[Qgis-user] problems reprojecting in equal earth

2019-08-19 Thread Nicolas Cadieux


Trying to help another Qgis user that posted earlier.

We have Natural Earth vectorial Data that we what to reproject in Equal 
Earth.  We want Austria to be in the middle of the map so we created a 
Equal Earth Project using  custom CRS  using +proj=eqearth +datum=WGS84 
+wktext +lon_0=136 with the help of 
https://proj.org/operations/projections/eqearth.html. Using  lon_0=136 
puts Australia in the middle and limits the distortion in that longitude.

Data was reprojected and saved in the new projection (vector/Data 
Management tools/Reproject Layer).  Project is also in the Equal Earth 
projection so no reprojection on the fly is happening behind the scenes.

Question: How so we take care of the nasty polygons that appear when we 
add the "+lon_0=136" parameter?  See the zip.

You can find the data here: 

Qgis 3.8.1 on Windows 10_64



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[Qgis-user] QGIS server: raster layer turn white

2019-08-19 Thread Thomas Schüttenberg
Hi there!

I'm trying to serve a raster terrain model as a wms with QGIS server 3.4. The 
layer is a virtual raster consiting of geotiffs with external pyramids and the 
server has access to all files. 
As well as in QGIS desktop the wms it is correctly displayed when served (QGIS 
as client), but only at relatively small scales (in this case > ~1:12800). When 
zooming in, the wms rasterlayer disapears, or better said, only a white picture 
is served. 

I have no clue why this happens, there are no errors in the logs. Has anyone 
experienced such behavior? 

Note: certainly there is no scale dependant visibility configured in the .qgs! 

All the best
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[Qgis-user] Georeferencing PDF's

2019-08-19 Thread Tyler Veinot
Is there a way to add spatial awareness to a PDF without altering the PDF's
size and orientation?Can I use an associated world file like a Tiff or
other similar method?
5 years ago I exported all our PDF's to tiff and georeferenced them so that
they could be added as a layer to GIS Software but also viewed and modified
as normal in a image processing software environment (specifically GIMP). I
did this because at the time there was no way to do this with PDF's with
the software we had.
Because geospatial pdf tools are hitting the open source I decided to try
and do this with our PDF's but all my attempts create a PDF that is scewed
and rotated making it hard to view in a regular PDF viewer.
I asked this on the GIS Stack Exchange but there seemed to be some
confusion and misinterpretation of what I was asking.

Basically not everyone uses GIS and those that do would like to be able to
add the PDF's as spatial layers to their GIS to view in relation to GIS
data (Right now the tiff's fill that role). Those that do not would like to
open and view them as a normal PDF plan drawing without it being rotated or
otherwise modified.
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[QGIS-it-user] Orfeo toolbox e QGIS

2019-08-19 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Salve a tutti
utilizzo QGIS 3.8.1 su ubuntu 19.04 e vorrei poter utlilizzare le librerie
di processing di OTB come facevo una volta.

Ho installato OTB 6.6.1, compreso OTB-QGIS tramite le repositories di
Ubuntu (sudo apt install OTB).

Ho provato ad abilitare gli algoritmi di OTB da processing > opzioni >
programmi > OTB > attiva, ma quali cartelle devo mettere per

- Cartella OTB ?
- Cartella dell'applicazione OTB ?

GRazie per il consiglio

QGIS-it-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] curious error

2019-08-19 Thread Boaz Bar Ilan

 I got a curious error
 every time  I unchecked  a field in  the layer panel - it disappear and I
need to open the symbology in the layer property , to check it again and
then it  reappear.

what can I do ?


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