[Qgis-user] Need confirmation - Identify Results not showing Area

2015-05-20 Thread RNanclares
Hi there,
i have been working with the 2.8.2 for a few days and found really weird

If i load a project (2.8.1 project saved as 2.8.2) and then use the identity
tool on some polygons the area showing in the Identity Results panel is
0.000 m2. If i load the same polygon layer by itself the Identify Results
panels shows the area correctly. 

Now if i create a new project from scratch with the same layers i get the
correct area in the Identify Results Panel. 

All layers are in UTM WGS84.

Any idea what could be causing this behavior?


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Re: [Qgis-user] Composite satellite images

2015-04-17 Thread RNanclares
Hi Susan, 

first you need to use the merge/combine (i don't remember the exact name of
the tool in English) located in the Raster > Miscellaneous menu. You have to
check the option 'stack layers'. 

To pansharpen the image, first you have to see if you have Orfeo Toolbox
installed and configured (in the Processing menu). If it is installed you
can continue by using the sumperimpose tool (in the processing toolbox).
After the superimpose has finished you can do the pansharpening using the
pansharpening (rcs) algorithm found in the processing toolbox.


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Re: [Qgis-user] Clean a raster layer converted in vector layer

2015-04-17 Thread RNanclares
Hi Giacomo, i would recommend filtering the raster before vectorizing. You
can use the sieve tool or a majority filter (via processing). With the sieve
tool you can set a threshold value which will define the minimum number of
pixels a cluster must have to be preserved, otherwise it will be merged with
the neighboring clusters. 


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[Qgis-user] Grid extent resctriction on some SAGA algorithms too extrict

2015-04-09 Thread RNanclares
Hi there,
i was trying to conduct some hydrological analysis using SAGA through the
Processing Toolbox and as always when i try to run the 'Channel Network'
algorithm i get the warning "input layers do not have the same grid extent".
Even when the layers have "roughly" (roughly in this case means up to the
ninth decimal place) the same extent.

I've tried to clip the rasters to exactly the same extent without any
success so i assume there are only a few solutions left which aren't easy or

Then i found the script, /SagaAlgorithm212.py/, and the function responsible
for this check /checkParameterValuesBeforeExecuting/. IMO the grid extent
should be checked up to the 7 or 8 decimal places not the full mantissa (16
decimal places in my case, for and EPSG:4326 raster layer).

-100.00013869,17.99986095 :
-100.00013840,17.99986089 :

Is there any reason behind this behavior? Could the extent check be less


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Re: [Qgis-user] NDVI creation from LANDSAT

2015-02-13 Thread RNanclares
Hi John, 

You don't need to perform atmospheric correction because you're using a
surface reflectance data set (that's what the SR in the file name stands
for), so it's already corrected.

NDVI values usually range from 0 to 1 but you can also find negative values.
This typically is a side effect of the atmospheric correction algorithm.
Don't worry you're doing it right. 

When you talk about red and greens it doesn't really make any sense unless
two different users are using the same color ramp. You should get high NDVI
values in the vegetation and low in water bodies/urban areas/bare ground,
and thus you will see lighter tones of grey in vegetation areas and darker
tones of grey in urban areas/bare ground while water usually displays black
o near black tones. 

Hope this helps,


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Re: [Qgis-user] SHP de vías a GPX de forma masiva

2014-12-11 Thread RNanclares
Primero tienes que separar cada vía en shapefile usando Vectorial >
Herramientas de gestión de datos > Dividir capa vectorial. Puedes dividir el
shape usando el nombre de la vía, por ejemplo. Luego simplemente tienes que
convertir de formato usando el modo de procesamiento por lotes (Caja de
herramientas > Convert, click derecho > Ejecutar usando procesamiento por

También podrías crear un modelo, usando el modelador gráfico.

Te recuerdo que existe una lista de usuarios en español.


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[Qgis-user] QGIS 2.5.0-82 Python TypeError: expected String or buffer Raster menu outputs

2014-09-26 Thread RNanclares
Hi everybody, 
i was testing 2.5.0-82 today and i'm getting this error repeatedly every
time i try to save a file using the file selector in several tools (Clipper,
Warp, Translate, Polygonize). It doesn't happen if i type the path+file name
directly in the textbox.

Is anybody else getting these errors?


Traceback (most recent call last):
line 129, in fillOutputFileEdit
self.outputFormat = Utils.fillRasterOutputFormat( lastUsedFilter,
outputFile )
line 230, in fillRasterOutputFormat
filterName = re.sub('^.*\] ', '', FileFilter.getFilterName( aFilter ))
line 479, in getFilterName
return string.strip(re.sub('\ \(.*$', '', aFilter))
  File "C:\OSGEO4~1\apps\Python27\lib\re.py", line 151, in sub
return _compile(pattern, flags).sub(repl, string, count)
TypeError: expected string or buffer

Python version:
2.7.5 (default, May 15 2013, 22:44:16) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]

QGIS version:
2.5.0-Master Master, a9c4136

Python path: ['C:/OSGEO4~1/apps/qgis-dev/./python/plugins\\processing',
'C:/OSGEO4~1/apps/qgis-dev/./python', u'C:/Users/user_name/.qgis2/python',
'C:\\OSGEO4~1\\bin\\python27.zip', 'C:\\OSGEO4~1\\apps\\Python27\\DLLs',
'C:\\OSGEO4~1\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\lib-tk', 'C:\\OSGEO4~1\\bin',

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Re: [Qgis-user] Pansharpening Landsat 8

2014-05-24 Thread RNanclares
Hi Ioakeim,

J. Malik is Julien Malik, i think he's one of the developers of OTB. Look
here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/otb-users
I'd ask there. 

If you want to pansharpen Landsat 8 scenes i'd give a try to Monteverdi (the
OTB GUI). I've compared pansharpened L8 images from different programs and
it does a good job. Bear in mind first you need to use the superimpose tool
and then pansharpen. 


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Re: [Qgis-user] How to darken a .sid layer?

2014-03-19 Thread RNanclares
Hi Mike, have you tried using the raster toolbar? Zoom in the area of
interest and then click on the tool "Local cumulative cut stretch ...", it
may do what you want.


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Re: [Qgis-user] Calculating acreage in 2.2

2014-02-28 Thread RNanclares
Hi Randal, i think there's something messed up in the QGIS project you
posted. I'm getting different results if i do the calculations when the
layers are displayed inside the project or when opening the Boundary.shp on
its own. 

I'm consistently getting 209 acres for the big cutover area. 


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Re: [Qgis-user] Calculating acreage in 2.2

2014-02-28 Thread RNanclares
Hi guys,

guess what? This morning i repeated the calculations using qgis 2.0.1. I got
209 acres for the cutover, more over, i'm getting the same result in "a
diferrent desktop GIS". 

I'll post back later because i think i messed up my calculations yesterday.

Good day

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Re: [Qgis-user] Calculating acreage in 2.2

2014-02-27 Thread RNanclares

This is what i got right now using your dataset and the same procedure
you're using to calculate acreage. Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bits. QGIS 2.2
installed via Osgeo4W 32 bits. 


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Re: [Qgis-user] How to use Orfeo Toolbox tools in QGIS?

2014-02-07 Thread RNanclares
Hi there,

first, you need to use the Osgeo4W 32 bit installer because OTB is not
included in the 64 bit installer, OR you can use the 64 bit OsGeo4w and then
install OTB from the 32 bit OsGeo4w (i don't really recommend it, IMO better
stick to the 32 bit OsGeo4w). After the installation you'll have to
configure the OTB folders, in my case:

C:\OSGeo4W\apps\orfeotoolbox (this is the folder in which i have installed
OsGeo4w 32 bit)

To install OTB run the OsGeo4W installer, then Advanced Install > Install
from teh Internet then in the Select Packages window click on the Libs
section (or type OTB in the Search Box) and install 


R. Nanclares

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