Re: [Qgis-user] Using qgis as realtime decision support tool

2018-06-18 Thread Jeroen Hovens
Re-opening the project does indeed update the map.
And the statistics toolbar does provide useful information, but just for 1 
column at a time.

Okay, learned some new things, but it is not yet the decision support tool I am 
hoping to have šŸ˜Š
For best results, this still needs me as a person to incorporate changes as 
they are made/chosen or to manually update maps etc.

Maybe building a webmap and letting the group switch on and of proposals (by 
(de)selecting them in the webmap legend) is still a fancier idea. This however 
requires me to build a map with 60 layers, one for each proposal, all uising 
the same basic nation-map and adding information to 1 municipality... That 
doesnā€™t sound effective. And then they still have to make changes in two files, 
with consistency errors waiting to happen.

Any fresh ideas?
Is it possible to incorporate a map directly into MS excel? So the map part is 
visual within Excel, maybe even without the use of qgis? 

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Raymond Nijssen  
Verzonden: maandag 18 juni 2018 18:34
Aan: Jeroen Hovens ;
Onderwerp: Re: [Qgis-user] Using qgis as realtime decision support tool

On 18-06-18 17:10, Jeroen Hovens wrote:
> That would work if updating the xlsx file automatically leads to an updated 
> map. Does it, or do I have to renew the join every time the xlslx is updated?

Just (re)opening the project should work. You can easily test it locally.

> I would like the decision makers to see directly what happens to the 
> geographical spread if they refuse proposal 10 to 21 (for instance based on 
> quality of the proposal). Because geographical spread is one of the criteria 
> and this is best visualized with a map (instead of a list of municipality 
> names), they can argue and reconsider choices. That's my need for 'real-time'.
> Combined with the wish to make changes in just one document (xlsx being the 
> easiest) in stead of two (both xlsx and qgis), I am looking for solution.

To be honest, opening the attribute table and edit some cells manually in an 
edit session is not too complicated imho.

> I have to look into the Statistics panel. Will that provide cumulations of a 
> certain column based on a selection of fields (all the selected proposals)? 
> And what is used to create that selection? Does it refresh automatically?

Yes, you choose the layer and column and it shows all statistics. It can 
also show the statistics for the selected features only.

> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: Qgis-user  Namens Raymond Nijssen
> Verzonden: maandag 18 juni 2018 13:35
> Aan:
> Onderwerp: Re: [Qgis-user] Using qgis as realtime decision support tool
> Hi Jeroen,
> If I understand you correctly, you just want to color entire municipalities 
> based on information in one or few columns? And the challenge is cooperating 
> with others, who don't know QGIS?
> You could use a shared drive, like dropbox, to store 3 files:
> 1 table (xlsx or csv)
> 1 geo layer with municipalities (gpkg or shp)
> 1 qgis project, with the table joined to the layer, and with the desired style
> Others can update the table, and you (and others) can open the project and 
> see the updated map in qgis.
> Would that work?
> On 18-06-18 12:40, Alexandre Neto wrote:
>> I agree that one layer would be preferable. Using the categorized
>> renderer would make it easy to select and deselect proposals. You can
>> create the classes with  a mix of the name of the munucipality and the
>> bugdet,  that way that is visible directly on the  legend, making it
>> easier to select.
>> Then you can use the Statistics panel to show the stats over a column,
>> for example the budget sum.
>> Jeroen Hovens>> escreveu
>> no dia segunda, 18/06/2018 Ć s 11:27:
>>  I have not organized the data yet, that will depend on the proā€™s and
>>  conā€™s of ideaā€™s how to use it.
>>  __ __
>>  For now, I am thinking along the following line:
>>  All municipalities as fields with attributes being whether or not
>>  they have a proposal and specific information about the proposal
>>  such as budget needed, type of project, etc.
>>  That would mean 1 layer with all the proposals. That way it seems
>>  easier to show the entire map (all municipalities white, just
>>  borders, and all municipalities with proposal coloured), so to
>>  easily see the spread.
>>  __ __
>>  __ __
>>  *Van:* Alexandre Neto >  <>>

Re: [Qgis-user] Using qgis as realtime decision support tool

2018-06-18 Thread Jeroen Hovens
That would work if updating the xlsx file automatically leads to an updated 
map. Does it, or do I have to renew the join every time the xlslx is updated?
I would like the decision makers to see directly what happens to the 
geographical spread if they refuse proposal 10 to 21 (for instance based on 
quality of the proposal). Because geographical spread is one of the criteria 
and this is best visualized with a map (instead of a list of municipality 
names), they can argue and reconsider choices. That's my need for 'real-time'.
Combined with the wish to make changes in just one document (xlsx being the 
easiest) in stead of two (both xlsx and qgis), I am looking for solution.

I have to look into the Statistics panel. Will that provide cumulations of a 
certain column based on a selection of fields (all the selected proposals)? And 
what is used to create that selection? Does it refresh automatically?

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Qgis-user  Namens Raymond Nijssen
Verzonden: maandag 18 juni 2018 13:35
Onderwerp: Re: [Qgis-user] Using qgis as realtime decision support tool

Hi Jeroen,

If I understand you correctly, you just want to color entire municipalities 
based on information in one or few columns? And the challenge is cooperating 
with others, who don't know QGIS?

You could use a shared drive, like dropbox, to store 3 files:
1 table (xlsx or csv)
1 geo layer with municipalities (gpkg or shp)
1 qgis project, with the table joined to the layer, and with the desired style

Others can update the table, and you (and others) can open the project and see 
the updated map in qgis.

Would that work?

On 18-06-18 12:40, Alexandre Neto wrote:
> I agree that one layer would be preferable. Using the categorized 
> renderer would make it easy to select and deselect proposals. You can 
> create the classes with  a mix of the name of the munucipality and the 
> bugdet,  that way that is visible directly on the  legend, making it 
> easier to select.
> Then you can use the Statistics panel to show the stats over a column, 
> for example the budget sum.
> Jeroen Hovens>> escreveu 
> no dia segunda, 18/06/2018 Ć s 11:27:
> I have not organized the data yet, that will depend on the proā€™s and
> conā€™s of ideaā€™s how to use it.
> __ __
> For now, I am thinking along the following line:
> All municipalities as fields with attributes being whether or not
> they have a proposal and specific information about the proposal
> such as budget needed, type of project, etc.
> That would mean 1 layer with all the proposals. That way it seems
> easier to show the entire map (all municipalities white, just
> borders, and all municipalities with proposal coloured), so to
> easily see the spread.
> __ __
> __ __
> *Van:* Alexandre Neto  <>>
> *Verzonden:* maandag 18 juni 2018 12:03
> *Aan:* Jeroen Hovens>>
> *CC:* <>
> *Onderwerp:* Re: [Qgis-user] Using qgis as realtime decision support
> tool
> __ __
> Hi,
> It's not clear how your data is organized, making it dificult to
> help in such a specific request. All the porposals are in the same
> layer, or in diferent layers?
> __ __
> Still, if you put all the proposal layers in mutually exclusive
> group, it will be easy to swap between proposals.
> __ __
> If they are all in the same layer, you can categorize and in the
> legend you can select which proposal to show.
> __ __
> _tools.html?highlight=mutually#interact-with-groups-and-layers
> __ __
>     You can also create an atlas with the necessary visualizations for
> each proposal and the calculus of the values you wish to show. But
> again, it all depends on how you have you data organized.
> __ __
> __ __
> Jeroen Hovens>>
> escreveu no dia segunda, 18/06/2018 Ć s 10:19:
> Hello,
> I am thinking about using qgis as a real-time decision support
> tool and I am looking for some good ideas to ease the 
> process.
> The case is the following:
> I have proposals from 60 municipalities (out of a possible few
> hundred), each has 1 proposal. There is only room

Re: [Qgis-user] Using qgis as realtime decision support tool

2018-06-18 Thread Jeroen Hovens
I have not organized the data yet, that will depend on the proā€™s and conā€™s of 
ideaā€™s how to use it.


For now, I am thinking along the following line:

All municipalities as fields with attributes being whether or not they have a 
proposal and specific information about the proposal such as budget needed, 
type of project, etc.

That would mean 1 layer with all the proposals. That way it seems easier to 
show the entire map (all municipalities white, just borders, and all 
municipalities with proposal coloured), so to easily see the spread.



Van: Alexandre Neto  
Verzonden: maandag 18 juni 2018 12:03
Aan: Jeroen Hovens 
Onderwerp: Re: [Qgis-user] Using qgis as realtime decision support tool



It's not clear how your data is organized, making it dificult to help in such a 
specific request. All the porposals are in the same layer, or in diferent 


Still, if you put all the proposal layers in mutually exclusive group, it will 
be easy to swap between proposals.


If they are all in the same layer, you can categorize and in the legend you can 
select which proposal to show.


You can also create an atlas with the necessary visualizations for each 
proposal and the calculus of the values you wish to show. But again, it all 
depends on how you have you data organized.



Jeroen Hovens> > escreveu no dia 
segunda, 18/06/2018 Ć s 10:19:



I am thinking about using qgis as a real-time decision support tool and I am 
looking for some good ideas to ease the process.


The case is the following:

I have proposals from 60 municipalities (out of a possible few hundred), each 
has 1 proposal. There is only room for 20 proposals to be accepted. One of the 
criteria will be the geographical spread of the proposals: it is preferred to 
have 20 proposals sort of evenly spread over the entire country, instead of 
having the majority of them coming from one region.


My idea is to show these proposals on a map by colouring the municipalities. As 
a decision support tool I need the ability to adjust the selection in real-time 
(during the discussion). The easy way is to just edit the attribute table or to 
select or deselect specific municipalities. This however requires myself to be 
present and make changes in qgis as the discussion goes (given that nobody else 
in the decision group knows how to work with qgis).

An alternative is to produce a webmap and have each municipality with a 
proposal have itā€™s own specific attribute value (but all using the same colour 
in categorized style), so they all show up in the map-legend, and any group 
member can easily select or deselect a specific municipality from the legend.


Do you have other ideas how to use a map as a real-time decision support tool?


Quality of the proposal is the main criterium, but in addition to the 
geographical spread there are others as well, such as variety in projects and 
the cumulative budget for the selected proposals (the cumulative budget is 
capped). Since I am not well known with database and calculation options in 
qgis and how to automatically show the results, I am building an easy to use 
excel file that will show all this information using precoded calculations, 
much like a dashboard. Simply selecting and deselecting proposals in an excel 
interface show you the changes in variety of projects and cumulative budget. 
This is much easier for the decision team to do themselves, since MS Excel is a 
well known environment. 

Ideally I get the two connected somehow, so selecting and deselecting proposals 
will alter the results in both the map as in the excel dashboard. However, 
altering data in excel doesnā€™t automatically change the results in a qgis map, 
because they are not connected in real-time.


Do you have any ideas how to make a real-time connection between MS Excel and a 
qgis map? Or information on how to use qgis internal capabilities to calculate 
certain values based on the selection of proposals? However, the last option 
will probably still need myself to be present to somehow select or deselect the 
proposals in qgis.






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Alexandre Neto



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[Qgis-user] Using qgis as realtime decision support tool

2018-06-18 Thread Jeroen Hovens


I am thinking about using qgis as a real-time decision support tool and I am
looking for some good ideas to ease the process.


The case is the following:

I have proposals from 60 municipalities (out of a possible few hundred),
each has 1 proposal. There is only room for 20 proposals to be accepted. One
of the criteria will be the geographical spread of the proposals: it is
preferred to have 20 proposals sort of evenly spread over the entire
country, instead of having the majority of them coming from one region.


My idea is to show these proposals on a map by colouring the municipalities.
As a decision support tool I need the ability to adjust the selection in
real-time (during the discussion). The easy way is to just edit the
attribute table or to select or deselect specific municipalities. This
however requires myself to be present and make changes in qgis as the
discussion goes (given that nobody else in the decision group knows how to
work with qgis).

An alternative is to produce a webmap and have each municipality with a
proposal have it's own specific attribute value (but all using the same
colour in categorized style), so they all show up in the map-legend, and any
group member can easily select or deselect a specific municipality from the


Do you have other ideas how to use a map as a real-time decision support


Quality of the proposal is the main criterium, but in addition to the
geographical spread there are others as well, such as variety in projects
and the cumulative budget for the selected proposals (the cumulative budget
is capped). Since I am not well known with database and calculation options
in qgis and how to automatically show the results, I am building an easy to
use excel file that will show all this information using precoded
calculations, much like a dashboard. Simply selecting and deselecting
proposals in an excel interface show you the changes in variety of projects
and cumulative budget. This is much easier for the decision team to do
themselves, since MS Excel is a well known environment. 

Ideally I get the two connected somehow, so selecting and deselecting
proposals will alter the results in both the map as in the excel dashboard.
However, altering data in excel doesn't automatically change the results in
a qgis map, because they are not connected in real-time.


Do you have any ideas how to make a real-time connection between MS Excel
and a qgis map? Or information on how to use qgis internal capabilities to
calculate certain values based on the selection of proposals? However, the
last option will probably still need myself to be present to somehow select
or deselect the proposals in qgis.






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Re: [Qgis-user] WFS failure

2018-06-15 Thread Jeroen Hovens
Thank you,

Setting it to 1.1 or 1.0 works. 2.0 and automatic gives the error.

@Philip Barlow, clearing the cache didn't help. And besides, my cahce-setting 
is 0 kb šŸ˜Š


-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Even Rouault  
Verzonden: vrijdag 15 juni 2018 16:44
CC: Jeroen Hovens ;
Onderwerp: Re: [Qgis-user] WFS failure


It looks like this server doesn't properly implement WFS 2.0, and wrongly 
expects a TYPENAME parameter to be provided for the GetFeature request, whereas 
QGIS provides the TYPENAMES one as per the standard.

The solution is in the window defining the connexion parameters to force 
version 1.0 or 1.1, instead of letting the automatic version selection


> Hi all,
> Using Qgis 2.18.20 (64bit, windows) I can't download/open a specific 
> wfs layer. Using 2.14.18 (64bit, windows) the same WFS link works 
> without a problem.
> What is going wrong in 2.18.20?
> The error is the following (in Dutch)
> Laag se:OGC_Gasnetbeheerdervlak: Downloaden van objecten voor laag 
> se:OGC_Gasnetbeheerdervlak mislukt of gedeeltelijk mislukt: Server 
> genereerde een uitzondering in het antwoord GetFeature: Internal 
> error. U kunt met F5 proberen om de laag opnieuw te laden
> The wfs link is the following (all public data) 
> Username: MijnAansluitingOGC
> Password: MApoly2017
> Thanks in advance.
> Jeroen
> ___
> Qgis-user mailing list
> List info:
> Unsubscribe:

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Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS web map - add author name

2018-06-15 Thread Jeroen Hovens
Hi Yossi,


I have two solutions for this, both are about editing the index.html file, in a 
webmap based on Leaflet (I do not know if OpenLayer produces a different 


You could add your name at the bottom-right copyright/source line by adding 
text to the following line:

var hash = new L.Hash(map);

map.attributionControl.addAttribution('"; target="_blank">qgis2web Map 
created by YourName');



Or you could add a textbox by adding the following section to the end of the 
index.html, but before the line setBounds();

var author = new L.Control({position:'bottomright'});

  author.onAdd = function (map) {

this._div = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'info');


return this._div;


author.update = function () {

this._div.innerHTML = 'Map created by Yournameā€™;










Van: Qgis-user  Namens Yossi Rokni
Verzonden: donderdag 31 mei 2018 08:16
Onderwerp: [Qgis-user] QGIS web map - add author name




I created my first web map in QGIS, using the good instructions in this web 


I want to add my name as a fixed text at the bottom of the map.

Is it possible to do it by updating the file qgis2web.js or any other way?


I am not familiar with java script - it would be great if you could provide me 
the relevant java script command that I need to add into qgis2web.js.


Some more details:

I use QGIS version 2.18 (I tried using QGIS 3.0, but I couldn't create a web 
map in this version).

I created the web map using qgis2web plugin.





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[Qgis-user] WFS failure

2018-06-15 Thread Jeroen Hovens
Hi all,

Using Qgis 2.18.20 (64bit, windows) I can't download/open a specific wfs layer.
Using 2.14.18 (64bit, windows) the same WFS link works without a problem.

What is going wrong in 2.18.20?
The error is the following (in Dutch)
Laag se:OGC_Gasnetbeheerdervlak: Downloaden van objecten voor laag 
se:OGC_Gasnetbeheerdervlak mislukt of gedeeltelijk mislukt: Server genereerde 
een uitzondering in het antwoord GetFeature: Internal error. U kunt met F5 
proberen om de laag opnieuw te laden

The wfs link is the following (all public data)
Username: MijnAansluitingOGC
Password: MApoly2017

Thanks in advance.


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[Qgis-user] Customization of popup fields in qgis2web

2018-02-02 Thread Jeroen Hovens


I could use some help with leaflet/java coding.


I would like to change the appearance of the popup fields which are
generated by the qgis2web plugin using the Leaflet option. The pop-up field
shows selected attributes and their value of polygons on mouse-over.

For example, changing the background color, adding a different border or
aligning the field value to 'centered'. I am able to change the alignment,
but this also aligns the field name itself (at least in "Header label")


Tom Chadwin is looking into the possibility of adding CSS classes to the
popup, but maybe there are some easy solutions for manually editing the
output files of qgis2web?


However, my knowledge of Leaflet and java is little to none. What and where
should I edit in the output files of the webmap published by the qgis2web




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Re: [Qgis-user] ctrl-c selection issue

2018-01-10 Thread Jeroen Hovens
Update: Solution.

After saving the csv file as a shape-file and then loading the .dbf file into 
qgis everything worked as intended.

Although Qgis couldnā€™t create the .shp file and the .dbf file actually ā€˜grewā€™ 
from 227 MB (.cvs) to 9.4 GB (.dbf), I can now copy any selection without any 


And along the way I discovered the option Split Vector Layer, which is what I 
was doing, however I was doing it one at the time, instead of creating 388 new 
layers at once (because I need just a few).

And Split Vector Layer doesnā€™t work fort the .csv file or the .dbf by the way, 
it is probably missing some information.


So, still no idea what is going wrong in the .cvs file, but I have a workable 

Thank you all for your thoughts.





Van: Saber Razmjooei [] 
Verzonden: woensdag 10 januari 2018 12:33
Aan: Jeroen Hovens 
CC: Richard šŸŒ Duivenvoorde ; Ramon Andinach 
; qgis-user 
Onderwerp: Re: [Qgis-user] ctrl-c selection issue


Drag-n-drop the file on QGIS canvas!





On 10 January 2018 at 11:26, Jeroen Hovens> > wrote:

At the moment I make the selection using the Select by expression tool. I then 
choose one of the  Gem2017 values (each object is an address, and has one of 
388 unique Gem217 values). I want to select all objects bwith one unique 
Gem2017 value.
Making the selection is no problem, I can make any selection I want. Making the 
selection usually takes less then a minute.
The problem is in copying specific selections to the clipboard or saving a 
selection as a new file. Copying a selection of about 20.000 objects from the 
7,5 mln takes about a second. Unless the issue arises, then the copy process 
takes forever

I have no experience with Postgis or using databases. I tried saving the csv 
file as a sqlite, but then had no idea how to re-open that file. The dialogbox 
got me all confused ā˜¹

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Richard Duivenvoorde [ 
<> ]
Verzonden: woensdag 10 januari 2018 10:21
Aan: Jeroen Hovens> >; 'Ramon 
Andinach'> >; 
'qgis-user'> >
Onderwerp: Re: [Qgis-user] ctrl-c selection issue

Hi Jeroen,

Loading a csv in QGIS is not optimal. I think csv does not have an index, so 
when you create a small selection, QGIS has to run over all those 7,5 mln 
object every time.

Not sure how you do your 'selecting'?
Is it spatial or based on zip/postcode/buurtnr/wijknr?

I think I would either load it in Postgis (if available) or save as GeoPackage 
(better use QGIS 2.99 for that) or if all fails, create a shapefile for it. AND 
then create indexes on desired columns.

IF you are searching for strings like zipcodes in that list, I think tools like 
grep (available in OSGeo4W too!) work best:

Eg searching fro 3 zip codes is milliseconds work:

grep '2022ZJ\|2211ZE\|1016XX' pc6hnr20170801_gwb.csv

If all fails, give me a call.


Richard Duivenvoorde

On 10-01-18 00:33, Jeroen Hovens wrote:
> Hmm, I canā€™t use Edit > Paste As, because qgis does not finish the
> Edit
>> Copy command.
> The csv file is about 270 MB, 7,5 mln objects with 5 attributes, no
> x-y data.
> If you want to recreate the issue, the file can be found here:
> voor-postcode-huisnummer
> I run into this issue when selecting all objects with Attribute Gem217
> = 310
> 355 also has this issue. 321 and 356 work without a problem.
> I am using qgis here just as a means to chop the csv file into smaller
> selections which I can then use to edit, add attributes and data to
> and make maps of them.
> Gr.
> Jeroen
> *Van:* Qgis-user [ 
> <> ] *Namens
> *Ramon Andinach
> *Verzonden:* dinsdag 9 januari 2018 23:35
> *Aan:* qgis-user  <> >
> *Onderwerp:* Re: [Qgis-user] ctrl-c selection issue
> Just so weā€™ve got just about everything covered, does this happen for
> ā€œEdit-> Paste Asā€?
> Also looking at the size of your original CSV, Iā€™d go along with
> Jeroen, and try and import that csv into some other format first.
> If you can find a way of making the selection without going near the
> attribute table that will help too.
> Regards,
> Ramon.
> On 10 Jan 2018, at 06:26, Jeroen Hovens  <> 
> < <> >> wrote:

Re: [Qgis-user] ctrl-c selection issue

2018-01-10 Thread Jeroen Hovens
At the moment I make the selection using the Select by expression tool. I then 
choose one of the  Gem2017 values (each object is an address, and has one of 
388 unique Gem217 values). I want to select all objects bwith one unique 
Gem2017 value.
Making the selection is no problem, I can make any selection I want. Making the 
selection usually takes less then a minute.
The problem is in copying specific selections to the clipboard or saving a 
selection as a new file. Copying a selection of about 20.000 objects from the 
7,5 mln takes about a second. Unless the issue arises, then the copy process 
takes forever

I have no experience with Postgis or using databases. I tried saving the csv 
file as a sqlite, but then had no idea how to re-open that file. The dialogbox 
got me all confused ā˜¹

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Richard Duivenvoorde [] 
Verzonden: woensdag 10 januari 2018 10:21
Aan: Jeroen Hovens ; 'Ramon Andinach' 
; 'qgis-user' 
Onderwerp: Re: [Qgis-user] ctrl-c selection issue

Hi Jeroen,

Loading a csv in QGIS is not optimal. I think csv does not have an index, so 
when you create a small selection, QGIS has to run over all those 7,5 mln 
object every time.

Not sure how you do your 'selecting'?
Is it spatial or based on zip/postcode/buurtnr/wijknr?

I think I would either load it in Postgis (if available) or save as GeoPackage 
(better use QGIS 2.99 for that) or if all fails, create a shapefile for it. AND 
then create indexes on desired columns.

IF you are searching for strings like zipcodes in that list, I think tools like 
grep (available in OSGeo4W too!) work best:

Eg searching fro 3 zip codes is milliseconds work:

grep '2022ZJ\|2211ZE\|1016XX' pc6hnr20170801_gwb.csv

If all fails, give me a call.


Richard Duivenvoorde

On 10-01-18 00:33, Jeroen Hovens wrote:
> Hmm, I canā€™t use Edit > Paste As, because qgis does not finish the 
> Edit
>> Copy command.
> The csv file is about 270 MB, 7,5 mln objects with 5 attributes, no 
> x-y data.
> If you want to recreate the issue, the file can be found here:
> voor-postcode-huisnummer
> I run into this issue when selecting all objects with Attribute Gem217 
> = 310
> 355 also has this issue. 321 and 356 work without a problem.
> I am using qgis here just as a means to chop the csv file into smaller 
> selections which I can then use to edit, add attributes and data to 
> and make maps of them.
> Gr.
> Jeroen
> *Van:* Qgis-user [] *Namens 
> *Ramon Andinach
> *Verzonden:* dinsdag 9 januari 2018 23:35
> *Aan:* qgis-user 
> *Onderwerp:* Re: [Qgis-user] ctrl-c selection issue
> Just so weā€™ve got just about everything covered, does this happen for 
> ā€œEdit-> Paste Asā€?
> Also looking at the size of your original CSV, Iā€™d go along with 
> Jeroen, and try and import that csv into some other format first.
> If you can find a way of making the selection without going near the 
> attribute table that will help too.
> Regards,
> Ramon.
> On 10 Jan 2018, at 06:26, Jeroen Hovens  <>> wrote:
> Thanks for the ideas.
> The option to save the selection as new csv file as Ramon suggested,
> doesnā€™t work; qgis goes into ā€˜not respondingā€™ and no csv file is
> added to the layer list. However, a csv file is made, lacking a
> decent number of objects (first test 15095 of 18582 objects and
> second test is 15179 of 18582 objects, so missing about 3,5k
> objects). This csv file can be opened manually in qgis.
> And I checked: this options does work for selections where the
> ctrl-c option also worked. Then the new cvs layer is added to the
> layer list in no time.
> Is there some sort of log file in qgis that might give clues to the
> ā€˜not responding?
> @Kirk
> I did close and reopen qgis multiple times, even shut down the pc
> entirely, but to no effect. Selections that did allow for copying
> earlier, still work: I can make that selection again and ctrl-c
> works fine. Seems to me this rules out memory-issues.
> Gr.
> Jeroen
> *Van:* Qgis-user
> [] *Namens *Kirk Schmidt
> *Verzonden:* dinsdag 9 januari 2018 22:20
> *Aan:* <mailto:qgis-user@lists

Re: [Qgis-user] ctrl-c selection issue

2018-01-09 Thread Jeroen Hovens
Hmm, I canā€™t use Edit > Paste As, because qgis does not finish the Edit > Copy 


The csv file is about 270 MB, 7,5 mln objects with 5 attributes, no x-y data. 

If you want to recreate the issue, the file can be found here:

I run into this issue when selecting all objects with Attribute Gem217 = 310

355 also has this issue. 321 and 356 work without a problem.


I am using qgis here just as a means to chop the csv file into smaller 
selections which I can then use to edit, add attributes and data to and make 
maps of them.





Van: Qgis-user [] Namens Ramon Andinach
Verzonden: dinsdag 9 januari 2018 23:35
Aan: qgis-user 
Onderwerp: Re: [Qgis-user] ctrl-c selection issue


Just so weā€™ve got just about everything covered, does this happen for ā€œEdit-> 
Paste Asā€?


Also looking at the size of your original CSV, Iā€™d go along with Jeroen, and 
try and import that csv into some other format first. 

If you can find a way of making the selection without going near the attribute 
table that will help too.





On 10 Jan 2018, at 06:26, Jeroen Hovens> > wrote:


Thanks for the ideas.


The option to save the selection as new csv file as Ramon suggested, doesnā€™t 
work; qgis goes into ā€˜not respondingā€™ and no csv file is added to the layer 
list. However, a csv file is made, lacking a decent number of objects (first 
test 15095 of 18582 objects and second test is 15179 of 18582 objects, so 
missing about 3,5k objects). This csv file can be opened manually in qgis.

And I checked: this options does work for selections where the ctrl-c option 
also worked. Then the new cvs layer is added to the layer list in no time.


Is there some sort of log file in qgis that might give clues to the ā€˜not 



I did close and reopen qgis multiple times, even shut down the pc entirely, but 
to no effect. Selections that did allow for copying earlier, still work: I can 
make that selection again and ctrl-c works fine. Seems to me this rules out 






Van: Qgis-user [] Namens Kirk Schmidt
Verzonden: dinsdag 9 januari 2018 22:20
Aan: <> 
Onderwerp: Re: [Qgis-user] ctrl-c selection issue


After a few selections, you may have to close and reopen qgis to purge the 
memory as well. Importing a csv is memory intensive so another approach is to 
try saving as a spatial database (SQLite) or even a shapefile.  Once written, 
you can load the spatial file and you should have lots of memory to keep 
selecting points. 


On 1/9/2018 4:58 PM, Ramon Andinach wrote:

Iā€™m not sure what the problem is, but if I were doing that repeatedly, Iā€™d 
probably use Layer -> Save As, tick the Save Only Selected Features box and 
save it to CSV.  Then muck about with excel later. 


This way ought to be a bit lighter on the memory. 




On 10 Jan 2018, at 04:25, Jeroen Hovens < <>> wrote:




Using qgis 2.14.18 I have been working today with a large csv file (7.5 mln 
objects). I just need selections of this database which I can then modify in 
excel. So I opened the attribute table and made a selection based on a specific 
value for an attribute, and copied that selection (about 30.000 objects) via 
the clipboard (ctrl-c) to a new Microsoft Excel file, then saved the excel file 
and repeated the process for another selection. This worked perfect for some 
time. However, some selections wonā€™t copy: when I press the copy button the 
programs turn to ā€˜not respondingā€™ and wonā€™t snap out of it anymore.  Selection 
size when this happens is about the same (about 20k to 35k objects).


What could be the problem? Could the data be corrupted? How can I check what is 


Thank you




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Kirk Schmidt, MScF, BScF, RPF
General Manager
Nortek Resource Solutions Inc.
RR # 1
Thorburn, N

Re: [Qgis-user] ctrl-c selection issue

2018-01-09 Thread Jeroen Hovens
Thanks for the ideas.


The option to save the selection as new csv file as Ramon suggested, doesnā€™t 
work; qgis goes into ā€˜not respondingā€™ and no csv file is added to the layer 
list. However, a csv file is made, lacking a decent number of objects (first 
test 15095 of 18582 objects and second test is 15179 of 18582 objects, so 
missing about 3,5k objects). This csv file can be opened manually in qgis.

And I checked: this options does work for selections where the ctrl-c option 
also worked. Then the new cvs layer is added to the layer list in no time.


Is there some sort of log file in qgis that might give clues to the ā€˜not 



I did close and reopen qgis multiple times, even shut down the pc entirely, but 
to no effect. Selections that did allow for copying earlier, still work: I can 
make that selection again and ctrl-c works fine. Seems to me this rules out 






Van: Qgis-user [] Namens Kirk Schmidt
Verzonden: dinsdag 9 januari 2018 22:20
Onderwerp: Re: [Qgis-user] ctrl-c selection issue


After a few selections, you may have to close and reopen qgis to purge the 
memory as well. Importing a csv is memory intensive so another approach is to 
try saving as a spatial database (SQLite) or even a shapefile.  Once written, 
you can load the spatial file and you should have lots of memory to keep 
selecting points. 


On 1/9/2018 4:58 PM, Ramon Andinach wrote:

Iā€™m not sure what the problem is, but if I were doing that repeatedly, Iā€™d 
probably use Layer -> Save As, tick the Save Only Selected Features box and 
save it to CSV.  Then muck about with excel later. 


This way ought to be a bit lighter on the memory. 




On 10 Jan 2018, at 04:25, Jeroen Hovens> > wrote:




Using qgis 2.14.18 I have been working today with a large csv file (7.5 mln 
objects). I just need selections of this database which I can then modify in 
excel. So I opened the attribute table and made a selection based on a specific 
value for an attribute, and copied that selection (about 30.000 objects) via 
the clipboard (ctrl-c) to a new Microsoft Excel file, then saved the excel file 
and repeated the process for another selection. This worked perfect for some 
time. However, some selections wonā€™t copy: when I press the copy button the 
programs turn to ā€˜not respondingā€™ and wonā€™t snap out of it anymore.  Selection 
size when this happens is about the same (about 20k to 35k objects).


What could be the problem? Could the data be corrupted? How can I check what is 


Thank you




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Kirk Schmidt, MScF, BScF, RPF
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[Qgis-user] ctrl-c selection issue

2018-01-09 Thread Jeroen Hovens


Using qgis 2.14.18 I have been working today with a large csv file (7.5 mln
objects). I just need selections of this database which I can then modify in
excel. So I opened the attribute table and made a selection based on a
specific value for an attribute, and copied that selection (about 30.000
objects) via the clipboard (ctrl-c) to a new Microsoft Excel file, then
saved the excel file and repeated the process for another selection. This
worked perfect for some time. However, some selections won't copy: when I
press the copy button the programs turn to 'not responding' and won't snap
out of it anymore.  Selection size when this happens is about the same
(about 20k to 35k objects).


What could be the problem? Could the data be corrupted? How can I check what
is wrong?


Thank you




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Re: [Qgis-user] How to outline regions consisting of multiple fields

2017-09-12 Thread Jeroen Hovens
Thank you for the ideas.
I have no experience with sql, so the virtual layer option is to difficult for 
me right now.

I did use the Dissolve option to create a new region shapefile. To get a good 
visual of the region outline (thick line) and at the same time see all 
municipalities colored according the value of a specific attribute I did the 
The region layer uses a single symbol style with transparent filling and a 
thick outline;
The original municipality layer uses a rule based style with 'normal' thickness 
The region layer had to be the top layer, otherwise not all region outlines 
were visible.

So that issue is solved.

This however gives me another issue when using the qgis2web plugin to export a 
I want to show the information from the municipality layer using the 'pop-up on 
hover' functionality. That functionality however only shows the information of 
the top layer.

A workaround for this is to use the 'add layer list' functionality in qgis2web 
which produces a menu to toggle on and off layers. When I toggle off the region 
layer, the pop up will show the information form the municipality layer on 
mouse-over, but I lose the region outlines at the same time. I can keep 
switching between toggle on and off and moving the mouse back to the specific 
municipality to see information, but it is not very convenient and also needs 
some explaining for visitors of the webmap ("If you want to see the information 
for a specific municipality, first toggle off the region layer")

Any ideas for a better workaround?

Jeroen Hovens

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: DelazJ [] 
Verzonden: dinsdag 12 september 2017 10:06
Aan: Matt Boyd 
CC: Jeroen Hovens ; qgis-user 
Onderwerp: Re: [Qgis-user] How to outline regions consisting of multiple fields


2017-09-12 8:19 GMT+02:00 Matt Boyd :

> I don't think there is a way to just select the outline / extent of 
> the regions from the municipalities and display that but still keep 
> the municipalities separate. There may be something with a virtual 
> view if you loaded it into a GIS database but I'm just guessing now.
No need to have data in a GIS database for that. QGIS provides the virtual 
layer format [0] which you can use to create the merged features (if you don't 
want to store such a layer in your folders).

I don't know whether it's possible but wonder if the geometry generator symbol 
can be used to aggregate features on the fly. Never try!

Another hack could be to use the "Inverted Polygon" symbology (with only the 
outlining as style) and checking the "Merge polygons before rendering (slow)" 


> Matt
> On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 10:04 AM, Jeroen Hovens  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am trying to create a map with different visualizations for 
>> different attributes.
>> The map is a basic municipalities map and has at least two other 
>> attributes that I want to show.
>> Each municipality (each field/polygon) belongs to a region (attribute 
>> A) and each municipality has a feature of some sort (attribute B).
>> Now I am trying to create a map that will show the borders of the 
>> municipalities (the basic polygons in simple thin outline), the outer 
>> borders of the region (only a thick outline) and for each 
>> municipality a color representing the value of the ā€˜featureā€™.
>> My question is: how do I create only a thick outline of the outer 
>> border for each region on my basic municipality map?
>> I can give each region a color (style rule > categorize), but I donā€™t 
>> know how to create an outline of the region border. Anything I try 
>> with lines affects every single polygon instead of just the outer border of 
>> the region.
>> Is it possible without creating a new layer with the regions as polygons?
>> Since I will color each municipality according to ā€˜attribute Bā€™, I 
>> want just the outer border for each region to be visible to visually 
>> indicate to which region the municipality belongs.
>> Any ideaā€™s?
>> Regards,
>> Jeroen Hovens
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[Qgis-user] How to outline regions consisting of multiple fields

2017-09-10 Thread Jeroen Hovens
Hi all,


I am trying to create a map with different visualizations for different

The map is a basic municipalities map and has at least two other attributes
that I want to show.

Each municipality (each field/polygon) belongs to a region (attribute A)
and each municipality has a feature of some sort (attribute B).

Now I am trying to create a map that will show the borders of the
municipalities (the basic polygons in simple thin outline), the outer
borders of the region (only a thick outline) and for each municipality a
color representing the value of the 'feature'.


My question is: how do I create only a thick outline of the outer border for
each region on my basic municipality map?

I can give each region a color (style rule > categorize), but I don't know
how to create an outline of the region border. Anything I try with lines
affects every single polygon instead of just the outer border of the region.

Is it possible without creating a new layer with the regions as polygons?

Since I will color each municipality according to 'attribute B', I want just
the outer border for each region to be visible to visually indicate to which
region the municipality belongs.


Any idea's?



Jeroen Hovens


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