Re: [Qgis-user] Projection

2009-01-07 Thread Paolo Cavallini
Helmut Kudrnovsky ha scritto:

> be carefull about on-the-fly-projection with wgs84-data and austrian data 
> (MGI) because there are a few different towgs-informations in the 
> epsg-database. 
> so if the towgs-information is not considered, there can be a north-east 
> shift of about 75m during the on-the-fly-projection.

same for Italy (Gauss-Boaga). Actually this is a serious problem for
professional use, and should be solved.
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini, see: * *
Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Projection

2009-01-07 Thread Helmut Kudrnovsky

be carefull about on-the-fly-projection with wgs84-data and austrian data (MGI) 
because there are a few different towgs-informations in the epsg-database. 

so if the towgs-information is not considered, there can be a north-east shift 
of about 75m during the on-the-fly-projection.

i prepared some information about this issue under

also i prepared there some prj-files including the towgs-information for 

best regards

  helmut kudrnovsky


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 09:05:46 +0100
From: Otto Dassau 
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Projection
Message-ID: <20090107090546.12b1c...@nature>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Hi Werner, 

I tried to find your raster file projection "UTM_WGS84_M15", but it doesn't seem
to be available. What happens if you create your own CRS in QGIS. From your .prj
file this should work:

Setings -> Custom CRS

Name: UTM_WGS84_M15
Parameters: +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=15 +k=0.9996 +x_0=50 +y_0=-500
+ellps=WGS84 +units=m +datum=WGS84 +no_defs

Then you load the raster, which is projected in "UTM_WGS84_M15", choose your
custom projection in the Project Properties dialog, select "Enable OTF" and
load the shape. The vector should now fit with the raster.


On Mon, 05 Jan 2009 09:30:20 +0100
Werner Macho  wrote:

> Hi List!
> I gotta small problem here to proof that qgis is prime-time ready but ..
> i have a raster and 3 vektor layers that i want to overlay
> Rasterlayer is a geoTIF and as of .prj file:
> therefore a UTM_WGS84_M15 which seems to be not in the list of 
> projections (or am i wrong?)
> the Vektorlayers are normal shape files and as of .prj file:
> which i expect to be the MGI / Austria M34 projection and i can find it 
> in the KBS List
> So can anybody give me a hint howto solve the rasterlayer projection 
> because otherwise i cant overlay vector OTF on the Raster (My 
> Information is that it can only work in that direction.
> Thanks a lot
> regards
> Werner
> ___
> Qgis-user mailing list


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2009 11:34:35 +0100
From: Werner Macho 
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Projection
To: Otto Dassau 
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hi Otto! (and list)

Thanks for your help. It worked.
At least in Windows - because i can remember that i tried nearly the 
same with Linux and it did not.
But I have to check that anyway when I'm back home and on my Linux-PC.
Expect a mail with a report on linux too ;)

So it seems that there is really no existing projection for the (in 
austria) common UTM WGS84 M15.
And nevertheless - all files i loaded into QGIS where fully equipped 
with a .prj file.
So were there any discussion about reading .prj files i missed or can 
someone (hopefully a developer) provide me some information why QGIS is 
not reading .prj infos?
At least a small button with "read prj file" to give the right .prj file 
for reading raster or vector files would even be more helpfull (and at 
least easier) than defining the projection by myself.
I know it's the same as SPSS vs. R where it can lead to wrong 
interpreted results using a click-click interface compared to a 
"console-driven" text interface where you really have to know what you 
are doing but .. see the .prj files are provided so why looking for the 
projection if it is already there?

Is there any ongoing discussion about trying to read the .prj files 
automatically or at least integrate them in the loading process somehow?

thanks to all for your help and information

> Hi Werner, 
> I tried to find your raster file projection "UTM_WGS84_M15", but it doesn't 
> seem
> to be available. What happens if you create your own CRS in QGIS. From your 
> .prj
> file this should work:
> Setings -> Cu

Re: [Qgis-user] Projection

2009-01-07 Thread Albin Blaschka

Werner Macho schrieb:
So were there any discussion about reading .prj files i missed or can 
someone (hopefully a developer) provide me some information why QGIS is 
not reading .prj infos?
At least a small button with "read prj file" to give the right .prj file 
for reading raster or vector files would even be more helpfull (and at 
least easier) than defining the projection by myself.



I am no developer, but I once had the problem with a .prj - File on 
Linux that ist was there, but not readable: don't ask me why - IIRC it 
was because of some weird copying back and forth - and I was not the 
owner of the file... So I had no rights to read the file...

A second possibility would be that the .prj File is corrupted, but then 
it should not work on windows either...or maybe different coding of line 
-endings (CR/LF... but I do not know if this could be an issue with a 

Good Luck!


| Albin Blaschka, Mag.rer.nat.
| Etrichstrasse 26, A-5020 Salzburg
| * * *
| - It's hard to live in the mountains, hard but not hopeless!
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Call For Papers, OGRS 2009

2009-01-07 Thread Olivier ERTZ

Call For Papers - OGRS 2009
First International Opensource Geospatial Research Symposium 2009

Dates & place: July 8th to 10th, 2009, Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France)

Dear colleagues,
(our apologies for cross postings)

  From July 8th to 10th, 2009, during the tenth edition of Libre Software
Meeting, the Research Institute on Urban Sciences and Techniques (IRSTV)
in partnership with the University Of Applied Sciences Western
Switzerland, Prefecture and Council of Region Pays de La Loire will
organize a Research and Innovation Symposium about free and open source
geospatial methods and technologies.

Main goals of this symposium are :
* to build a panel of new scientific works built on open source models
or using open source tools
* to build and discuss a scientific framework about open source
technology usage (benefits and limitations)
* to provide a platform to network and develop ideas for future
collaborative works between the academic research world and the everyday
operational world (companies, local authorities ...)

The symposium will integrate scientific conferences (research papers),
companies and authorities testimonies (showcases) and training sessions

Thus, we invite to submit contributions which can be a full paper for
the research session or an abstract for the labs session. Notice, the
call for showcases will also be launched during January 2009.

Contributions should address the following overall topics but are not
limited to :
* Cartography and advanced styling ;
* Cultural heritage ;
* Earth Observation ;
* From Webmapping to WebGIS ;
* Integrated risk and disaster management for society ;
* GIS and SDI interoperability (data, knowledge, language, ...) ;
* GIS and SDI for participatory learning and action ;
* GIS concept and theory (semantics and ontology) ;
* Landscape and ecology ;
* Spatial Analysis and Integration ;
* Spatial and Spatio-temporal data and analysis ;
* Sustainable Development and Governance ;
* Urban and Environmental Planning ;
* Visual Languages and Querying ;
* Web and desktop convergence in the geospatial field.

Keynote speakers :
* Câmara Gilberto, Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research
* Neteler Markus, Fondazione Mach - Centro di Ecologia Alpina, Italia
* Steiniger Stefan, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

See committee members on OGRS2009 website :

Research paper submission :
* Full paper deadline : March, 1st 2009
* Submit a 500-1000 words abstract and a 12 pages full paper
* Notification to authors: April 12th, 2009
* Final paper due: June, 1st, 2009
* See

Lab abstract submission :
* Submit a 500-1000 words abstract before : March, 22th 2009
* Notification to authors : April 12th, 2009
* Final documents, material and tutorial aure due for : June, 1st, 2009
* See

Contacts :
* for research submission :
* for lab submission :
* for other questions :

We would appreciate if you could kindly distribute this call to other
interested parties of your acquaintance.

Best regards and best wishes for the new year,
OGRS2009 program committee

fn:Olivier ERTZ
adr:Bureau T154a;;Centre St-Roch, Avenue des Sports 20;Yverdon-les-Bains ;VD;1401;Switzerland

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] 2. FOSSGIS-Höck ins Solothurn

2009-01-07 Thread Düster Horst
Please excuse cross-posting and german language, but this posting is
addressed to the german speaking FOSSGIS community.


Am 28. Januar 2009 wird der 2. FOSSGIS-Höck in Solothurn stattfinden.
Wir wollen uns treffen und in lockerer Runde über FOSSGIS und den ganzen
Rest diskutieren. Als ein zentrales Thema ist geplant, das neue
QGIS-1.0.0 und besonders den neuen QGIS-Printcomposer vorzustellen sowie
Ideen für die weitere Entwicklung zu sammeln. Andere Themen sind
natürlich willkommen! Das alles ganz ungezwungen, offen für alle
Interessierten und ohne Verpflichtung.

Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich. Eine kurze Mitteilung zur
Teilnahme an, wäre zur Abschätzung des Teilnehmerumfanges
aber ganz schön.

Der FOSSGIS Höck findet statt am

28. Januar 2009 ab 17:00 Uhr im "Zunfthaus zu Wirthen" in der
Solothurner Altstadt.

Horst Düster

Dr. Horst Düster
GIS-Koordinator, Stv. Amtschef

Kanton Solothurn
Bau- und Justizdepartement
Amt für Geoinformation
SO!GIS Koordination
Rötistrasse 4
CH-4501 Solothurn

Telefon ++41(0)32 627 25 32
Telefax ++41(0)32 627 22 14

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Projection

2009-01-07 Thread Werner Macho

Hi Otto! (and list)

Thanks for your help. It worked.
At least in Windows - because i can remember that i tried nearly the 
same with Linux and it did not.

But I have to check that anyway when I'm back home and on my Linux-PC.
Expect a mail with a report on linux too ;)

So it seems that there is really no existing projection for the (in 
austria) common UTM WGS84 M15.
And nevertheless - all files i loaded into QGIS where fully equipped 
with a .prj file.
So were there any discussion about reading .prj files i missed or can 
someone (hopefully a developer) provide me some information why QGIS is 
not reading .prj infos?
At least a small button with "read prj file" to give the right .prj file 
for reading raster or vector files would even be more helpfull (and at 
least easier) than defining the projection by myself.
I know it's the same as SPSS vs. R where it can lead to wrong 
interpreted results using a click-click interface compared to a 
"console-driven" text interface where you really have to know what you 
are doing but .. see the .prj files are provided so why looking for the 
projection if it is already there?

Is there any ongoing discussion about trying to read the .prj files 
automatically or at least integrate them in the loading process somehow?

thanks to all for your help and information

Hi Werner, 

I tried to find your raster file projection "UTM_WGS84_M15", but it doesn't seem
to be available. What happens if you create your own CRS in QGIS. From your .prj
file this should work:

Setings -> Custom CRS

Name: UTM_WGS84_M15
Parameters: +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=15 +k=0.9996 +x_0=50 +y_0=-500
+ellps=WGS84 +units=m +datum=WGS84 +no_defs

Then you load the raster, which is projected in "UTM_WGS84_M15", choose your
custom projection in the Project Properties dialog, select "Enable OTF" and
load the shape. The vector should now fit with the raster.

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Projection

2009-01-07 Thread Otto Dassau
Hi Werner, 

I tried to find your raster file projection "UTM_WGS84_M15", but it doesn't seem
to be available. What happens if you create your own CRS in QGIS. From your .prj
file this should work:

Setings -> Custom CRS

Name: UTM_WGS84_M15
Parameters: +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=15 +k=0.9996 +x_0=50 +y_0=-500
+ellps=WGS84 +units=m +datum=WGS84 +no_defs

Then you load the raster, which is projected in "UTM_WGS84_M15", choose your
custom projection in the Project Properties dialog, select "Enable OTF" and
load the shape. The vector should now fit with the raster.


On Mon, 05 Jan 2009 09:30:20 +0100
Werner Macho  wrote:

> Hi List!
> I gotta small problem here to proof that qgis is prime-time ready but ..
> i have a raster and 3 vektor layers that i want to overlay
> Rasterlayer is a geoTIF and as of .prj file:
> therefore a UTM_WGS84_M15 which seems to be not in the list of 
> projections (or am i wrong?)
> the Vektorlayers are normal shape files and as of .prj file:
> which i expect to be the MGI / Austria M34 projection and i can find it 
> in the KBS List
> So can anybody give me a hint howto solve the rasterlayer projection 
> because otherwise i cant overlay vector OTF on the Raster (My 
> Information is that it can only work in that direction.
> Thanks a lot
> regards
> Werner
> ___
> Qgis-user mailing list
Qgis-user mailing list