[Qgis-user] Hi everybody

2011-12-27 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hi, I'm Giacomo Fontanellin from Florence, Italy.
I'm a PhD for University of Basilicata, I work on remote sensing of environment.
I'm quite new with QGis, buti I like it, cause it's very easy to use and 
This is my problem:
 I've got many shape file in a project, each of those with different 
projections, but I still can visualize the polygons in the right position.
The spatial extension of the files is almost the same and is defined in meters: 
example: xMin, yMin 1714882.75,4845790.12 : xMax,yMax 1735233.69,4861856.86.
Unfortunally I've got a layer with the spatial extension defined in degrees: 
xMin, yMin 10.94,43.7388 : xMax,yMax 11.7543,43.9773, and I can't visualize it 
in the correct location.
How can I change the extension of the files from degrees to meters and 
Thank you very much and sorry for my english___
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Georeferencing raster

2011-12-29 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
I've used the georeferencing plugin in QGis 1.7.2 Wroclaw for a Tif image.
I think I've followed the right procedure, indeed I can see the GCP upon the 
other layers in the right position, but I can't see the map: it seems 
Where did I go wrong?
Thank you___
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Images as style

2012-01-23 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hi everybody
is it possible to use images (jpg) as fill in a polygonal shapefile, for
example: I'd like to put different pictures upon different polygons in my
shapefile instead of different colors.
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Problem with the plugin openlayers

2012-03-08 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hi everybody
It's Giacomo from Italy.
I know that the problem has been already discussed, buti I need a good
answer, because the plugin OpenLayer is very important for my job.
I use QGis 1.7.2 (I will upgrade it as soon as possible) with Windows 7.
When I try to use Open Layer here comes the message The version Openlayers
Plugin is 0.71, need be version 0.42!
I've tryed to work with the projection system EPSG 900913, but the problem
still remain.

Waiting for your reply.

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] position locator

2012-03-15 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hi everybody
I'm Giacomo
I'm looking in Qgis for a tool that allow me to insert the coordinate of a
point and then the software will place cursor on the right position.

Thank you very much
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] EPSG 4326 Vs EPSG 900913

2012-03-27 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hi boys (and girls of course)
maybe this is a stupid question:

could you explain me the risks that occur when i put the gps points
(generally WGS84 = EPSG 4326) in google earth (EPSG 900913).

I know that google has a particular method to manage the projections of its
optical satellite image and the vector file .kml or .kmz.

Thank you
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] qgis and SAR images

2012-05-29 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
dear users
I'm working on remote sensing of environment using SAR images.
I advice that QGIS is able to open many SAR image formats like .N1 or .h5
(.hdf5) and to keep intact
the correct radar data in each pixel, but is unable to visualize the
correct black and white map, but
only the grey silhouette of the image is visible.

Thank you
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] converting many kml to one shapefile

2012-05-31 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
I have a folder with 15 polygon files in .kml format.
I've imported those in QGis and i would like to know how to convert all the
.kml polygons in a single polygon shapefile.
Thank you
Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] converting many kml to one shapefile

2012-06-02 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Thank you very much

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 2:07 PM, Etienne Tourigny

> Vector->Data Management->Merge shapefiles
> but that uses all the files in a specified directory so make sure you
> put all your kml files in a separate directory
> Etienne
> On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 8:11 AM, Giacomo Fontanelli
>  wrote:
> > Hello
> > I have a folder with 15 polygon files in .kml format.
> > I've imported those in QGis and i would like to know how to convert all
> the
> > .kml polygons in a single polygon shapefile.
> > Thank you
> >
> > ___
> > Qgis-user mailing list
> > Qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
> > http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
> >
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] problem with Vector>Merge Shapefiles

2012-06-05 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hello everybody
I use QGis 1.7.4. and Windows Seven.
I would like to merge 10 polygonal shape files in a single shapefile. I
putted all the single shape files in the same folder but when I start the
process here comes this error message:

Errore durante l'esecuzione di codice Python:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\PROGRA~2\Quantum GIS
Wroclaw\apps\qgis\python\plugins\fTools\tools\doMergeShapes.py", line 124,
in accept
if self.inEncoding == None:
AttributeError: 'Dialog' object has no attribute 'inEncoding'
Versione Python:
2.7.2 (default, Jun 12 2011, 15:08:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]

Versione di QGIS:
1.7.4-Wroclaw Wroclaw, 411aff6
Percorso Python: ['C:/PROGRA~2/Quantum GIS Wroclaw/apps/qgis/./python',
'C:/Users/Giacomo/.qgis/python', 'C:/Users/Giacomo/.qgis/python/plugins',
'C:/PROGRA~2/Quantum GIS Wroclaw/apps/qgis/./python/plugins',
'C:\\PROGRA~2\\Quantum GIS Wroclaw\\bin\\python27.zip',
'C:\\PROGRA~2\\Quantum GIS Wroclaw\\apps\\Python27\\DLLs',
'C:\\PROGRA~2\\Quantum GIS Wroclaw\\apps\\Python27\\lib',
'C:\\PROGRA~2\\Quantum GIS Wroclaw\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\plat-win',
'C:\\PROGRA~2\\Quantum GIS Wroclaw\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\lib-tk',
'C:\\PROGRA~2\\Quantum GIS Wroclaw\\apps\\qgis\\bin',
'C:\\PROGRA~2\\Quantum GIS Wroclaw\\apps\\Python27', 'C:\\PROGRA~2\\Quantum
GIS Wroclaw\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages', 'C:\\PROGRA~2\\Quantum
GIS Wroclaw\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\PIL',
'C:\\PROGRA~2\\Quantum GIS
Wroclaw\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\win32', 'C:\\PROGRA~2\\Quantum
GIS Wroclaw\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\win32\\lib',
'C:\\PROGRA~2\\Quantum GIS
'C:\\PROGRA~2\\Quantum GIS
'~/.qgis/python', 'C:\\PROGRA~2\\Quantum GIS
'C:/Users/Giacomo/Desktop/Argentina/GIS Argentina']

Any suggestions?

Thank You
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] picture pop-up on the polygonal features

2012-06-05 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hello, It's me again
is it possible to put pop-ups upon vector polygonal features with little
pictures inside each pop-up.
The pop-ups must open every time the cursor passes upon the polygons, or
clicking upon the polygons.
Waiting for suggestions.
Thank you very much
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Installing either qgis 2.X and qgis 3.X

2018-12-17 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hello forum

I'm using QGIS 3.4 on my laptop with Ubuntu 18.10.

Is it possible to install also qgis 2.18 along with qgis 3.4?

I added also the repository for qgis 2.18 (deb
http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntugis-ltr/ubuntugis-unstable/ubuntu bionic
main) to my sources.list.

What is the correct repository for ubuntugis 2.18?

I tried deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntugis-ltr/ubuntugis-unstable/ubuntu
bionic main but is not recognized.

How to address the 2.18 installation during the sudo apt install procedures?

thank you very much
Qgis-user mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
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[Qgis-user] Couldn't load SIP module. Python support will be disabled.

2018-12-21 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hi forum

I just installed QGIS 3.4 in Lubuntu 18.10 64 bit using repositories.

When I lunch the application I immediately get an error message

Couldn't load SIP module.
Python support will be disabled.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/qgis/__init__.py", line 80, in
import qgis.gui
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/qgis/gui/__init__.py", line 27, in
from qgis._gui import *
RuntimeError: the sip module implements API v12.0 to v12.4 but the
qgis._gui module requires API v12.5

Python version:
3.6.7 (default, Oct 22 2018, 11:32:17)
[GCC 8.2.0]

QGIS version:
3.4.2-Madeira 'Madeira', 5645791

Python path:
'/usr/share/qgis/python/plugins', '/usr/lib/python36.zip',
'/usr/lib/python3.6', '/usr/lib/python3.6/lib-dynload',
'/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages']

I've got QT version 5.1.1.

Could you help me? Thank you
Qgis-user mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
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[Qgis-user] Best practice to install OTB and SAGA plugins

2018-12-28 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hi forum

could you suggest me the best way to install SAGA and OTB plugins in ubuntu
18.10 and QGIS 2.18.22?

What version of SAGA plugin that better fit with my QGIS version do I need
to install?  2.3.1?
Do I need to install the SAGA standalone version as well?

Many thanks
Qgis-user mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
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[Qgis-user] importing .h5 files in qgis

2019-12-30 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Dear users

Do you know how to import .h5 files in QGIS 3.10?

Thank you very much

Qgis-user mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
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[Qgis-user] Error after saving my script

2020-01-01 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Dear forum

I slightly modified the processing-script called RandomPointsPolygons.py to
make my own script and I copied it in


but when I launch QGIS 3.10 I get this error

NotImplementedError: QgsProcessingAlgorithm.name() is abstract and must be

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/share/qgis/python/plugins/processing/script/ScriptUtils.py",
line 68, in loadAlgorithm

alg = algfactory.instances.pop().createInstance()

IndexError: pop from empty list

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

NotImplementedError: QgsProcessingAlgorithm.name() is abstract and must be

Versione Python: 3.7.3 (default, Oct 7 2019, 12:56:13) [GCC 8.3.0]

Versione di QGIS: 3.10.1-A Coruña A Coruña, ef24c526da

Percorso Python:













Any help please?
Qgis-user mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
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[Qgis-user] Spatial resampling of a point vector layer using QGIS

2016-11-10 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
down votefavorite

I have a vector layer with points located on a regular square grid of 2Km.
The layer has a column with a numeric value (crop yield) for each point.

I would like to resample the vector to a grid of 1Km, and the new points
should have the crop yield value represented by the average of the 4 points

I would like o use QGis.

Thank you for your suggestions
Qgis-user mailing list
List info: http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
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[Qgis-user] Editing and saving raster metadata

2016-11-23 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Dear forum

When I double click on a raster layer I can then access to metadata.
If I write something in Abstract or Title etc and then I quit QGIS and
start again the software I found that all the information I saved in the
metadata are lost.

How can I do to definitively save edit on my metadata?

Thank you
Qgis-user mailing list
List info: http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
Unsubscribe: http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user

Re: [Qgis-user] Editing and saving raster metadata

2016-11-24 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Thank you very much Paolo.
I will try the plugins immediately, but I believe that it could be better
if changes in metadata would be attainable and savable directly via the
layer metadata sheet.
May I suggest this to the developer?



2016-11-24 6:21 GMT+00:00 Paolo Cavallini :

> Il 23/11/2016 23:50, Giacomo Fontanelli ha scritto:
> > Dear forum
> >
> > When I double click on a raster layer I can then access to metadata.
> > If I write something in Abstract or Title etc and then I quit QGIS and
> > start again the software I found that all the information I saved in the
> > metadata are lost.
> >
> > How can I do to definitively save edit on my metadata?
> AFAIK they are stored in the project. Please note that there is a plugin
> for writing and saving metadata, and an proposal for a better global
> management of metadata.
> All the best.
> --
> Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
> QGIS & PostGIS courses: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html
> https://www.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=IT&q=qgis,arcgis
> ___
> Qgis-user mailing list
> Qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
> List info: http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
> Unsubscribe: http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
Qgis-user mailing list
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[Qgis-user] raster borders as a vector polygon file

2016-12-30 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hi forum

I would like to extract the borders  of a raster file and save it as a
vector polygon.

I'm sure that QGIS (I use the 2.18 version) did it in previous versions,
but now I found that is possible only to extract the borders of a vector

Thank you
Qgis-user mailing list
List info: http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
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[Qgis-user] An issue with DEM terrain models

2017-03-09 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hi everybody

I'm using a SRTM 4 (Geotiff, Int16 - Sixteen bit signed integer) and QGIS

I tried to produce a slope map using Raster > analysis > DEM (terrain

In case I would like to have degrees as output i obtain a map with values
from 89.5 to 90 degrees only, so almost impossible to classify.

In case I flag the option"Slope expressed as percent" I obtain a map with
more pixel values, but the slope is expressd with numbers from 0 to1971690.

What's the problem?

Thank you
Qgis-user mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
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[Qgis-user] Error in clipping a raster

2017-03-23 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hello forum

I'm trying to cut a raster (geo tif) using a polygon shape. Both are in the
same reference system. The polygon is not a regular polygon, but has many
I'm using raster > extraction > clipper, but at the end I receive this
error message
ERROR 1: Unable to compute a transformation between pixel/line and
georeferenced coordinates for /home/giacomo/Desktop/RSM/bordi.tif.
There is no affine transformation and no GCPs.

Thank you
Qgis-user mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
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[Qgis-user] python crashes in QGIS. Is there a log file?

2017-08-03 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Dear forum

I'm writing some scripts in python in my qgis 2.18.11.
I use Lubuntu 16.04 64 bit.

There is an error in my python script that causes the crash of qgis.
When I launch the script, QGIS quits after few operations, without giving
me any error warning.

I'm asking if there is a .log file of python-qgis that can provide me some
info about my script.

The information coming from the Log message panel are useless in my case.

Thank you
Qgis-user mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
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[Qgis-user] OTB forum

2017-12-18 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hi forum

I'm experiencing a problem in installing OTB for QGIS in my ubuntu 16.04.
I'm following the instructionn in

but when I do "make" I obtain this error

/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libpython2.7.a(abstract.o): relocation
R_X86_64_32S against `_Py_NotImplementedStruct' can not be used when making
a shared object; recompile with -fPIC

Does anybody knows how to solve this issue or could you suggest me the OTB
forum to discuss about my problem?

Thank you

Qgis-user mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
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[Qgis-user] log file for pythonshell

2018-01-23 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
I'm writing a script in Python in the QGS shell and each time I try to run
this the software crashes.

When I work in linux, QGIS automatically shut down.

When I work in windows it comes out this error message

minidump written to

I tried to open it with wordpad but the message is cryptic for me.

The question is: is there a more easy to read python log file, because
otherwise I cannot debug my code.

Thank you
Qgis-user mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
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[Qgis-user] PY QGIS crashing when using numpy

2018-02-26 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hi forum

each time I try to write a code using the numpy library, qgis crashes and
quits, so I can't geyt any relevant information about my error.
This happen when I use qgis 2.18.16 in Lubuntu 16.04.

For example, if I try to run this very small script

import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal

ds = gdal.Open("/home/giacomo/Dropbox/Linux/VHVV.tif")
myarray = np.array(ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()

Qgis quits.

The strange thing is that it doesn't happen when I launch the same script
in QGIS 2.18.15 in Windows 10.

Any help

Thank you
Qgis-user mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
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[Qgis-user] problem with python-qgis

2013-06-27 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Dear community
I use Lubuntu 13.04 64bit and QGIS 1.9.
I can't install python-qgis on my laptop.
I tryed with synaptic and with the shell, but anyway I get this error

tentata sovrascrittura di
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyspatialite/_spatialite.so" presente
anche nel pacchetto python-pyspatialite 3.0.1-2

I use Lubuntu 13.04 64bit and QGIS 1.9 also on my desktop PC, but
everything works fine.
Could you help me?

Thank you very much.
Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Qgis-user Digest, Vol 88, Issue 57

2013-06-28 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
It works! Thank you very much.

On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 6:55 PM,  wrote:

> Send Qgis-user mailing list submissions to
> qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> qgis-user-requ...@lists.osgeo.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> qgis-user-ow...@lists.osgeo.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Qgis-user digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. Re: QGIS and Oracle native connection (PIERRE Sylvain)
>2. Re: QGIS and Oracle native connection (Andreas Neumann)
>3. Re: QGIS and Oracle native connection (HAUBOURG)
>4. Re: Fetch plugins missing (Julie Pierson)
>5. Re: Fetch plugins missing (Borys Jurgiel)
>6. Re: Fetch plugins missing (Julie Pierson)
>7. problem with python-qgis (Giacomo Fontanelli)
>8. Welcome to our new sponsor (Paolo Cavallini)
>9. Re: problem with python-qgis (Goyo)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 12:50:41 +0200
> From: PIERRE Sylvain 
> To: R?gis Haubourg ,
> "qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org" 
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS and Oracle native connection
> Message-ID:
> <374f2a33a0f46242b3a1f52eb8a1e8b4f550e38...@exchmbx-v.cg67.fr>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hello R?gis,
> I never put a request for bugtracking, what's the way?
> -Message d'origine-
> De?: qgis-user-boun...@lists.osgeo.org [mailto:
> qgis-user-boun...@lists.osgeo.org] De la part de R?gis Haubourg
> Envoy??: jeudi 27 juin 2013 10:23
> ??: qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
> Objet?: Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS and Oracle native connection
> Hi Sylvain,
> +1 with your feature request, could you create it in the bugtracker.
> +Like
> Andreas, I wish we expand that feature request to all db dealing with
> schemas.
> As a workaround waiting for 2.1, users here never have to explore db
> structure with QGIS, since with provide access to data with a dropdown menu
> (using layers menu from project plugin).
> Only admins are bothered by that issue.
> R?gis
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/QGIS-and-Oracle-native-connection-tp5050656p5062489.html
> Sent from the Quantum GIS - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> ___
> Qgis-user mailing list
> Qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 13:18:14 +0200
> From: Andreas Neumann 
> To: 
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS and Oracle native connection
> Message-ID: <13d2a23d58c9935eeece626d31fc7...@carto.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
>  Hi Pierre,
>  Everything is written here:
>  http://hub.qgis.org/wiki/quantum-gis/Bugreports
>  You need an OSGeo login (useful for all OpenSource GIS projects as
>  well).
>  Andreas
>  On Thu, 27 Jun 2013 12:50:41 +0200, PIERRE Sylvain wrote:
> > Hello R?gis,
> >
> >
> > I never put a request for bugtracking, what's the way?
> >
> >
> > -Message d'origine-
> > De?: qgis-user-boun...@lists.osgeo.org
> > [mailto:qgis-user-boun...@lists.osgeo.org] De la part de R?gis
> > Haubourg
> > Envoy??: jeudi 27 juin 2013 10:23
> > ??: qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
> > Objet?: Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS and Oracle native connection
> >
> > Hi Sylvain,
> > +1 with your feature request, could you create it in the bugtracker.
> > +Like
> > Andreas, I wish we expand that feature request to all db dealing with
> > schemas.
> > As a workaround waiting for 2.1, users here never have to explore db
> > structure with QGIS, since with provide access to data with a
> > dropdown
> > menu (using layers menu from project plugin).
> > Only admins are bothered by that issue.
> > R?gis
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > View this message in context:
> >
> >
> http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/QGIS-and-Oracle-native-connection-tp5050656p5062489.html
> > Sent from the Quantum GIS - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> > ___
> > Qgis-user mailing list
> > Qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
> > http://lists.osgeo.or

[Qgis-user] problem with dependencies during installation

2013-07-01 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Dear community. Today I Tried to install Qgis 1.9 in a new pc with lubuntu
64 bit and this is what I get:

Alcuni pacchetti non possono essere installati. Questo può voler dire
che è stata richiesta una situazione impossibile oppure, se si sta
usando una distribuzione in sviluppo, che alcuni pacchetti richiesti
non sono ancora stati creati o sono stati rimossi da Incoming.
Le seguenti informazioni possono aiutare a risolvere la situazione:

I seguenti pacchetti hanno dipendenze non soddisfatte:
 qgis : Dipende: qgis-providers (= 1.9.0+git20130628+8dc28f2~raring1) ma
non sta per essere installato
Dipende: qgis-common (= 1.9.0+git20130628+8dc28f2~raring1) ma non
sta per essere installato
Raccomanda: qgis-plugin-grass ma non sta per essere installato
Raccomanda: python-qgis ma non sta per essere installato
Raccomanda: qgis-plugin-globe ma non sta per essere installato
E: Impossibile correggere i problemi, ci sono pacchetti danneggiati

I use those repositories

deb http://qgis.org/debian-nightly raring main
deb-src http://qgis.org/debian-nightly raring main

Wich is the problem?

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Message: Can not make qgis.db private copy

2013-07-05 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hi community.
I use QGIS 1.9 and Lubuntu 13.04
Every time I start Qgis I get this message:
[ERROR] Can not make qgis.db private copy
What does it means?

Thank you
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] extraction of the value of each pixel of a raster

2013-07-27 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hello everybody

I would like lo extract the value of each pixel of a raster below some
polygons (of a vector  layer).
Better if I could save the result in a text file.

The plugin "zonal statistics" does something similar, but doesn't provide
the list of the value of the pixels.

Does another plugin exist or do I have to make a new one using python (very
hard job for me).

Thank you very much
Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] extraction of the value of each pixel of a raster

2013-07-27 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Thank you very much Micha. I only seldom use GRASS, but maybe is the only

On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 10:12 PM, Micha Silver  wrote:

>  On 07/27/2013 10:10 PM, Giacomo Fontanelli wrote:
> Hello everybody
>  I would like lo extract the value of each pixel of a raster below some
> polygons (of a vector  layer).
> Better if I could save the result in a text file.
> You can do this using GRASS. First import both the vector polygons, and
> the raster into GRASS:
> v.in.ogr  out=polys type=area
> r.in.gdal  out=raster_map
> and set the GRASS region to the raster
> g.region -p raster_map
> THen convert polygons to a raster, and declare it a MASK:
> v.to.rast polys out=MASK type=area use=val value=1
> Now run r.out.xyz
> r.out.xyz raster_map out=raster_pixels.csv fs=","
> The module r.out.xyz honors the mask, so only those pixels covered by the
> mask will be in the output file.
>  The plugin "zonal statistics" does something similar, but doesn't
> provide the list of the value of the pixels.
>  Does another plugin exist or do I have to make a new one using python
> (very hard job for me).
>  Thank you very much
> This mail was received via Mail-SeCure System.
> ___
> Qgis-user mailing 
> listQgis-user@lists.osgeo.orghttp://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
> This mail was received via Mail-SeCure System.
> --
> Micha Silver
> GIS Consultant, Arava Development Co.http://www.surfaces.co.il
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] MERIS projection

2013-09-26 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Dear community
I still use QGIS 1.9.
I have to work with Modis data.
I've found the correct proj4 projection in the site
I uploaded the new projection in QGis by using "custom SR".

Everything work fine, but I would like to set also the correct name to this
projection that is EPSG:4862.
By now QGIS recognizes the uploaded MERIS projection as USER:10002.
Can you help me?

Thank you
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Modis projection (and not MERIS projection)

2013-09-27 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hello everybody

I apologize because I have to point out two mistakes I made yesterday in my
first mail called "MERIS projection" (it was late night and I was almost

The first mistake is that I work with MODIS and not MERIS.

The second mistake is that the correct EPSG code for the MODIS projection
is 6842, as shown in

EPSG:6842 is not available in QGIS 2.0, but there is EPSG:53008 (Sinusoidal
spheric) that is almost the same

EPSG:6842 = +proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181
+units=m +no_defs
EPSG:53008= +proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007 +b=6371007
+units=m +no_defs

At home I still have QGIS 1.8 and I uploaded the new CRS

By now I am in my office and I'm not able to save my custom CRS (EPSG:6842)
because the 2.0 version doesn't have the button "save" in the "custom CRS"
but only "OK".

Any suggestion?

Thank you
Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Qgis-user Digest, Vol 91, Issue 85

2013-09-28 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Thank you Andrè and Alex.
It's a (not) funny thing. The procedure that alex showed me works in my
laptop but not in my desktop.
I have Lubuntu 13.04 and qgis 2.0 in both the machines.
I don't know.
Thank you

On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 9:00 PM,  wrote:

> Send Qgis-user mailing list submissions to
> qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> qgis-user-requ...@lists.osgeo.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> qgis-user-ow...@lists.osgeo.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Qgis-user digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. Re: MERIS projection (Andre Joost)
>2. Re: Modis projection (and not MERIS projection) (Andre Joost)
>3. Re: Resample a raster (G. Allegri)
>4. Re: Modis projection (and not MERIS projection) (Alex Mandel)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 17:17:21 +0200
> From: Andre Joost 
> To: qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] MERIS projection
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Am 27.09.2013 07:28, schrieb Paolo Cavallini:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Il 27/09/2013 00:05, Giacomo Fontanelli ha scritto:
> >
> >> I've found the correct proj4 projection in the site
> >> http://spatialreference.org/ref/sr-org/modis-sinusoidal/
> >> I uploaded the new projection in QGis by using "custom SR".
> >>
> >> Everything work fine, but I would like to set also the correct name to
> this
> >> projection that is EPSG:4862.
> >> By now QGIS recognizes the uploaded MERIS projection as USER:10002.
> >
> > Why it is not in standard EPSG database, as incorporated into QGIS?
> The code is SR-ORG:6842; EPSG:4862 is something completly different.
> Proj offers a lot of projections which are not used by any surveying
> Authorithy, and therefore not in the official EPSG database.
> Take igh (interrupted goode homolosine), ortho, aeqd and miller as
> examples.
> Greetings,
> Andr? Joost
> ------
> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 17:22:24 +0200
> From: Andre Joost 
> To: qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Modis projection (and not MERIS projection)
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Am 27.09.2013 12:28, schrieb Giacomo Fontanelli:
> > Hello everybody
> >
> > I apologize because I have to point out two mistakes I made yesterday in
> my
> > first mail called "MERIS projection" (it was late night and I was almost
> > sleeping).
> >
> > The first mistake is that I work with MODIS and not MERIS.
> >
> > The second mistake is that the correct EPSG code for the MODIS projection
> > is 6842, as shown in
> > http://spatialreference.org/ref/sr-org/modis-sinusoidal/.
> >
> > EPSG:6842 is not available in QGIS 2.0, but there is EPSG:53008
> (Sinusoidal
> > spheric) that is almost the same
> >
> > EPSG:6842 = +proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181
> +b=6371007.181
> > +units=m +no_defs
> > EPSG:53008= +proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007 +b=6371007
> > +units=m +no_defs
> >
> Have a closer look: The first is SR-ORG:6842, and the second ESRI:53008.
> So both not official EPSG code numbers.
> Greetings,
> Andr? Joost
> --
> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 17:57:03 +0200
> From: "G. Allegri" 
> To: Michael Spencer 
> Cc: qgis-user 
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Resample a raster
> Message-ID:
>  eem+3eiamgdoc5hvhax5j0dmiefvoc7k...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> you can do it with gdal_translate [1] that you can also run through the
> GDALTools Plugin, i.e. under the Raster menu.
> giovanni
> [1] http://www.gdal.org/gdal_translate.html
> Sent from Nexus
> Il 27/set/2013 16:45 "Michael Spencer"  ha
> scritto:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Does anyone know if it's possible to resample a raster in QGIS? e.g. I
> > have a raster with a cell size of 50 m that I would like to convert to
> 100
> > m.
> >
> > I currently do this in 

[Qgis-user] Private copy of qgis.db and a problem with the public key

2013-09-28 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Dear community
I have to solve 2 problems:

1) each time I start qgis 2.0 on my pc with Lubuntu 13.04 I get an error

2) whe I was using the 1.8 version I tried to import the old public keys

gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 47765B75
gpg --export --armor 47765B75 | sudo apt-key add -
each time I got an error.

Now with the new 2.0 version I imported the new public keys

pg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 997D3880
gpg --export --armor 997D3880 | sudo apt-key add -

and it worked good, but anyway each time I do the sudo apt-get update I
obtain this error message

Errore GPG: http://qgis.org raring Release: Le seguenti firme non sono
state verificate perché la chiave pubblica non è disponibile: NO_PUBKEY
BBA6491F47765B75 (public key is not available).

How to remove those two message?

Thank you
Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Private copy of qgis.db and a problem with the public key

2013-09-30 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
By now I still continue to obtain the error message

The line sudo gpg --recv-key BBA6491F47765B75 is ok, but when I insert the
command sudo gpg --export --armor BBA6491F47765B75 | apt-key add - I obtain
the message "This command can only be used by root"

Thank you

On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 8:20 PM, Levente Kovacs wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Sat, 28 Sep 2013 14:13:40 +0200
> Paolo Cavallini  wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Il 28/09/2013 13:33, Giacomo Fontanelli ha scritto:
> >
> > > 1) each time I start qgis 2.0 on my pc with Lubuntu 13.04 I get an
> >
> > know bug, fixed yesterday
> However, the old/wrong (?) private key 997D3880 is listed here:
> www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/alldownloads.html
> The correct(?) commands are:
> gpg --recv-key BBA6491F47765B75
> gpg --export --armor BBA6491F47765B75 | apt-key add -
> You can insert the sudo thing which I don't want.
> cheers and 73!
> Levente
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
> iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJSRx4EAAoJECHeg32hsZ8o/IkH/2pAAOapDJykhixUrgwj5e/W
> O3C3crxEOL9dVJFLCMmYjS3i5JiCBwKNX1lYd1lF7k3yrMnfc2Lt94I0N6BMnFfX
> xcw/tzB+mlrXaXMC68Je/9cvEkIpd4BFDE6zQjpmk9G8lLviGZsrcJzahYGtK7vC
> 2xks2Wvnbp0x3K4fFiVB99NTO+edOU7zKIZZjU7TFD54sxyjUp9hSxjiWoC/Upva
> kuIFl7WvrS0A74+FfZ7Dw8P6g4qFr6xb+qsBXSRyizGoqHg+9rlCXv8047NjxXtE
> avWH2m2cKaRDt6sM+ZN2I250wBnIGnUrEHjv2e7RkrW8qIEN6ebUQ+Tu5/pNC1c=
> =2DVa
> ___
> Qgis-user mailing list
> Qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] problem reprojecting some shapefiles

2014-01-21 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
dear community

I'm gonna report a problem that I observed frequently. I have polygon
shapefile, downloaded from the net, representing the path of a satellite. I
think this shapefile derive from a .kml, but I'm not sure. This layer is
WGS84 EPSG:4326.

I have also a layer in UTM 32N (EPSG:32632).

If I work with the on the fly projection I can see both the layers
correctly reprojected and positioned in EPSG 32632 (this must be the
reference system of my project), but once I deflag the on fly projection
and I try to reproject the WGS84 layer (Vector>Define projection) in UTM 32
N, the polygons are absolutely not overlayed.

If I start again the on the fly projectio I don't get any overlay, the only
way to reach a good positioning is to reproject again the first layer in
the native reference system (WGS84) and using the on the fly reprojection.

My impression is thar QGIS doesn't correctly reproject the shapefiles
coming from .kml, am I wrong?

Thank you very much
Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] problem reprojecting some shapefiles

2014-01-21 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Thank you very much, I tried you suggestion, but it doesn't work. I think
is because of the origin of the shapefile, coming from a kml. Since is not
the first time that I notice this problem, I realized that it is not
possible to reproject a shapefile made from a kml. Am I wrong? Thank you

On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 1:04 PM, Simon Cropper <
simoncrop...@fossworkflowguides.com> wrote:

> On 21/01/14 22:44, Giacomo Fontanelli wrote:
>> dear community
>> I'm gonna report a problem that I observed frequently. I have polygon
>> shapefile, downloaded from the net, representing the path of a
>> satellite. I think this shapefile derive from a .kml, but I'm not sure.
>> This layer is WGS84 EPSG:4326.
>> I have also a layer in UTM 32N (EPSG:32632).
>> If I work with the on the fly projection I can see both the layers
>> correctly reprojected and positioned in EPSG 32632 (this must be the
>> reference system of my project), but once I deflag the on fly projection
>> and I try to reproject the WGS84 layer (Vector>Define projection) in UTM
>> 32 N, the polygons are absolutely not overlayed.
>> If I start again the on the fly projectio I don't get any overlay, the
>> only way to reach a good positioning is to reproject again the first
>> layer in the native reference system (WGS84) and using the on the fly
>> reprojection.
>> My impression is thar QGIS doesn't correctly reproject the shapefiles
>> coming from .kml, am I wrong?
>> Thank you very much
>> ___
>> Qgis-user mailing list
>> Qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
> Hi Giacomo,
> It may be possible that  your shapefile does not have a spatial index
> (depends on tool used to convert from kml).
> Try opening your original file in a new project projected in WGS84
> EPSG:4326, then reproject it to EPSG 32632 giving it a new name.
> Open your original project in UTM 32N (EPSG:32632) and open the newly
> created satellite file.
> Does this work?
> --
> Cheers Simon
>Simon Cropper - Open Content Creator
>Free and Open Source Software Workflow Guides
>Introduction   http://www.fossworkflowguides.com
>GIS Packages   http://www.fossworkflowguides.com/gis
>bash / Pythonhttp://www.fossworkflowguides.com/scripting
> ___
> Qgis-user mailing list
> Qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] problem reprojecting some shapefiles

2014-01-22 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Thank you very much, it works, it's a little bit muddled but it works. Thanx

On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 7:41 PM, Etienne Tourigny

> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 9:44 AM, Giacomo Fontanelli <
> giacomofontanell...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> dear community
>> I'm gonna report a problem that I observed frequently. I have polygon
>> shapefile, downloaded from the net, representing the path of a satellite. I
>> think this shapefile derive from a .kml, but I'm not sure. This layer is
>> WGS84 EPSG:4326.
>> I have also a layer in UTM 32N (EPSG:32632).
>> If I work with the on the fly projection I can see both the layers
>> correctly reprojected and positioned in EPSG 32632 (this must be the
>> reference system of my project), but once I deflag the on fly projection
>> and I try to reproject the WGS84 layer (Vector>Define projection) in UTM 32
>> N, the polygons are absolutely not overlayed.
> Define projection is not the correct tool, it only sets the projection but
> does not actually reproject the data.
> Try "Save As" with the desired CRS, and a new file name. When you open
> that new file in QGIS it will have the correct projection.
>> If I start again the on the fly projectio I don't get any overlay, the
>> only way to reach a good positioning is to reproject again the first layer
>> in the native reference system (WGS84) and using the on the fly
>> reprojection.
>> My impression is thar QGIS doesn't correctly reproject the shapefiles
>> coming from .kml, am I wrong?
>> Thank you very much
>> ___
>> Qgis-user mailing list
>> Qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
Qgis-user mailing list


2014-01-27 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Dear community
I use QGIS 2.0.1 Dufour. I tried to install sextante on my PC (equipped
with Lubuntu).

I installed PSYCOPG2 and then I downloaded the folder with the sextante
plugin from http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/user/volayaf/admin, version

Once I start qgis and opened the plugins tab I can see that the 1.0.9
version is obsolete and it could work only until qgis 1.9.

Ok the question is: where can I find an upgraded and working version of
sextante plugin?

Thank you very much

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] upgrading earth beat

2014-02-20 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
 I am a happy user of the plugin earth beat,
It worked until QGIS 1.9, but I use to work always with the last
version of
the software (2.0).
I Would like to upgrade the python plugin of Heart Beat.
I'm new in python programming but I would like to start to build my own
plugins and this could be a good starting point.
Any suggestion?
Thank you very much
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] help, problem with python and qgis

2014-05-10 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hello everybody

I use Qgis 2.3 nightly-build on ubuntu 14.04.
Today I started the software and i received this message

 File "", line 1, in File
 line 35, in from qgis.core import QgsFeature, QgsGeometry
ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/qgis/core.so: undefined

I tried to update and upgrade, but without success.
How can I solve it.

Thank you very much.
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] how to produce a RGB image?

2014-06-10 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hello forum
my name is Giacomo, I would like to produce a RGB image using 3 different
SAR images relative to 3 different dates.

How can I do it?

Thank you very much
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] how to create a BSQ stack of images

2014-06-10 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli

Hi, it's Giacomo again

Anyone knows how to create a BSQ images stack with QGIS?

Thank you very much

Questa e-mail è priva di virus e malware perché è attiva la protezione avast! 

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] pixel counting in a raster

2014-07-01 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Dear Qgis Community

I have a Raster layer made by pixels with 4 different values (4, 7, 17, 27).

How can i calculate the number of pixels with value 4, with value 7, with
value 17, with value  27?

Thank you very much

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] pixel counting in a raster

2014-07-01 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hi Etienne

yes the Histogram works, but I taught there was also a tool that could give
me the numerical value.


On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 8:19 PM, Etienne Tourigny 

> try the histogram (in the layer properties) - it will show you a graph
> from which you can get the values
> On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 2:00 PM, Giacomo Fontanelli <
> giacomofontanell...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Qgis Community
>> I have a Raster layer made by pixels with 4 different values (4, 7, 17,
>> 27).
>> How can i calculate the number of pixels with value 4, with value 7, with
>> value 17, with value  27?
>> Thank you very much
>> Giacomo
>> ___
>> Qgis-user mailing list
>> Qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] using a dbf for a raster layer classification

2014-08-08 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hello folks
I use QGIS 2.4, I have a Raster layer and I have also a relate .dbf with
the pixel classes.

Is it possible to upload the .dbf file in order to automatically classify
the raster instead of manually putting the data of each class inside of the

Thank you very much
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] selecting features containing a polygon

2014-09-08 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli

Hello everybody

I have a shapefile named e.g. "pol_A" made by many polygons. How to 
select the polygons containing another polygon constituted by the shape 
file "pol_B"?.

Thank you very much.

Questa e-mail è priva di virus e malware perché è attiva la protezione avast! 

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] unable to produce a raster mask

2014-11-22 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Dear community

I start from a raster layer, 8bit unsigned integer. Pixel value ranges from
1 to 12.

I would like to mask the pixels with value>8, setting their new value to 0.

I used raster calculator with this formula

 ( "lc_n_italy1@1" >= 8 )  * ("lc_n_italy1@1" * 0)

I tried also

 ( "lc_n_italy1@1" >= 8 )  * 0

but I always obtain a map with only "Nan"

Can you help me?

Thank you
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] splitting polygons in multiple layers

2015-01-28 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli

Dear community

my name is Giacomo, from Italy
I use Quantum GIS 2.6

I have a vector layer with several polygons, is it possible to split 
this layer in several layers containing only one polygon each?

Waiting for your reply.

Thank you very much

Questa e-mail è priva di virus e malware perché è attiva la protezione avast! 

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Tabulate area with QGIS

2015-02-03 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Dear Community
my name is Giacomo

I wonder if it is possible to carry out a tabulate area (ArcGIS) analysis
with QGis.
I Tried with "QGis Geoalgorithms processing > Zonal statistics", but the
software came out with the message: 'NoneType' object has no attribute
'SetGeoTransform' See log for more details'.

My aim is:
Given a shape file with different "zones" and  a raster land cover map, my
final goal will be to define for each zone the total amount of each
possible land cover classes that overlap the zone.

Many thanks,
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] making mistakes with raster calculator

2015-04-08 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Dear forum

I use QGIS 2.8.1.

I have a raster map, Float32, pixel values range from -0.7 to 1.

I Would like to make a map with pixel having only two values:

pixels with values <= 0 should be 0

pixels with values > 0 should be 5.

the sintax

( "3_NDFI@1" <= 0 ) =0 AND  ( "3_NDFI@1" > 0 ) =5

doesn't work because it produces a map with only 0 values.

In order to reach my goal I must do

( "3_NDFI@1" <= 0 ) =0 AND  ( "3_NDFI@1" > 0 ) =1

then multiply result by 5.

What's the problem?
Is it possible to fulfil the purpose with only one raster operation?

Thank you very much
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Clean a raster layer converted in vector layer

2015-04-17 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Dear forum

I converted my raster layer in a vector - polygons one.

The operation worked, but now I have a many small isolated polygons with
one or few pixels dimension.

Many of those small polygons also overlay the correct polygons.

Ho can I easily remove this?

Thank you very much

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] delete overlapped polygons

2015-04-19 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hello forum

this post is similar to my last one, but not totally the same.

Thank you for making me know the Sieve filter.

I have a vector layer.

I have some polygons that apparently seem to be lying on bigger polygons
and totally included on this, but if you delete the small ones they produce
holes on the big polygons with the same dimension and shape of the small
Well: this is the result I'd like to obtain, I mean I would like to
automatically delete the smaller polygons producing the described holes.

How can I do this?

Thank you very much
Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] delete overlapped polygons

2015-04-20 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Dear Randy

unfortunately the dimensions of the smaller polygons are very variable and
it's hard to apply your method.

I'm gonna try with GRASS or OTB or SAGA.

I will keep you in touch.
Thank you very much


On Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 6:54 PM, Randal Hale <
rjh...@northrivergeographic.com> wrote:

>  I believe you can do it this way (as I'm experimenting with this very
> thing). Of course - if you have very small polygons with even smaller
> polygons this wouldn't work.
> Select features using an expression and let your expression be $area <
> square units you are looking for.
> I wanted to select everything in my layer less than 10 acres (I am working
> in Feet) so I entered $area < 435600 and have quite a few polygons selected
> now. I am checking to make sure it has done what I wanted.
> Hope this helps - I'm pretty sure there is a more elegant solution than
> $area - but so far this works for me.
> Randy
> On 04/19/2015 12:38 PM, Giacomo Fontanelli wrote:
> Hello forum
>  this post is similar to my last one, but not totally the same.
>  Thank you for making me know the Sieve filter.
>  I have a vector layer.
>  I have some polygons that apparently seem to be lying on bigger polygons
> and totally included on this, but if you delete the small ones they produce
> holes on the big polygons with the same dimension and shape of the small
> polygons.
> Well: this is the result I'd like to obtain, I mean I would like to
> automatically delete the smaller polygons producing the described holes.
>  How can I do this?
>  Thank you very much
> ___
> Qgis-user mailing 
> listQgis-user@lists.osgeo.orghttp://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
> --
> -
> Randal Hale
> North River Geographic Systems, 
> Inchttp://www.northrivergeographic.com423.653.3611 
> rjh...@northrivergeographic.com
> twitter:rjhale 
> http://about.me/rjhalehttp://www.northrivergeographic.com/introduction-to-quantum-gis
> ___
> Qgis-user mailing list
> Qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] fondere 2 poligoni separati d fiume

2021-02-10 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli

ho 2 poligoni rappresentanti 2 aree.

Vorrei fonderli in un poligono solo, il problema è che nel mezzo passa un
A risultato finito vorrei che la larghezza del fiume non venisse
considerata e che il nuovo poligono vi passasse semplicemente a cavallo.

Qual è il modo più smart per farlo?

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[Qgis-user] problem with raster calculator

2015-05-15 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Dear forum

here is my problem.

I've got a raster layer with pixel value ranging from -8 to -15.

I found that Qgis fails when I do (layer@band1 * -1) because it produces a
map with only NaN.

I can do any operation except multiplication by a negative number.

Can you help me?

Thank you
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] new issue with raster calculator

2015-05-18 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Dear community

I have a raster layer with pixel values ranging from -8 to -11.

when I do "layer1@band1" * 0.1 I get a map with only 0 and Nan, instead
when I do "layer1@band1" / 10 I obtain the map with correct values.

What do I do wrong?

Thank you very much
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] logarythms with raster calculator

2015-05-18 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Hi forum

I need to convert a raster  map in linear values in a map with pixel value
expressed in dB, buti in raster calculator there is no the Log function.

Any suggestions?

Thank you
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] different QGIS behavior between windows and lubuntu

2015-05-29 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
I used to work with qgis 2.8.1 in Lubuntu and in windows7.

Each time I try to multiplicate a map for a number comprise between 0 and 1
(i.e. 0.1) I get a good results on windows OS, but I get a map with only 0
and NaN on Linux.

Further, I get a correct result on Lubuntu if I divide by 10 instead of
multiplicate by 0.1.


"band@map" * 0.1 on windows = OK "band@map" * 0.1 on lubuntu = only 0 and
NaN "band@map" / 10 on lubuntu = ok.

I use the same gdal version and I always get a correct Float32 map.

Canyou help me?

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] aggregate map of maximum value

2015-07-07 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
dear community

I have a stack (bsq) of 5 images.

I would like to make an aggregate map of the maximum of each pixel of the

I Googled and I found contrasting opinions on how to do it.

Can you help me?

Thank you
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Open Layers Plugin crashes in QGIS 2.16

2016-07-20 Thread Giacomo Fontanelli
Dear forum

I use QGIS 2.16 with Lubuntu 16.04.64bit.

Software crashes each time I try to use OpenLayerPlugin.

The first time a message appeared with " Python Error: An error has
occurred while executing Python code. See message log.

I was not able to read the log.

Now when I try to launch the OpenLayersPlugin Qgis automatically quit.

Can you help me?

Thank you
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