadgrids for horizontal coordinates, I don't know if
QGIS allow +geogrids, too.
Try to update parameters column in tbl_srs table:
UPDATE tbl_srs SET parameters=parameters || ' +geoidgrids=your_gtx_file' 
where srid=your_epsg_code;

Be careful, if you update your QGIS version you probably have to update 
also the srs.db.

Best regards,

On Tue, 24 Oct 2017, Tyler Veinot wrote:

Since you guys both know more about PROJ4 than I do I thought I would just
tag this question on;
Where is QGIS/PROJ4 with support for vertical datums? Is there a way I can
attach a vertical datum to a CRS in PROJ4?

On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 9:09 AM, Tyler Veinot 

It seems QGIS does not like my gsb file, I downloaded the NTV2 gsb from
NRCan and pointed to it and it worked. For some reason the one specific for
PEI does not. However, the grid shift could be the same as far as I know;
cannot find any information on what mathematical principles are used to
define the shift to correct the coordinates.

On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 8:01 AM, André Joost  wrote:

Am 20.10.2017 um 20:19 schrieb Tyler Veinot:

Again, sorry accidently sent the email mid writing. Where was I
Right so I added

nadgrids=PE7783V2.gsb a number of ways trying to sort it based on online
information and how some other CRS's were setup within QGIS but nothing
worked yet.

It might be better to post the full string.

When I add the directory to my gsb where do I add it in the line and does

it need quotes?

If you have blanks in folder names, surely.

André Joost

On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 2:55 PM, Andre Joost 

Re: [Qgis-user] NTV2 Grid Shits

2017-10-24 Per discussione Tyler Veinot
Since you guys both know more about PROJ4 than I do I thought I would just
tag this question on;
Where is QGIS/PROJ4 with support for vertical datums? Is there a way I can
attach a vertical datum to a CRS in PROJ4?

On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 9:09 AM, Tyler Veinot 

> Andre;
> It seems QGIS does not like my gsb file, I downloaded the NTV2 gsb from
> NRCan and pointed to it and it worked. For some reason the one specific for
> PEI does not. However, the grid shift could be the same as far as I know;
> cannot find any information on what mathematical principles are used to
> define the shift to correct the coordinates.
> Tyler
> On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 8:01 AM, André Joost  wrote:
>> Am 20.10.2017 um 20:19 schrieb Tyler Veinot:
>>> Andre;
>>> Again, sorry accidently sent the email mid writing. Where was I
>>> Right so I added
>>> nadgrids=PE7783V2.gsb a number of ways trying to sort it based on online
>>> information and how some other CRS's were setup within QGIS but nothing
>>> worked yet.
>> It might be better to post the full string.
>> When I add the directory to my gsb where do I add it in the line and does
>>> it need quotes?
>> If you have blanks in folder names, surely.
>> HTH,
>> André Joost
>>> On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 2:55 PM, Andre Joost >> >
>>> wrote:
>>> Am 20.10.2017 um 14:31 schrieb Tyler Veinot:

 Anyone knowledge in using grid shift files (gsb) with QGIS?
> I have a local CRS NAD27 Double Stereographic Imperial that I need to
> transform to NAD83 CSRS 2010 Epoch. I have the CRS properly defined
> using
> the provincial description
 Can you add your custom CRS? Maybe you have +datum=nad27 which uses the
 main nadcon transformation file. use +ellps=clrk66

   but QGIS using its Clark 1866 to GRS80

 transformation puts the points a little off from the NTV2 coordinate
> transformation software we have. I have the GSB used (even though it
> says
> ATS77 the provincial geomatics guys tell me it shits NAD27 and ATS77
> into
> CSRS 2010 NAD83). I followed some directions on putting the file in a
> specific folder and restarted QGIS set the settings to always ask for
> grid
> shift file for transformations yet I do not see the one I put in there
> in
> my list to pick from.
 Can you explain where that setting should be?

 I also tried to install a plugin for NTV2 transformations but cannot

> activate it. When I go to Activate Additional Providers in my
> Processing
> Toolbox where NTv2 Datum Transformations resides I get the "Specified
> Path
> does not exist: C:\PROGA~1\QGIS~1.18\bin" error that I have not yet
> managed
> to resolve. To my understanding has something to do with GRASS plugins
> and
> past versions of QGIS.
 You can workaround that GRASS error by creating that folder, or changing
 the folder entry for GRASS 7 to an existing folder.
 But to use your grid in the plugin, you would need some python code
 it, like the other grids have in C:\Users\\.qgis2\pyt
 Without that processing would not know about your grid.

 André Joost

 Qgis-user mailing list
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Re: [QGIS-it-user] Sondaggio per il nuovo logo minimal QGIS Italia

2017-10-24 Per discussione Stefano Campus
[mode propaganda ON]

Forza, votate tutti per il marchio con la matita tricolore e la sigla ITA!!!

[mode propaganda OFF]

2017-10-24 11:53 GMT+02:00 Totò :

> Totò wrote
> > per chi non avesse ancora votato può farlo, il sondaggio termina venerdi
> > 27
> > alle 12:00
> >
> > sondaggio:
> >
> djDTSTgTmeNgdAOOO4A/viewform
> aggiornamento 24/10/2017 ore 11:45
> -
> --
> Sent from:
> f5250612.html
> ___
> QGIS-it-user mailing list
QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [QGIS-it-user] Sondaggio per il nuovo logo minimal QGIS Italia

2017-10-24 Per discussione Totò
Totò wrote
> per chi non avesse ancora votato può farlo, il sondaggio termina venerdi
> 27
> alle 12:00
> sondaggio:

aggiornamento 24/10/2017 ore 11:45


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QGIS-it-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] atmospheric correction of optical aster

2017-10-24 Per discussione jean Lukusa
hello eveyone! how can i process atmosheric correction of optical
aster( japanese).
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[Qgis-user] (no subject)

2017-10-24 Per discussione jean Lukusa
hello dear colleagues !   would you  give me guidelines how  to
process atmospheric  correction of optical aster ( japanese). whenever
i open scp , the file format is not supported
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