Re: [Qgis-user] [Qgis-developer] Fwd: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Google Summer of Code ideas page: action required latest by February 5th!

2017-02-01 Per discussione Barry Rowlingson
Is there a wiki or somewhere a list of qgis-based projects for GSoC?
I'd like to propose a QGIS-R mapping interface

I've mentored a couple of projects in the past, would be nice to do another one.

On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 5:22 PM, Werner Macho  wrote:
> Hi all!
> And again a reminder from OSGEO.
> Hope that there will be some more mentors and ideas until sunday!
> best wishes
> Werner
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Margherita Di Leo 
> Date: Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 5:18 PM
> Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Google Summer of Code ideas page: action
> required latest by February 5th!
> To: OSGeo Discussions 
> Dear All,
> This is a remind that the ideas page, complete with mentors, are due
> by Feb 5th. Several projects are still missing, it would be a pity if
> this is because they weren't reached by this email, so please spread
> the word to your own community!
> Thanks
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Margherita Di Leo 
> Date: Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 9:16 AM
> Subject: Google Summer of Code ideas page: action required latest by
> February 5th!
> To:
> Dear All,
> It’s that time of the year again!
> Applications for Google Summer of Code 2017 are now open for would-be
> mentor organizations, and we are in the process of applying on behalf
> of OSGeo. At this stage, it is extremely important that we put up a
> nice and informative ideas page, that Google will look at in order to
> evaluate OSGeo’s application.
> *We need your help!*
> As previous years, we will create an OSGeo Ideas page, that links to
> software communities ideas pages. If you wish to participate, please,
> start listing the ideas and the corresponding mentors of your software
> community and send us the link to your wiki page latest by February
> 5th.
> And spread the word as much as you can!!
> *Please note that from this year we have set up a group email for
> admin purpose where you can reach all of us OSGeo GSoC admins at once:
> For further GSoC-related discussions e.g. inter/cross-project
> ideas/proposals, ideas discussions, etc please use the long
> established OSGeo’s SoC -- Google Summer of Code Coordination mailing
> list (
> Thank you
> the OSGeo GSoC Admins Team 2017
> --
> Margherita Di Leo
> --
> Margherita Di Leo
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> ___
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[Qgis-user] Re: [Qgis-developer] New Python console idea: Expanding the Python console to handle DSLs for plugins eg CADTools

2011-06-17 Per discussione Barry Rowlingson
On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 4:36 AM, Nathan Woodrow wrote:

 Well would that be such a bad thing? The DSLs can return a object from the
 evaluated string so why not let them be mixed.  This would mean you can do
 things like:

 mypythonVar = (SQL:Select Sum(column) From Table)
 #Some more python code to assign the value to a QgsFeature

 Oh I didnt say it was bad, just tricky! Done right it would be good -
Python in Qgis is getting variable values from C++ all the time.

 For example, someone might think they can do:

  foo = 1 + 2 # python
  SQL: select * from table where x=foo

In fact, I'd be quite frustrated if I couldn't do that in a single
console. So to implement this, you've got to have some way of getting
variables from one interpreter into another, so you might end up with:

  SQL: select * from table where x=PYTHON:foo

but now you are parsing everything before it gets to the destination
parser, but that could be ambiguous with the destination language. So
then the console becomes a macro language all of its own...

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: [Qgis-developer] New Python console idea: Expanding the Python console to handle DSLs for plugins eg CADTools

2011-06-17 Per discussione Barry Rowlingson
On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 1:55 PM, Nathan Woodrow wrote:

 Function MyFunction(someStringVar) as String
    Return Foo Bar  + someStringVar
 End Function
 And then in the SQL statement.
 UPDATE table SET column = MyFunction(Hello World) where column  100
 This would call MyFunction() for each feature and call a update.  However
 one shortfall of this is that you couldn't define functions in the
 interactive Mapbasic shell inside MapInfo, meaning that you had to write a
 custom script just to do the above.

 Yes, but I think once you get beyond three-liners you are going to
want to save these things in a file anyway. In python you'd just stuck
them in a .py file and import them. I don't really see typing at the
console as a good place for doing program development to any great

 Like you said we should just have to find way to say this is a python
 variable and this is part of the string to send to the DSL.   You might
 be able to use something like %%variableName or %%functionName. The console
 would parse the string that goes to the DSL and build a dictionary with
 %%variableName = realPythonVariable and then sends the string and the
 dictionary to the DSL which at that point it's up it to worry about
 evaluating and replacing the values and functions.

Yup, if you restrict yourself to putting python variable values into
other languages then that's a possibility. Not sure how you'll be
evaluating python functions with SQL variable argument though? Are you
expecting to be able to do:

 import math
 SQL: select years,months from foo where years  %%math.sqrt(months)

 - since that would mean getting SQL values (months) passed to Python...

 Even simple replacement of python variables us going to be tricky
since python variables can evaluate to all sorts of things - are you
just going to use the 'str' representation?

 A nice list of use cases would be interesting.

 Of course if you are willing to develop this then you can do what you
want :) There doesn't seem to be a lot of interest from the devs...

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: [Qgis-developer] New Python console idea: Expanding the Python console to handle DSLs for plugins eg CADTools

2011-06-16 Per discussione Barry Rowlingson
On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 12:33 PM, Nathan Woodrow wrote:

 I would appreciated any feedback anyone has.  I'm not a python expert so the
 code could be done better if done for real but at the moment it's just rough
 to get the idea out there.

 I like the idea of supplying console functionality for plugins.

 I don't like the idea of piggybacking via PREFIX: foo syntax onto Python.

 People might think they can mix python variables with variables in
other DSLs. Which would be tricky.

 What might be nice would be if the Python console could exist in a
tabbed window, and plugins could have an 'open console' option, which
would add a tab to the python console. This would provide standard
console functionality and then feed the lines to a handler registered
by the plugin.

 Maybe you could even have seventeen python console tabs open at once
next to four SQL command tabs and one interface to the QGIS API
written in perl?

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: [Qgis-developer] Send us your tips!

2011-02-19 Per discussione Barry Rowlingson
On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Tim Sutton wrote:

 Yesterday I added a 'tip of the day' type dialog that appears when
 QGIS starts. You have probably have seen a similar feature in other

 Please tell me there's a 'don't show tips anymore' checkbox on the
dialog? These things are great for beginners, but soon get in the way
when you have real work to do.

 And no, before you ask, we are not going to implement a
 'Mr. Paperclip' function next :-).

 Aw no, that would be great! Imagine:

 Hi! It looks like you're trying to classify areas by population
sizes! Would you like me to:

   * create population densities?
   * divide into age-related population bands?

Okay, I'm being ironic this time!

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-developer] Re: [Qgis-user] bugfix and cheating

2010-02-08 Per discussione Barry Rowlingson
On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 4:35 PM, Marco Hugentobler wrote:
 Hi Greg

 In my opinion, Paolo is right.

 In my opinion, as soon as amounts of money starts being offered, you
get a contract written out and nailed down. Specify times (including
timezones - remember today is already yesterday for someone), places,
deliverables, verification procedures, arbitrators in the event of
dispute etc etc etc etc.

 If Qgis devs want to go bounty hunting then we need to see how the
open source community polices bounty hunting. Anyone got experience?

 So I think Greg can keep his money, we can all hiss and boo at him,
but it's a lesson learned.

 Oh, obligatory I Am Not A Lawyer (but I did date a girl who taught
law and read some of her Contract Law books. Crazy times!).


Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-developer] Re: [Qgis-user] bugfix and cheating

2010-02-08 Per discussione Barry Rowlingson
On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 5:41 PM, Greg Coats wrote:
 If Paolo wanted the $1,000.00, then why did not he arrange for a working Qgis 
 executable for Linux users be made available in Jan 2010?

 I suspect ambiguity between his concept of 'a verifiable solution'
and 'delivered' and your concept. He (or Marco) fixed the bug in the
SVN version, gave you an OSX binary which you could run. That would
constitute (for Paolo) a 'verifiable solution' 'delivered' (to you).

 I'm not saying who (if anyone) is right here, and I probably
shouldn't try to second-guess anyone. SO

 Greg and Paolo et al: how would you like to further define 'a
verifiable solution' and 'delivered'?

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-developer] Re: [Qgis-user] bugfix and cheating

2010-02-08 Per discussione Barry Rowlingson
On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 5:53 PM, Greg Coats wrote:
 A Max OS X solution ONLY is useless to me. I also support Linux and Windows 

 The utility of the solution to you was not explicitly part of the
contract (from the original mailing posted by paolo). What does
'delivered' mean? The entirety of the contract (that I've seen) is:

I will provide $1,000.00 for a verifiably solution that yields start
up times from
.qgs project files of no more than 30 seconds, delivered this month,
and $500.00 for
a solution delivered next month.

 For a $1000 contract I'd want a lot more information and
clarification. A unilateral contract like this becomes binding as soon
as someone completes the condition, so we are arguing here about
whether paolo (or anyone else) completed the condition. Hence
agreement over the terms of the condition are crucial. Putting the
solution into the latest Qgis SVN? Person A says that's delivered.
Having the solution in the latest release on all platforms? That's
person B's idea.

 Perhaps Paolo was too trusting and I don't think he should have
accused you in public (and on the internet, in perpetuity) of
'cheating'. This is a private matter between individuals and probably
shouldn't have bled over onto the mailing lists.

 So in future, devs, keep your patches to yourself until you know
exactly what they want.

Paul Ramsey on #osgeo just pointed me to coFundOs:

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-developer] What is is a qgis problem? (it was Re: [Qgis-user] Scattergram with compiled qwt5.2.0)

2009-11-07 Per discussione Barry Rowlingson
On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Agustin Lobo wrote:

 will put a significant part of their paid time on debugging, enhancing and
 extending QGIS. This is the case of R, which is, i my opinion, the paramount
 example of success of public domain software, at least in science.

 [legal note] R (and Qgis) is not 'public domain software'. 'Public
domain' is a legal term that generally means out of copyright and with
no usage restrictions. R and the packages in CRAN are under a variety
of open-source licenses including the GPL, and are copyright of
various authors and institutions - it is this copyright that allows
authors to place works under the GPL. [ends]

 My 2 euros:

 Packages are accepted into CRAN only if they pass various QC checks
and if they have an active maintainer. If a maintainer gives up on a
package it disappears from CRAN. This doesn't happen often since an
outgoing maintainer will advertise and a keen user will take it up.
Qgis is similar - Clearly a problem with a plugin in a third-party
repo is not a Qgis issue, and shouldn't be tracked in the qgis trac.
If the developer doesn't fix it then it's open source -- the user can
fix it themselves or pay to get it fixed. Plugins in the qgis repo are
a qgis problem, and if they can't be fixed by maintainers then should
be 'orphaned'.

 Your problem with a student having trouble getting their coursework
done because of a software bug also occurs in proprietary software but
worse - I've seen bugs - serious bugs - in a proprietary stats package
go unfixed for years. Just trying to find a place to report bugs is
often impossible. I had to resort to emailing an old friend who worked
for the company after being unable to find a bug report email address
on their website. I suspected the company thought their program had no
bugs. Try finding a bug tracker or support forum for SPSS even today!

 The situation with R is often that the gap between developer and user
is very small. Packages are often written because that person wants to
use a particular functionality (often from theory they have
developed). With Qgis mostly the theory is well-developed (raster
algebra, geometry calculations) and users just want to use it, and the
motivation for developers is less since they can probably do it all in
Grass anyway.

 Actually I don't know what drove half a dozen or so to gather in
Vienna this week! You're all mad! :)

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-developer] Re: [Qgis-user] qgis2google

2009-11-03 Per discussione Barry Rowlingson
On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 4:13 PM, Paolo Cavallini wrote:

 I do not see it as very exotic - it certainly raises a lot of interest.
 It would be good, however, to put in place a mechanism for an
 user-installation of plugins (a common problem for several projects, the
 only real solution I know is for R).

 R plugins for Unix with compiled C/C++ code require the user to have
the ability to build from source, so to copy that behaviour will
require the same for Qgis.

 Is there anything in this plugin that fundamentally stops it being
re-written in Python?

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: Raster Manipulation in the QGIS Python Console

2009-10-27 Per discussione Barry Rowlingson
On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Agustin Lobo wrote:
 According to
 I've done:

 layer1 = iface.mapCanvas().layer(0)

 but get no answer, I was expecting getting the layer name, as indicated in
 the web page
 This should show the names of your raster layers

 Nevertheles, computing works because I've done:
 from rasterlang.layers import layerAsArray
 a1 = layerAsArray(layer1)
 rsum = a1 + a1
 from rasterlang.layers import writeGeoTiff
 e = layer1.extent()
 extent = [e.xMinimum(),e.yMinimum(),e.xMaximum(),e.yMaximum()]
 writeGeoTiff(rsum, extent,

 and I do get a correct rsum.tiff file that I can display in qgis.

 Why am I not getting any answer from the console? a1.shape does not return
 anything either

 The latest python console requires you to 'print' everything you want
to see. So:


 Nah, I don't like it either! I have written my own python console
plugin but it seemed to crash things quite a lot...

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-developer] Re: [Qgis-user] Guide for using the qgis python console

2009-10-08 Per discussione Barry Rowlingson
On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 10:22 AM, Carson Farmer wrote:
 Good idea Augus...

 I will try to add an example of buffering a point layer, any other takers?

There's this little snippet of how to use some of the routines from my
rasterlang package in python:

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-developer] Re: [Qgis-user] Feature requests

2009-03-31 Per discussione Barry Rowlingson
 + One more idea (noted by Dimitris Zachariadis):
 A free-form selection tool (aka laso). It would be very useful to be
 able to select nodes of interest, or lines for example which cannot be
 selected with the rectangular selection tool.

 This exists in my 'selectplus' plugin, along with selecting by circle
and polygon and inverting the selection.

 Note that it will probably fail on projected geometries since it only
works on the layers coordinate system and not the projected screen
coords. Or something like that. You'll find it here:

 If the problems with coordinates can be fixed it's definitely
something I'd like to see supported by the core group though!

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-developer] Re: [Qgis-user] Feature requests

2009-03-31 Per discussione Barry Rowlingson
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 3:07 PM, Nikos Alexandris wrote:

 Very nice! Thank you Barry. There is something strange though: the
 Select by radius appears twice on the menu.

 yes - and you'll notice that if you are using either of the circle
selectors and click once then you'll crash qgis! I've fixed this in
SVN and reported a bug in qgis, so an update to come soon will fix

 I'm not sure why there are two - I think I was experimenting with
either click-drag to define the circle or click-click. Its also
possible I wanted to do one tool that selected by radius and another
that selected by diameter. I'll probably sort this out soonish too.

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: [Qgis-developer] New Plugin builder

2009-02-21 Per discussione Barry Rowlingson
2009/2/21 Gary Sherman

 You can try the builder at:

 The zip file contains a Makefile which can be used to recompile the Ui and
 resource files if you change them. The builder uses Qt 4.4, however the
 generated plugin should work on any QGIS 1.0 install.

My zip file didn't have a Makefile with it...

Also, the file still has a comment relating to 'Zoom to
point' in it, which I guess is a hangover from your template plugin.
Needs substituting with the string from the web form.

Neat though.

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: [Qgis-developer] New Plugin builder

2009-02-21 Per discussione Barry Rowlingson
2009/2/21 Gary Sherman

 I left that in to see if anyone actually read the code :)

 Of course!

 I also notice my output files are automatically GPL v2.  You could
add an option on the web form [ ] Include License Text Note for [GPL
v2|GPL v3|LGPL|Whatever] or maybe just mention it on the What Next

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Re: [Qgis-developer] Another problem with QHttp (in Python)

2008-10-29 Per discussione Barry Rowlingson
2008/10/29 Borys Jurgiel [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I can't fix the last serious bug in Installer. In case of SOME connection
 problems, QHttp stays in memory endlesly and hangs QGIS when closing.

Are you sure it's QHttp, and not my QPHttp wrapper class? It may be
that the proxy object isn't getting destroyed properly when the
connection closes, and something weird might be happening...

 Of course if this happens with plain QHttp then it's not that...

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