
I am trying to link up QGIS with our application by posting a feature
geometry in WKT to our local application api.
I have started by creating actions and using QWebview to call our API,

Our API needs to login.

so below is action script when used will just call the api

from PyQt4.QtCore import QUrl;

from PyQt4.QtWebKit import QWebView;

myWV = QWebView(None);



now since our api needs login - as soon as it realizes it is the firstime
user trying

to go the application url. it redirects you to login.

once i logged in - normally in a browser like chrome it remembers you so
next time you point to the API you don;t need to login anymore.

But with QGIS in QWebview everytime triggering the action it doesn;t seem
to remember and always goes back to login,

how can i make a global webview. so that it is only created once and
remember the session user is in. so it would only have to login once.

or do i have to do something other than using actions to accomplish this.


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