Re: [QGIS-it-user] Verso il Foss4gis-it

2018-11-22 Per discussione Paolo Cavallini
Grazie Enrico per coordinare questo, un lavoro prezioso.

On 11/22/18 8:25 PM, Enrico Ferreguti wrote:
> - Una esposizione sullo stato del progetto QGIS e delle comunità
> e Numeri, Prospettive, Valore

posso farlo io

> 2) Call for Workshop
> Abbiamo la Qgis Hackfest in contemporanea con i Workshop. 
> Perchè non trasformiamo l'Hackfest o una parte in un Workshop continuo
> e collaborativo, fatto da noi per noi a cui può partecipare chiunque,
> su vari aspetti di qgis (processing, raster, satelliti, servizi,
> server, stampa, personalizzazione .. ) su cui magari possiamo
> chiedere un contributo volontario per il gruppo. Basterebbe molto
> poco, basta strutturare un po' di più l'Hackfest e comunicare il
> programma..

concordo, secondo me è importante che chi partecipa dimostri un minimo
di interesse. magari la quota può essere simbolica per gli studenti e un
po' meno per i professionisti.

posso fare il WS su qgis server/Lizmap

> Giusto per prepararci: cosa ne pensate? Avete qualche altra idea? Chi
> si fa avanti?
mi farebbe molto piacere che ci fossero degli spazi per la discussione
intorno a temi specifici. onguna può avere un coordinatore, che si
occupa di coinvolgere alcune persone chiave, e strutturi la discussione.

ad es.:

QGIS e università

contributi della PA al GFOSS



Paolo Cavallini -

QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Unexpected end of file connecting to WFS on macOS

2018-11-22 Per discussione Jonathan Moules

Hi Robert

Well, as Richard points out, that service is a bit dodgy. The weird 
Abstracts are not helping. This is compounded by there being > 2800 
layers in there.

There are actually a few dozen servers out there that have thousands of 
layers in their GetCaps. This WMTS for example has almost 4000 layers 
and the file is 
- and it loads just fine on my QGIS 2.18.8 install. That GetCap is 
legitimately ~55MB and is the single largest GetCapabilites in my index 
of several tens of thousands of public getcap responses (only ~35 are 
larger than 10MB). So kudos to QGIS for handling these large GetCaps 

That all said, the WFS URL provided by parent works fine for me on my 
Windows 2.18.8 install. Given it only seems faulty on the parent's Mac 
install, assuming they're all on the same fairly fast network, I'd 
suggest opening it as a bug on the tracker.


On 2018-11-20 07:02, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:

On 11/20/18 7:11 AM, Robert Hutton wrote:

QGIS version: 3.4.1 macOS 64-bit
OS version: macOS 10.13.6 High Sierra

We have a geoserver install here which works fine with the latest QGIS
on Windows and Linux, but always fails to connect with QGIS on macOS.

Procedure to replicate:

* Open the Data Source Manager, select WFS
* Add new server connection:
   * Name: AURIN Open API noauth
   * URL:
   * Version 1.1
* Click the Connect button

After exactly 60 seconds (the timeout set in Perferences), I get the
error message: "unexpected end of file".  QGIS on Windows and Linux both
connect in around 10 seconds, and increasing the timeout on macOS
doesn't help.

In the Messages pane I only see a datetime with the word WARNING but no
other info.  The WFS tab has "WARNING Download of capabilities failed:
Operation canceled".  Network tab has: "WARNING Network request
timed out"

Is there any way I can debug this further?  I haven't managed to find
any way to increase the log level, and trying to use tcpdump and
wireshark hasn't gotten me anywhere either.

Hi Robert,

I think you hit some kind of wfs-data issue here.

If I open the url in a browser:

Or time it using curl:

time curl

sys 0m0.716s

You see it is not a fast service, but seemingly ok.

What I do see is that the 'Abstracts' of the layers are very strange
formatted, looking like it is instead of a string some serialized java
(see below).

Mmm, requesting the service again, I see the file is just HUGE (56Mb)
and containing what looks like escaped html from some australian census

So I think somebody has to fix that service first...
(I was creating an issue for it because QGIS should not fail on
capabilities I though, but this output is t strange (and 56Mb large)...


Richard Duivenvoorde

(below one featuretype);>aurin:datasource-UQ_ERG-UoM_AURIN_DB_election_7481_booths_voting_variablesVoting
Variables by PB for 2010 Australian federal election Data provider:
University of Queensland - eResearch GroupAbstract:
Variables derived from the voting results at the 2010 Australian federal
election at the polling booth (PB) level. There are 7481 Polling Booths
collected for the 2010 Australian federal election. Temporal extent
start: 2010-08-21T00:00:00 Temporal extent end: 2010-08-21T00:00:00
University of Queensland - eResearch Group  Attributes: alp_10_ ( % of
primary votes for Australian Labor Party (ALP) (per PB) % of Australian
Labor Party ) : java.lang.Double [  ], clp_10_ ( % of primary votes for
Country Liberal Party (per PB) % Country Liberal Party ) :
java.lang.Double [  ], coa_10_ ( % of primary votes for Coalition (per
PB) % Coalition ) : java.lang.Double [  ], coa_alp_1 ( % of Primary
votes for Coalition vs ALP (per PB), if % Coalition  % ALP then
coa_alp_1 = 1, else if % ALP  % Coalition then coa_alp_1 = 2, else
if % Coalition = % ALP then coa_alp_1 = 0 % Primary votes for Coalition
vs ALP ) : java.lang.String [  ], ffp_10_ ( % of primary votes for
Family First Party (per PB) % Family First Party ) : java.lang.Double [
  ], gid (  ) : java.lang.Integer [  ], grn_10_ ( % of primary votes for
Greens (per PB) % Greens ) : java.lang.Double [  ], ind_10_ ( % of
primary votes for Independent (per PB) % Independent ) :
java.lang.Double [  ], lnq_10_ ( % of primary votes for Liberal National
Party Queensland (per PB) % Liberal National Party Queensland ) :
java.lang.Double [  ], lp_10_ ( % of primary votes for Liberal Party

Re: [QGIS-it-user] aggiornamento vista raster georeferenziato - QGIS 3.4.1

2018-11-22 Per discussione Paolo Cavallini
Dunque va aperto un ticket.
Grazie Gabriela per l'analisi.

Il 22 novembre 2018 21:35:29 CET, Gabriela Osaci-Costache 
 ha scritto:
>Con la 3.4.1 ci sono problemi con la visualizzazione del raster dopo la
>sua georeferenziazione quando NON si ricarica (il nuovo file
>georeferenziato), ma si sceglie di aggiornare la vista. Praticamente
>QGIS non vede la noua georeferenziazione, mantenendo la vechia vista,
>anche se la georeferenziazione è stata eseguita.
>Procedimento:1. carico la mappa già georeferenziata (raster)2. apro il
>georeferenziatore e carico la mappa storica da georeferenziare (raster,
>formato .tif) e scelgo qualche punto GCP3. salvo il file con i punti4.
>scelgo le impostazioni di trasformazione e seleziono "carica in QGIS
>una volta eseguito"5. "avvia georeferenziazione"
>Fino a questo punto tutto va liscio, come sempre :-)
>6. una volta caricato il file georeferenziato scelgo una
>trasparenza (questo file rimane nel progetto) per vedere meglio la
>mappa di base7. cerco altri GCP 8. negli impostazioni di trasformazione
>deseleziono "carica in QGIS una volta eseguito"9. "avvia
>Qui ci sono due problemi:1) Usando l'icona "Aggiorna/F5" non si
>aggiorna la vista con la nuova georeferenziazione (raster), ma rimane
>la vecchia immagine sullo schermo. Caricando manualmente il file raster
>osservo che questo è stato aggiornato, cioè contiene anche i nuovi GCP
>(la casella "Visualizza" - in basso a destra - è spuntata).2) A volte,
>dopo il primo gruppo di punti la georeferenziazione non si esegue ("la
>trasformazione non è risolvibile"). Chiudendo e poi ricaricando il
>progetto tutto funziona di nuovo... strano comportamento.
>Da molti anni uso QGIS per georeferenziare carte storiche e con tutte
>le altre versioni fino alla versione 3 (3.0, 3.2., ora 3.4) non ho
>avuto questi problemi. Per molte carte storiche ho fino a 500-600 punti
>di controllo, dunque è più facile non ricaricare la mappa
>georeferenziata dopo ogni nuovo punto di controllo...
>Uso QGIS 3.4.1 (tramite osgeo4w -32 bit)/ Windows 10 (32 e 64).
>Entrambi i problemi si verificano su tre portatili diversi.
>Saluti e grazie,Gabriela

Sorry for being short___
QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [QGIS-it-user] Spatial join con il field calc di QGIS

2018-11-22 Per discussione Totò
mando wrote
> "un risultato del genere NON è possibile ottenerlo cosi rapidamente."
> Intendi dire che "senza il calcolatore" non si potrebbe replicare questa
> procedura in maniera così rapida, o che hai impiegato molto tempo ad
> elaborarla e senza questo esempio servirebbe tantissimo tempo?

Intendo dire semplicemente che il calcolatore di campi semplifica molti
passaggi e utilizzando due shapefile NON esiste altra procedura che faccia
la stessa cosa; per esempio con gli strumenti di processing ottieni sempre
un altro layer: unica possibilità sarebbe che venisse implementato lo
spatial join in Edit in Place.


Sent from:
QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [QGIS-it-user] Spatial join con il field calc di QGIS

2018-11-22 Per discussione Luca Mandolesi
 "un risultato del genere NON è possibile ottenerlo cosi rapidamente."

Intendi dire che "senza il calcolatore" non si potrebbe replicare questa
procedura in maniera così rapida, o che hai impiegato molto tempo ad
elaborarla e senza questo esempio servirebbe tantissimo tempo?
QGIS-it-user mailing list

[QGIS-it-user] Spatial join con il field calc di QGIS

2018-11-22 Per discussione Totò
Ciao lista,
allego un esempio di uso del field calc per realizzare uno spatial join
usando solo il calcolatore di campi e le sue straordinarie funzioni.

Una cosa del genere non è semplice da riprodurre in modo cosi rapido e

PS: se qualcuno ha qualche idea o esempio da proporre, lo aggiungo
volentieri alla guida.


Sent from:
QGIS-it-user mailing list

[QGIS-it-user] aggiornamento vista raster georeferenziato - QGIS 3.4.1

2018-11-22 Per discussione Gabriela Osaci-Costache
Con la 3.4.1 ci sono problemi con la visualizzazione del raster dopo la sua 
georeferenziazione quando NON si ricarica (il nuovo file georeferenziato), ma 
si sceglie di aggiornare la vista. Praticamente QGIS non vede la noua 
georeferenziazione, mantenendo la vechia vista, anche se la georeferenziazione 
è stata eseguita.
Procedimento:1. carico la mappa già georeferenziata (raster)2. apro il 
georeferenziatore e carico la mappa storica da georeferenziare (raster, formato 
.tif) e scelgo qualche punto GCP3. salvo il file con i punti4. scelgo le 
impostazioni di trasformazione e seleziono "carica in QGIS una volta 
eseguito"5. "avvia georeferenziazione"
Fino a questo punto tutto va liscio, come sempre :-)
6. una volta caricato il file georeferenziato scelgo una trasparenza (questo 
file rimane nel progetto) per vedere meglio la mappa di base7. cerco altri GCP 
8. negli impostazioni di trasformazione deseleziono "carica in QGIS una volta 
eseguito"9. "avvia georeferenziazione"
Qui ci sono due problemi:1) Usando l'icona "Aggiorna/F5" non si aggiorna la 
vista con la nuova georeferenziazione (raster), ma rimane la vecchia immagine 
sullo schermo. Caricando manualmente il file raster osservo che questo è stato 
aggiornato, cioè contiene anche i nuovi GCP (la casella "Visualizza" - in basso 
a destra - è spuntata).2) A volte, dopo il primo gruppo di punti la 
georeferenziazione non si esegue ("la trasformazione non è risolvibile"). 
Chiudendo e poi ricaricando il progetto tutto funziona di nuovo... strano 
Da molti anni uso QGIS per georeferenziare carte storiche e con tutte le altre 
versioni fino alla versione 3 (3.0, 3.2., ora 3.4) non ho avuto questi 
problemi. Per molte carte storiche ho fino a 500-600 punti di controllo, dunque 
è più facile non ricaricare la mappa georeferenziata dopo ogni nuovo punto di 
Uso QGIS 3.4.1 (tramite osgeo4w -32 bit)/ Windows 10 (32 e 64). Entrambi i 
problemi si verificano su tre portatili diversi.
Saluti e grazie,Gabriela___
QGIS-it-user mailing list

[QGIS-it-user] Verso il Foss4gis-it

2018-11-22 Per discussione Enrico Ferreguti
Cari amici,
ora che la sessione QGIS al prossimo Foss4Gis-IT è accolta sarebbe il
momento di parlarci ed organizzarci per l'evento.
1) Call for papers
Data la varietà ed il gran numero di sessioni proposte e la specificità
della sessione di QGIS supponiamo che lo spazio della sessione si
articolerà in circa un paio d'ore e circa 5-6 interventi, Chiaramente la
call non è ancora chiusa è potrebbero esserci anche numeri molto diversi.
Ci terrei però a fissare alcuni punti che stanno a cuore a molti di noi
- Una esposizione sullo stato del progetto QGIS e delle comunità e Numeri, Prospettive, Valore
- Una carrellata sulla nuova LTS 3.4
- Regione Piemonte. Una caso esemplare di contribuzione al software open
source (incarichi per modifiche al core, plugin OpeNoise)
- Qgis ed l'interpretazione dei dati satellitari. In Veneto si fa un gran
parlare di satelliti per la prevenzione e la localizzazione di eventi
calamitosi (la strage di alberi in cadore)

2) Call for Workshop
Abbiamo la Qgis Hackfest in contemporanea con i Workshop.
Perchè non trasformiamo l'Hackfest o una parte in un Workshop continuo e
collaborativo, fatto da noi per noi a cui può partecipare chiunque, su vari
aspetti di qgis (processing, raster, satelliti, servizi, server, stampa,
personalizzazione .. ) su cui magari possiamo chiedere un contributo
volontario per il gruppo. Basterebbe molto poco, basta strutturare un po'
di più l'Hackfest e comunicare il programma..

Giusto per prepararci: cosa ne pensate? Avete qualche altra idea? Chi si fa

I promotori della sessione
Enrico Ferreguti e Pierluigi De Rosa
QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [QGIS-it-user] da linee a poligono

2018-11-22 Per discussione Luca Bellani
Scusa Paolo, credo che sia che non abbia afferrato alla prima il tu
Ora ci provo, grazie

Sent from:
QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [QGIS-it-user] da linee a poligono

2018-11-22 Per discussione Paolo Cavallini
avevo capito. tutto si può fare, ma la strada che ti ho consigliato è
più veloce, se hai pochi dati.

se devi farlo decine di volte, alllora ti conviene cercare di

On 11/22/18 4:38 PM, Luca Bellani wrote:
> Grazie Paolo.
> forse peró non sono riuscito a spiegarmi correttamente...
> ripropongo il quesito semplificando tutto: se ho 3 linee di 3 layer diversi,
> esiste la possiblitá di unire le linee chiudendo in pratica un poligono, e
> salvare questa nuova geometria come "poligono" ? é quello che non riesco a
> fare...
> --
> Sent from:
> ___
> QGIS-it-user mailing list

Paolo Cavallini -

QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [QGIS-it-user] da linee a poligono

2018-11-22 Per discussione Luca Bellani
Grazie Paolo.
forse peró non sono riuscito a spiegarmi correttamente...
ripropongo il quesito semplificando tutto: se ho 3 linee di 3 layer diversi,
esiste la possiblitá di unire le linee chiudendo in pratica un poligono, e
salvare questa nuova geometria come "poligono" ? é quello che non riesco a

Sent from:
QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Authentication Manager errors for ArcGIS Image Server

2018-11-22 Per discussione b.j.kobben
Yep, that surely look like the same thing. I’ll await the 3.4.2 release and 
test that later. Thanks for finding out!

Barend Köbben

On 22/11/2018, 15:28, "Saber Razmjooei">>

Maybe related to this:

So, it should be resolved in 3.4.1 or wait until tomorrow for 3.4.2


On Thu, 22 Nov 2018, 14:20> 
I do know that, but would that make any difference? In other words, is this a 
known issue that has been solved by either 3.4.1 in general or in your specific 
MacOS packaging in particular...?

Barend Köbben

On 22/11/2018, 11:11, "Saber Razmjooei">>

Try 3.4.1

You can use our new shiny QGIS Mac OS packages here:


On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 at 10:07,>> wrote:
Hi all,

I have problems with the Authentication Manager for an ArcGIS Image Server 
layer. It’s the arcgisonline World Imagery, for which I have an institutional 
account with a UN/PW. When defining this account it all works, and after that 
most of the time I do get the imagery, but intermittently I get loads (100’s) 
of errors from the Authentication Manager:

2018-11-22T10:44:07 WARNINGAuthentication Manager : Auth db query 
exec() FAILED
2018-11-22T10:44:07 CRITICALAuthentication Manager : Opening of 
authentication db FAILED

Ignoring these (or clicking close all) sometimes works, and the imagery still 
appears, but sometimes crashes/locks QGIS...
This happens both when using basic UN/PW authentication but also after 
converting this to a Configuration.

I am using QGIS 3.4.0 on MacOSX Mojave.

Does anybody know what could be wrong...?

Barend Köbben


DETAILS OF ArcGIS online image server layer (from Properties > Information):

Information from provider


World Imagery


authcfg='y8h50md' crs='EPSG:3857' format='PNG32' layer='0' 
 table="" sql=


authcfg='y8h50md' crs='EPSG:3857' format='PNG32' layer='0' 
 table="" sql=


EPSG:3857 - WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator - Projected


-20028669.6244234628975391,-7557299.5108818290755153 : 







Data type

Could not determine raster data type.

Service Info

copyrightText: Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, 
CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User 
CommunitycurrentVersion:10.3description:World Imagery provides one meter or 
better satellite and aerial imagery in many parts of the world and lower 
resolution satellite imagery worldwide. The map includes 15m TerraColor imagery 
at small and mid-scales (591M down to 72k) and 2.5m SPOT Imagery (288k to 72k) 
for the world, and USGS 15m Landsat imagery for Antarctica. The map features 
0.3m resolution imagery in the continental United States and 0.6m resolution 
imagery in parts of Western Europe from Digital Globe. Recent 1m USDA NAIP 
imagery is available in select states of the US. In other parts of the world, 1 
meter resolution imagery is available from GeoEye IKONOS, AeroGRID, and IGN 
Spain. Additionally, imagery at different resolutions has been contributed by 
the GIS User Community. For more information on this map, including the terms 
of use, visit us online at
Author:EsriCategory:imageryBaseMapsEarthCover (Imagery, basemaps, and land 
cover)Comments:Keywords:World,Global,United StatesSubject:imagery, satellite, 
aerial, 500m (World), 15m (World)TextAntialiasingMode:ForceTitle:World 



 Imagery provides one meter or better satellite and aerial imagery in many 
parts of the world and lower resolution satellite imagery worldwide. The map 
includes 15m TerraColor imagery at small and mid-scales (591M down to 72k) and 
2.5m SPOT Imagery (288k to 72k) for the world, and USGS 15m Landsat imagery for 
Antarctica. The map features 0.3m resolution imagery in the continental United 
States and 0.6m resolution imagery in parts of Western Europe from Digital 
Globe. Recent 1m 

Re: [Qgis-user] [ubuntu] Error when starting QGIS

2018-11-22 Per discussione Andre Joost

Am 22.11.18 um 11:45 schrieb Martin Weis:

Am 22.11.18 um 09:47 schrieb psantana:

I installed via apt-get the latest version of QGIS following this

ubuntu version: 18.04

When starting to start the app I get this exception:

$ qgis
/usr/bin/qgis.bin: relocation error:
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ symbol
_ZTI20QOpenGLShaderProgram version Qt_5 not defined in file
with link time referenc>
I have installed these packages: qgis python-qgis qgis-plugin-grass

Do you guys know where is the problem?

Not exactly, but did you add the ubuntu-gis non-ltr ppa?

Below is my qgis.list with all entries to quickly change between LTR and
3.4 versions by switching
deb xenial main
deb xenial main

You need also to change xenial to bionic everywhere.

No. Not yet.

Ubuntugis can be used only for xenial. The Ubuntugis ppa has currently 
no bionic package for gdal, so there is no bionic package in You need to stick to the repo.

Andre Joost

Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

Re: [Qgis-user] Authentication Manager errors for ArcGIS Image Server

2018-11-22 Per discussione Saber Razmjooei
Maybe related to this:

So, it should be resolved in 3.4.1 or wait until tomorrow for 3.4.2


On Thu, 22 Nov 2018, 14:20  I do know that, but would that make any difference? In other words, is
> this a known issue that has been solved by either 3.4.1 in general or in
> your specific MacOS packaging in particular...?
> --
> Barend Köbben
> On 22/11/2018, 11:11, "Saber Razmjooei" <
>> wrote:
> Try 3.4.1
> You can use our new shiny QGIS Mac OS packages here:
> Regards
> Saber
> On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 at 10:07,  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have problems with the Authentication Manager for an ArcGIS Image Server
> layer. It’s the arcgisonline World Imagery, for which I have an
> institutional account with a UN/PW. When defining this account it all
> works, and after that most of the time I do get the imagery, but
> intermittently I get loads (100’s) of errors from the Authentication
> Manager:
> 2018-11-22T10:44:07 WARNINGAuthentication Manager : Auth db query
> exec() FAILED
> 2018-11-22T10:44:07 CRITICALAuthentication Manager : Opening of
> authentication db FAILED
> Ignoring these (or clicking close all) sometimes works, and the imagery
> still appears, but sometimes crashes/locks QGIS...
> This happens both when using basic UN/PW authentication but also after
> converting this to a Configuration.
> I am using QGIS 3.4.0 on MacOSX Mojave.
> Does anybody know what could be wrong...?
> --
> Barend Köbben
> DETAILS OF ArcGIS online image server layer (from Properties >
> Information):
> Information from provider
> --
> *Name*
> World Imagery
> *Source*
> authcfg='y8h50md' crs='EPSG:3857' format='PNG32' layer='0' url='
> table="" sql=
> *Source*
> authcfg='y8h50md' crs='EPSG:3857' format='PNG32' layer='0' url='
> table="" sql=
> *CRS*
> EPSG:3857 - WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator - Projected
> *Extent*
> -20028669.6244234628975391,-7557299.5108818290755153 :
> 20016274.3361579403281212,16053263.8525641169399023
> *Unit*
> meters
> *Width*
> n/a
> *Height*
> n/a
> *Data type*
> Could not determine raster data type.
> *Service Info*
> capabilities:Map,Tilemap,Query,Data
> copyrightText: Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics,
> CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User
> CommunitycurrentVersion:10.3description:World Imagery provides one meter or
> better satellite and aerial imagery in many parts of the world and lower
> resolution satellite imagery worldwide. The map includes 15m TerraColor
> imagery at small and mid-scales (591M down to 72k) and 2.5m SPOT Imagery
> (288k to 72k) for the world, and USGS 15m Landsat imagery for Antarctica.
> The map features 0.3m resolution imagery in the continental United States
> and 0.6m resolution imagery in parts of Western Europe from Digital Globe.
> Recent 1m USDA NAIP imagery is available in select states of the US. In
> other parts of the world, 1 meter resolution imagery is available from
> GeoEye IKONOS, AeroGRID, and IGN Spain. Additionally, imagery at different
> resolutions has been contributed by the GIS User Community. For more
> information on this map, including the terms of use, visit us online at
> AntialiasingMode:None
> Author:EsriCategory:imageryBaseMapsEarthCover (Imagery, basemaps, and land
> cover)Comments:Keywords:World,Global,United StatesSubject:imagery,
> satellite, aerial, 500m (World), 15m
> (World)TextAntialiasingMode:ForceTitle:World
> ImageryexportTilesAllowed:falsefullExtent:
> spatialReference:
> latestWkid:3857
> wkid:102100
> xmax:20037507.22959434xmin:-20037507.22959434ymax:19971868.880408563ymin:-19971868.88040859
> initialExtent:
> spatialReference:
> latestWkid:3857
> wkid:102100
> xmax:27680880.158351306xmin:-27680880.158351306ymax:19971868.880408563ymin:-195164.8424795773layers:mapName:LayersmaxImageHeight:4096maxImageWidth:4096maxRecordCount:100maxScale:0minScale:0serviceDescription:World
> Imagery provides one meter or better satellite and aerial imagery in many
> parts of the world and lower resolution satellite imagery worldwide. The
> map includes 15m TerraColor imagery at small and mid-scales (591M down to
> 72k) and 2.5m SPOT Imagery (288k to 72k) for the world, and USGS 15m
> Landsat imagery for Antarctica. The map features 0.3m resolution imagery in
> the continental United States and 0.6m resolution imagery in parts of
> Western Europe from Digital Globe. Recent 

Re: [Qgis-user] Authentication Manager errors for ArcGIS Image Server

2018-11-22 Per discussione b.j.kobben
I do know that, but would that make any difference? In other words, is this a 
known issue that has been solved by either 3.4.1 in general or in your specific 
MacOS packaging in particular...?

Barend Köbben

On 22/11/2018, 11:11, "Saber Razmjooei">>

Try 3.4.1

You can use our new shiny QGIS Mac OS packages here:


On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 at 10:07,>> wrote:
Hi all,

I have problems with the Authentication Manager for an ArcGIS Image Server 
layer. It’s the arcgisonline World Imagery, for which I have an institutional 
account with a UN/PW. When defining this account it all works, and after that 
most of the time I do get the imagery, but intermittently I get loads (100’s) 
of errors from the Authentication Manager:

2018-11-22T10:44:07 WARNINGAuthentication Manager : Auth db query 
exec() FAILED
2018-11-22T10:44:07 CRITICALAuthentication Manager : Opening of 
authentication db FAILED

Ignoring these (or clicking close all) sometimes works, and the imagery still 
appears, but sometimes crashes/locks QGIS...
This happens both when using basic UN/PW authentication but also after 
converting this to a Configuration.

I am using QGIS 3.4.0 on MacOSX Mojave.

Does anybody know what could be wrong...?

Barend Köbben


DETAILS OF ArcGIS online image server layer (from Properties > Information):

Information from provider


World Imagery


authcfg='y8h50md' crs='EPSG:3857' format='PNG32' layer='0' 
 table="" sql=


authcfg='y8h50md' crs='EPSG:3857' format='PNG32' layer='0' 
 table="" sql=


EPSG:3857 - WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator - Projected


-20028669.6244234628975391,-7557299.5108818290755153 : 







Data type

Could not determine raster data type.

Service Info

copyrightText: Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, 
CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User 
CommunitycurrentVersion:10.3description:World Imagery provides one meter or 
better satellite and aerial imagery in many parts of the world and lower 
resolution satellite imagery worldwide. The map includes 15m TerraColor imagery 
at small and mid-scales (591M down to 72k) and 2.5m SPOT Imagery (288k to 72k) 
for the world, and USGS 15m Landsat imagery for Antarctica. The map features 
0.3m resolution imagery in the continental United States and 0.6m resolution 
imagery in parts of Western Europe from Digital Globe. Recent 1m USDA NAIP 
imagery is available in select states of the US. In other parts of the world, 1 
meter resolution imagery is available from GeoEye IKONOS, AeroGRID, and IGN 
Spain. Additionally, imagery at different resolutions has been contributed by 
the GIS User Community. For more information on this map, including the terms 
of use, visit us online at
Author:EsriCategory:imageryBaseMapsEarthCover (Imagery, basemaps, and land 
cover)Comments:Keywords:World,Global,United StatesSubject:imagery, satellite, 
aerial, 500m (World), 15m (World)TextAntialiasingMode:ForceTitle:World 



 Imagery provides one meter or better satellite and aerial imagery in many 
parts of the world and lower resolution satellite imagery worldwide. The map 
includes 15m TerraColor imagery at small and mid-scales (591M down to 72k) and 
2.5m SPOT Imagery (288k to 72k) for the world, and USGS 15m Landsat imagery for 
Antarctica. The map features 0.3m resolution imagery in the continental United 
States and 0.6m resolution imagery in parts of Western Europe from Digital 
Globe. Recent 1m USDA NAIP imagery is available in select states of the US. In 
other parts of the world, 1 meter resolution imagery is available from GeoEye 
IKONOS, AeroGRID, and IGN Spain. Additionally, imagery at different resolutions 
has been contributed by the GIS User Community. For more information on this 
map, including the terms of use, visit us 

Re: [Qgis-user] [ubuntu] Error when starting QGIS

2018-11-22 Per discussione psantana
He Martin,

Thanks a lot for your support.
I changed my /etc/apt/source.list to this

deb bionic main
deb-src bionic main

After that the installation went perfect and I can open the Desktop. Enough
to see my shapefiles.


Sent from:
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

Re: [Qgis-user] [ubuntu] Error when starting QGIS

2018-11-22 Per discussione Martin Weis
Am 22.11.18 um 09:47 schrieb psantana:
> I installed via apt-get the latest version of QGIS following this
> documentation:
> qgis=1:3.4.1+28bionic
> ubuntu version: 18.04
> When starting to start the app I get this exception:
> $ qgis
> /usr/bin/qgis.bin: relocation error:
> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ symbol
> _ZTI20QOpenGLShaderProgram version Qt_5 not defined in file
> with link time referenc>
> I have installed these packages: qgis python-qgis qgis-plugin-grass
> Do you guys know where is the problem?

Not exactly, but did you add the ubuntu-gis non-ltr ppa?

Below is my qgis.list with all entries to quickly change between LTR and
3.4 versions by switching
deb xenial main
deb xenial main

You need also to change xenial to bionic everywhere.

After changing the following should remove the deps properly and
reinstall the new version:

apt update
apt remove qgis-common python-qgis qgis-providers-common
python-qgis-common qgis-provid
apt autoremove
apt install qgis python-qgis qgis-provider-grass qgis-providers

more /etc/apt/sources.list.d/qgis.list

# ubuntugis unstable
deb xenial main
xenial main

# Nightly build for Debian and Ubuntu [5]
# deb xenial main
# Nächtliche Paket mit UbuntuGIS Abhängigkeiten
# deb xenial main

# Long Term Release Repository  2.18.x Las Palmas LTR
# Freigabe für Debian und Ubuntu
# Release with ubuntugis-unstable dependencies
# deb xenial main
# Nächtliches Paket des zukünftigen Pointreleases für Debian und Ubuntu
# Nightly build of upcoming point release with ubuntugis-unstable

# Latest Release3.2.x Bonn
# Freigabe für Debian und Ubuntu
# deb
# Release with ubuntugis-unstable dependencies
deb xenial main
# Nächtliches Paket des zukünftigen Pointreleases für Debian und Ubuntu
# Nightly build of upcoming point release with ubuntugis-unstable
# deb xenial main
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

[Qgis-user] SVG markers with data defined override

2018-11-22 Per discussione McDonaldR
Hi List,

I've been asked to help create a QGIS project for creating layouts of temporary 
road signage. I have a folder of SVG files and a layer of points with the 
appropriate SVG file name against each point.  Using the data defined override 
I can display the correct sign for each point on the map.  However, there is an 
issue with displaying the correct SVG in the Layers Panel and the Layout legend 
- there is only a question mark against each sign category.

This same issue has been raised by someone else on Stackexchange here

It was also raised as an issue back in February 2015 
( and linked to )

Is it an easy fix? What's required? Could we sponsor a fix?



I'm running 3.5-Master on Windows 10

QGIS version


QGIS code revision


Compiled against Qt


Running against Qt


Compiled against GDAL/OGR


Running against GDAL/OGR


Compiled against GEOS


Running against GEOS

3.7.0-CAPI-1.11.0 673b9939

PostgreSQL Client Version


SpatiaLite Version


QWT Version


QScintilla2 Version


Compiled against PROJ


Running against PROJ


This copy of QGIS writes debugging output.

This message is strictly confidential. If you have received this in error, 
please inform the sender and remove it from your system. If received in error 
you may not copy, print, forward or use it or any attachment in any way. This 
message is not capable of creating a legal contract or a binding representation 
and does not represent the views of Angus Council. Emails may be monitored for 
security and network management reasons. Messages containing inappropriate 
content may be intercepted. Angus Council does not accept any liability for any 
harm that may be caused to the recipient system or data on it by this message 
or any attachment.
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

Re: [Qgis-user] Authentication Manager errors for ArcGIS Image Server

2018-11-22 Per discussione Saber Razmjooei
Try 3.4.1

You can use our new shiny QGIS Mac OS packages here:


On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 at 10:07,  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have problems with the Authentication Manager for an ArcGIS Image Server
> layer. It’s the arcgisonline World Imagery, for which I have an
> institutional account with a UN/PW. When defining this account it all
> works, and after that most of the time I do get the imagery, but
> intermittently I get loads (100’s) of errors from the Authentication
> Manager:
> 2018-11-22T10:44:07 WARNINGAuthentication Manager : Auth db query
> exec() FAILED
> 2018-11-22T10:44:07 CRITICALAuthentication Manager : Opening of
> authentication db FAILED
> Ignoring these (or clicking close all) sometimes works, and the imagery
> still appears, but sometimes crashes/locks QGIS...
> This happens both when using basic UN/PW authentication but also after
> converting this to a Configuration.
> I am using QGIS 3.4.0 on MacOSX Mojave.
> Does anybody know what could be wrong...?
> --
> Barend Köbben
> DETAILS OF ArcGIS online image server layer (from Properties >
> Information):
> Information from provider
> --
> *Name*
> World Imagery
> *Source*
> authcfg='y8h50md' crs='EPSG:3857' format='PNG32' layer='0' url='
> table="" sql=
> *Source*
> authcfg='y8h50md' crs='EPSG:3857' format='PNG32' layer='0' url='
> table="" sql=
> *CRS*
> EPSG:3857 - WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator - Projected
> *Extent*
> -20028669.6244234628975391,-7557299.5108818290755153 :
> 20016274.3361579403281212,16053263.8525641169399023
> *Unit*
> meters
> *Width*
> n/a
> *Height*
> n/a
> *Data type*
> Could not determine raster data type.
> *Service Info*
> capabilities:Map,Tilemap,Query,Data
> copyrightText: Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics,
> CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User
> CommunitycurrentVersion:10.3description:World Imagery provides one meter or
> better satellite and aerial imagery in many parts of the world and lower
> resolution satellite imagery worldwide. The map includes 15m TerraColor
> imagery at small and mid-scales (591M down to 72k) and 2.5m SPOT Imagery
> (288k to 72k) for the world, and USGS 15m Landsat imagery for Antarctica.
> The map features 0.3m resolution imagery in the continental United States
> and 0.6m resolution imagery in parts of Western Europe from Digital Globe.
> Recent 1m USDA NAIP imagery is available in select states of the US. In
> other parts of the world, 1 meter resolution imagery is available from
> GeoEye IKONOS, AeroGRID, and IGN Spain. Additionally, imagery at different
> resolutions has been contributed by the GIS User Community. For more
> information on this map, including the terms of use, visit us online at
> AntialiasingMode:None
> Author:EsriCategory:imageryBaseMapsEarthCover (Imagery, basemaps, and land
> cover)Comments:Keywords:World,Global,United StatesSubject:imagery,
> satellite, aerial, 500m (World), 15m
> (World)TextAntialiasingMode:ForceTitle:World
> ImageryexportTilesAllowed:falsefullExtent:
> spatialReference:
> latestWkid:3857
> wkid:102100
> xmax:20037507.22959434xmin:-20037507.22959434ymax:19971868.880408563ymin:-19971868.88040859
> initialExtent:
> spatialReference:
> latestWkid:3857
> wkid:102100
> xmax:27680880.158351306xmin:-27680880.158351306ymax:19971868.880408563ymin:-195164.8424795773layers:mapName:LayersmaxImageHeight:4096maxImageWidth:4096maxRecordCount:100maxScale:0minScale:0serviceDescription:World
> Imagery provides one meter or better satellite and aerial imagery in many
> parts of the world and lower resolution satellite imagery worldwide. The
> map includes 15m TerraColor imagery at small and mid-scales (591M down to
> 72k) and 2.5m SPOT Imagery (288k to 72k) for the world, and USGS 15m
> Landsat imagery for Antarctica. The map features 0.3m resolution imagery in
> the continental United States and 0.6m resolution imagery in parts of
> Western Europe from Digital Globe. Recent 1m USDA NAIP imagery is available
> in select states of the US. In other parts of the world, 1 meter resolution
> imagery is available from GeoEye IKONOS, AeroGRID, and IGN Spain.
> Additionally, imagery at different resolutions has been contributed by the
> GIS User Community. For more information on this map, including the terms
> of use, visit us online
> .singleFusedMapCache:truespatialReference:
> latestWkid:3857
> wkid:102100

[Qgis-user] Authentication Manager errors for ArcGIS Image Server

2018-11-22 Per discussione b.j.kobben
Hi all,

I have problems with the Authentication Manager for an ArcGIS Image Server 
layer. It’s the arcgisonline World Imagery, for which I have an institutional 
account with a UN/PW. When defining this account it all works, and after that 
most of the time I do get the imagery, but intermittently I get loads (100’s) 
of errors from the Authentication Manager:

2018-11-22T10:44:07 WARNINGAuthentication Manager : Auth db query 
exec() FAILED
2018-11-22T10:44:07 CRITICALAuthentication Manager : Opening of 
authentication db FAILED

Ignoring these (or clicking close all) sometimes works, and the imagery still 
appears, but sometimes crashes/locks QGIS...
This happens both when using basic UN/PW authentication but also after 
converting this to a Configuration.

I am using QGIS 3.4.0 on MacOSX Mojave.

Does anybody know what could be wrong...?

Barend Köbben


DETAILS OF ArcGIS online image server layer (from Properties > Information):

Information from provider


World Imagery


authcfg='y8h50md' crs='EPSG:3857' format='PNG32' layer='0' 
 table="" sql=


authcfg='y8h50md' crs='EPSG:3857' format='PNG32' layer='0' 
 table="" sql=


EPSG:3857 - WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator - Projected


-20028669.6244234628975391,-7557299.5108818290755153 : 







Data type

Could not determine raster data type.

Service Info

copyrightText: Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, 
CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User 
CommunitycurrentVersion:10.3description:World Imagery provides one meter or 
better satellite and aerial imagery in many parts of the world and lower 
resolution satellite imagery worldwide. The map includes 15m TerraColor imagery 
at small and mid-scales (591M down to 72k) and 2.5m SPOT Imagery (288k to 72k) 
for the world, and USGS 15m Landsat imagery for Antarctica. The map features 
0.3m resolution imagery in the continental United States and 0.6m resolution 
imagery in parts of Western Europe from Digital Globe. Recent 1m USDA NAIP 
imagery is available in select states of the US. In other parts of the world, 1 
meter resolution imagery is available from GeoEye IKONOS, AeroGRID, and IGN 
Spain. Additionally, imagery at different resolutions has been contributed by 
the GIS User Community. For more information on this map, including the terms 
of use, visit us online at
Author:EsriCategory:imageryBaseMapsEarthCover (Imagery, basemaps, and land 
cover)Comments:Keywords:World,Global,United StatesSubject:imagery, satellite, 
aerial, 500m (World), 15m (World)TextAntialiasingMode:ForceTitle:World 



 Imagery provides one meter or better satellite and aerial imagery in many 
parts of the world and lower resolution satellite imagery worldwide. The map 
includes 15m TerraColor imagery at small and mid-scales (591M down to 72k) and 
2.5m SPOT Imagery (288k to 72k) for the world, and USGS 15m Landsat imagery for 
Antarctica. The map features 0.3m resolution imagery in the continental United 
States and 0.6m resolution imagery in parts of Western Europe from Digital 
Globe. Recent 1m USDA NAIP imagery is available in select states of the US. In 
other parts of the world, 1 meter resolution imagery is available from GeoEye 
IKONOS, AeroGRID, and IGN Spain. Additionally, imagery at different resolutions 
has been contributed by the GIS User Community. For more information on this 
map, including the terms of use, visit us 


Layer Info


[Qgis-user] [ubuntu] Error when starting QGIS

2018-11-22 Per discussione psantana

I installed via apt-get the latest version of QGIS following this

ubuntu version: 18.04

When starting to start the app I get this exception:

$ qgis
/usr/bin/qgis.bin: relocation error:
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ symbol
_ZTI20QOpenGLShaderProgram version Qt_5 not defined in file
with link time reference

I have installed these packages: qgis python-qgis qgis-plugin-grass

Do you guys know where is the problem?


Sent from:
Qgis-user mailing list
List info: