Re: [Qgis-user] OpenStreetMap Error

2014-08-28 Thread Laura O'Grady
Hi Glenn,

It's not clear to me from your message whether you're still using the file you 
created in QGIS 1.8 or not. Please start with a fresh file, load Open Street 
Layers as you have already found its new menu location in 2.4 then use the OSM 
plug-in and let us know what happens.

You may also want to search through this list's archive as I recently posted a 
similar question on the use of OSM with QGIS 2.4 on Win7 64-bit.


 Message: 12
 Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 07:15:11 -0700
 From: Glenn Weller
 Subject: [Qgis-user] OpenStreetMap Error
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 I have been using Qgis 1.8 for a couple of years and have decided that it is 
 time to upgrade. I have installed Qgis 2.2 on my Windows 7 laptop and I can 
 no longer use OpenStreetMap. I opened a project I made using Qgis 1.8 and the 
 street map layer was no longer there. I then opened the OpenStreetMap (Vector 
 -- OpenStreetMap -- Download Data) in Qgis 2.2, left the defaults alone, 
 and clicked on the OK button. I received the following error message:
 Cannot open output file:
 I must be missing either a dependent plug-in or a dll but can find no 
 documentation about this error.
 I use the OpenStreetmap functionality a lot and it has become a necessity for 
 P.S. I also could not use OpenStreetMap with Qgis 2.4 so I uninstalled it and 
 tried Qgis 2.2 with the hope that it would not be a problem in an older 
 version. No such luck!
Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] OpenStreetMap Error

2014-08-28 Thread Laura O'Grady
Hi Glenn,

I'm away from my machine that has QGIS installed so I can't recreate the steps 
I used to d/l tiles. Pls take a look at the archives as I know i described it 

I was only ever able to get it to work for an individual session - when I close 
the .qgs file with the OSM-related work and re-open it the OSM map tiles are 
not there. I have to re-load as a basemap via the Open Layers menu. I thought 
when I had it working in 2.2 that this was not the case. I may be wrong because 
it was only a few weeks between my use of 2.2 and 2.4, which was what broke the 
OSM plug-in for me.


On 2014-08-28, at 3:19 PM, Glenn Weller wrote:

 Hi Laura,
 I tried it both ways. I started out using the original project I created 
 using QGIS 1.8 and, of course, it didn't work. So I recreated the same 
 project using QGIS 2.2 and I got the same error.
 After playing with plug-ins for a while I found one (TileMapScalePlugin) that 
 would add a street layer. However it is lower resolution that I would like 
 and the three layers to choose from (osm_bikemaps.xml, osm_landscape.xml, and 
 osm_mapnik.xml) are really not what I was looking for.
 I also received a response from André who wondered if I was trying to map too 
 large an area (like the entire U.S.). I am trying to obtain a Google/Yahoo 
 map for an area in central California that I have been able to successfully 
 map in QGIS 1.8. I doubt that the area I am trying to map is too large.
 I suppose I forgot to mention it but I am running Windows 7 32 bit.
 Thank you.
 From: Laura O'Grady
 Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 1:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] OpenStreetMap Error
 Hi Glenn,
 It's not clear to me from your message whether you're still using the file 
 you created in QGIS 1.8 or not. Please start with a fresh file, load Open 
 Street Layers as you have already found its new menu location in 2.4 then use 
 the OSM plug-in and let us know what happens.
 You may also want to search through this list's archive as I recently posted 
 a similar question on the use of OSM with QGIS 2.4 on Win7 64-bit.
  Message: 12
  Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 07:15:11 -0700
  From: Glenn Weller
  Subject: [Qgis-user] OpenStreetMap Error
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
  I have been using Qgis 1.8 for a couple of years and have decided that it 
  is time to upgrade. I have installed Qgis 2.2 on my Windows 7 laptop and I 
  can no longer use OpenStreetMap. I opened a project I made using Qgis 1.8 
  and the street map layer was no longer there. I then opened the 
  OpenStreetMap (Vector -- OpenStreetMap -- Download Data) in Qgis 2.2, 
  left the defaults alone, and clicked on the OK button. I received the 
  following error message:
  Cannot open output file:
  I must be missing either a dependent plug-in or a dll but can find no 
  documentation about this error.
  I use the OpenStreetmap functionality a lot and it has become a necessity 
  for me.
  P.S. I also could not use OpenStreetMap with Qgis 2.4 so I uninstalled it 
  and tried Qgis 2.2 with the hope that it would not be a problem in an older 
  version. No such luck!
 Qgis-user mailing list
Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] OpenStreetMap Error

2014-08-28 Thread Laura O'Grady
Thanks for posting the workaround.

Also you may want to look at this thread that includes a post by the OpenLayers 
developer (end of thread) regarding its status.

On 2014-08-28, at 6:12 PM, Redoute wrote:

 Am 28.08.2014 21:44, schrieb Laura O'Grady:
 I was only ever able to get it to work for an individual session - when I 
 close the .qgs file with the
 OSM-related work and re-open it the OSM map tiles are not there. I
 have to re-load as a basemap via the Open Layers menu.
 Actually there is a problem with the OpenLayers plugin. For some users
 OpenLayer layers aren't restored when opening a project.
 See I suggested a workaround there,
 don't know if it works for others.
Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Qgis-user Digest, Vol 102, Issue 34

2014-08-20 Thread Laura O'Grady
Hi Andre,

I just saw your response now. Perhaps my installation is not corrupt after
all and it is the plug-in. 

After Damien's suggestion failed I went back to John Harrop's instructions,
specifically this part of step 2,  That should then bring up a list of five
data types you can download.  They are divided by data type, not content.
For example, if you now select the points and lines items and then press
OK you will get generically named lines' and points layers in your
project.  I used the old toronto.osm.db file I had created using version
2.2. By doing this I was at least able to pull up the specific point I had
originally queried from the tag list.  But it is now rendered on the entire
OSM layer (but properly situated within Toronto) as the tiles did not
download correctly.

I think your suggestion would likely solve the problem but I'm not sure if I
want to repeat those steps every time I'm downloading tiles from OSM. I'm in
the process of reverting back to QGIS version 2.2 as it worked fine before.



Am 19.08.2014 19:46, schrieb Laura O'Grady:

 When I attempted to re-create this process in 2.4 using the instructions
 posted here by John I was able to load Open Street Map as the basemap I
 could not download the data. I tried loading it from the canvas (link to
 screen dump with error):

It looks like QGIS is attempting to download data in a bbox of mercator 
projected coordinates, while the overpass API is expecting WGS84 degrees.

This is surely a bug of the OSM plugin.

Maybe the plugin uses the project CRS as default for the bbox coordinates.

This might work:
- Create a polygon layer in WGS84 drawing a bbox polygon of the area of 
your interest with EPSG:3857 as project CRS and Openlayers background

- Delete the Openlayers background layer, change project CRS to 
EPSG:4326 and zoom to the extent of your polygon

- Download the OSM data

- Switch project CRS back to EPSG:3857, and load the Openlayers background.

Andr? Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Qgis-user Digest, Vol 102, Issue 35

2014-08-20 Thread Laura O'Grady
Hi Andre,

I was trying many different configurations as well as creating different
screen dumps. 

It was because the coordinates in the Download OpenStreetMap data bbox
were so far off from what I knew to be accurate for Toronto I had attempted
that step with the From Layer checked off thinking it might grab the
shaded boundary portion of Toronto that appeared on my screen at the time. I
uploaded a screen dump that was not precisely what I was referring to by

Here's a screen dump that shows that step as I tried it before and how far
the coordinates are off base as you've noted:

and when I try to download it fails because coordinates are incorrect:

Also as you've mentioned I cannot manually change the coordinates even if I
know the correct ones before I d/l the section of OSM I need.

I'm in the process of uninstalling 2.4 and reinstalling 2.2 based on some
instruction I've received from a message I posted on Stack Exchange. I am
aware that my plug-ins won't downgrade. I don't want them to as they were
working fine in 2.2.

Thanks for all your efforts.


Second try, after reworking your steps on Windows 7 and QGIS 2.4 32-bit:

Am 19.08.2014 19:46, schrieb Laura O'Grady:

 When I was using OSM/Open Layers before in QGIS 2.2 I used the 
 tutorial posted here:

What is written there is almost current.

 When I attempted to re-create this process in 2.4 using the 
 instructions posted here by John I was able to load Open Street Map as 
 the basemap I could not download the data. I tried loading it from the 
 canvas (link to screen dump with error):

 and loading it from the map layer (link to screen dump with error):

 If you look in the bottom left corner of the Download Open Street Data
 dialogue boxes in both screen dumps you will see that they have 0.0 MB
 already hard coded. I could not remove or adjust this number. I didn't 
 attempt the manual entry because this same issue regarding the 0.0 MB 
 appeared again with this option checked off. As I can't get the data 
 downloaded I cannot move forward with downloading the tags I'm 
 interested in.

Normally, you download the map extent, and the bbox coordinates are
automatically reprojected to WGS84. For Toronto, it should be around:
West: -79.7523
North: 43.8554
East: -79.0002
south: 43.5806
Looking at your second error image, I see Extent from Layer for the OSM
background checked, and West set to -180. That means you want the whole
world! The overpass API rejects such requests, because it would need some GB
of traffic. QGIS would not be able to handle that anyway. 
The MB reported is read-only, you can not enter anything there. I got
291 MB for Toronto.

By the way, you can downgrade to QGIS 2.2, but you can not downgrade the

Andr? Joost


Qgis-user mailing list

End of Qgis-user Digest, Vol 102, Issue 35

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Qgis-user Digest, Vol 102, Issue 35

2014-08-20 Thread Laura O'Grady
Hi all,

After attempting to revert to 2.2 only to end up with no working version at
all I gave up and re-installed 2.4. 

I went back to the Open Street Map plugin and was able to get the correct
co-ordinates to download. Find below a link to a screen dump of the steps
required to get it to work on my machine. I do not know if anyone will every
experience this but here's the information:

Thanks everyone for your help.


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 20:23:00 +0200
From: Andre Joost
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Reverting to version 2.2 from 2.4
Message-ID: lt2p39$tei$
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Second try, after reworking your steps on Windows 7 and QGIS 2.4 32-bit:

Am 19.08.2014 19:46, schrieb Laura O'Grady:

 When I was using OSM/Open Layers before in QGIS 2.2 I used the 
 tutorial posted here:

What is written there is almost current.

 When I attempted to re-create this process in 2.4 using the 
 instructions posted here by John I was able to load Open Street Map as 
 the basemap I could not download the data. I tried loading it from the 
 canvas (link to screen dump with error):

 and loading it from the map layer (link to screen dump with error):

 If you look in the bottom left corner of the Download Open Street Data
 dialogue boxes in both screen dumps you will see that they have 0.0 MB
 already hard coded. I could not remove or adjust this number. I didn't 
 attempt the manual entry because this same issue regarding the 0.0 MB 
 appeared again with this option checked off. As I can't get the data 
 downloaded I cannot move forward with downloading the tags I'm 
 interested in.

Normally, you download the map extent, and the bbox coordinates are
automatically reprojected to WGS84. For Toronto, it should be around:
West: -79.7523
North: 43.8554
East: -79.0002
south: 43.5806
Looking at your second error image, I see Extent from Layer for the OSM
background checked, and West set to -180. That means you want the whole
world! The overpass API rejects such requests, because it would need some GB
of traffic. QGIS would not be able to handle that anyway. 
The MB reported is read-only, you can not enter anything there. I got
291 MB for Toronto.

By the way, you can downgrade to QGIS 2.2, but you can not downgrade the

Andr? Joost


Qgis-user mailing list

End of Qgis-user Digest, Vol 102, Issue 35

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Reverting to version 2.2 from 2.4

2014-08-19 Thread Laura O'Grady
Thanks for your response Damien. I need both open layers and OSM to work.
The OSM plugin has just been updated and I upgraded it. I'm not sure from
your response if you have both of these plugins working on 2.4 and what OS
you are using. 


I should have added that I already followed the instructions posted earlier
this month on this list by John Harrop. I continue to get errors when using
the open layers/OSM plug-in. It may be because we are using different
operating systems (he's on a Mac and I'm on a PC).


If anyone is interested in what happened I'll attempt to recreate what I did


When I was using OSM/Open Layers before in QGIS 2.2 I used the tutorial
posted here:


I was able to follow it perfectly and download data for the area I was
interested in (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), a database was created and I was
then able to query SpatialLite for specific points/tags for a project I'm
working on with my local OSM community. The files I saved in QGIS 2.2 will
not work in 2.4. When I opened the 2.2 version .qgs file in 2.4 I got an
error message stating that if I saved this project in the new version all
functionality may be lost. I tried it anyway and sure enough it no longer


When I attempted to re-create this process in 2.4 using the instructions
posted here by John I was able to load Open Street Map as the basemap I
could not download the data. I tried loading it from the canvas (link to
screen dump with error):


and loading it from the map layer (link to screen dump with error):


If you look in the bottom left corner of the Download Open Street Data
dialogue boxes in both screen dumps you will see that they have 0.0 MB
already hard coded. I could not remove or adjust this number. I didn't
attempt the manual entry because this same issue regarding the 0.0 MB
appeared again with this option checked off. As I can't get the data
downloaded I cannot move forward with downloading the tags I'm interested


Any help on either further troubleshooting the open layers/OSM issue or my
original question about reverted to version 2.2 is appreciated. Thanks.




From: Damien Stephens [] 
Sent: August-19-14 3:04 AM
To: Laura O'Grady;
Subject: RE: [Qgis-user] Reverting to version 2.2 from 2.4


Hi if all you want is to get open layers back. Just upgrade the plugin
(plugins\manage and install plugins\   select  open layers plugin then

The layers move to the WEB menu from the PLUGINS menu across the top, but
other than that they are identical, and I think there are improvements in
how the open layers plugin works as well - seems to be more stable. I cant
tell which OSM plugin you need but I guess they will have been upgraded too.




[] On Behalf Of Laura O'Grady
Sent: Tuesday, 19 August 2014 6:21 AM
Subject: [Qgis-user] Reverting to version 2.2 from 2.4


Hi all,


I'm using a Windows 7 64-bit machine. I downloaded the installer
(osgeo4w-setup-x86_64.exe) in the fall of 2013 when I purchased, Learning
QGIS 2.0 book in the fall of 2013. I only recently installed it and was
slightly surprised to see version 2.2 install instead of 2.0. I assumed this
would not be an issue for the tutorials I was going to use to teach myself
the program.  


I was following one particular QGIS tutorial online through Canvas when I
was required to install a package in order to complete the task. As a result
QGIS upgraded to version 2.4, which broke some plug-ins (specifically open
layers, OSM) that I was using. 


I would like to know what is the best method to complete the following


(1). Remove version 2.4 and ensure there are no hooks remaining on my

(2). Re-install version 2.2 (I'm assuming it would be download it from here: , specifically the file
QGIS-OSGeo4W-2.2.0-1-Setup-x86_64.exe, dated February 26, 2014)

(3). Ensure that adding packages in the future doesn't automatically upgrade
my version to 2.2 to 2.X.


I can understand the generic installer I was using a few months ago to
install what I thought was 2.0 actually installed 2.2 but I think I should
have been asked/warned about the version change from 2.2 to 2.4. Thanks.





Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Reverting to version 2.2 from 2.4

2014-08-18 Thread Laura O'Grady
Hi all,


I'm using a Windows 7 64-bit machine. I downloaded the installer
(osgeo4w-setup-x86_64.exe) in the fall of 2013 when I purchased, Learning
QGIS 2.0 book in the fall of 2013. I only recently installed it and was
slightly surprised to see version 2.2 install instead of 2.0. I assumed this
would not be an issue for the tutorials I was going to use to teach myself
the program.  


I was following one particular QGIS tutorial online through Canvas when I
was required to install a package in order to complete the task. As a result
QGIS upgraded to version 2.4, which broke some plug-ins (specifically open
layers, OSM) that I was using. 


I would like to know what is the best method to complete the following


(1). Remove version 2.4 and ensure there are no hooks remaining on my

(2). Re-install version 2.2 (I'm assuming it would be download it from here: , specifically the file
QGIS-OSGeo4W-2.2.0-1-Setup-x86_64.exe, dated February 26, 2014)

(3). Ensure that adding packages in the future doesn't automatically upgrade
my version to 2.2 to 2.X.


I can understand the generic installer I was using a few months ago to
install what I thought was 2.0 actually installed 2.2 but I think I should
have been asked/warned about the version change from 2.2 to 2.4. Thanks.





Qgis-user mailing list