Re: [Qgis-user] Request for exporting arcs from dxf to kml

2022-04-24 Per discussione Andrea Peri via Qgis-user
I guess it is the change of srs to trasform Circle in ellipse.


Il dom 24 apr 2022, 10:14 Mauro via Qgis-user 
ha scritto:

> Hi everybody,
> my name is Mauro.
> I'd like to know if it's possible to have circles and arcs correctly
> exported form dxf to kml, for latitudes > than 0. (I mean than if latitude
> is >0, i will have a kml with an ellipse, 'slimmer' than the original
> circle).
> Thank you very much
> ___
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Re: [Qgis-user] WMS with filter function

2021-09-11 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Hi, I guess an important reason because is not easy the develope what you
need is that the filter section is not  standardized in the wms 1.3.0 specs.


Il sab 11 set 2021, 10:06 Bo Victor Thomsen 
ha scritto:

> Hi list -
> There might be an obvious answers to these questions, but anyway:
> Is there a method to apply a filter definition to a WMS layer in the QGIS
> Data-Manager WMS section - without writing it directly into the HTTP
> address of the WMS server, i.e *not* like this: 
> http://*..url..*=*...XML
> mess..* ?
> And the second question: Is there any function / plugin to "humanize" a
> WMS filter definition, i.e defining the filter by *not* using XML and
> having the function to translate it to XML ??
> I am aware of GeoServer's CQL_FILTER parameter. However the WMS server in
> question is not GeoServer.
> I had a look at the most obvious place for a filter definition: The
> properties of a WMS layer, section "Source" and a possible "Provider
> Feature Filter" textbox, but alas: No luck finding it.
> (I might be totally of the rail by expecting that you can apply a filter
> to a WMS service. In that case, please inform me :-)
> --
> Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
> Bo Victor Thomsen
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Re: [Qgis-user] MS SQL Server connection on Linux

2021-07-26 Per discussione Andrea Peri
When try to connect from php to a sql server 2015 std edt on a debian  10
using driver for sql and unixodbc we failed.
I guess there is an incompatibility.


Il lun 26 lug 2021, 16:42 Paolo Cavallini  ha

> Hi all,
> we could not find any documentation on how to connect a Linux (Debian
> stable, more specifically) box to a Microsoft SQL Server database. It
> works out of the box on Windows, but on Linux it complains about a
> missing driver. I assume to have it working one should install some
> proprietary part from Microsoft, and perhaps do some config on the qgis
> side.
> Are we missing something? Should this info made available somewhere?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Paolo Cavallini
> -
> training, support, development on QGIS, PostGIS and more
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Re: [Qgis-user] Loss of data

2020-11-15 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Restoring only the dbf will do am error for a shapefile because it is sync
with shp and shx.
The retrieve should fo for all three files or nothing.
The dhx could be recalculate from dbf and shp. But dbf and shp must be


Il dom 15 nov 2020, 11:37 Yury  ha scritto:

> Windows has a feature called previous versions. Locate the shape files on
> explorer, look for the dbf file, right click, properties and see if you
> have any previous versions that you can restore.
> On Sun, 15 Nov 2020, 10:45 Francesco Pelullo,  wrote:
>> Ciao Vladut,
>> I'm sorry, you have no chanches to recover deleted attributes.
>> You need to populate attributes again.
>> However, in my mind, this could be not a impossible job.
>> SUP (area) attribute is a geometry dependant value, you could calculate
>> areas again with a simple string in field calculator.
>> TIPO (Type) attribute is the real problem, but since I suppose you
>> extracted it from some public data source, maybe you could use field
>> calculator again for extract data in minutes.
>> Don't worry, these are common experiences that would drive you to a more
>> prudent jobs management.
>> Also hope you will adopt another file format (.gpkg is great) and leave
>> shapefiles.
>> Ciao
>> Francesco
>> Il dom 15 nov 2020, 10:12 Vladut Constandoiu  ha
>> scritto:
>>> Good morning,
>>> My name is Vladut Constandoiu, I'm a university student from Trento,
>>> Italy and I'm using QGis for my master thesis.
>>> Yesterday I had a very unpleasant experience with QGis. I have a
>>> shapefile that contains all of the different areas of the
>>> river's hydrological basin on which I'm doing my project; every element has
>>> two attributes: type (TIPO) and area (SUP). Somehow I managed to erase
>>> those attributes from the attribute table and could not do undo (ctrl+z or
>>> anything else) since the auto-save plug-in activated exatly 2 seconds
>>> after  my mistake and saved the changes. The shapefile contains about 6900
>>> elements, and they were all sorted by use, while now they are just areas
>>> without any information.
>>> Is there any way to recover a previous version of that shapefile so that
>>> I don't have to spend uncountable hours putting all the attributes back in?
>>> Here are three pictures of my work, previously and after the loss of
>>> information.
>>> Before data loss:
>>> [image: image.png]
>>> After data loss + legend of types of area:
>>> [image: image.png]
>>> Attribute panel:
>>> [image: image.png]
>>> I would be enormously grateful to anyone who could help me find a
>>> solution for this mess.
>>> Thank you very much in advance and have a nice day.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Vladut Constandoiu
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2020-03-12 Per discussione Andrea Peri
cosa intendi per Base Aerofotogrmmetrica?

La restituzione aerofotogrammetrica viene eseguita su fotogrammi dei voli
dalla restituzione aerofotogramemtrica viene prodotto la CTR che usualmente
e' in DWG (o DXF).

Per cui forse intendi che stai cercando la CTR in formato DXF o in TIFF a
scala 10k o 2k .

Poiche dici che ti va bene anche il raster.
Sul sito di Regione Lombardia, a quesot link,

Trovresti il WMS del dbtopografico, che e' una base cartografica
paragonabile alla CTR.
Potresti provare a usare quella come base di sfondo nel tuo lavoro.

Stai attenta a impostare correttamente il sistema di riferimnto nella
connessione al wms,
perche' se sbagli , ci pensera' qgis a riproeittartelo e questo vuol dire
che introdurrsti un errore di spostamento del dato che potrebbe essere per
te inaccettabile.


Il giorno gio 12 mar 2020 alle ore 11:43 Giada Biraghi <> ha scritto:

> Si ho cercato ma la base aerofotogrammetrica non c'è.
> A me servirebbe in formato RASTER o in DWG da poter usare come base in
> QGIS (e se ci fosse da scaricare gratuitamente).
> Il giorno gio 12 mar 2020 alle ore 11:37 Antonio Di Sipio <
>> ha scritto:
>> Buongiorno,
>> hai provato a consultare la cartografia presente sul sito della
>> Regione Lombardia?
>> Il giorno gio 12 mar 2020 alle ore 10:22 Giada Biraghi <
>>> ha scritto:
>>> Buongiorno a tutti e a chi potrà aiutarmi.
>>> In vista di aggiornare un PGT della provincia di Como sto cercando l'
>>> *aerofotogrammetrico* da usare come base.
>>> Qualcuno sa dirmi dove e se si può scaricare per la provincia di Como?
>>> Grazie
>>> Giada
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>> *Antonio* Di Sipio
>> Via Foreste, 29
>> 66010 Miglianico (CH)
>> Tel:333 9494056
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>> pec:
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Andrea Peri
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[Qgis-user] Info con QGIS Server and GeoPDF

2020-03-08 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I'm using actually qgis server 2.18 version.

In this day I discovered the capabilities of QGIS desktop 3.x to export
GeoPDF formato.

I like to know if this capability to generate geopdf is also available in
qgis server 3.x to start to do some test,
And there is some docs on this capabilities on qgis server ?

Many thx,
Andrea Peri

Andrea Peri
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[Qgis-user] How set real origin on a false origin dataset

2019-11-13 Per discussione Andrea Peri
We have a dxf containings geograph data in false.origin .
I'm searching a solution to put a kind of origin (x,y) to sum to every
point of the data. Is possible to set an a dataset in qgis ?

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Re: [Qgis-user] Geology / formation database structure

2019-10-26 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Hi, i ' m not a geologist and no more skill on geology.
However, i know the inspire group produced many specs also for geology.

This is the data specs for geology.

I dont know if could help you.


Il gio 24 ott 2019, 01:55 Matt Boyd  ha scritto:

> Hi QGISers,
> possibly a little OT but do any of the geologists on the list know of a
> pre-built structure for formation tops in well data?
> I'm thinking a relational DB structure that is able to be filtered by
> group / formation / member and provides more functionality than
> spreadsheets and with a smaller footprint than the monolithic
> geology databases that seem to be around.
> I've started building this myself but I'm more of a user than a designer.
> Thanks
> Matt
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Re: [Qgis-user] GeoPackage deadlocks (Andrea Peri)

2019-09-27 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Have you tried to use spatialite instead of geopackage. ?

Il ven 27 set 2019, 10:06 Paul Wittle  ha

> Hi,
> We have a plan to migrate from Oracle to PostGIS but there is a lot of
> work to move other associated systems.
> I should point out we did not move from Oracle to GeoPackage; we use
> Oracle for other systems. We are migrating users from MapInfo to QGIS and
> so I told the users to keep using the tab files at the start. This resulted
> in MapInfo errors and got me in hot water so I suggested they use
> GeoPackage instead as that is the official data type. Unfortunately that
> then resulted in the file deadlocks so I developed a custom python plugin
> to go with our install of QGIS and used that to give access to some (but
> not all) datasets using our existing Oracle spatial database.
> I hope that provides sufficient background but you can probably see it’s
> not going well really as I’ve had to change my advice three times already.
> Paul
> *From:* Luigi Pirelli 
> *Sent:* 27 September 2019 08:59
> *To:* Paul Wittle 
> *Cc:* Alessandro Pasotti ;
> *Subject:* Re: [Qgis-user] GeoPackage deadlocks (Andrea Peri)
> without resting importance to the issue, reading the bug report, I can
> read you moved from oracle spatial to geopackage! why not postgis?
> Luigi Pirelli
> **
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> On Fri, 27 Sep 2019 at 09:39, Paul Wittle <
>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I couldn’t see a bug report which I thought matched so I have added one as
> requests but please accept my apologies if it does turn out to be a
> duplicate or if my use of the word deadlock is incorrect.
> The ticket can be found at
> It would be great if others that have experienced the issue could provide
> any further relevant comments as I’ve not got it as well documented as I’d
> like. Sorry, time constraints in the office.
> Many thanks,
> Paul
> *From:* Alessandro Pasotti 
> *Sent:* 27 September 2019 08:20
> *To:* Paul Wittle 
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Qgis-user] GeoPackage deadlocks (Andrea Peri)
> On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 9:13 AM Paul Wittle <
>> wrote:
> Hi Andrea and Enrico,
> Thank you for providing an answer even if it was not what I was hoping to
> hear; it was the conclusion I'd reached myself.
> Has this issue been considered given the official move from shapefile to
> geopackage as the default format?
> My understanding was that shapefiles could be used over a network and
> whilst multiple people editing was dangerous it did not cause deadlocks.
> Combined with the issues relating to MapInfo tab files over a network I've
> got into some hot water over my attempt to get QGIS rolled out in our
> organisation now. I'm going to have to think carefully about my next steps
> as it can be difficult to educate large numbers of staff and the two issues
> mean that people using QGIS incorrectly can cause pretty big issues.
> To summarise,
>  - You open a geopackage and save to the network; someone else comes along
> and opens it in their QGIS and everything looks okay until the PCs
> deadlock...ICT help calls and data corruption may occur.
>  - You open a MapInfo tab file from the network and it looks fine (accept
> that it my draw in a user projection). MapInfo user receive errors but this
> is unknown to the QGIS user...ICT help calls result.
> Whilst I'm glad the forums have helped to diagnose both behaviours I would
> personally say that the issues pose a bit of a threat to software adoption
> by larger companies and institutions that may be using Windows networks and
> potentially migrating from MapInfo.
> In both cases my gut feel is that the best solution might be to look into
> use detection. If GDAL (I assume) can be improved to detect that either
> file type is already open then it might be possible

Re: [Qgis-user] GeoPackage deadlocks (Andrea Peri)

2019-09-27 Per discussione Andrea Peri
>In both cases my gut feel is that the best solution might
>be to look into use detection. If GDAL (I assume) can be
>improved to detect that either file type is already open
>then it might be possible to simply ban a second user
>from opening the file at the same time. This might
>frustrate some users but most importantly it would
>make the application safer from an ICT perspective.

Hi, afaik, internet and http is a sessionless protocol so i guess is quite
impossible to gdal understand that an user (another user) is using a file.
To have this kind of communication is use a messaging queue manager like

This is my personal opinion.

Il ven 27 set 2019, 09:13 Paul Wittle  ha

> Hi Andrea and Enrico,
> Thank you for providing an answer even if it was not what I was hoping to
> hear; it was the conclusion I'd reached myself.
> Has this issue been considered given the official move from shapefile to
> geopackage as the default format?
> My understanding was that shapefiles could be used over a network and
> whilst multiple people editing was dangerous it did not cause deadlocks.
> Combined with the issues relating to MapInfo tab files over a network I've
> got into some hot water over my attempt to get QGIS rolled out in our
> organisation now. I'm going to have to think carefully about my next steps
> as it can be difficult to educate large numbers of staff and the two issues
> mean that people using QGIS incorrectly can cause pretty big issues.
> To summarise,
>  - You open a geopackage and save to the network; someone else comes along
> and opens it in their QGIS and everything looks okay until the PCs
> deadlock...ICT help calls and data corruption may occur.
>  - You open a MapInfo tab file from the network and it looks fine (accept
> that it my draw in a user projection). MapInfo user receive errors but this
> is unknown to the QGIS user...ICT help calls result.
> Whilst I'm glad the forums have helped to diagnose both behaviours I would
> personally say that the issues pose a bit of a threat to software adoption
> by larger companies and institutions that may be using Windows networks and
> potentially migrating from MapInfo.
> In both cases my gut feel is that the best solution might be to look into
> use detection. If GDAL (I assume) can be improved to detect that either
> file type is already open then it might be possible to simply ban a second
> user from opening the file at the same time. This might frustrate some
> users but most importantly it would make the application safer from an ICT
> perspective.
> These are of course just my personal opinion from my particular use case
> so please don't be offended by them if you disagree but I'd be really happy
> to hear how others are approaching the issues and/or opposing views?
> Many thanks,
> Paul
> Message: 4
> Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2019 11:10:45 +0200
> From: Andrea Peri 
> To: Enrico Fiore 
> Cc: qgis-user 
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] GeoPackage deadlocks
> Message-ID:
> <
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi,
> Geopackage is an Exchange format. Is not affordable in a multiuser data
> entry environment.
> This require a dbms like postgres + postfis.
> Regards,
> Andrea.
> Il gio 26 set 2019, 10:18 Enrico Fiore  ha scritto:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is anyone else getting occasional deadlocks when using GeoPackages in
> > the Long Term Release of QGIS?
> >
> > We are using them over a Windows network so there are multiple users
> > trying to access the same GeoPackage files. It all seems fine and two
> > or more can open the file to look at but when someone edits it you
> > sometimes hit a deadlock where none of the QGIS applications will shut
> down.
> >
> > I have the same issue and the same scenario. Multiple users that
> > trying to access a the same GeoPackage file located in a server causes
> QGIS deadlock.
> >
> > The issue rises also if no geopackage layer are in editing mode, but
> > simply loaded in one QGIS view.
> >
> > There is a solution for this behaviour or is this a bug?
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> >
> > Enrico
> > ___
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Re: [Qgis-user] GeoPackage deadlocks

2019-09-26 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Geopackage is an Exchange format. Is not affordable in a multiuser data
entry environment.
This require a dbms like postgres + postfis.


Il gio 26 set 2019, 10:18 Enrico Fiore  ha scritto:

> Hi,
> Is anyone else getting occasional deadlocks when using GeoPackages in the
> Long Term Release of QGIS?
> We are using them over a Windows network so there are multiple users
> trying to access the same GeoPackage files. It all seems fine and two or
> more can open the file to look at but when someone edits it you sometimes
> hit a deadlock where none of the QGIS applications will shut down.
> I have the same issue and the same scenario. Multiple users that trying to
> access a the same GeoPackage file located in a server causes QGIS deadlock.
> The issue rises also if no geopackage layer are in editing mode, but
> simply loaded in one QGIS view.
> There is a solution for this behaviour or is this a bug?
> Regards,
> Enrico
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Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS in INSPIRE, QAntarctica etc (Metadata)

2019-09-25 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I know qsphere plugin.


Il mer 25 set 2019, 19:52 Régis Haubourg  ha

> Hi,
> Le mar. 24 sept. 2019 à 19:07, Falk Huettmann  a
> écrit :
>> Dear all,
>> as Paolo suggested,
>> I should ask the list, so here I do:
>> "QGIS does have support to metadata. In fact, INSPIRE EU officials have
>> run extensive tests, and it is more compliant than any other GIS".
> I think those tests concern web services and web services metadata. QGIS
> is probably a very compliant client and server since some work has been
> done in that area. However, I am not aware of an embedded tool to create
> INSPIRE - ISO compliant metadata from QGIS. We currently can create Dublin
> Core metadata in the layer properties, and this comes from the great work
> funded by the world bank to link QGIS and Geonode.
> This work has been discussed into the QEP 91:
> I think this area needs funding to add ISO compliant metadata templates to
> store and edit (which is not trivial given the hierarchical structure of
> ISO 19139 ). Maybe Tim has some fresh info on this topic.
>> Could somebody please point me to details and to follow up on  ?
>> There are four questions in this:
>> -what about the U.S. and China government and their buy-in with this, aka
>> none?
> I think US goes to FDGC format.
>> -if there is ISO compliance, how can there be different fractions  and
>> some being ignored
>> (e.g. FGDC and USGS)?
> you should try to discuss in the Geonetwork lists. Templates compatibility
> is often discussed there. I was handling a catalog before and we could
> reduce easily ISO to Dublin Core. I think we can do the same with most
> metadata formats
>> -I have 'good' ISO compliant xml metadata files for try out, but they are
>> not loading into QGIS qmd; we need a cross-platform approach to cater
>> biology, geology, geography and social data. How done ?.
> this is because QMD is currently for Dublin Core format. not ISO
>> -real-world example: Antarctica is to have mandatory data, and with
>> metadata; for global mankind. Norway runs and offers a QGIS-based Antarctic
>> concept, but widely without relevant metadata.
> Up to now, I lived with the INSPIRE regulations this way:
> Use a standard metadata catalog, geonetwork for instance.
> Handle all your data in some reference qgs files (or a directory tree of
> qlr could do)
> Use some ETL to parse these files and generate automatically metadata
> entries in the catalog using CSW transactions
> Use QGIS server to render nice overviews for those metadata templates.
> Moderate those metadata and publish those that need to be according to
> your INSPIRE obligations. In most case, one entity produce very few
> datasets that need to be sent. We often try to publish dataset that are
> belonging to other autorities.
> Use QGIS server to publish datasets
> Wait again some years for the real GML application schema to publish full
> compliant services (or wait for them to be simplified to REST services). If
> really nessary, hire someone here (but we are way beyond the metadata topic)
> Done.
>> They would be a typical example for us; looks like a violation of the
>> Antarctic Treaty even; not ?
> Mm, I don't follow you on this.
>> Thanks again, more later
>> Falk Huettmann PhD, Professor
>>  Uni of Alaska Fairbanks
>> Regards
> Régis
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[Qgis-user] Disable on some service the GetLegendGraphics availability if possible

2019-08-07 Per discussione Andrea Peri
On an our wms server we are using qgis-server version 2.18.

I notice that on some service with qgis-server the request
GetLegendGraphics take more than 120 seconds to response.
The time in reasonable because they serve huge data and the time to
calculate the legend is this.

But the question is that should be better to disable the GetLegendGraphics
on some of these service because in they the Legend is useless.

So , i like to know if is possible set qgis-server to do not report the
availablity of GetLegendGraphics as an available command in the
GetCapabilities response  (and of course disable the response to the
getlegendgraphics request) for some services (some qgis projects served
with qgis-server).

Thx for any help.

Andrea Peri
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Re: [Qgis-user] failed to add WMS layer

2019-08-02 Per discussione Andrea Peri

However for me is also curious why in my tests this not happened when the
wms was qgis server

Il ven 2 ago 2019, 16:48 Richard Duivenvoorde  ha

> On 02/08/2019 14.30, Andrea Peri wrote:
> > The bug is due to the wms provider that when you click on "add to map"
> > button try to read from the cache the capability info.
> >
> > If te cache is to zero , in old qgis 2.18 the wms provider do another
> > request getcapabilities to the wms server to have it.
> > Instead in the qgis 3, if the cache if to zero, the request is not saved
> > and the read for add to map fail.
> Ok, NOW I can reproduce it :-)
> Found another service which had this.
> But only on Windows (several QGIS versions).
> Created an issue:
> Thanks for letting us know.
> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde
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Re: [Qgis-user] failed to add WMS layer

2019-08-02 Per discussione Andrea Peri

I know the network plugin. It help me to understand this bug.

The bug is due to the wms provider that when you click on "add to map"
button try to read from the cache the capability info.

If te cache is to zero , in old qgis 2.18 the wms provider do another
request getcapabilities to the wms server to have it.
Instead in the qgis 3, if the cache if to zero, the request is not saved
and the read for add to map fail.

I notice this happen with mapserver and geosevrver, instead with
qgis-server don'.

The only explanation I can do is that for qgis-server it used a differente
code for provider wms.


Il giorno ven 2 ago 2019 alle ore 13:31 Richard Duivenvoorde <> ha scritto:

> On 02/08/2019 12.26, Andrea Peri wrote:
> > Are trying to Connect to qgis server?
> > I see the qgis dont have any issues to connect to qgis server.
> >
> > Instead trying to connect to a  wms mapserver or to a wms geoserver.
> > I see the issue.
> >
> > To reply
> > Cache setting size yo zero in
> > Qgis and try to add a map wms to canvas from a mapserver or geoserver
> >
> > Please note that
> > The issue is when click on add to canvas not when connect to retrieve
> > the list of layers.
> So it is not the capabilities request that is failing?
> I just tried to reproduce this both on Linux and Windows, setting the
> cache  to 0 and connect to a geoserver instance, and all goes well.
> Both capabilities and getmap requests.
> Can you maybe install the 'QGIS Network Logger' plugin? And see what
> requests QGIS is firing to the server?
> And maybe try to replay those requests in a browsers?
> Others can reproduce this?
> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde

Andrea Peri
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Re: [Qgis-user] failed to add WMS layer

2019-08-02 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Are trying to Connect to qgis server?
I see the qgis dont have any issues to connect to qgis server.

Instead trying to connect to a  wms mapserver or to a wms geoserver.
I see the issue.

To reply
Cache setting size yo zero in
Qgis and try to add a map wms to canvas from a mapserver or geoserver

Please note that
The issue is when click on add to canvas not when connect to retrieve the
list of layers.

I have this issue on qgis 3.8.0 for windows 64 bit.


Il ven 2 ago 2019, 10:57 Richard Duivenvoorde  ha

> On 01/08/2019 21.35, Andrea Peri wrote:
> > Have you the cache to zero size?
> > I discovered this kind of strangenissue some weeks ago
> >
> > If the qgis cache size is turn to zero the capabilities fail when go to
> > add the map to the Canvas.
> > This issue is on only with some wms (mapserver, geoserver) do not with
> > qgisserver.
> >
> > I dont know with arcgis rest services.
> Hi Andrea,
> Can you provide a situation I can reproduce (OS, QGS version, service,
> how you load the caps etc) ? Because this would be a proper issue!
> But I cannot reproduce it with 3.4, 3.8 or master that I have running
> here on Debian.
> So if you have a good reproducable case, it sounds like it should be fixed.
> Thanks,
> Richard Duivenvoorde
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Re: [Qgis-user] failed to add WMS layer

2019-08-01 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Have you the cache to zero size?
I discovered this kind of strangenissue some weeks ago

If the qgis cache size is turn to zero the capabilities fail when go to add
the map to the Canvas.
This issue is on only with some wms (mapserver, geoserver) do not with

I dont know with arcgis rest services.


Il gio 1 ago 2019, 20:08 Stewart Holt  ha scritto:

> I use USGS WMS and WMTS layers. At some point in the recent past the WMS
> layers stopped working. I am almost sure they have worked in QGIS V3. I
> usually use WMTS because of the speed, but for final publishing, I have
> seen some cases where a corresponding WMS layer is higher definition, so I
> would like to be able to use it. Also the long timeout while starting the
> project is unfortunate and I don't want to delete the WMS layer. Here is a
> WMS layer which fails:
> And a corresponding WMTS layer which works:
> On the failing WMS layer, I have removed it and added it back. When I test
> it I get a message saying that a get capabilities request has failed. I
> hope someone who might be able to figure out what is going on can give this
> URL a try.
> Thanks,
> Stewart
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 12:20 PM Alessandro Pasotti 
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 12:34 PM Manuel Fernandez 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, everyone. I have a problem
>>> When adding a WMS layer, I get this error:
>>> Capabilities could not be downloaded: Capabilities download failed:
>>> Connection closed.
>>> It used to work.
>> Can you provide the WMS address?
>> BTW, I've recently hit a similar issues and it ended up being an upstream
>> QT issue:
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> ___
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Re: [Qgis-user] Not valid data source on wms layer access for QGIS 3.8

2019-07-06 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Hi, Richard,

I like to reproduce what you are reporting me:

>- started with QGIS Master and the normal WMS dialog: I saw 10 layers
>same session, I opened that node on the browser and then saw MUCH more
>layers (a lot of vector layers 'added') and could all load them

I like to understand better what is this.
But I don't understand what you mean with "opened that node on the browser"
. You mean a special browser inside QGIS ?

Many thx for help.

Il giorno ven 5 lug 2019 alle ore 10:04 Richard Duivenvoorde <> ha scritto:

> On 05/07/2019 08.18, Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 5, 2019 at 8:13 AM Andrea Peri  >
> >
> > When I try to add it to a map canvas the connection return le list
> > of layer .
> > Choosing one and using the EPSG:3003.
> > When Add to the canvas I see an error NOT VALID DATA SOURCE.
> >
> > The same steps instead work correctly with the old QGIS 2.18.
> >
> > Is this confirmed from some other one ?
> I'd say there is something wrong with the server (different endpoints?
> url rewriting? proxies?). Because depending on the time and version I
> get different results all the time:
> - started with QGIS Master and the normal WMS dialog: I saw 10 layers
> and could load the aerials
> - same session, I opened that node on the browser and then saw MUCH more
> layers (a lot of vector layers 'added') and could all load them
> - started 3.8 and saw the layers but could not load them
> - started master again and saw both in dialog and in browser only the 10
> layers
> - now I keep seeing only the 10 ortho's (and can load them both in
> Master and 3.8.0 which I have here.)
> This is the url QGIS fires:
> as curl command
> curl
> '
> '
> -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 QGIS/3.9.0-Master'  --compressed
> My guess is there is something with the service...
> Can you maybe sent me a saved project with a layer that does not load
> with you?
> Can you try to install the QGIS Network logger plugin to see and check
> the url's (and replay the urls in the browser)
> Regards,
> Richard

Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
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Re: [Qgis-user] Not valid data source on wms layer access for QGIS 3.8

2019-07-06 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I load the network plugin and try with it.

I don't understand the result , but is why a really don't now how work
programmatically qgis.

I see when try to connetc to retrieve the list of layers , qgis send a
classic getcapabilities request.
This is the url invoked:

But when I try to add the choosed layer tothe map, I see from the network
plugin that qgis resend another getcapabilites request.
Sincerelly I don't understand why qgis is need to request still a
However meanwhile the first getcapabilies is read from network (this is
reported from the plugin), instead the second getcapabilies is taken from
the cache.
Infact, the plugin report me it is "used entry from cache".

I don't understand why this second getcapabilities is needed, but however I
have the cace set to ZERO.
I have this set because when I work to change sometimes on the wms server
to see the result I should empty the cache , so I prefer to have the cache
to zero. To have always the last from the network.

So I try to re-enable a lot of cache size.

But sincerelly I don't like to MUST HAVe ALWAYS the cache enabled to have a
workable wms.
Perhaps the real issue is to always use the cache without see that it is
set so ZERO.

However thx for the help.


Il giorno ven 5 lug 2019 alle ore 10:04 Richard Duivenvoorde <> ha scritto:

> On 05/07/2019 08.18, Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 5, 2019 at 8:13 AM Andrea Peri  >
> >
> > When I try to add it to a map canvas the connection return le list
> > of layer .
> > Choosing one and using the EPSG:3003.
> > When Add to the canvas I see an error NOT VALID DATA SOURCE.
> >
> > The same steps instead work correctly with the old QGIS 2.18.
> >
> > Is this confirmed from some other one ?
> I'd say there is something wrong with the server (different endpoints?
> url rewriting? proxies?). Because depending on the time and version I
> get different results all the time:
> - started with QGIS Master and the normal WMS dialog: I saw 10 layers
> and could load the aerials
> - same session, I opened that node on the browser and then saw MUCH more
> layers (a lot of vector layers 'added') and could all load them
> - started 3.8 and saw the layers but could not load them
> - started master again and saw both in dialog and in browser only the 10
> layers
> - now I keep seeing only the 10 ortho's (and can load them both in
> Master and 3.8.0 which I have here.)
> This is the url QGIS fires:
> as curl command
> curl
> '
> '
> -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 QGIS/3.9.0-Master'  --compressed
> My guess is there is something with the service...
> Can you maybe sent me a saved project with a layer that does not load
> with you?
> Can you try to install the QGIS Network logger plugin to see and check
> the url's (and replay the urls in the browser)
> Regards,
> Richard

Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
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[Qgis-user] Not valid data source on wms layer access for QGIS 3.8

2019-07-05 Per discussione Andrea Peri

I have trouble using our wms services with QGIS 3.8.

As example:
our url:

When I try to add it to a map canvas the connection return le list of layer
Choosing one and using the EPSG:3003.
When Add to the canvas I see an error NOT VALID DATA SOURCE.

The same steps instead work correctly with the old QGIS 2.18.

Is this confirmed from some other one ?


Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
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[Qgis-user] How time between two requests of a composer map

2019-06-27 Per discussione Andrea Peri
 I notice that often our try-ing to export a pdf from a qgis composer lost
some tile from wms layers.

I know thereis the number of requests and also the timeout. But I guess the
problem is instead due to a saturation of the request que due too much
requests send at the same time.

When the quer of the web server is full the other request simply was
rejected and I guess this is our case.

So a try I wan to do is to try to insert a wait-time between the send of
two tile requests when the composer do an export pdf retrieving the wms

I like to know if there is a workaround to insert this wait-time of instead
need to insert it by code.


Andrea Peri.

Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
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Re: [Qgis-user] Are GetLegendGraphic ignoring BBOX?

2019-06-19 Per discussione Andrea Peri
The bbox is an evolution out of specs added to mapserver and to qgis-server
And also to qgis wms client to allow a legend with only the elements
available in the visible map (the bbox)

More info on mapserver where there isnthe specs of this evolution.

Il mer 19 giu 2019, 12:06 Jonathan Moules  ha

> Hi Liva,
> This piqued my interest so I took a quick look into it. Reading the SLD
> 1.1 spec, I don't see any provision for using Bounding Boxes anywhere in a
> GetLegendGraphics request. There is an optional "scale" parameter which can
> achieve that sort of thing though - maybe that's what you're having issues
> with?
> Cheers,
> Jonathan
> On 05/06/2019 09:08, Liva Vågane wrote:
> HI!
> I'm in the process of upgrading from 2.14 to 3.6.
> I have a GetLegendGraphic request that in 2.14 shows only symbols from
> objects within a boundingbox. QGIS 3.6 seems to ignore the bbox-parameter
> and shows all symbols. Can anyone confirm this? Should I stick to 2.14?
> Regards,
> Liva Vågane
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Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS-Server and Out-Of-Memory

2019-03-05 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I guess my qgis-server is already 64bit ,
but i compile it from source and perhaps i wrongly guess is a 64bit. So i
will verify this.
Thx for hint.

Il mar 5 mar 2019, 09:09 Luca Manganelli 
ha scritto:

> Il giorno sab 2 mar 2019 alle ore 09:16 Andrea Peri 
> ha scritto:
> > Sometime this service has gone the machine in out-of-memory.
> I remember that when we had qgis server 32 bit, we could incur in out of
> memory error quite often.
> When we passed to 64 bit, those vanished!
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Re: [Qgis-user] Trouble when adding a map from a wms using QGIS 3.4

2019-03-03 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I download 3.6 and try it.

Il giorno dom 3 mar 2019 alle ore 18:10 Richard Duivenvoorde <> ha scritto:

> On 03/03/2019 17.25, Andrea Peri wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > When I try to add a wms map
> > from the url:
> >
> Works for me on 3.4.5
> If you want to see what QGIS is firing exactly, or if you want to replay
> the WMS requests in a browser or using curl: install 3.6 or the nightly
> dev version of QGIS and get this plugin:
> It's not yet in plugin repo (and only for 3.5 and further, because it
> needs work done by Nyall), because it slow's down QGIS after a couple of
> hundred requests.. but for your problem it is perfect
> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde
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Andrea Peri
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[Qgis-user] Trouble when adding a map from a wms using QGIS 3.4

2019-03-03 Per discussione Andrea Peri

When I try to add a wms map
from the url:

With parameters:
epsg:3003, img/png

I have an error:

Layer not valid: Raster layer data source not valid (sorgente dati: wms,

But when add from the same wms server using the QGIS 2.18.18 with the same
parameters it is added without any trouble.

Is available a more detailed log in QGIS 3.4 to understand why it refuse to
add my wms map ?


Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
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[Qgis-user] QGIS-Server and Out-Of-Memory

2019-03-02 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I have a qgis-server wms service (v. 2.18).

Sometime this service has gone the machine in out-of-memory.

I need tounderstand better what is happening and so I need some details.

My simple question is

QGIS-Server is using the swap space as memory or is set to use only memory
ram ?

A too big widht x heght image asked from some user could cause an
out-of-memory ?


Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
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[Qgis-user] retrieve the Legend from wms using the SCALE parameter

2019-02-28 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I notice that in qgis 2.18 and also in qgis 3.0
is not possible to retrieve the legend from the wms layer (using of course
the getLegendGraphic comand) apply-ing the SCALE parameter.

SCALE parameter is a STANDARD OGC parameter (optional) to retrieve the
at the actual scale

QGIS allow to retrieve the legend using the the CONTEXTUAL option.
But it is anot standard parameter.
The contextual is of course more powerful but is a not standard and so not
always all the wms support it.

So' actually the only option is the standard getlegendgraphics that
retrieve without the scale parameter.

This some time give wrong lgends.

I report two eample.

The first is a good legend retrieved using the SCALE parameter from a wms

The second is a good example of what mean "sometime" retrieve the legend
without the scale parameter.

The second example repeat three time the same domain because there are
three different rendering at three scale interval.
Without the scale parameter the wms send ALL the legend for EVERY scale

The first example instead using the sCALE parameter obtain the right legend
for the scale of the MAP.


Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
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Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS Server 2.18 compile error

2019-02-16 Per discussione Andrea Peri

I resolved using the last release version of 2.18.
Regards to all.

Il giorno sab 16 feb 2019 alle ore 17:58 Andrea Peri 
ha scritto:

> Hi,
> I try to compile the qgis-server 2.18 at commit level
> ac2d111ed1839fbc150456fb3fd2b8e0d32e6643.
> But I'm having this error:
> src/providers/gdal/CMakeFiles/gdalprovider.dir/build.make:96: recipe for
> target
> 'src/providers/gdal/CMakeFiles/gdalprovider.dir/qgsgdalprovider.cpp.o'
> failed
> make[2]: ***
> [src/providers/gdal/CMakeFiles/gdalprovider.dir/qgsgdalprovider.cpp.o]
> Error 1
> CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1139: recipe for target
> 'src/providers/gdal/CMakeFiles/gdalprovider.dir/all' failed
> make[1]: *** [src/providers/gdal/CMakeFiles/gdalprovider.dir/all] Error 2
> Makefile:149: recipe for target 'all' failed
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> Any though ?
> --
> -
> Andrea Peri
> . . . . . . . . .
> qwerty àèìòù
> -

Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
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[Qgis-user] QGIS Server 2.18 compile error

2019-02-16 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I try to compile the qgis-server 2.18 at commit level

But I'm having this error:

src/providers/gdal/CMakeFiles/gdalprovider.dir/build.make:96: recipe for
make[2]: ***
Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1139: recipe for target
'src/providers/gdal/CMakeFiles/gdalprovider.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [src/providers/gdal/CMakeFiles/gdalprovider.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:149: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2

Any though ?

Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
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Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS-Server: How remove the maptip from GetFeatureInfo HTML response

2018-12-28 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I resolve it.

To remove it, Is necessary
open "layer properties", go to "display" section,
and set to HTML with value empty.



Il giorno ven 28 dic 2018 alle ore 09:19 Andrea Peri 
ha scritto:

> Hi,
> I'm using gis-server v 2.18.
> When try a GetFeatureInfo request with HTML response, I see a virtual
> field named:
> "maptip"
> Is this virtual field removable from the html response ?
> Thx,
> Andrea
> --
> -
> Andrea Peri
> . . . . . . . . .
> qwerty àèìòù
> -

Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
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[Qgis-user] QGIS-Server: How remove the maptip from GetFeatureInfo HTML response

2018-12-28 Per discussione Andrea Peri

I'm using gis-server v 2.18.
When try a GetFeatureInfo request with HTML response, I see a virtual field

Is this virtual field removable from the html response ?


Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
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Re: [Qgis-user] GetLegendGraphics error truncate

2018-11-06 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I guess actually the content-type should be something like

or "image/png8"

It is ok for qgis ?


Il giorno mar 6 nov 2018 alle ore 14:23 Luigi Pirelli  ha

> sorry I wrote in Italian
> happen when the image (or a tile) in cache is null (removed)
> or contentType i snot image or application/octet-stream
> please check if in 3.4 moving over the string shows the complete string
> regards
> Luigi Pirelli
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> On Tue, 6 Nov 2018 at 13:15, Luigi Pirelli  wrote:
>> accade quando la immagine in cache locale e' null (cancellata) o il
>> contentType non e' image application/octet-stream
>> strano che non appaia la stringa completa passandoci con il mouse...
>> verifichi per favore che questo non accade per la 3.4?
>> Luigi Pirelli
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>> On Tue, 6 Nov 2018 at 13:10, Andrea Peri  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Using qgis 2.18 I see sometimes an error when qgis is retrieving the
>>> Legend
>>> using the GetLegendGraphics command.
>>> Unfortunatelly I cannot understand what error is returned because the
>>> image with the url is truncate.
>>> I add an image showing the case.
>>> --
>>> -
>>> Andrea Peri
>>> . . . . . . . . .
>>> qwerty àèìòù
>>> -
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Andrea Peri
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Re: [Qgis-user] GetLegendGraphics error truncate

2018-11-06 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Hi, I try to move the mouse over t, but no one string will appear.


Il giorno mar 6 nov 2018 alle ore 13:15 Luigi Pirelli  ha

> accade quando la immagine in cache locale e' null (cancellata) o il
> contentType non e' image application/octet-stream
> strano che non appaia la stringa completa passandoci con il mouse...
> verifichi per favore che questo non accade per la 3.4?
> Luigi Pirelli
> **
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> ******
> On Tue, 6 Nov 2018 at 13:10, Andrea Peri  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Using qgis 2.18 I see sometimes an error when qgis is retrieving the
>> Legend
>> using the GetLegendGraphics command.
>> Unfortunatelly I cannot understand what error is returned because the
>> image with the url is truncate.
>> I add an image showing the case.
>> --
>> -
>> Andrea Peri
>> . . . . . . . . .
>> qwerty àèìòù
>> -
>> ___
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Andrea Peri
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Re: [Qgis-user] Convert WMS Layer to Vector

2018-10-16 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I agree with your response because richard ask for an entire dataset.

I like only add that if the user is likely to retrieve the single feature
it could try to do a
GetFeatureInfo (the identify of qgis) on the wms layer asking for "feature"
instead of "html"

The wms often return the geometry.


Il Mar 16 Ott 2018, 12:56 Richard McDonnell  ha

> Finbar,
> Short answer is no, unless the data source is also providing WFS. You can
> check this by changing the last part  of the URL “…..wms?” to “…..wfs?” and
> paste add it as a WFS Layer, if there are any WFS layers available they
> will then appear in the list of Layers.
> In the main, most WMS/WFS Providers will have this locked down anyway,
> with Rights and completely different WMS, WFS links.
> Regards,
> Richard
> *From:* Qgis-user  *On Behalf Of *GILLEN
> Finbar
> *Sent:* 16 October 2018 10:39
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [Qgis-user] Convert WMS Layer to Vector
> Hi,
> Is it possible to convert a WMS layer to a vector layer in QGIS? If so…
> how?
> Regards
> Finbar
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Re: [Qgis-user] how duplicate the rendering of a value.

2018-08-30 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I try it.
Don't work no one of the two .

Il giorno gio 30 ago 2018 alle ore 16:50 Fernando M. Roxo da Motta <> ha scritto:

> Em qui, 2018-08-30 às 10:43 +0200, Andrea Peri escreveu:
> > Hi,
> > I have a categorized rendering where every single render is quite
> > complex.
> > To add new domain values at the list of rendering I like to duplicate
> > another domain and change the differences.
> >
> > Is possible to do a copy/paste on a category rendering ?
> >
> > I see the context menu show a copy/paste , but seem don't work.
> > I'm using 2.18.
>   Hi, out of curiosity, if you use the copy in menu and use ctrl+v, does
> it work?   If you ctrl+c and after use the menu paste option, does it get
> pasted?
>   I am not involved in it in anyway, just to test possibilities to try to
> isolate the problem.
>   Regards.
>   Roxo
> --
>  Non luctari, ludare ---+ WYSIWYG
> Fernando M. Roxo da Motta   | Editor?
> Except where explicitly stated I speak on my own behalf.|  VI !!
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>  Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?-+ I get text!
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Andrea Peri
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Re: [Qgis-user] how duplicate the rendering of a value.

2018-08-30 Per discussione Andrea Peri
the ctrl-c/ctrl-v work.
This is really useful for me.
Many thx,


Il giorno gio 30 ago 2018 alle ore 10:50 DelazJ  ha

> Hi,
> It seems it doesn't work from the contextual menu but if you press Ctrl+C,
> Ctrl+V, it gets copied and pasted.
> Regards,
> Harrissou
> Le jeu. 30 août 2018 à 10:43, Andrea Peri  a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I have a categorized rendering where every single render is quite complex.
>> To add new domain values at the list of rendering I like to duplicate
>> another domain and change the differences.
>> Is possible to do a copy/paste on a category rendering ?
>> I see the context menu show a copy/paste , but seem don't work.
>> I'm using 2.18.
>> Thx
>> --
>> -
>> Andrea Peri
>> . . . . . . . . .
>> qwerty àèìòù
>> -
>> ___
>> Qgis-user mailing list
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Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

[Qgis-user] how duplicate the rendering of a value.

2018-08-30 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I have a categorized rendering where every single render is quite complex.
To add new domain values at the list of rendering I like to duplicate
another domain and change the differences.

Is possible to do a copy/paste on a category rendering ?

I see the context menu show a copy/paste , but seem don't work.
I'm using 2.18.


Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

Re: [Qgis-user] "Otherwise rule" in rendering

2018-08-30 Per discussione Andrea Peri
thx for help.

An else rule is exactly what I need .
I try it .

The "else" rule should be the last in the list of rules ?


Il giorno gio 30 ago 2018 alle ore 07:44 Bernhard Ströbl <> ha scritto:

> Hi,
> it's called "ELSE" in the rule-based renderer
> Bernhard
> Am 29.08.2018 um 21:37 schrieb Andrea Peri:
> > Hi,
> > In the rule-rendering or in the category rendering is available an option
> > like "otherwise" to rendering all value not listed in the usual rendering
> > list of value ?
> >
> > Thx,
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Qgis-user mailing list
> >
> > List info:
> > Unsubscribe:
> >
> __ Information from ESET Mail Security, version of virus signature
> database 17967 (20180830) __
> The message was checked by ESET Mail Security.
> ___
> Qgis-user mailing list
> List info:
> Unsubscribe:

Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

[Qgis-user] "Otherwise rule" in rendering

2018-08-29 Per discussione Andrea Peri
In the rule-rendering or in the category rendering is available an option
like "otherwise" to rendering all value not listed in the usual rendering
list of value ?


Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

[Qgis-user] Retrieving map from a WMS using HTTPS

2018-07-25 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I'm having some issue try-ing to access to an our wms service in HTTPS.
I'm work using qgis 2.18.

Sometime have success trying to retrieve maps from a WMS in HTTPS ?

Many thx.

Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS 2.18 freeze meanwhile editing

2018-06-28 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Thx to both.

I rename the .qgis folder and try to editi using this new configuration.
Fortunatelly I do not need any plugin for my work. I use only a wms map to
retrace the geometries.

2018-06-28 8:39 GMT+02:00 Richard Duivenvoorde :

> On 06/28/2018 08:32 AM, Andrea Peri wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm using qgis 2.18.
> > Every time I goin ediiting on a shapefile , after insert about 10 or 20
> > features it (the qgis) is freezing. Windows (I use win 7) report me qgis
> > is not responding and I need to kill it and restart.
> Hi Andrea,
> Can you try it with a new configuration (as rename your .qgis2 dir to
> start with a fresh one)?
> Historically this kind of behaviour had to do do with rogue plugins...
> So first thing is to check if a plugin is doing this.
> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde

Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

[Qgis-user] QGIS 2.18 freeze meanwhile editing

2018-06-28 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I'm using qgis 2.18.
Every time I goin ediiting on a shapefile , after insert about 10 or 20
features it (the qgis) is freezing. Windows (I use win 7) report me qgis is
not responding and I need to kill it and restart.

I usually do not lost nothing because I know this and after every on insert
I save always the shapefile and the project.
But it is boring.
I like to know if this is a know issue of qgis or it could be a specific
issue of my qgis install.

I use qgis 2.18.18 (32 bit) but it happened also when I use 2.14 and
windows 7 64 bit.

Many thx.

Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

Re: [Qgis-user] Error compiling last released QGIS 2.18 for qgis-server

2018-04-30 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I issue a ticket on this.


2018-04-29 0:56 GMT+02:00 Andrea Peri <>:

> Hi,
> I have successful compile using the release 2.18.15. With some other more
> recent 2.18 version the compile is not terminate in the server code section.
> Regards,
> A.
> 2018-04-28 0:03 GMT+02:00 Andrea Peri <>:
>> Hi,
>> The compile error is always here.
>> I tried also with the released package final-2_18_19.
>> This is the error I'm having.
>> ---
>> [ 94%] Building CXX object src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_ser
>> ver.dir/qgssoaprequesthandler.cpp.o
>> [ 94%] Building CXX object src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_ser
>> ver.dir/qgsowsserver.cpp.o
>> In file included from /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/
>> QGIS-final-2_18_19/src/server/qgsowsserver.cpp:18:0:
>> /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/QGIS-final-2_18_19/src/server/qgsowsserver.h:84:40:
>> error: âQgsFeatureâ does not name a type
>>  static QString featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
>> QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes );
>> ^~
>> /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/QGIS-final-2_18_19/src/server/qgsowsserver.cpp:68:9:
>> error: prototype for âQString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId(const
>> QgsFeature*, const QgsAttributeList&)â does not match any in class
>> âQgsOWSServerâ
>>  QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
>> QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes )
>>  ^~~~
>> In file included from /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/
>> QGIS-final-2_18_19/src/server/qgsowsserver.cpp:18:0:
>> /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/QGIS-final-2_18_19/src/server/qgsowsserver.h:84:20:
>> error: candidate is: static QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId(const
>> int*, const QgsAttributeList&)
>>  static QString featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
>> QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes );
>> ^~~~
>> src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/build.make:260: recipe for target
>> 'src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/qgsowsserver.cpp.o' failed
>> make[2]: *** [src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/qgsowsserver.cpp.o]
>> Error 1
>> CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1829: recipe for target
>> 'src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/all' failed
>> make[1]: *** [src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/all] Error 2
>> Makefile:149: recipe for target 'all' failed
>> make: *** [all] Error 2
>> -
>> I'm using Debian stretch 64 bit.
>> A.
>> 2018-04-27 14:12 GMT+02:00 Andrea Peri <>:
>>> Hi,
>>> Sorry, I do an error.
>>> Unavvertitelly I use the trunk instead of last release 2.18.17
>>> Sorry for noise.
>>> A.
>>> 2018-04-27 13:41 GMT+02:00 Andrea Peri <>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm to compile the last relesed version of QGIS 2.18 as
>>>> qgis-server in Linux Debian.
>>>> But I'm having this error:
>>>> [ 94%] Building CXX object src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_ser
>>>> ver.dir/qgsowsserver.cpp.o
>>>> In file included from /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/
>>>> QuantumGIS_2.18/src/server/qgsowsserver.cpp:18:0:
>>>> /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/QuantumGIS_2.18/src/server/qgsowsserver.h:84:40:
>>>> error: ‘QgsFeature’ does not name a type
>>>>  static QString featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
>>>> QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes );
>>>> ^~
>>>> /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/QuantumGIS_2.18/src/server/qgsowsserver.cpp:68:9:
>>>> error: prototype for ‘QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId(const
>>>> QgsFeature*, const QgsAttributeList&)’ does not match any in class
>>>> ‘QgsOWSServer’
>>>>  QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
>>>> QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes )
>>>>  ^~~~
>>>> In file included from /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/
>>>> QuantumGIS_2.18/src/server/qgsowsserver.cpp:18:0:
>>>> /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/QuantumGIS_2.18/src/server/qgsowsserver.h:84:20:
>>>> error: candidate is: static QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId(const
>>>> int*, const QgsAttributeList&)

Re: [Qgis-user] Error compiling last released QGIS 2.18 for qgis-server

2018-04-28 Per discussione Andrea Peri

I have successful compile using the release 2.18.15. With some other more
recent 2.18 version the compile is not terminate in the server code section.


2018-04-28 0:03 GMT+02:00 Andrea Peri <>:

> Hi,
> The compile error is always here.
> I tried also with the released package final-2_18_19.
> This is the error I'm having.
> ---
> [ 94%] Building CXX object src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/
> qgssoaprequesthandler.cpp.o
> [ 94%] Building CXX object src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_
> server.dir/qgsowsserver.cpp.o
> In file included from /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/
> QGIS-final-2_18_19/src/server/qgsowsserver.cpp:18:0:
> /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/QGIS-final-2_18_19/src/server/qgsowsserver.h:84:40:
> error: âQgsFeatureâ does not name a type
>  static QString featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
> QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes );
> ^~
> /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/QGIS-final-2_18_19/src/server/qgsowsserver.cpp:68:9:
> error: prototype for âQString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId(const
> QgsFeature*, const QgsAttributeList&)â does not match any in class
> âQgsOWSServerâ
>  QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
> QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes )
>  ^~~~
> In file included from /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/
> QGIS-final-2_18_19/src/server/qgsowsserver.cpp:18:0:
> /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/QGIS-final-2_18_19/src/server/qgsowsserver.h:84:20:
> error: candidate is: static QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId(const
> int*, const QgsAttributeList&)
>  static QString featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
> QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes );
> ^~~~
> src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/build.make:260: recipe for target
> 'src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/qgsowsserver.cpp.o' failed
> make[2]: *** [src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/qgsowsserver.cpp.o]
> Error 1
> CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1829: recipe for target 
> 'src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/all'
> failed
> make[1]: *** [src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/all] Error 2
> Makefile:149: recipe for target 'all' failed
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> -
> I'm using Debian stretch 64 bit.
> A.
> 2018-04-27 14:12 GMT+02:00 Andrea Peri <>:
>> Hi,
>> Sorry, I do an error.
>> Unavvertitelly I use the trunk instead of last release 2.18.17
>> Sorry for noise.
>> A.
>> 2018-04-27 13:41 GMT+02:00 Andrea Peri <>:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm to compile the last relesed version of QGIS 2.18 as
>>> qgis-server in Linux Debian.
>>> But I'm having this error:
>>> [ 94%] Building CXX object src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_ser
>>> ver.dir/qgsowsserver.cpp.o
>>> In file included from /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/
>>> QuantumGIS_2.18/src/server/qgsowsserver.cpp:18:0:
>>> /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/QuantumGIS_2.18/src/server/qgsowsserver.h:84:40:
>>> error: ‘QgsFeature’ does not name a type
>>>  static QString featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
>>> QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes );
>>> ^~
>>> /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/QuantumGIS_2.18/src/server/qgsowsserver.cpp:68:9:
>>> error: prototype for ‘QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId(const
>>> QgsFeature*, const QgsAttributeList&)’ does not match any in class
>>> ‘QgsOWSServer’
>>>  QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
>>> QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes )
>>>  ^~~~
>>> In file included from /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/
>>> QuantumGIS_2.18/src/server/qgsowsserver.cpp:18:0:
>>> /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/QuantumGIS_2.18/src/server/qgsowsserver.h:84:20:
>>> error: candidate is: static QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId(const
>>> int*, const QgsAttributeList&)
>>>  static QString featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
>>> QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes );
>>> ^~~~
>>> src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/build.make:260: recipe for target
>>> 'src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/qgsowsserver.cpp.o' failed
>>> make[2]: *** [src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/qgsowsserver.cpp.o]
>>> Error 1
>>> CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1829: recipe for target
>>> 'src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/all' failed
>>> make[1]: *** [sr

Re: [Qgis-user] Error compiling last released QGIS 2.18 for qgis-server

2018-04-27 Per discussione Andrea Peri

The compile error is always here.
I tried also with the released package final-2_18_19.

This is the error I'm having.

[ 94%] Building CXX object
[ 94%] Building CXX object
In file included from
error: âQgsFeatureâ does not name a type
 static QString featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes );
error: prototype for âQString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId(const QgsFeature*,
const QgsAttributeList&)â does not match any in class âQgsOWSServerâ
 QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes )
In file included from
error: candidate is: static QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId(const int*,
const QgsAttributeList&)
 static QString featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes );
src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/build.make:260: recipe for target
'src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/qgsowsserver.cpp.o' failed
make[2]: *** [src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/qgsowsserver.cpp.o]
Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1829: recipe for target
'src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:149: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2


I'm using Debian stretch 64 bit.


2018-04-27 14:12 GMT+02:00 Andrea Peri <>:

> Hi,
> Sorry, I do an error.
> Unavvertitelly I use the trunk instead of last release 2.18.17
> Sorry for noise.
> A.
> 2018-04-27 13:41 GMT+02:00 Andrea Peri <>:
>> Hi,
>> I'm to compile the last relesed version of QGIS 2.18 as
>> qgis-server in Linux Debian.
>> But I'm having this error:
>> [ 94%] Building CXX object src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_ser
>> ver.dir/qgsowsserver.cpp.o
>> In file included from /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/
>> QuantumGIS_2.18/src/server/qgsowsserver.cpp:18:0:
>> /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/QuantumGIS_2.18/src/server/qgsowsserver.h:84:40:
>> error: ‘QgsFeature’ does not name a type
>>  static QString featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
>> QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes );
>> ^~
>> /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/QuantumGIS_2.18/src/server/qgsowsserver.cpp:68:9:
>> error: prototype for ‘QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId(const
>> QgsFeature*, const QgsAttributeList&)’ does not match any in class
>> ‘QgsOWSServer’
>>  QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
>> QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes )
>>  ^~~~
>> In file included from /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/
>> QuantumGIS_2.18/src/server/qgsowsserver.cpp:18:0:
>> /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/QuantumGIS_2.18/src/server/qgsowsserver.h:84:20:
>> error: candidate is: static QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId(const
>> int*, const QgsAttributeList&)
>>  static QString featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
>> QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes );
>> ^~~~
>> src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/build.make:260: recipe for target
>> 'src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/qgsowsserver.cpp.o' failed
>> make[2]: *** [src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/qgsowsserver.cpp.o]
>> Error 1
>> CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1829: recipe for target
>> 'src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/all' failed
>> make[1]: *** [src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/all] Error 2
>> Makefile:149: recipe for target 'all' failed
>> make: *** [all] Error 2
>> I don't understand what is the error.
>> Seem a compiler incompatibility ?
>> A.
>> --
>> -
>> Andrea Peri
>> . . . . . . . . .
>> qwerty àèìòù
>> -
> --
> -
> Andrea Peri
> . . . . . . . . .
> qwerty àèìòù
> -

Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

Re: [Qgis-user] Error compiling last released QGIS 2.18 for qgis-server

2018-04-27 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Sorry, I do an error.
Unavvertitelly I use the trunk instead of last release 2.18.17

Sorry for noise.

2018-04-27 13:41 GMT+02:00 Andrea Peri <>:

> Hi,
> I'm to compile the last relesed version of QGIS 2.18 as
> qgis-server in Linux Debian.
> But I'm having this error:
> [ 94%] Building CXX object src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_
> server.dir/qgsowsserver.cpp.o
> In file included from /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/
> QuantumGIS_2.18/src/server/qgsowsserver.cpp:18:0:
> /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/QuantumGIS_2.18/src/server/qgsowsserver.h:84:40:
> error: ‘QgsFeature’ does not name a type
>  static QString featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
> QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes );
> ^~
> /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/QuantumGIS_2.18/src/server/qgsowsserver.cpp:68:9:
> error: prototype for ‘QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId(const
> QgsFeature*, const QgsAttributeList&)’ does not match any in class
> ‘QgsOWSServer’
>  QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
> QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes )
>  ^~~~
> In file included from /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/
> QuantumGIS_2.18/src/server/qgsowsserver.cpp:18:0:
> /home/tomcat/software/30-qgis/QuantumGIS_2.18/src/server/qgsowsserver.h:84:20:
> error: candidate is: static QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId(const
> int*, const QgsAttributeList&)
>  static QString featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
> QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes );
> ^~~~
> src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/build.make:260: recipe for target
> 'src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/qgsowsserver.cpp.o' failed
> make[2]: *** [src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/qgsowsserver.cpp.o]
> Error 1
> CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1829: recipe for target 
> 'src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/all'
> failed
> make[1]: *** [src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/all] Error 2
> Makefile:149: recipe for target 'all' failed
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> I don't understand what is the error.
> Seem a compiler incompatibility ?
> A.
> --
> -
> Andrea Peri
> . . . . . . . . .
> qwerty àèìòù
> -

Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

[Qgis-user] Error compiling last released QGIS 2.18 for qgis-server

2018-04-27 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I'm to compile the last relesed version of QGIS 2.18 as qgis-server
in Linux Debian.

But I'm having this error:

[ 94%] Building CXX object
In file included from
error: ‘QgsFeature’ does not name a type
 static QString featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes );
error: prototype for ‘QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId(const QgsFeature*,
const QgsAttributeList&)’ does not match any in class ‘QgsOWSServer’
 QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes )
In file included from
error: candidate is: static QString QgsOWSServer::featureGmlId(const int*,
const QgsAttributeList&)
 static QString featureGmlId( const QgsFeature* f, const
QgsAttributeList& pkAttributes );
src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/build.make:260: recipe for target
'src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/qgsowsserver.cpp.o' failed
make[2]: *** [src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/qgsowsserver.cpp.o]
Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1829: recipe for target
'src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [src/server/CMakeFiles/qgis_server.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:149: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2

I don't understand what is the error.
Seem a compiler incompatibility ?


Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

[Qgis-user] How retrieve the scale value in a composer report

2018-04-19 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I need to produce some reports using the composer and the Atlas.
In each of them I need to add the scale value.

So I try adding a textbox and the value $scale.
Unfortunately I see it return always 0 value.
This is confirmed in the help where is write that the $scale not
alwaysreturn the real scale value, but in some context it return 0 value.

There is some other choice to have the scale value in a composer+atlas
output ?

I'm using the qgis 2.18.

Many thx.

Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

Re: [Qgis-user] A description of attributes in the "Derivate group"

2018-03-16 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Hi Harrissou,

Yes it is what I'm searching for.


2018-03-16 15:27 GMT+01:00 DelazJ <>:

> Hi Andrea,
> There's
> general_tools.html#feature-informations but I don't know if it's what you
> are looking for.
> Regards,
> Harrissou
> 2018-03-16 15:14 GMT+01:00 Andrea Peri <>:
>> Hi,
>> when do an identify, in the result windows , appear also a group named
>> "Derived".
>> In it there is some information . I understand they are calculate
>> directly from QGIS.
>> There is somewhere a description of what mean each of them ?
>> Thx,
>> --
>> -
>> Andrea Peri
>> . . . . . . . . .
>> qwerty àèìòù
>> -
>> ___
>> Qgis-user mailing list
>> List info:
>> Unsubscribe:

Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

[Qgis-user] A description of attributes in the "Derivate group"

2018-03-16 Per discussione Andrea Peri
when do an identify, in the result windows , appear also a group named
In it there is some information . I understand they are calculate directly
from QGIS.

There is somewhere a description of what mean each of them ?


Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

[Qgis-user] QGIS-Server: How support label in map-unit in both epsg:4326 and other projected srs

2018-03-09 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I notice that QGIS when rendering a map in a projected srs and has labels
in map-unit need a value like (as example) "7" this need "do a label of 7
and scale it using the scale value.

But when the project is in epsg:4326 (a decimal degree unit system).
The value for the dimension of the labl in map-unit need to be more lower.
Infact using a value like 7 simply is too big and the label do not appear.

Instead appear if I use a value like 0,0004.

These difference are a big trouble when we pass to qgis-server.

Infact a wms allow the requests of map in a projected srs but also in a
geographical srs like epsg:4326.

These mean that a project server with qgis-server , in the label compoenent
dont work both in projected srs and decimal degree srs.

Should need a workaround to change the dimension of label when the user
request switch from a projected to a geographicsl srs.

So I like to know if someone has found some workaround to have this switch

Many thx,

Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
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Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS ignore the cpg files when loading shapefiles ?

2017-12-29 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I confirm .
The setting is at application level , not at project level.

I have my desktop set to "ignore setting", but when move to qgis-server it
don't use the cpg file.

So now I'm now changing manually all the layers one by one in my project
qgis from System to the effective charset of every single shapefile to use
them on qgis-server.


2017-12-29 13:58 GMT+01:00 Richard Duivenvoorde <>:

> On 29-12-17 13:12, Tobias Wendorff wrote:
> > Am Fr, 29.12.2017, 13:02 schrieb Richard Duivenvoorde:
> >>
> >> So the project is leading
> >
> > Then the setting is in the wrong place. In QGIS3, it's an application
> > wide setting, not a project setting.
> Hi Tobias,
> Sorry. You are right. I was just echoing my interpretation of Paolo's
> email.
> It seems a indeed an application setting:
>  /qgis/ignoreShapeEncoding
> used here:
> qgsogrprovider.cpp#L433
> In desktop defaulting to true:
> I'm not familiar with how the settings/environment are created for the
> server.
> Depending the view on being it a project setting, or a application
> setting, it should be, or NOT be in the project file.
> BUT if not be in the project file, there is maybe a way (via custom
> settings?) to put this kind of stuff in the environment?
> In 3.0 and 2.18 I changed the value to false, but could not find
> anything in the project file.
> I think we should try to define this clearly:
> - should we define it a project or a application
> (?? is one server one application??) setting
> - where does the 'settings' come from for a freshly started qgisserver.
> (as normally you do not use the same server machine on which you run
> desktop)
> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde
> ___
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Andrea Peri
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Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS ignore the cpg files when loading shapefiles ?

2017-12-29 Per discussione Andrea Peri
So in a QGIS desktop theuser can say to QGIS to use the CPG files,
and in QGIS-Server the user cannot say to qgis to use the CPG files, that
is so sistematically ignored.


Il 29 Dic 2017 12:33, "Paolo Cavallini" <> ha scritto:

> Il 29/12/2017 12:32, Andrea Peri ha scritto:
> > Hi Tobias.
> >
> > It work on qgis desktop. THX.
> >
> > Do You know if that setting is available also in gis-server ?
> the server takes data loading options from the project, so you should
> not neet a specific server option.
> all the best.
> --
> Paolo Cavallini -
> QGIS & PostGIS courses:
> ___
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Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS ignore the cpg files when loading shapefiles ?

2017-12-29 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Hi Tobias.

It work on qgis desktop. THX.

Do You know if that setting is available also in gis-server ?


Il 29 Dic 2017 12:25, "Tobias Wendorff" <> ha

> Am Fr, 29.12.2017, 12:19 schrieb Andrea Peri:
> >
> > I like to know if is confirmed that qgis is ignoring the cpg file.
> 1. Goto Settings > Options > Data Sources,
> 2. Check / uncheck "Ignore shapefile encoding declaration".
> One of the top annoying problems I often have to deal with ;)
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[Qgis-user] QGIS ignore the cpg files when loading shapefiles ?

2017-12-29 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I'm using qgis 2.18
I have a charset probem .
So I try to create a cpg file and write on it UTF-8.
But nothing chance.

Instead if a go to properties, and change the CS from "system" to "UTF-8".
I see the labels have rightly reproduced.

I like to know if is confirmed that qgis is ignoring the cpg file.


Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
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Re: [Qgis-user] show vertexes during editing session

2017-02-01 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Afaik the vertexes are always visibile when a dataset is in editing mode .
Almost in 2.16.
Dont ?

Il 01 feb 2017 10:52 AM, "Reginald Carlier" <> ha scritto:


Is there a similar way as in ArcMap to visualize the vertexes of a polygon?
In ArcMap, by pressing ‘v’ I can see the vertexes during an edit session,
so I know where to snap to.

How can I visualize the vertexes in QGIS during an edit session?


Reginald Carlier
Deskundige GIS

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Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS WMS Provider is adding a BGCOLOR parameter ?

2016-12-02 Per discussione Andrea Peri

image format:

2016-12-02 15:33 GMT+01:00 Andrea Peri <>:
> Hi,
> the url of my wms is this:
> the layer in my test is:
> rt_ctr.5k.mosaico_catastale.rt
> A.
> 2016-12-02 15:24 GMT+01:00 Andrea Peri <>:
>> Ho, i dont know the url invoked by qgis.
>> I guess this because the returned map has White transparen.
>> Il 02 dic 2016 2:13 PM, "Nicolas Boisteault"
>> <> ha scritto:
>>> Hi Andrea,
>>> In QGIS 2.18, I don't have the BGCOLOR parameter added. What is your WMS
>>> url?
>>> Nicolas BOISTEAULT
>>> Développeur Web/WebSIG
>>> Observatoire Régional de l'Environnement
>>> Le 02/12/2016 à 07:53, Andrea Peri a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> Is the "wms provider" adding always a parameter BGCOLOR=0xFF to
>>> every GetMap request ?
>>> I notice my maps have all the white color transparent.
>>> I don't understand f it is a default of my wms server or is a hidden
>>> parameter added by QGIS client.
>>> Thx,
>>> A.
>>> _______
>>> Qgis-user mailing list
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> --
> -
> Andrea Peri
> . . . . . . . . .
> qwerty àèìòù
> -

Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
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Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS WMS Provider is adding a BGCOLOR parameter ?

2016-12-02 Per discussione Andrea Peri
the url of my wms is this:

the layer in my test is:


2016-12-02 15:24 GMT+01:00 Andrea Peri <>:
> Ho, i dont know the url invoked by qgis.
> I guess this because the returned map has White transparen.
> Il 02 dic 2016 2:13 PM, "Nicolas Boisteault"
> <> ha scritto:
>> Hi Andrea,
>> In QGIS 2.18, I don't have the BGCOLOR parameter added. What is your WMS
>> url?
>> Développeur Web/WebSIG
>> Observatoire Régional de l'Environnement
>> Le 02/12/2016 à 07:53, Andrea Peri a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> Is the "wms provider" adding always a parameter BGCOLOR=0xFF to
>> every GetMap request ?
>> I notice my maps have all the white color transparent.
>> I don't understand f it is a default of my wms server or is a hidden
>> parameter added by QGIS client.
>> Thx,
>> A.
>> ___
>> Qgis-user mailing list
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Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
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Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS WMS Provider is adding a BGCOLOR parameter ?

2016-12-02 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Ho, i dont know the url invoked by qgis.
I guess this because the returned map has White transparen.

Il 02 dic 2016 2:13 PM, "Nicolas Boisteault" <> ha scritto:

> Hi Andrea,
> In QGIS 2.18, I don't have the BGCOLOR parameter added. What is your WMS
> url?
> Développeur Web/WebSIG
> Observatoire Régional de l'Environnement
> Le 02/12/2016 à 07:53, Andrea Peri a écrit :
> Hi,
> Is the "wms provider" adding always a parameter BGCOLOR=0xFF to
> every GetMap request ?
> I notice my maps have all the white color transparent.
> I don't understand f it is a default of my wms server or is a hidden
> parameter added by QGIS client.
> Thx,
> A.
> ___
> Qgis-user mailing list
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[Qgis-user] QGIS WMS Provider is adding a BGCOLOR parameter ?

2016-12-01 Per discussione Andrea Peri

Is the "wms provider" adding always a parameter BGCOLOR=0xFF to
every GetMap request ?

I notice my maps have all the white color transparent.
I don't understand f it is a default of my wms server or is a hidden
parameter added by QGIS client.


Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
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Re: [Qgis-user] Max size for a page print

2016-11-28 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I found how set the page size for export.
I was using (wrongly) the setting: composer -> page setup

Instead the right setting was in the tabs sections: Composition > Page
Size -> Presets.

Sorry for noise,


2016-11-28 8:43 GMT+01:00 Andrea Peri <>:
> Hi,
> I notice in qgis composer is not possible to set a page size greater
> than the max size of the printer installed drivers.
> I guess this is a right choice when the output is directly to the
> printer. But when the output is a PDF file or a Image file the limit
> seem unuseful.
> With the actual setting of QGIS to produce some PDF with large format
> on a windows machine is need to install a driver for a large format
> printer.
> Unfortunatelly often this drivers refuse to install if there isn't
> really the printer.
> Any help is welcome.
> --
> -
> Andrea Peri
> . . . . . . . . .
> qwerty àèìòù
> -

Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
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[Qgis-user] Max size for a page print

2016-11-27 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I notice in qgis composer is not possible to set a page size greater
than the max size of the printer installed drivers.

I guess this is a right choice when the output is directly to the
printer. But when the output is a PDF file or a Image file the limit
seem unuseful.

With the actual setting of QGIS to produce some PDF with large format
on a windows machine is need to install a driver for a large format
Unfortunatelly often this drivers refuse to install if there isn't
really the printer.

Any help is welcome.

Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
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Re: [Qgis-user] Editing a Postgis view

2016-11-16 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Thx for clarification.
My postgres is a 9.5 version. This explain why it has writable view.

So i Need to try the role Instead of sinpky and often used serial type for


Il 16 nov 2016 19:22, "Nyall Dawson" <> ha scritto:

> On 17 Nov 2016 12:54 AM, "Carlo A. Bertelli (Charta s.r.l.)" <
>> wrote:
> >
> > Ciao Andrea,
> > by default Postgresql views are read only. Even the simplest view made
> in Postgresql needs a rule to be updated.
> That's not quite correct. Recent versions of postgres make simple views
> editable.
> See
> automatically-updatable-views/
> Nyall
> After writing a statement for a view, just take the habit of writing the
> rules for insert, update, delete.
> > Please read the chapter on the Rule System in the Postgresql Reference
> Manual for the instructions.
> > c
> >
> > Message: 6
> > Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2016 09:39:23 +0100
> > From: Andrea Peri <>
> > To: Matthias Kuhn <>
> > Cc: qgis-user <>
> > Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Editing a Postgis view
> > Message-ID:
> > 

Re: [Qgis-user] Editing a Postgis view

2016-11-16 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Hi Carlo.
Thx for response.

I 'm testing better.
But the strange is that the first write was regulrly executed.
If the view was really read-only it should refuse also the first write.

Instead only from the second write I have the error.

And the qgis don't report me a "readonly view.
But instead a "id primary key cannot be nul" constraint violation.

I try to understand better all of this.




2016-11-16 15:54 GMT+01:00 Carlo A. Bertelli (Charta s.r.l.)
> Ciao Andrea,
> by default Postgresql views are read only. Even the simplest view made in
> Postgresql needs a rule to be updated. After writing a statement for a view,
> just take the habit of writing the rules for insert, update, delete.
> Please read the chapter on the Rule System in the Postgresql Reference
> Manual for the instructions.
> c
> Message: 6
> Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2016 09:39:23 +0100
> From: Andrea Peri <>
> To: Matthias Kuhn <>
> Cc: qgis-user <>
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Editing a Postgis view
> Message-ID:

Re: [Qgis-user] Editing a Postgis view

2016-11-16 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Hi Matthias,
thx for response.
So the trouble is in my db.

Now I try to understand better why it is not working.

This is my actual try test:

create table schemaapp.repository(
 ID serial primary key NOT NULL,
 UUID varchar(50) NOT NULL,
 PROGETTO varchar(9) NOT NULL,
 GEOMETRIA1 geometry(MULTIPOINT, 3003)

create view schemaapp.v_repository_point as
 select as id,
  a.uuid as uuid,
  a.progetto as progetto,
  a.procedimento as procedimento,
  a.geometria1 as geometria
  schemappa.repository_wfs as a
  a.geometria1 is not null;

I will know if discover something.
thx again.

2016-11-16 8:54 GMT+01:00 Matthias Kuhn <>:
> Hi Andrea,
> It works here.
> Do you have an instead of insert rule written on your view?
> It works for me this way (but my views are too complicated for postgres
> to create default insert rules by default anyway).
> You can also try to alter your view with a default value for the column
> in question.
> Best regards
> Matthias
> On 11/16/2016 08:15 AM, Andrea Peri wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm having some trouble to edit a postgis view using qgis.
>> The view is a simple:
>> select list-of-field from table1;
>> And the table1 is a table with a Primary key on a serial type field.
>> I add the first record and all was ok. The commit too.
>> When go to add the second record.
>> I start to have trouble.
>> The qgis report my always a constraint violation of the pk.
>> I try to leave the pk field empty, or try to fill it with a value.
>> No solution work.
>> So my question is if is confirmed that qgis (I use the 2.18) version)
>> is working in editing with a postgis view .
>> Thx.
>> A.
> ___
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Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
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[Qgis-user] Editing a Postgis view

2016-11-15 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I'm having some trouble to edit a postgis view using qgis.

The view is a simple:
select list-of-field from table1;

And the table1 is a table with a Primary key on a serial type field.

I add the first record and all was ok. The commit too.
When go to add the second record.
I start to have trouble.
The qgis report my always a constraint violation of the pk.
I try to leave the pk field empty, or try to fill it with a value.
No solution work.

So my question is if is confirmed that qgis (I use the 2.18) version)
is working in editing with a postgis view .


Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
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[Qgis-user] Wrong retrieving of legend from wms when default is not named "default"

2016-10-20 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I notice that the 2.16 (and 2.14) wrong to retrieve the legend from a
GetLegendGraphics when the defaut style is not name as "default".

afaik the ogc specs don't require mandatory the default style named "default".
So Iguess this more probably is an issue of qgis wms provider.

I like some thought or confirm before issue a ticket.


Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
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Re: [Qgis-user] Wrong retrieving of wms legend

2016-09-09 Per discussione Andrea Peri
>> This will cause to receive the legend of ALL the layers.
>> A.
>> Il 03/09/2016 20:03, Richard Duivenvoorde ha scritto:
>>> Ok, at first the problem seemed the dot in the layernames:
>>> This is the GetMap request QGIS fires off:
>>> as you see: LAYERS=rt_ofc.10k54
>>> This is the GetLegendGraphic url created by QGIS:
>>> NOTE: layer=rt_ofc
>>> (all seen in the debug info on QGIS on Linux (Debug)):
>>> Which SHOULD be:
>>> NOTE, I edited: layer=rt_ofc.10k54
>>> Mmm, not much of an legend, but as least NOT an image of all (vector)
>>> layer legends...
>>> So crux is: IF a layer parameter has a dot in it's name, only the first
>>> part is used as parameter
>>> BUT: what is the GetLegendGraphic url advertised by the server:
>>> Mmm, actually no style/LegendURL advertised :-(
>>> points to pickLegend:
>>> which looks ok:
>>> BUT apparently it picks the style of the PARENT-NODE of the layer: THAT
>>> one has
>>> >> xlink:href=""/>
>>> Bingo: that is the one we are actually retrieving, the parent node's
>>> style and legend.
>>> So: not sure if that is desired behaviour... at least not for a legend..
>>> I think what QGIS does is 'inheriting' default styles from parent nodes.
>>> In this case that is plain wrong.
>>> Copy/paste this in an QGIS issue?
>>> Maybe for the getLegend url, the style should not be inherited?
>>> Anybody other ideas?
>>> Regards,
>>> Richard Duivenvoorde
>>> On 03-09-16 16:08, Andrea Peri wrote:
>>>> Hi Richard.
>>>> Effectivelly I tested your wms and using it the legend is correctly
>>>> retrieved only for the layer choose.
>>>> I use qgis 2.16.1.
>>>> After I re-test my original url:
>>>> (this)
>>>> And again I see the qgis retrieve ALL the legend of all the layers.
>>>> I tested other wms of our set of wms service and seem only this has
>>>> that problem.
>>>> So I do some more proof tested.
>>>> And found where is the ISSUE.
>>>> QGIS wrong to get the legend when the layer wms requested HAS NOT A
>>>> LEGEND.
>>>> Infact the issu happened when I ask any layer of our wms that is a
>>>> RASTER LAYER with no legend defined.
>>>> Instead not happened when the layer wms is of a vector dataset (where
>>>> the legend happened).
>>>> SO If you whould test and see the issue you should use our wms service:
>>>> and choose the layer
>>>> rt_ofc.1954
>>>> that return the orthophoto imagery of the year 1954.
>>>> With this layer the qgis will retrieve ALL the legends of th

Re: [Qgis-user] Wrong retrieving of wms legend

2016-09-08 Per discussione Andrea Peri
>>> NOTE, I edited: layer=rt_ofc.10k54
>>> Mmm, not much of an legend, but as least NOT an image of all (vector)
>>> layer legends...
>>> So crux is: IF a layer parameter has a dot in it's name, only the first
>>> part is used as parameter
>>> BUT: what is the GetLegendGraphic url advertised by the server:
>>> Mmm, actually no style/LegendURL advertised :-(
>>> points to pickLegend:
>>> which looks ok:
>>> BUT apparently it picks the style of the PARENT-NODE of the layer: THAT
>>> one has
>>> >> xlink:href=""/>
>>> Bingo: that is the one we are actually retrieving, the parent node's
>>> style and legend.
>>> So: not sure if that is desired behaviour... at least not for a legend..
>>> I think what QGIS does is 'inheriting' default styles from parent nodes.
>>> In this case that is plain wrong.
>>> Copy/paste this in an QGIS issue?
>>> Maybe for the getLegend url, the style should not be inherited?
>>> Anybody other ideas?
>>> Regards,
>>> Richard Duivenvoorde
>>> On 03-09-16 16:08, Andrea Peri wrote:
>>>> Hi Richard.
>>>> Effectivelly I tested your wms and using it the legend is correctly
>>>> retrieved only for the layer choose.
>>>> I use qgis 2.16.1.
>>>> After I re-test my original url:
>>>> (this)
>>>> And again I see the qgis retrieve ALL the legend of all the layers.
>>>> I tested other wms of our set of wms service and seem only this has
>>>> that problem.
>>>> So I do some more proof tested.
>>>> And found where is the ISSUE.
>>>> QGIS wrong to get the legend when the layer wms requested HAS NOT A
>>>> LEGEND.
>>>> Infact the issu happened when I ask any layer of our wms that is a
>>>> RASTER LAYER with no legend defined.
>>>> Instead not happened when the layer wms is of a vector dataset (where
>>>> the legend happened).
>>>> SO If you whould test and see the issue you should use our wms service:
>>>> and choose the layer
>>>> rt_ofc.1954
>>>> that return the orthophoto imagery of the year 1954.
>>>> With this layer the qgis will retrieve ALL the legends of the wms
>>>> service.
>>>> Instead if you choose the layer
>>>> rt_ofc.1954.qu
>>>> that is a vector dataset (quadre of union)
>>>> qgis correctly retrieve only its own legend.
>>>> Please can you confirm this ?
>>>> Thx
>>>> A.
>>>> 2016-09-03 9:51 GMT+02:00 Richard Duivenvoorde <>:
>>>>> On 31-08-16 21:10, Andrea Peri wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I notive that in the qgis 2.14.5 and in the qgis 2.16.1
>>>>>> when adding a layer wms choosing from a list of layers available in
>>>>>> the wms service connected,
>>>>>> qgis retrieve as legend of the layer ALL the legends of all the wms
>>>>>> layer available in the wms service.
>>>>>> Using the 2.8 QGIS version, the legend is retrieve correctly (only the
>>>>>> layer choosed).
>>>>>> Someone can confirm this as an issue ?
>>>>> Hi Andrea,
>>>>> nope, I have 2.16.1 here, and for example this wms:
>>>>> I can choose either provincies or landsgrenzen (provinces or country
>>>>> borders), from that same server and both have their own legend.
>>>>> Do you have a WMS url for which this happens for you?
>>>>> What if you look at the capabilities of that service and do the
>>>>> getLegendGrapicRequest by hand. Is it also wrong?
>>>>> Else: create a good issue, with url's screendumps etc etc
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Richard Duivenvoorde
>> ___
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Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
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Re: [Qgis-user] Wrong retrieving of wms legend

2016-09-03 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Hi Richard.
Effectivelly I tested your wms and using it the legend is correctly
retrieved only for the layer choose.
I use qgis 2.16.1.
After I re-test my original url:

And again I see the qgis retrieve ALL the legend of all the layers.
I tested other wms of our set of wms service and seem only this has
that problem.

So I do some more proof tested.

And found where is the ISSUE.
QGIS wrong to get the legend when the layer wms requested HAS NOT A LEGEND.
Infact the issu happened when I ask any layer of our wms that is a
RASTER LAYER with no legend defined.
Instead not happened when the layer wms is of a vector dataset (where
the legend happened).

SO If you whould test and see the issue you should use our wms service:

and choose the layer

that return the orthophoto imagery of the year 1954.
With this layer the qgis will retrieve ALL the legends of the wms service.

Instead if you choose the layer
that is a vector dataset (quadre of union)
qgis correctly retrieve only its own legend.

Please can you confirm this ?



2016-09-03 9:51 GMT+02:00 Richard Duivenvoorde <>:
> On 31-08-16 21:10, Andrea Peri wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I notive that in the qgis 2.14.5 and in the qgis 2.16.1
>> when adding a layer wms choosing from a list of layers available in
>> the wms service connected,
>> qgis retrieve as legend of the layer ALL the legends of all the wms
>> layer available in the wms service.
>> Using the 2.8 QGIS version, the legend is retrieve correctly (only the
>> layer choosed).
>> Someone can confirm this as an issue ?
> Hi Andrea,
> nope, I have 2.16.1 here, and for example this wms:
> I can choose either provincies or landsgrenzen (provinces or country
> borders), from that same server and both have their own legend.
> Do you have a WMS url for which this happens for you?
> What if you look at the capabilities of that service and do the
> getLegendGrapicRequest by hand. Is it also wrong?
> Else: create a good issue, with url's screendumps etc etc
> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde

Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù
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[Qgis-user] Wrong retrieving of wms legend

2016-08-31 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I notive that in the qgis 2.14.5 and in the qgis 2.16.1
when adding a layer wms choosing from a list of layers available in
the wms service connected,
qgis retrieve as legend of the layer ALL the legends of all the wms
layer available in the wms service.
Using the 2.8 QGIS version, the legend is retrieve correctly (only the
layer choosed).

Someone can confirm this as an issue ?


Andrea Peri
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Re: [Qgis-user] Plotting Geological Symbols

2016-08-20 Per discussione Andrea Peri
If you interested
In tuscany website is available a package with qgis project dataset and of
course the svg.
You could see how use them in that qgis project.
Hope this help.

Il 20 ago 2016 06:30, "Grant Boxer"  ha scritto:

I am wanting to know how to plot geological symbols, like dips and strikes,
with correctly oriented symbols. Does anyone have a pro-forma data sheet
for geological observations that they use to import into QGIS? I have svg
symbol libraries from the USGS and Tuscany Geological Survey.

Grant Boxer

Perth, Western Australia

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[Qgis-user] How set default as "show all features"

2016-08-11 Per discussione Andrea Peri
When start qgis is always starting with option "show feature visible
on map" in attribute windows.
I know is possible to change it to "show all features".
But when I close qgis and restart it it return to original setting
"show feature visible on map".

The option "show feature visible on map".

Too much times our users give us some datasets where there is hidden
wrong records because outside from visibility box.

These happened because our users forgot to set the "show all features"
and so dont see the wrong records to delete.

There is a configure solution to set qgis to start always with option
"show all features" ?


Andrea Peri
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Re: [Qgis-user] How to use GetFeatureInfo with a WMS on QGIS

2016-08-10 Per discussione Andrea Peri
If the identify is disabled, it mean that actually your mapfile of
mapserver is not set to allow a getfeatureinfo response.


Il 10 ago 2016 09:48, "Jean-Christophe Bastin"  ha

> Hello everyone,
> Maybe it's an easy issue, but I didn't found how to.
> I created a WMS with MapServer. I know that the service works well, it
> shows in QGIS and other GIS softwares, but I would like to test the
> GetFeatureInfo in QGIS.
> The infotool stays disabled. How do I make a WMS layer queryable in QGIS ?
> Many thanks.
> ___
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Re: [Qgis-user] Trouble with a qgis project for qgis-server

2016-08-04 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Thx Jurgen.
I dont remenber of it.
I suppose the crssync is to run manually on linux when compiled from sources.

2016-08-04 16:55 GMT+02:00 Jürgen E. <>:
> Hi Andrea,
> On Thu, 04. Aug 2016 at 16:52:08 +0200, Andrea Peri wrote:
>> I verify the 2.14 released with source.
>> There isnt the epsg:6707.
>> So it is not alligned to the epsg-db 8.4
>> I don't undesratn why the OSGEO version of the same QGIS 2.14 is
>> instead aligned to the epsg 8.4.
> Because crssync is run on install (same as for the debian packages).
> Jürgen
> --
> Jürgen E. Fischer   norBIT GmbH Tel. +49-4931-918175-31
> Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Rheinstraße 13  Fax. +49-4931-918175-50
> Software Engineer   D-26506 Norden
> ___
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Andrea Peri
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Re: [Qgis-user] Trouble with a qgis project for qgis-server

2016-08-04 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I verify the 2.14 released with source.
There isnt the epsg:6707.
So it is not alligned to the epsg-db 8.4

I don't undesratn why the OSGEO version of the same QGIS 2.14 is
instead aligned to the epsg 8.4.

Any explanation is welcome

2016-08-04 16:47 GMT+02:00 Andrea Peri <>:
> Hi,
> Perhaps I found the issue.
> The QGIS on our server is a QGIS 2.14 but has some difference at srs level .
> Infact the srs.db has not the EPSG:6707 definition that i sused by our 
> datasets.
> The EPSG:6707 is instead available in the windows version of qgis.
> I verify also that the proj installed in the same server has that definition.
> So the trouble is that the compile procedure more probably don't load
> that definition.
> 2016-08-03 21:40 GMT+02:00 Andrea Peri <>:
>> Hi,
>> I have this error from a qgis-server 2.14 wms invoke:
>> Invalid Layer: WMS provider Cannot calculate extent Raster layer
>> Provider is not valid (provider: wms, URI:
>> contextualWMSLegend=0=EPSG:3003=7=10=image/png=dbtm_1988_2007==
>> I don't understand well what mean
>> wms provider cannot calculate extent Raster layer
>> any hint is welcome,
>> thx.
>> --
>> -
>> Andrea Peri
>> . . . . . . . . .
>> qwerty àèìòù
>> -
> --
> -
> Andrea Peri
> . . . . . . . . .
> qwerty àèìòù
> -

Andrea Peri
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Re: [Qgis-user] Trouble with a qgis project for qgis-server

2016-08-04 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Perhaps I found the issue.
The QGIS on our server is a QGIS 2.14 but has some difference at srs level .
Infact the srs.db has not the EPSG:6707 definition that i sused by our datasets.
The EPSG:6707 is instead available in the windows version of qgis.

I verify also that the proj installed in the same server has that definition.
So the trouble is that the compile procedure more probably don't load
that definition.

2016-08-03 21:40 GMT+02:00 Andrea Peri <>:
> Hi,
> I have this error from a qgis-server 2.14 wms invoke:
> Invalid Layer: WMS provider Cannot calculate extent Raster layer
> Provider is not valid (provider: wms, URI:
> contextualWMSLegend=0=EPSG:3003=7=10=image/png=dbtm_1988_2007==
> I don't understand well what mean
> wms provider cannot calculate extent Raster layer
> any hint is welcome,
> thx.
> --
> -
> Andrea Peri
> . . . . . . . . .
> qwerty àèìòù
> -

Andrea Peri
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Re: [Qgis-user] Trouble with a qgis project for qgis-server

2016-08-04 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I found the issue !

The error born when setting the SHORT-NAME in the metadata section of layer.

I test it on qgis 2.14.5 as client and 2.14.3 as qgis-server.
I dont know if is an issue of QGIS desktop side or of qgis-server side.

Please, someone can confirm this issue ?


2016-08-04 10:12 GMT+02:00 Andrea Peri <>:
> Yes, I set it with button use the canvas extent.
> 2016-08-04 9:52 GMT+02:00 Nicolas Boisteault
> <>:
>> Hi,
>> Did you set the extent in your QGIS Server project properties in OWS Server
>> tab?
>> Le 2016-08-03 21:40, Andrea Peri a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I have this error from a qgis-server 2.14 wms invoke:
>> Invalid Layer: WMS provider Cannot calculate extent Raster layer
>> Provider is not valid (provider: wms, URI:
>> contextualWMSLegend=0=EPSG:3003=7=10=image/png=dbtm_1988_2007==
>> I don't understand well what mean
>> wms provider cannot calculate extent Raster layer
>> any hint is welcome,
>> thx.
> --
> -
> Andrea Peri
> . . . . . . . . .
> qwerty àèìòù
> -

Andrea Peri
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[Qgis-user] QGIS don't understand the geometry from getfeatureinfo of a qgis-server

2016-08-04 Per discussione Andrea Peri
We have two main wms systems.
The first is with a mapserver.
The second is with a qgis-server 2.14.

Using qgis 2.14 as a wms client on my desktop, when connect to the
mapserver and do a GetFeatureInfo from a layer of mapserver.
I receive the information and if I swith to the "feature response" I
can see the geometry painted in the canvas thx to the GML retrieved
from the getfeatureinfo response.

When connect to the qgis-server 2.14 add a layer and do a
GetFeatureInfo from a layer of our qgis-server, I receive the
information and if I switch to the "feature response" I can read the
GML in the list of attributes, BUT I DONT HAVE any polygon geometry
painted in the canvas.

I try also to check the options "add geometry to feature response" in
server settings page, but no change to this.

Is confirmed that QGIS client don't recognize at vector level the GML
from a QGIS-Server getfetureinfo response ?

Thx in advance.


Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
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[Qgis-user] Trouble with a qgis project for qgis-server

2016-08-03 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I have this error from a qgis-server 2.14 wms invoke:

Invalid Layer: WMS provider Cannot calculate extent Raster layer
Provider is not valid (provider: wms, URI:

I don't understand well what mean
wms provider cannot calculate extent Raster layer

any hint is welcome,

Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
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Re: [Qgis-user] Locate the error messages in qgis 2.14.5 and windows

2016-08-03 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I have success to "pause" the message box,
thx for hint.

2016-08-03 18:07 GMT+02:00 Andrea Peri <>:
> Its hard click in time under window.
> The dialog of wms.provider is blocking on windows.
> Il 03 ago 2016 17:27, "Nicolas Boisteault"
> <> ha scritto:
>> Hi,
>> You can pause the message by clicking the pause button at left in the
>> message area.
>> To debug WMS/WFS your best bet is to use Fiddler to watch HTTP request.
>> Développeur Web/WebSIG
>> Observatoire Régional de l'Environnement
>> Téléport 4 Antarès - BP 50163 - 86962 Futuroscope Chasseneuil Cedex
>> Tél : 05 49 49 71 18
>> Le 03/08/2016 à 16:07, Andrea Peri a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> I try to connect to a wms service using qgis 2.14.5.
>>> But something is wrong and in the upper side of the canva appear a
>>> little red message box .
>>> But it disapper after 3 seconds.
>>> I need to read better it and so open the message panle, but it is not
>>> reported on it.
>>> There is a specific log for error messages from wms ?
>>> I use windows 7.
>>> Thx,
>> ___
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Andrea Peri
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Re: [Qgis-user] Locate the error messages in qgis 2.14.5 and windows

2016-08-03 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Its hard click in time under window.
The dialog of wms.provider is blocking on windows.

Il 03 ago 2016 17:27, "Nicolas Boisteault" <> ha scritto:

> Hi,
> You can pause the message by clicking the pause button at left in the
> message area.
> To debug WMS/WFS your best bet is to use Fiddler to watch HTTP request.
> Développeur Web/WebSIG
> Observatoire Régional de l'Environnement
> Téléport 4 Antarès - BP 50163 - 86962 Futuroscope Chasseneuil Cedex
> Tél : 05 49 49 71 18
> Le 03/08/2016 à 16:07, Andrea Peri a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I try to connect to a wms service using qgis 2.14.5.
>> But something is wrong and in the upper side of the canva appear a
>> little red message box .
>> But it disapper after 3 seconds.
>> I need to read better it and so open the message panle, but it is not
>> reported on it.
>> There is a specific log for error messages from wms ?
>> I use windows 7.
>> Thx,
> ___
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[Qgis-user] Locate the error messages in qgis 2.14.5 and windows

2016-08-03 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I try to connect to a wms service using qgis 2.14.5.
But something is wrong and in the upper side of the canva appear a
little red message box .
But it disapper after 3 seconds.
I need to read better it and so open the message panle, but it is not
reported on it.

There is a specific log for error messages from wms ?
I use windows 7.


Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
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Re: [Qgis-user] Mutually exclusive command disappeared in 2.16

2016-08-03 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Hi Andrea,
now it is appeared also to me .
Perhaps a strange corruption due a defective project.
However now it is working.
Thx again,

2016-08-03 12:54 GMT+02:00 Neumann, Andreas <>:
> Seems fine in my QGIS 2.16 - see screenshot attached. Checked and also works
> fine.
> Andreas
> On 2016-08-03 12:44, Andrea Peri wrote:
> Hi,
> I notice in the 2.16 is no more available the "mutually exclusive"
> option in the contextual menu of a group.
> Is it available in some other part of qgis menus or an issue ?
> Thx,
> A.

Andrea Peri
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[Qgis-user] Mutually exclusive command disappeared in 2.16

2016-08-03 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I notice in the 2.16 is no more available the "mutually exclusive"
option in the contextual menu of a group.
Is it available in some other part of qgis menus or an issue ?


Andrea Peri
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[Qgis-user] Shapefile with file .cpg(codepage)

2016-07-07 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I have some shapefiles with an extra file having extension .cpg.
The .cpg extension is a optional extension for declaration of Code-Page.
Is this file knowed and supported from QGIS 2.14. ?

I don't know if the qgis when loading a shapefile is using the ogr or
instead is using an own shapefile provider, but however I don't know
if gdal is knowing and using this .cpg file.


Andrea Peri
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Re: [Qgis-user] Is QGIS showing the records with geometry NULL

2016-05-26 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Hi jukka.
I guess empty geometry is a not null geometry.
Il 26 mag 2016 4:34 PM, "Rahkonen Jukka (MML)" <> ha scritto:

> Hi,
> We spent some time with empty geometries in OpenJUMP and I attach some
> test data from those experiments. Feel free to use it in the QGIS feature
> request. Zip contains point, line, and polygon shapefiles, each having 8
> features but only one feature with geometry.  From the WKT files you can
> see that there are actually different kind of empty geometries. I even did
> not bother to think about Z, M, and ZM geometries.
> One may say that empty is always just empty but one needs also to think
> what happens if user copies POLYGON EMPTY and tries to paste it into a
> point layer. Should copy be denied or empty geometry converted into POINT
> EMPTY? For OpenJUMP that does not matter because it can handle all kind of
> geometries on the same layer. However, saving POINT EMPTY into polygon
> shapefile may fail and therefore OpenJUMP can convert even empty geometries
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
> Andrea Peri wrote:
> Hi Jukka,
> yes is exactly this the question.
> The QGIS don't show any record with null geometry so is impossible for me
> to add a geometry to it. Or delete it definitivelly.
> But the record with null geometry is however saved when I export the
> shapefile from qgis.
> So the QGIS show me 14 records but export a shapefile with 16 records
> (2 records has null geometry).
> So when load it in a spatialite or on a postgis environment or open it
> using another GIS like arcview3 from esri.
> I see this two more records with null geometry.
> AFAIK this is a chaotic situation for who work using qgis and produce a
> shapefile to distribute to other users that has other gis softwares.
> A.
> 2016-05-26 10:24 GMT+02:00 Jukka Rahkonen <
> > Nicolas Cadieux <nicolas.cadieux@...> writes:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >> Is it possible that the 2 missing records were deleted in another GIS?
> > There is an issue with deleting records in shape file as there are
> > many ways to do that.  If the record were deleted in another GIS, they
> > may show up (or
> > not) in another software. Could that be it...
> >> Nicolas
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I suppose that Andrea means a valid situation with real existing
> > features which just do not have geometry. They are valid in shapefiles
> > but many GIS software have difficulties in dealing with them.
> > Naturally they cannot be showed on the map and spatial queries can't
> > find them but they should be found from attribute view and be editable
> there.
> >
> > -Jukka Rahkonen-
> > ___
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> --
> -
> Andrea Peri
> . . . . . . . . .
> qwerty àèìòù
> -
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Re: [Qgis-user] Is QGIS showing the records with geometry NULL

2016-05-26 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Hi Jukka,
yes is exactly this the question.

The QGIS don't show any record with null geometry so is impossible for
me to add a geometry to it. Or delete it definitivelly.

But the record with null geometry is however saved when I export the
shapefile from qgis.

So the QGIS show me 14 records but export a shapefile with 16 records
(2 records has null geometry).

So when load it in a spatialite or on a postgis environment or open it
using another GIS like arcview3 from esri.
I see this two more records with null geometry.

AFAIK this is a chaotic situation for who work using qgis and produce
a shapefile to distribute to other users that has other gis softwares.


2016-05-26 10:24 GMT+02:00 Jukka Rahkonen <>:
> Nicolas Cadieux <nicolas.cadieux@...> writes:
>> Hi,
>> Is it possible that the 2 missing records were deleted in another GIS?
> There is an issue with deleting records in shape file as there are many ways
> to do that.  If the record were deleted in another GIS, they may show up (or
> not) in another software. Could that be it...
>> Nicolas
> Hi,
> I suppose that Andrea means a valid situation with real existing features
> which just do not have geometry. They are valid in shapefiles but many GIS
> software have difficulties in dealing with them. Naturally they cannot be
> showed on the map and spatial queries can't find them but they should be
> found from attribute view and be editable there.
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
> ___
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Andrea Peri
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[Qgis-user] Is QGIS showing the records with geometry NULL

2016-05-25 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I have a shapefile with 164 records where 2 records have null geometry.

When load on qgis 2.14.2 it show me only a table with 162 records.
I try to set the show all fature in initial extent but no result.
The two geometry null records are not showed.

Any hint on this ?


Andrea Peri
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Re: [Qgis-user] Clip - unsupported geometrytype -2147483646

2016-04-15 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Some time the intersection of two polygon geometry could generate a
multipolygon or also a linestring or also a point result or also a
collection of all the previous type.
Nothing is wrong this happen when the geometria are not true topological.
Il 15 apr 2016 15:08, "Lene Fischer"  ha scritto:


Trying to clip a vector line layer with a vector polygon layer I get an

“Input layer has unsupported geometry type -2147483646”

Both layers has the same CRS

Both layers are checked for illegal geometry.

Earlier today I performed same action with data created in QGIS and with a
perfect result.

The data look similar in the browser – metatdata.

Any suggestion to what might be wrong.


*Lene Fischer*

Associate Professor

*Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management*

University of Copenhagen

MOB +45 40115084

[image: cid:image001.gif@01D03029.2F3EC6A0]

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Re: [Qgis-user] Qgis what epsg text file is using

2016-04-09 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Thx for info.
It is what I need to know.


2016-04-09 13:26 GMT+02:00 Andre Joost <>:
> Am 09.04.2016 um 10:21 schrieb Andrea Peri:
>> Hi,
>> For our internal use i need customize the epsg file of the PROJ.
>> I customize the epsg of the PROJ installed in the path /usr/loca/
>> But it seem dont be used from the qgis that still is doing as if the epsg
>> was not changed.
>> So i guess the qgis could use an its own internal PROJ or an its internal
>> epsg file.
>> If this is true, i like to know where is stored the epsg information for
>> proj
>> To be able to customize also they.
> QGIS uses its own CRS database srs.db, on Linux in
> /usr/share/qgis/resources/ and on Windows in C:\Program Files\QGIS
> Essen\apps\qgis\resources.
> During installation, it synchronizes the default file with the projections
> from an installed GDAL version. On Linux, it is crssync in /usr/lib/qgis;
> under Windows, crssync.exe is in C:\Program Files\QGIS Essen\apps\qgis.
> Once done, it does not look into the GDAL files anymore (except for external
> GDAL commands).
> You might re-run the synchronize tool, or do your changes in the srs.db,
> table tbl_srs. It is a spatialite database, so all tools that can edit
> sqlite databases should work.
> HTH,
> André Joost
> ___
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Andrea Peri
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[Qgis-user] Qgis what epsg text file is using

2016-04-09 Per discussione Andrea Peri
For our internal use i need customize the epsg file of the PROJ.
I customize the epsg of the PROJ installed in the path /usr/loca/
But it seem dont be used from the qgis that still is doing as if the epsg
was not changed.
So i guess the qgis could use an its own internal PROJ or an its internal
epsg file.
If this is true, i like to know where is stored the epsg information for
To be able to customize also they.

Every info is welcome,

Andrea Peri
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[Qgis-user] qgis 2.14 dont start grass

2016-03-23 Per discussione Andrea Peri
my qgis 2.14 from install offline or from osgeo4w 32bit
will not start any toold from grass.
It report always this message:

Missing dependency. This algorithm cannot be run :-(

GRASS GIS 7 folder is not configured. Please configure it before
running GRASS GIS 7 algorithms.

I try the standalone install version 2.14 or 2.12.
I try also the 2.14 from osgeo4w.

Is this confirmed or it could be a local problem of my window pc ?


Andrea Peri
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[Qgis-user] QGIS will display invalid geometries when under their extent ?

2016-03-22 Per discussione Andrea Peri
I report some days ago about a trouble on a line geometry that will
disappear when zoom.
So I open a ticket with a sample.

In the discussion will say that qgis could not be able to display any
invalid geometry (disabling it ?) when the extent is molesser then
canvas extent.

I need to know if this is true.
Because this mean that with QGIS WILL NEVER possible to resolve an
invalid geometry editing it.
This beacause qgis simply remove it when zoom forward the invalid vertex point.

I need to know if this is true or a miss something.


Andrea Peri
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[Qgis-user] Disappearing line

2016-03-20 Per discussione Andrea Peri
We have a line shapefile produced with qgis with some strange issue.
When add it to a new empty qgis project and show at  full extent it is visible.
Instead , when zoom at details it simply disapplear.

I never seen this before.

So I open an issue and try to add the shapefile to the ticket. (it is
about 300kb) so perhaps could not possible to add.
Bu I'like to know if someone before now has seen this really strange issue.

The shapefile is with 1 only records multilinestring .
Obtained manually from we with many day of editing work at big details
(about 1:2000) and after this dissolved into 1 only geometry with many
After this dissolve it work again for some day, where we apply others editing.
And yesterdays we dont know we it start to do this strange
disappearing at the details level.

Any information is welcome.

Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
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Re: [Qgis-user] The "save as" project dont seem work.

2016-03-20 Per discussione Andrea Peri
My 2.14 is the offline instal version 32 bit.
Could they be so difference ?
Il 17 mar 2016 8:48 AM, "Richard Duivenvoorde" <> ha

> On 16-03-16 08:43, Andrea Peri wrote:
> > Hi, in the new 2.14 i see the command " save as" dont seem work.
> > Before issue a ticket i like to know if this is confirmed in other
> > previous versions.
> > I never use this command and so i dont know how old is this issue.
> > I use windows and i guess that this issue is windows only.
> I'm behind a windooz machine now, osgeo4w 64b and with me 'Project Save
> As' is working fine here?
> Regards,
> Richard
> ___
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Re: [Qgis-user] Disappearing line

2016-03-19 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Just another little update.

I try to analyze the new shapefile with the invalidity resolved, using
the geometry checker di qgis, but when click OK, the qgis (2.14) will

Now I add this new shapefile to the ticket.


2016-03-18 11:36 GMT+01:00 Andrea Peri <>:
> Hi,
> some updates.
> I try to resolve all the invalidity using the MakeValid command of
> spatialite/postgis, It report me to resolve some invalidity,
> but after reload the shapefile on QGIS still it disappear at details level.
> A.
> 2016-03-18 11:22 GMT+01:00 Andrea Peri <>:
>> Thx for feedback.
>> We have not a solution inside QGIS to resolve this problem, because
>> when zoom to details the canvas stop to showing it.
>> The problem is that this kind of problem is born inside QGIS meanwhile
>> editing it.
>> After this issue was born in editing session , the shapefile is no
>> more editable on qgis because it is unusable at details.
>> Unfortunatelly we have no other GIS solution othe than QGIS so we are
>> searching a solution to resolve it.
>> Now I try to load it inside a spatialite environment and do a
>> MakeValid hoping this could resolve it definitivelly.
>> Thx again,
>> A.
>> 2016-03-18 9:51 GMT+01:00 Andre Joost <>:
>>> Am 18.03.2016 um 07:52 schrieb Andrea Peri:
>>>>> After this dissolve it work again for some day, where we apply others
>>>>> editing.
>>>>> And yesterdays we dont know we it start to do this strange
>>>>> disappearing at the details level.
>>>>> Any information is welcome.
>>> If I run Cheeeck Geometry validity, it reports 36 errors.
>>> You should eliminate the duplicate nodes and one-node-lines and try again.
>>> HTH,
>>> AndréJoost
>>> ___
>>> Qgis-user mailing list
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>> --
>> -
>> Andrea Peri
>> . . . . . . . . .
>> qwerty àèìòù
>> -
> --
> -
> Andrea Peri
> . . . . . . . . .
> qwerty àèìòù
> -

Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
Qgis-user mailing list
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Re: [Qgis-user] Disappearing line

2016-03-19 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Thx for feedback.

We have not a solution inside QGIS to resolve this problem, because
when zoom to details the canvas stop to showing it.

The problem is that this kind of problem is born inside QGIS meanwhile
editing it.

After this issue was born in editing session , the shapefile is no
more editable on qgis because it is unusable at details.

Unfortunatelly we have no other GIS solution othe than QGIS so we are
searching a solution to resolve it.

Now I try to load it inside a spatialite environment and do a
MakeValid hoping this could resolve it definitivelly.

Thx again,


2016-03-18 9:51 GMT+01:00 Andre Joost <>:
> Am 18.03.2016 um 07:52 schrieb Andrea Peri:
>>> After this dissolve it work again for some day, where we apply others
>>> editing.
>>> And yesterdays we dont know we it start to do this strange
>>> disappearing at the details level.
>>> Any information is welcome.
> If I run Cheeeck Geometry validity, it reports 36 errors.
> You should eliminate the duplicate nodes and one-node-lines and try again.
> HTH,
> AndréJoost
> ___
> Qgis-user mailing list
> List info:
> Unsubscribe:

Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

Re: [Qgis-user] Disappearing line

2016-03-19 Per discussione Andrea Peri
some updates.
I try to resolve all the invalidity using the MakeValid command of
spatialite/postgis, It report me to resolve some invalidity,
but after reload the shapefile on QGIS still it disappear at details level.


2016-03-18 11:22 GMT+01:00 Andrea Peri <>:
> Thx for feedback.
> We have not a solution inside QGIS to resolve this problem, because
> when zoom to details the canvas stop to showing it.
> The problem is that this kind of problem is born inside QGIS meanwhile
> editing it.
> After this issue was born in editing session , the shapefile is no
> more editable on qgis because it is unusable at details.
> Unfortunatelly we have no other GIS solution othe than QGIS so we are
> searching a solution to resolve it.
> Now I try to load it inside a spatialite environment and do a
> MakeValid hoping this could resolve it definitivelly.
> Thx again,
> A.
> 2016-03-18 9:51 GMT+01:00 Andre Joost <>:
>> Am 18.03.2016 um 07:52 schrieb Andrea Peri:
>>>> After this dissolve it work again for some day, where we apply others
>>>> editing.
>>>> And yesterdays we dont know we it start to do this strange
>>>> disappearing at the details level.
>>>> Any information is welcome.
>> If I run Cheeeck Geometry validity, it reports 36 errors.
>> You should eliminate the duplicate nodes and one-node-lines and try again.
>> HTH,
>> AndréJoost
>> _______
>> Qgis-user mailing list
>> List info:
>> Unsubscribe:
> --
> -
> Andrea Peri
> . . . . . . . . .
> qwerty àèìòù
> -

Andrea Peri
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qwerty àèìòù
Qgis-user mailing list
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Re: [Qgis-user] Disappearing line

2016-03-18 Per discussione Andrea Peri
Issue the ticket.
The package with sample (shapefle and qgis project) is loaded
correctly in the ticket system.

2016-03-18 7:45 GMT+01:00 Andrea Peri <>:
> Hi,
> We have a line shapefile produced with qgis with some strange issue.
> When add it to a new empty qgis project and show at  full extent it is 
> visible.
> Instead , when zoom at details it simply disapplear.
> I never seen this before.
> So I open an issue and try to add the shapefile to the ticket. (it is
> about 300kb) so perhaps could not possible to add.
> Bu I'like to know if someone before now has seen this really strange issue.
> The shapefile is with 1 only records multilinestring .
> Obtained manually from we with many day of editing work at big details
> (about 1:2000) and after this dissolved into 1 only geometry with many
> parts.
> After this dissolve it work again for some day, where we apply others editing.
> And yesterdays we dont know we it start to do this strange
> disappearing at the details level.
> Any information is welcome.
> --
> -
> Andrea Peri
> . . . . . . . . .
> qwerty àèìòù
> -

Andrea Peri
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