[Qgis-user] Batch output to Geopackage without overwrite

2023-08-30 Thread Alexandre Rodier via QGIS-User
Dear Qgis users.
I am trying to calculte several viewsheds  via a batch process but I got an 
issue with the output.

I am using the Viewshed process from the Visibility plugin.
My problem appears when I select the output of the process. I want to save each 
output layer in one existing Geopackage db but when I select it from the 
"Output" combo, Qgis askes me if I want to overwrite the db, and of course I 
don't want to.How can I write it to save each leayer in an unique Geopackage db?
PD: I've checked the Gdal doc but with no success.
Alexandre Rodier
Geógrafo  Turismo sostenible 
Telf: +34 661 38 00 28http://www.entretierras.com+ info: 

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Re: [Qgis-user] Azimuth and orientation of 2 features

2023-02-13 Thread Alexandre Rodier via QGIS-User
Hi all.
I asked yesterday how to resolve this problem: 
"I need to calculate the orientation (North, East, South or North) of a feature 
(Polygon, a parcel) respect of another one (Line, a road).I calculated the 
azimuth of the two features using the centroids of each but the formulas I 
found don't really work, or I am doing something wrong (it's probably that :-) 
Thanks to Nicolas Cadieux I found this solution:
degrees( azimuth( make_point( to_real( "Cen_X" ),to_real( "Cen_Y" ) ), 
make_point(to_real( "X-centr" ),to_real( "Y-centr" )) ) )

Where Cent_X, Cent_Y, X-centr and Y-centr are respectively the centroides of my 
road and my parcels.
Alexandre Rodier
Geógrafo  Turismo sostenible 
Telf: +34 661 38 00 28http://www.entretierras.com+ info: 
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[Qgis-user] Azimuth and orientation of 2 features

2023-02-12 Thread Alexandre Rodier via QGIS-User
Dear list.I have a question I am not able to resolve:
I need to calculate the orientation (North, East, South or North) of a feature 
(Polygon, a parcel) respect of another one (Line, a road).I calculated the 
azimuth of the two features using the centroids of each but the formulas I 
found don't really work, or I am doing something wrong (it's probably that :-) 
).I am sure that's a simple problem but I am quite blocked.
Thanks in advance for your help.Alex___
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