[Qgis-user] Changes in Python versions on QGIS 3.18

2021-03-24 Thread Pedro Camargo

I am not sure this is the appropriate mailing list to send this, but here
it goes.

I have noticed that QGIS 3.18 for Windows has shipped with Python 3.9,
after having updated to 3.8 just a couple of versions ago.

As a plugin developer, it becomes very difficult to track things and make
sure plugins are up-to-date in the face of changing Python versions,
especially when the move is to a bleeding edge version such as 3.9 right

What channels should I be plugged into to learn about these changes and
offer input before they happen?  Is there such a channel?

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[Qgis-user] Saving Linestring layer to SQLite

2017-01-25 Thread Pedro Camargo
I have been struggling for a few days now with importing Linestring
layers into Spatialite.

Every time I save the layers into a sqlite file, they are automatically
converted to MultiLinestring, even though they are perfectly normal
Linestring files in all other formats I tested (SHP and TAB).

Has anybody come across this before?

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[Qgis-user] Function deprecated

2016-03-30 Thread Pedro Camargo
I am writing a plugin to style a set of layers and I am getting a
message of deprecation on QGIS 2.14

I read the documentation but I was honestly not able to decipher it.  Can
somebody give me a pointer on how the following *bold* lines of code would

*symbolList = layer.rendererV2().symbols()*...

linkMeta = symLyrReg.instance().symbolLayerMetadata('SimpleMarker')
link = linkMeta.createSymbolLayer(linkStyle)
link.setDataDefinedProperty('angle', 'if ("Dirn" =1,90,270)')
*link.setDataDefinedProperty('size', 'if ("Dirn" = 1,1.8,if ("Dirn" =


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[Qgis-user] Automatizing map making

2012-09-17 Thread Pedro Camargo
 I have been using QGIS for a few months now after almost a decade
using Maptitude and TransCAD (from Caliper Corporation).

 Now that I already know how to get around pretty well with QGIS, I
want to use it to production of series of maps (from a few dozens to
hundreds at a time).

 My current problem is to make simple maps with graduated style and
fixed classes for several different fields on the database.

   Looking at the PyQGIS documentation helped a bit, but I got several
errors like NameError: name 'QtGui' is not defined and for many other
names/libraries in the sample code I used, so I'm pretty sure that I have
something missing that was not mentioned in the documentation or that I

   Further, I'm interested in making maps with fields that are not in the
database, so I need to make a join too (which is not mentioned anywhere in
the documentation I saw).

I would imagine that there is a way to open a project, change something
(like the fields for the graduate rendenring), update the map composer and
save the jpg, but I didn;t see anything like that...

Did anybody face a situation like this? Any recomendations?  Any sample
code you could share?

Thanks for the help,

UC Irvine

PS - Sorry for posting in two lists, but I really have no idea where to
send this e-mail.
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