[Qgis-user] How to Build QGIS from source in Centos 6?

2016-04-28 Thread 童言

I can't find the INSTALL guide on how to compile QGIS 2.0.1 from source for 
Centos platform. If I just do this on Centos 6 platform according to the guide 
for Fedora Linux, such as: 

dnf install qt5-qtwebkit-devel qt5-qtlocation-devel qt5-qttools-static 
qt5-qtscript-devel qca-qt5-devel python3-qt5-devel python3-qscintilla-qt5-devel 
 qscintilla-qt5-devel python3-qscintilla-devel python3-qscintilla-qt5 clang 
flex bison geos-devel gdal-devel sqlite-devel libspatialite-devel 
qt5-qtsvg-devel qt5-qtxmlpatterns-devel spatialindex-devel expat-devel 
proj-devel qwt-devel gsl-devel postgresql-devel.

I find there are no packages about qca-qt5-devel, python3-qt5-devel, 
python3-qscintilla-qt5-devel, qscintilla-qt5-devel, python3-qscintilla-devel 
and python3-qscintilla-qt5 for Centos 6, so what should I do now?

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Re: [Qgis-user] trouble getting data from OpenStreetMap

2016-04-28 Thread Etienne Trimaille
Good morning,

2016-04-29 6:47 GMT+07:00 Stephen Sacks :

>   I chose Manual and entered longitudes -77.0 and -70.0, and lat's 44.0
> and 41.0, which roughly encompasses New York and Massachusetts. After some
> back-and-forth of the progress bar, an .osm file of size 337 bytes appeared
> on my hard drive and  I got a message saying "Download has been successful."

I don't know why QGIS says "Download has been successful", but obviously
337 bytes is not enough.
Your bounding box is far too big to download for a request on the fly. You
should download your data using external services like

This tool in QGIS can download a neighborhood or a small town.
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[Qgis-user] trouble getting data from OpenStreetMap

2016-04-28 Thread Stephen Sacks

Please excuse a naive question from a new QGIS user.
I have installed QGIS (version 2.14.1-Essen, code revision ea85bef) on 
my Dell desktop running Windows 7 Home Premium. I've failed on my very 
first task, namely to create a layer using data from OpenStreetMap.  
Very carefully following instructions in the User Guide, I did the 
following three steps:

1. Vector > OpenStreetMap > Download Data:
   I chose Manual and entered longitudes -77.0 and -70.0, and lat's 
44.0 and 41.0, which roughly encompasses New York and Massachusetts. 
After some back-and-forth of the progress bar, an .osm file of size 337 
bytes appeared on my hard drive and  I got a message saying "Download 
has been successful."

2. Vector > OpenStreetMap > ImportTopologyFromXML:
   I selected the .osm file just created and accepted the suggested 
file name for the .db output, and the connection name.  The box next to 
"Create Connection" remained checked. "Import has been successful" 
message appeared immediately, and a .db file of size nearly 6 MB showed 
up on my hard drive.

3. Vector > OpenStreetMap > ExportTopologyToSpatialLite:
   I did this step three times, once for points, once for polylines, 
and once for polygons.  In each case, the input DB file was the db file 
created in step 2 above.  In each case, under Exported tags I chose Load 
from DB, and in each case not a single tag appeared for me to choose 
from.  For each layer, I got an "Export has been successful" message. 
However, when the three layers (points, lines, polygons) appeared in the 
Layers Panel, all of them had zero feature count and all three attribute 
tables are totally empty.

  What am I doing wrong ?  Why don't I see the streets of New 
York and Massachusetts ?

 Thank you in advance for your help.  I'll be embarrassed if my 
error is blindingly obvious.


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2016-04-28 Thread Alejandro Chamizo de Castro
Hi colleagues,

I'm trying to make a count of fruit trees with the use of drones. Someone
can enlighten me if QGIS has a plugin or if you know any procedure?

Something like this:


Thanks for all


[image: View Tony Wilson's profile on LinkedIn]

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[Qgis-user] QgsComposerLegend - removing nodes from being displayed (in legend)

2016-04-28 Thread Jonah Crawford
Greetings all.

I have a map which includes many layers that do not need to be listed in
the legend.

I have been unable to prune them from being displayed without actually
removing them from the map. Here is the code:


I've exhausted stack and IRC and would be grateful if someone could shed
some light on this.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: [QGIS-it-user] aggiungere vettori e raster grass in qgis 2.14

2016-04-28 Thread Gabriela Osaci Costache
Non so sotto Ubuntu, ma sotto Windows si usa il "Browser Panel" che si trova 
nella parte sinistra dello schermo, di solito sotto "layers panel".

   Da: roberto montagnetti 
 A: qgis-it-user@lists.osgeo.org 
 Inviato: Giovedì 28 Aprile 2016 18:54
 Oggetto: [QGIS-it-user] aggiungere vettori e raster grass in qgis 2.14
utilizzo ubuntu 14.04
ho aggiornato qgis da 2.8 a 2.14, ho abilitato il plugin grass, tuttavia
tra gli strumenti Grass, all'interno di Qgis non trovo più "Aggiungi
vettore Grass" e "aggiungi raster Grass".

 In questo modo, pertanto, non riesco ad importare layer da mapset grass per
 lavorci dentro qgis. Come posso fare?

Grazie Roberto

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QGIS-it-user mailing list

[QGIS-it-user] aggiungere vettori e raster grass in qgis 2.14

2016-04-28 Thread roberto montagnetti
utilizzo ubuntu 14.04
ho aggiornato qgis da 2.8 a 2.14, ho abilitato il plugin grass, tuttavia
tra gli strumenti Grass, all'interno di Qgis non trovo più "Aggiungi
vettore Grass" e "aggiungi raster Grass".

 In questo modo, pertanto, non riesco ad importare layer da mapset grass per
 lavorci dentro qgis. Come posso fare?

Grazie Roberto
QGIS-it-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] 2nd Int. QGIS Conference and 10th Jornadas de SIG Libre: It is less than 30 days!

2016-04-28 Thread Jornadas de SIG Libre


It is less than 30 days for the celebration of the 2nd International 
QGIS Conference and the 10th Jornadas de SIG Libre (Spanish 
FOSS4G)sponsored by Geocat [1] and Boundless [2]. The eventwill take 
place in Girona (Spain) from 24th to 26th May [3].

On the website of the event, you will find all the latest information 
regarding to the Conference Program [4] as well as Workshops Program 
[5]. Moreover to the QGIS Conference, if you have some Spanish skills, 
don't hesitate to join us at the Jornadas de SIG Libre!

If you would like to attend and participate on the 2nd Int. QGIS 
Conference and you are still not registered, go ahead and register 
yourself choosing the fee (individual, professional or company) that 
better suits your needs and possibilities [6]. It will be a unique 
opportunity to share knowledge and experiences. Besides the Conference, 
a QGIS hackfest/developer meeting supported by OSGeo [7], will take 
place on the Sant Daniel monastery from 27th to 29th May.

Finally, the LOC would like to give thanks to the Sponsors, Partners and 
Media partners, attendees as well as presenters, for supporting and 
participating on the event, and for making this idea a reality.

We count on your presence and participation in Girona, this coming May.
All the best,

*Local Organizing Committee*
10as Jornadas de SIG Libre
2nd International QGIS User and Developer Conference
Pl. Ferrater Mora 1
17071 Girona

Web site: http://www.sigte.udg.edu/jornadassiglibre/en/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/SIGLibreGirona

[1] https://www.geocat.net/
[2] http://boundlessgeo.com/
[3] http://www.sigte.udg.edu/jornadassiglibre/en/

[6] http://www.sigte.udg.edu/jornadassiglibre/en/inscripcion/

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Re: [QGIS-it-user] hidden layer in lizmap (LM 2.12.2/Qgis Essen)

2016-04-28 Thread Paolo Cavallini
Il 28/04/2016 14:09, Lorenzo Fusco ha scritto:
> Buongiorno, se non ho capito male è possibile aggiungere uno o più layer in
> un progetto qgis, raggrupparli, nominare il gruppo "hidden" ed avere a
> disposizione i layer in questione per la stampa della mappa lizmap dal
> browser pur non vedendoli in legenda. Io ho provato, sia mettendo il flag
> attivo che senza nelle opzioni del plugin lizmap, ma in stampa non compare
> nulla.

li hai presenti nell'anteprima di stampa sul desktop?

> Stesso discorso per i layer delle basemap, nella guida, sempre se ho capito
> bene, basta creare un gruppo nominato osm-mapquest (senza caricarci nessun
> layer dentro?) per avere in stampa il layer OSM, ma anche qui, non mi riesce
> di visualizzare nella in stampa.
> Sbaglio io! ma dove?

dovrebbe funzionare, in effetti


Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
QGIS & PostGIS courses: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html
QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] crash when loading svg marker

2016-04-28 Thread Joris Hintjens
Dear Richard
THANKS! Problem solved. For some strange reason, the 
Settings/Options/System/SVG-Path pointed to my desktop. Don’t know why. Fiexed 



> Op 23 apr. 2016, om 17:03 heeft Richard Duivenvoorde  
> het volgende geschreven:
> Hi Joris,
> NOT confirmed here (but on Debian, don't own a Mac), I opened your
> project and changed all point layers to svg symbols without a problem...
> Are you sure Settings/Options/System/SVG-Path is empty? And not pointing
> to some strange dir or so?
> Did you already try to open this project on another (mac) system?
> And what about opening QGIS from the command line with
>  qgis --configpath /tmp
> so you will have no active plugins and start with a fresh configuration?
> Does that help, maybe?
> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde
> On 22-04-16 20:27, Joris Hintjens wrote:
>> Dear NYell,
>> `
>> Thanks for your remark,
>> It’s the standard QGIS svg file directory , changed nothing to these
>> settings, and I did not recently change any svg within that directory. 
>> Joris 
>>> Op 22 apr. 2016, om 14:05 heeft Nyall Dawson >> > het volgende geschreven:
>>> It's likely there's a bad SVG somewhere in your svg search paths which
>>> is causing this crash.
>>> If you can track down which one it is and share it then I should be
>>> able to avoid the crash.
>>> Nyall
>>> On 22 Apr 2016 21:44, "Joris Hintjens" >> > wrote:
 Just upgraded to 2.14 on OSX Capitan.
 Fooling around a bit, made a project (accessible on
 https://dl  dropboxusercontent com/u/23700421/test zip
 (replace spaces with dots)
 When I try to change the style of one of the point layers to a SVG,
>>> QGIS cra
 (Layer properties>style>marker> change drop down from “stanard” to
>>> “svg” and BOOM.
 worked fine on 2.12
 any ideas where to look to solve this problem?
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[QGIS-it-user] hidden layer in lizmap (LM 2.12.2/Qgis Essen)

2016-04-28 Thread Lorenzo Fusco
Buongiorno, se non ho capito male è possibile aggiungere uno o più layer in
un progetto qgis, raggrupparli, nominare il gruppo "hidden" ed avere a
disposizione i layer in questione per la stampa della mappa lizmap dal
browser pur non vedendoli in legenda. Io ho provato, sia mettendo il flag
attivo che senza nelle opzioni del plugin lizmap, ma in stampa non compare
Stesso discorso per i layer delle basemap, nella guida, sempre se ho capito
bene, basta creare un gruppo nominato osm-mapquest (senza caricarci nessun
layer dentro?) per avere in stampa il layer OSM, ma anche qui, non mi riesce
di visualizzare nella in stampa.
Sbaglio io! ma dove?


View this message in context: 
Sent from the QGIS Italian User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Open geometryless tables from GeoPackage

2016-04-28 Thread Even Rouault
Le jeudi 28 avril 2016 07:03:45, Stefan Ziegler a écrit :
> Yes, compiled and running against gdal master.
> Do you just drag 'n' drop the geopackage file into QGIS? Do you mind trying
> this one: http://sogeo.services/tmp/av_2495.gpkg
> I checked it with "ogrinfo -so av_2495.gpkg" and it only shows the tables
> with geometry (gdal 1.11 and gdal master).


OK, I see. This database hasn't been produced by GDAL. GDAL only produces
and recognizes non-spatial tables that conform to 
http://gdal.org/geopackage_aspatial.html ,
which is a GDAL-specific extension that was created to address the support of
such tables : https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/5521 ,

You can upgrade your DB to aspatial by doing the following :

$ sqlite3 av_2495.gpkg

INSERT INTO gpkg_contents (table_name, data_type, last_change)
 SELECT name, 'aspatial', strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%fZ', 'now' ) FROM
 sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name NOT LIKE 'gpkg_%' AND
 name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%' AND name NOT LIKE 'rtree_%' AND
 name NOT IN (SELECT table_name FROM gpkg_contents);

INSERT INTO gpkg_extensions
  (table_name, column_name, extension_name, definition, scope)

The original point for the aspatial extension was to be compatible with 
requirements from metadata,
but the latest revision of the GPKG spec has demoted metadata support itself as 
an extension.
So perhaps GDAL could be more lax on opening.


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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