Re: [Qgis-user] QNEAT3 plugin - contact information

2024-02-02 Thread Antonio Valanzano via QGIS-User
Andrea thanks for the info.
I will try to contact him using one of the links.

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[Qgis-user] QNEAT3 plugin - contact information

2024-02-02 Thread Antonio Valanzano via QGIS-User
Does someone know how to contact *Clemens Raffler* the developer og QNEAT3
plugin ?

I tried to use the Iso-Area as Pointcloud (from Layer) algorithm but it
runs an interpolation along the links rather than calculating the costs
only at nodes.
Have someone experienced the same problem ?

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Re: [Qgis-user] SQL language in DB Manager

2023-03-01 Thread Antonio Valanzano via QGIS-User
Thanks for the info.

So we have a mix of SQLite and SpatiaLite functions  and QGIS expressions.

The problem I see is that QGIS expressions can be used only when a virtual
layer is created starting from shapefiles,
because, as I have already shown in my previous mail, when working with
virtual layers based on tables of a Spatialite database such expressions
are not recognized and the system generates an error message.

There is no uniformity between the different virtual layers and this could
confuse users.

Antonio Valanzano
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[Qgis-user] SQL language in DB Manager

2023-02-28 Thread Antonio Valanzano via QGIS-User
Does someone know which dialect of SQL QGIS uses when working with virtual
layers ?

I have got a shapefile named "subway" and when i run the following query
using the DB Manager

SELECT s.gid, s.geometry
FROM subway s
WHERE (strpos(s.routes, 'Q') <> 0);

it produces a result that I can add to the map canvas as a virtual layer.

Such result is in contrast with the QGIS documentation for version 3.22

14.2.5. Creating virtual layers
  The SQL query will be executed, regardless of the underlying provider of
the airports layer, even if this provider does not directly support SQL
queries. Supported query language

The underlying engine uses SQLite and SpatiaLite to operate.

It means you can use all of the SQL your local installation of SQLite

However  the query I have used contains a function "strpos" which is not
part of the SQL language as understood by SQLite.

If I run the same query on a layer which is part of a Spatialite database
the DB Manager produces the error "no such function: strpos".

If I run the same query on a layer which is part of a PostGIS database the
DB Manager produces the same result of the virtual layer created from the

So the question is "which dialect does QGIS use for running the query"?

Does it depend on the type of layer on which the query is applied ?

Is there a default SQL, which is used in case of a provider that does not
directly support SQL queries (such as shapefiles)?

Any info would help.

Antonio Valanzano
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[Qgis-user] Missing python plugin support on Win7

2022-11-25 Thread Antonio Valanzano via Qgis-user

1. here is the output of ver

Microsoft Windows [Versione 6.1.7601]

2. in C:\OSGeo4W\etc\postinstall I find the file
which contains:

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

for /f "tokens=*" %%v in ('ver') do set v=%%v
set v=%v:*[Version =%
for /f "tokens=1-2 delims=." %%a in ("%v%") do (
set run=1
if %%a gtr 6 set run=0
if %%a equ 6 and %%b geq 2 set run=0
if !run! equ 1 ren bin\api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll.w7


It seems that the rename was done but in reality was not but I do not
understand why.

Does it depend on the version of my os  or on the fact that I am using an
italian version of Win7?
Could it be this  row:   set v=%v:*[Version =%   ?

I hope this givesyou some hints to solve the problem.

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[Qgis-user] Missing python plugin support on Win7

2022-11-25 Thread Antonio Valanzano via Qgis-user
I have reinstalled the sw version 3.22.13-Białowieża using the Express
and I noticed that in the bin folder the patch for Win 7 was named
and that misspelled name caused the problem of the missing python plugin

So I deleted the .w7 extension and now everything is working fine.
I hope this information could be useful to some other Win7 users.

I don't understand the reason for this misspelling during the installation
process and only Jurgen can give an answer.

As *Jonathan Moules* wrote in a previous  thread  "QGIS on Windows 7" "..
Something like 10% of all Windows users are Windows 7 after all -.."
it is also my opinion that the possibility of using the latest versions of
QGIS for Win7 users is relevant and thanks to this patch it is possible.

Antonio Valanzano
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[Qgis-user] Missing python plugin support on Win7

2022-11-24 Thread Antonio Valanzano via Qgis-user
I have used the latest osgeo4w-setup.exe (which includes the patch for
Win7)  on a pc with Win7 and I have installed QGIS 3.22.13-Białowieża.

It starts but when I try to install a plugin I do not see a list of
available plugins and in the "settings" tab there is this message
[image: Python_support_missing.JPG]

So in Win7 is not possible to use any plugin apart from these 3

[image: Available_plugins.JPG]

Is there a way to activate the Python support choosing some options in the
setup program ?
I have accepted all the default options during the installation.

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[Qgis-user] GRASS provider not working

2021-03-02 Thread Antonio Valanzano
 Dear list members
I have installed , using the OSGeo4W installer on a pc running Windows 7
home edition,  QGIS 3.16.4 with GRASS 7.8

After the installation the situation of the processing settings is the one
described in the attached document "GRASS_settings.pdf".

There is no place for specifying the location of the folder where GRASS has
been installed (in my case "C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\grass\grass78\bin".

So when I try to run the v.clean command I receive the error message
described in the attached document "GRASS_error.pdf".

Could someone give me an advice ?

Antonio Valanzano

Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: Adobe PDF document
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[Qgis-user] file qpj non creato

2021-02-16 Thread Antonio Valanzano
Cari utenti della lista
oggi volendo fare un confronto con alcuni vecchi shapefile ne ho creato un
nuovo con QGIS 3.10.2 e mi sono accorto che non viene più creato il file
.qpj in aggiunta al classico .prj.

Qualcuno sa dirmi da quale versione di QGIS accade ciò ?

Antonio Valanzano
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[Qgis-user] problemi con menu vector/vettore in QGIS 3.4.6

2019-04-16 Thread antonio valanzano
 Ho installato usando osgeo4w-setup-x86 la versione LTR della 3.4
e al primo avvio (senza aver fatto alcuna personalizzazione)  mi compare
una barra dei menu che contiene le varie voci in inglese ed una voce in
italiano (Vettore).

La voce Vector è vuota mente la voce Vettore contiene un elenco di funzioni
in italiano.

E' capitato già a qualcuno ?

Antonio Valanzano

ps. se cambio la lingua in italiano  le voci di menu sono corrette  ma
alcune voci che compaiono con il tasto destro del mouse su uno dei layer
caricati risultano sempre in inglese (es. remove layer e duplicate layer)

Solitamente uso sempre la lingua inglese ma la presenza di 2 voci distinte
vector e vettore mi ha ha spinto a provare a cambiare la lingua per
verificare eventuali anomalie.
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[Qgis-user] problemi con plugin go2streetview

2019-03-08 Thread antonio valanzano
Cari membri della lista,
dopo aver aggiornato alla versione QGIS 2.18.28 LTR su WIN 7 Professional
il plugin  go2streetview  (versione 7.6) non funziona più correttamente: si
apre la finestra della visualizzazione ma non compare alcuna immagine.

Ho provato ad installare manualmente la versione precedente (7.5) ma il
problema persiste.

Ho quindi installato la versione di QGIS 3.6  ed il relativo plugin
aggiornato (8.1) e tutto funziona normalmente.

Qualcuno ha riscontrato lo stesso problema?

Grazie in anticipo per la collaborazione.

Antonio Valanzano
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[Qgis-user] photos in blob field

2017-06-13 Thread antonio valanzano
Does anyone know how to visualize using QGIS a photo stored in a blob field
of a Spatialite table ?

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[Qgis-user] QGIS Processing error on startup

2015-06-19 Thread antonio valanzano
"Couldn't load plugin processing due to an error when calling its initGui()
WindowsError: [Error 5] Accesso negato: u'C:\\Program Files\\QGIS Brighton'


Has someone found this problem before ?

I have installed QGIS 2.8.2. using OSGe4W network installer 32 bit and when
QGIS starts it tries to find an old installation directory  (Program
Files\\QGIS Brighton)

Thanks in advance

Antonio Valanzano
Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] lidar visualization in qgis

2014-03-26 Thread antonio valanzano
Dear  Vincent
thanks for the interest in this discussion.

I am not a developer but a qgis user and my intention is only to discuss
with other users about those minimal functionalities so that somone who is
going to develop a plugin/add core functions has a shared idea of what qgis
users expect.

So I am not  able to discuss about technical questions of what kind of
library should be used.

However I agree with you about adding the support for PostgreSQL PointCloud
support since this is already an available datasource.

Antonio Valanzano

2014-03-25 21:25 GMT+01:00 Vincent Picavet :

> Hello,
> Le mardi 25 mars 2014 21:08:24, antonio valanzano a écrit :
> > I would like to start a discussion about the minimal functionalities
> that a
> > new lidar plugin or a  core function  should present.
> >
> > Based on my experience the minimal requirements are:
> >
> > - to read data in LAS format
> > - to visualize points based on classification or intensity
> > - to allow the filtering of points based on classification
> > - to allow the selection of points with spatial relationship with other
> > layers
> > - to export filtered points or selected points in LAS format
> + PostgreSQL PointCloud support
> Do you plan any PDAL and/or PCL integration into the core or Processing ?
> Maybe pointclouds is more for a second step with data processing
> capabilities.
> Do you have any idea on the 3D visualization aspect ? It is often a strong
> use
> case.
> Vincent
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[Qgis-user] lidar visualization in qgis

2014-03-25 Thread antonio valanzano
I would like to start a discussion about the minimal functionalities that a
new lidar plugin or a  core function  should present.

Based on my experience the minimal requirements are:

- to read data in LAS format
- to visualize points based on classification or intensity
- to allow the filtering of points based on classification
- to allow the selection of points with spatial relationship with other
- to export filtered points or selected points in LAS format

Antonio Valanzano
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] nodata color in rasters

2014-03-09 Thread antonio valanzano
Someone knows if there is a way to set a color for nodata values in rasters
Actually in the GUI I didn't find it and nodata values are always displayed
as transparent.

Antonio Valanzano
Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] problems with legends in QGIS 2.0.1 with joined fields

2014-02-09 Thread antonio valanzano
I have noticed a not correct display of categorized type legend using
joined fields.
If I use one of the joined field for the legend  then QGIS shows all the
values of the joined table and not only the values which are present in the
main table after the join.
Anyone has already noticed the same thing ?

2014-02-09 10:51 GMT+01:00 antonio valanzano :

> I have noticed a not correct display of categorized type legend using
> joined fields.
> If I use one of the joined field for the legend  then QGIS shows all the
> values of the joined table and not only the values which are present in the
> main table after the join.
> Anyone has already noticed the same thing ?
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